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15470359 No.15470359 [Reply] [Original]

Where are all the Aliens !?

>> No.15470372
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>Chance of life happening in the first place = 0.00000001%
>Chance of life survive and evolve for long enough to become complex = 0.000000001%
>Chance of life evolving enough for it to become complex, intelligent and self-aware = 0.000000000001%
>Chance of this intelligent life finding other intelligent life in this same universe = 0.000000000001%
They 100% exist trust it because of muh infinite universe, but you'll never see any

>> No.15470378

>Where are all the Aliens !?
imagine we are it, what should we as a species focus on? maybe we should value our longevity instead of short term comfort and prosperity, we should put the future as the absolute priority, even if it makes our lives worse

>> No.15470389

>maybe we should value our longevity instead of short term comfort and prosperity, we should put the future as the absolute priority, even if it makes our lives worse
You need a good philosophy that makes people care about the future and their species long term dominance and survival for that.
Nowdays the dominant philosophy in the world is materialism, which leads to hedonism and not giving a fuck even about 20 years in the future, let alone a thousand

>> No.15470405

this, rare earth hypothesis is the answer.

>> No.15470486

how did you come up with the percentages

>> No.15470493 [DELETED] 

There is a 95% of an alien reading this right now.

>> No.15470497

There is a 95% chance of an alien reading this right now.

>> No.15470706

so last night my omnitrix came to me in a dream ... apparently it works like limewire.

>> No.15472274

right here buddy

>> No.15472286

The nearest habitable exoplanet is like 40 LY from here. So if there's any intelligent alien lifeform out there, they are extremely far away. And our instruments to detect them are also still not that good, it would take an extremely long time to properly scan, say, a 100 LY radius of earth. And even after we do that, communication with planets so far away would take centuries or even thousands of years.

>> No.15474133


>> No.15474141
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They're here!

>> No.15474833
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Alien bros, it's getting serious

>> No.15474834

NASA giving credito to UFO shit? What are they trying to cover up now

>> No.15474837

>The nearest habitable exoplanet is like 40 LY from here
Io is only 500 million miles away

>> No.15475075
File: 1.10 MB, 1194x884, screen-shot-2021-05-07-at-8-34-19-am-1620391170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on mars in the form of tiny mushrooms that come out of the caves for a very short time once a year
>on venus in the form of micro organisms that resemble paper bags floating in the upper atmosphere and feeding on the sun
>on titan as silicon based life that resemble artificial viruses more than fish or cats
>on europa under the ice as space planktons and living fart clouds

>> No.15475119

how long have they existed? i wonder if we are contaminating other planets with our germs. that would finally motivate our people to get out into space and travel between two planets if intelligent neighbors evolved.

>> No.15475128

>>Chance of life happening in the first place = 0.00000001%
And what would your number look like if life were to be found on Mars or another celestial body nearby?

>> No.15475179
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Aliens probably exist in other Galaxies.
Not a good idea to contact them.

>> No.15476134

But I really want to get to know them.

>> No.15476967

if they look like that im not sure if i want to meet them