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File: 7 KB, 216x234, biofuel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15467385 No.15467385 [Reply] [Original]

I think it's more likely that an alternative fuel that can be used in regular gasoline engines is gonna be the future, rather than electric vehicles.

>> No.15467390
File: 137 KB, 2467x1254, no change 2005-2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres no need for it, global warming is a false narrative. CO2 is not a "greenhouse gas", temperatures are not rising, neither is sea level.

>> No.15467410

does every person even need a car though? couldn't we come up with a better solution for transport than to have billions of cars

>> No.15467412

Anyone who wants to be free should have his own private form of transportation. That could be a horse or a motorcycle or the like if you personally prefer one of the other choices.

>> No.15467436

You're right. Using nuclear heat to synthesize diesel from carbon dioxide and water is proven technology and the US Navy is extremely interested in scaling it up to fuel their aircraft. Turns out that when you synthesize the stuff yourself, you have total control of the chemistry and get a better product than if you pump the shit out of the ground. Not only that, but compared to diesel, batteries are an absolute joke when it comes to energy storage. From an engineering standpoint, there simply is no better way to power a vehicle on land or air than hydrocarbon fuel.

>> No.15467438

people who are too lazy to be able to afford their own cars are always massively jealous of those who have what the lazy layabouts are unwilling to work for.

>> No.15467441

EVs are it. I already see lots of people buying them.
This. Metro Rail and Hight Speed Rail are the future.
> Buy a vehicle
> Get a job and pay taxes do you can pay it off and operate it
> Pay taxes to operate it
> Pay tolls to operate it
Nice """freedom""" bro

>> No.15467442

See >>15467438

>> No.15467445

Yeah bro enjoy subsidizing niggers and fag thinktanks so you can enjoy freedom™ to drive to work

>> No.15467455

I'm talking about personal transport, not public transit. I don't have to see or pay for any of those people's comfort.

>> No.15468967

>he thinks freedom fundamentally means free from taxes
george washington would have had you hung with the rest of the whiskey traitor rebellion.

>> No.15469345
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, tesla model y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No need. Tesla Model Y is the best selling car in the world. Not just EV, but of all class, gas, hybrid, electric, trucks, small cars, etc. Model Y is the best seller. This year.

US has ~7% new car market share. Europe has ~15%. China is at ~25%.

The switch is already happening.

>> No.15469354

>walk to the government approved tram stop location
>wait for the government approved tram stop time
>cram yourself into the pod with a bunch of strangers, following the standard rules of public etiquette
>wait for the tram to travel the government approved route and stop at all the other stops
>get off at the stop closest to your destination (stops will only be located near places the government wants you to be of course)
>walk to where you need to go until you need to go back to wait for the podtram again
>all of this is paid for by your fare and taxes
Yeah wow bro that sounds way more free than paying a bit of money to have a personal private car that can go literally anywhere at anytime including off-road

>> No.15469491

I don't give a damn what a masonic cuckold would have done to me

>> No.15469532

There is nowhere in the low 48 states that is less than 25 miles from a paved road. With a car you can go absolutely anywhere, if you're willing to walk the last 25 miles. I kinda hope more and more urbanites corral themselves into the carless lifestyle, that would be just as good as building walls around the cities and not letting anyone out.

>> No.15469573

This. If they de-car every city it would mean none of the awful people who live them can get out to bother the rest of us.

>> No.15469614
File: 472 KB, 828x461, D0233A3F-519A-4E0B-A2FE-7B7D44F87C4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hydrogen fuel-cells is going to be a big thing in the next decade. Making fuel from H2O is already being done by bmw

>> No.15469615

This whole "green" fad only has a decade left in it at most. People eventually get tired of cults and scams and stop believing.

>> No.15469636
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, global warming is fake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hydrogen powered cars in two weeks
ppl have been saying that same shit since the early 1990s, you have you be young or extremely stupid to still think its ever going to happen. plus gas and diesel cars already work fine, there is no reason to reinvent the wheel, global warming is fake af, NASA and the rest of the globohomo science orgs have to blatantly lie to make it seem real and even then they're only able to fool the lowest IQ portion of the population

>> No.15469663
File: 8 KB, 254x199, 3BC650A8-EEDF-4CD1-9298-25F3C3665F9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeez calm down nerd, I know it won’t just pop up like a year I’m just saying that’s it’s possible. Companies are already going to stop producing gas-powered vehicles anyway. I mean if you wanna get cucked by gas prices and mussad in Pakistan just say so.

>> No.15469667

Why would companies stop producing ICE cars if the green scam stops being viable? Already less than half of all people polled worldwide believe in the climate religion, so the cult is definitely on its way out.

>> No.15469771

no. most people with cars are stuck in traffic jams. total driver death

>> No.15469774

You've never owned a car and you base your opinions on cherry-picked photos of LA freeways

>> No.15469776

no, fuck you. driving must be privilege, not right. total. driver. death.