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15466722 No.15466722 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on fasting?

>> No.15466724

slowing is more based

>> No.15466725

> porno
shill. spamming stupid threads.

>> No.15466811

Has there been any documented 40 day fasts? Seems to be a pretty wild time according to trip reports

>> No.15466817

pointless, just do a small deficit with exercise if youre healthy

>> No.15466827
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40 days? Sure. 40 days and 40 nights? Mathematically impossible.

>> No.15466840

David Blaine?

>> No.15466870

The uninformed idiot once again feels the need to blather on a subject he does not know. The point is the benefits of fasting compared to eating at a deficit.

>> No.15466884

One of the greatest and most effective ways to improve your long-term health.

>> No.15466888
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Explain the benefits please. I'm doing OMAD but I am aware that isn't true fasting as it is for far too short. I tried to research the topic but OMAD has very little studies done and they're not very conclusive, maybe pointing towards lower bodyfat composition compared to 'normal' meal pattern. If I did a three day fast, what would I get out of it? What if I did it for five days?

If you can point me towards the right direction where to read specific papers I will appreciate it.

>> No.15466894

Sorry, I cannot give you papers, but I have done prolonged fasting myself. My most recent fast was 13 days.

Essentially, it's to put your body in a prolonged catabolic state so that any deficient cell lines (cancerous) are purged. Shorter fasts have benefits, longer fasts have others.

Short fasts are good for resetting your insulin tolerance, and quickly burning off some fat. Longer fasts have the above mentioned benefit.

I legitimately enjoy fasting and always feel better afterwards.

>> No.15466900

It's good for the purposes of religious devotions, but the saints advise not to make a big deal out of it.

>> No.15466904


>If I did a three day fast, what would I get out of it? What if I did it for five days?

I thought I would add. I started with a simple 24 hour fast and really enjoyed athletic improvements from it. This may seem counter intuitive, but short fasts are great for athletic performance. Basically, your digestive system accounts for a large portion of your bodies energy needs, and when it shuts down, that energy can be put elsewhere.

But after finding 24 hrs easy, enjoyable, and beneficial, I began trying longer. Up to 48 hrs. Then 3 days. Then 5 days. etc.

During my 5 day fast I was hiking 20+miles a day, through mountains, at a much higher elevation than I normally live at, and felt I had greater endurance than normal.

I would suggest you try it the same way. As mentioned with the aforementioned cell line selection... I feel as if over time my body is adapting to it. I mostly only do one long fast a year (at lent), and have been increasing the duration each year. My recent 13 day fast I actually ended at a higher weight than my 7/9/11 day fasts....

>> No.15466909

What do you consider a fast? What do you eat and drink?

>> No.15466921

>last meal around 5pm, breakfast later than 8am = easy 15+ hour daily fast
It's unironcally the easiest way for fat asses to loose weight. I'm not a fan of extreme fasting that fucks with your daily life.

>> No.15466923

Eat nothing, drink water (with electrolytes if >72 hours), black coffee or green tea. No additives. That's it.

>> No.15466924

Interesting, thank you.

I have noticed that almost doing twenty four hour fast I have improved attention span, mental clarity, lack of bloat or any gas, and my gut feels pleasantly empty. I run and do other physical activities while on it. I sometimes get weird cravings, usually either for dairy or specific carbs like very nice bread.

I'll try doing a full on day without food, so that is about thirty six hour fast as I'd eat the day before quite late, then skip one day with food completely and not break the fast till lunch or dinner time.

>> No.15466926

shilling for what? NOT eating food? you dumb retard

>> No.15466945

Just water, some salt maybe once a day (helps with the electrolytes), maybe mineral water, and I also have some zero calorie herbal teas that I add in.

I actually recommend AGAINST black coffee and green tea. I don't think caffeine or drugs are great for the notion.

I find my sense of smell greatly enhanced, as well.

>> No.15467175

>If I did a three day fast, what would I get out of it?
Weight loss. I did some fasting to try to stop a brain tumor. Lost weight (which I didn't need to lose) but the tumor didn't seem to give a shit. Also, while earlier fasts were easy, it became more difficult with later fasts. I think I lost enough body fat that my body really didn't have reserves left, so it became stressful rather than healing.

>> No.15467230
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Not him but what's your prognosis?

>> No.15467349

you shill degeneracy. you shill spam so cattle thinks this is science. you divert real scientists and serious people away. real scientist doesn't use anime and porn in their works.

>> No.15467572

if you do not work you should not eat
turns out to be right.
who knew
I do subscribe that fasting is the catabolic repair
and its the anabolic we
so fasting is the half way house
till we get all the way

>> No.15467585

why are you
typing like

>> No.15467625

seems to
make me make
less mistakes, to wit.

>> No.15467639

Yeah ketosis and fat adaptation can be some good shit.

>> No.15467647

I think you end up about equally hungry at night if you finish the day 100 calories deficient, or 2500. Fasting is pretty good compared to dieting.

>> No.15468641


>> No.15468664

I have diabetes it's too hard for me to stay hungry. I get angry and my hands shake. what I do?

>> No.15468675

>13 days.
Based Beyond Belief.

>> No.15468678

Prolly a more natural way of living considering >our history tbqhwydesu.

>> No.15468683

She looks like a penguin if you think about it

>> No.15468692

Aren’t you literally taking insulin then? The main thing you’re trying to do (in regards to weight loss) is not spike your insulin levels so.. perhaps this article can help you idk - https://www.diabetesselfmanagement.com/managing-diabetes/blood-glucose-management/hypoglycemia-symptoms/

>> No.15468764

Sounds like something mud people in the south do.

>> No.15468768

You will never get rid of me or the great virus conspiracy. I even put LSD in your schizophrenia medication. Enjoy!

>> No.15468781

no, doc gave me some pills but I'm not taking them, when I eat something sweet my head feels like it'll explode, sight is deteriorating. I'm trying to do something about it.

>> No.15469397

Thanks for asking. It's a benign tumor called a vestibular schwannoma. I remained asymptomatic for a long time, leading to the tumor being quite large by the time it was discovered. My only option is a craniotomy (or I could do nothing, which would probably kill me since it's already pressing on my brain stem). They'll take my vestibular auditory nerve, leaving me without hearing on the right side. The vestibular nerve is responsible for balance, so the nerve on my left side will need to learn to compensate. I'll also likely have facial weakness/palsy on the affected side which will hopefully resolve with time, but facial reanimation may be required. So I'll live (most likely), but with a reduced quality of life. I had a lot of reasons to try to shrink the tumor via non-invasive means, but benign tumors are more difficult to shrink the malignant tumors in some respects.

>> No.15469437
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>Thoughts on fasting?
MORE WOMEN need to do this shit.
It seems women are getting fatter by the year. It is unbelievable how fucking obese most women are now!

Look at boomers in the 1970s and how thin everyone was.

FUCK THE LEFT-WING GOVERNMENTS for pushing high-carb subsidized HFCS on the masses. It has ruined people's bodies.

Fasting is good for regulating insulin/blood sugar levels and not desensitizing yourself.

>> No.15469501

God prescribed dawn to dusk no food no water no sex as a fast. Your omad is pretty good. Just break that pattern from time to time.

>> No.15469505

If I had picrel, there would be no fasting. I'd eat that nonstop.

>> No.15470134

there is money in fitness though. especially gym membership and accessory sales.

>> No.15470167

Bikini is not porn, muhammed

>> No.15470173

What a lion. Iron will. 200 kg to 82 kg

>> No.15470238
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i love women so much it's unreal...

>> No.15470418

Man you're fucking gay

>> No.15470422



>> No.15470579

Ramadan (no food, no water, no smoking, no sex) works in our modern times because:

>It's a way to stop eating the toxic food we're usually forced to eat.
>It's a way to disconnect from nightmarish reality.
>It's a way to stop destructive behaviors like drinking, smoking and excessive masturbation.

>> No.15470627

Fasting is one of the few things that correlate strongly with longevity.
In pretty much any animal studied (including humans), if you fast some % of your life, you see an increase in lifespan by some other %. Longer fasts lead to longer lifespans. Obviously there is a limit, but its a strong correlation.
Second, fasting leads to autophagy of damaged cells. How much and when and what effect that has is pretty unknown in humans; there just aren't enough studies yet to make solid conclusions. However, if we look at other animal and cell models, we can do some inference. Generally, we see damaged cells getting destroyed first. This can be dramatic; in under a week, we can see whole organs shrink by something like 30%, meaning 30% of cells were destroyed. People love to extrapolate hugely and pretend like its curing you of everything under the sun and removing cancer from your life and making your body perfect etc, but those are pretty exaggerated claims and really we don't know. We can guess, but be wary of anyone saying its going to change your life immensely.
It also tends to curb hunger in general. Studies on time-restricted eating show that people adhere much more easily to calorie restriction than eating whenever they want. This suggests that it helps fatties to stop wanting to eat constantly.
Fasting is pretty under studied still. I'm a cell biologist, and almost all literature studies cells under extremely fed conditions and we pretend as if this represents the whole "normal" cell state. Recent work (like, less than a decade old research) shows that cells completely transition states under starvation, and not only that, but that cell-starvation is entirely natural and even needed for a healthy cell. It's actually pretty incredible; our cells have adapted so strongly to intermittent fasts that its actually damaging to cells to not undergo starvation. Imagine studying only obese people and thinking diabetes is a normal part of life.

>> No.15470709

All I can say is that it worked for me.

>> No.15470818
File: 80 KB, 830x1200, 5708_03477149-18ff-4316-a17a-cb95bdb92453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing really attractive women makes me horny, but it also motivates me NOT to jerk off and go and exert myself to get pussy instead. It also improves fasting performance as I am not losing zinc and other minerals.

>> No.15470848

Based and true

>> No.15471895


>> No.15472147

Hope you recover well dude. Brain tumors suck.

>> No.15472590
File: 52 KB, 796x661, 1664917117875061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking based. Any strategies to avoid cooming?

>> No.15472747

Just really drop pornography or jerk off to some girl you want to fuck. I don't believe in some mystical benefits of nofap, but it drives me to be more direct and get pussy. You should feel horny most of the time, probably a good sign your libido and masculine impulses are intact. I keep myself in check by having a little reminder to myself every now and then, maybe twice per hour, as to what I am doing in that moment and I have found that it helps me to avoid doing impulsive actions that would otherwise go through if I had left them unchecked.

>> No.15473337

Thanks, anon. I'm trying for 30 days starting June 1st. No entertainment until 20 or 22 each day. Just work, study and training to hopefully build up a healthy schedule for the future.
For fapping, I think I'm going to do the full month as a kind of fast and then reintroduce it only when I need it without relying on pornography.

>> No.15473342 [DELETED] 

Thing of these feelings or impulses as the appetite that will never be satiated.

Like drinking lots vinigar wine to quench your first. You'll just get firstier.


Pick your poison.

Is there ever a time when you'll call it quits?
Clever people have thought this through.

The point is : Whatever you think you want.
You don't really want.

>> No.15473349

Some appetites will never be satiated.
There's just no point in having them.
You get the beast you feed.

>> No.15473354

It's cheaper, pretty efficient way to lose weight obviously. Mix fasting with keto meals to keep the body in ketosis for highest efficiency. Good for extremely fat people who have joint issues and can't do calisthenics without injuring themselves.

>> No.15473650

induces ketosis which seems to be a signalling process for your mitochondria to reproduce. this makes your body metabollically flexible, meaning it can easily switch between energy sources, meaning that it can also easily and efficiently access fat stores. might have other metabolic effects. see the works of stephen gundry as an entry point and that should take you to all the various research on it. or go and ask /fit/ and get the broscience retard version.

>> No.15473849

Unless you wish to become an eunuch, I do not see why you would want to eliminate your own sexuality.

>> No.15473955

be careful not to give up completely if you fail at day 20 or smth.
Its good to set clear goals, but the trend over a long period of time is more important.
Keep that in mind in regards to anything you do in life

>> No.15473960
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>seeing the pic makes me misread the thread title as "farting" every time

>> No.15474365

>but the tumor didn't seem to give a shit
How long did you fast, tho?
Don't expect anything with just a few days. Do 30+ (better 45+) days with lots of physical activity. If it doesn't shrink significantly after 50 days, you can accept defeat. But just fasting 5 days or so is nothing. Your body might need five days just to *adjust* for ketosis.
The logic is flawless. If you don't eat, you'll lose weight, the least important systems losing the most. Cancer is not important and it's also dependent on calories and doesn't work well with ketosis, so it should shrink quite a bit. Of course, the brain will barely lose mass even if you're on the edge to starvation, so the cancer may be able to hide for some time, but the more desperate the body gets for nutrients, the more rigorous it will scan for tissue to use and sooner or latter the cancer *will* be attacked. And maxbe this will kickstart the immune system to do its damn job even after you started eating again, after all it got to know the cancer.

I would give it a new try.
There are x mutated cells the body can destroy per unot of time and y mutated cells form per unit of time. Once you push y below x, you can expect it to get better and better, similarly, if y > x, the cancer will grow and grow.

>> No.15474375

So if you lose 30% of your body weight, many organs will lose 40 or 50%, the brain probably less than 5%, the cancer 60% or more if the immune system does it's job.

>> No.15474987


>> No.15475047

whenever I don't eat and then eat I get the shits, so that's why I alway eat at least 2-3 bananas each day

>> No.15475220

Fasting is a religious practice. It's not for health.

>> No.15476060

Studies suggest the opposite.

>> No.15476067

Starving yourself for the Eastern Skyfairy was never attractive to me. It actually makes you stupider. Gosh.

>> No.15476208

Do not fast, unless you have a really good reason.

>> No.15476534

>I legitimately enjoy fasting and always feel better afterwards.
Same. Longest I have done is 8 days, but would like to do more in the future.

>> No.15476605

Your body is eating itself as fuel. There is no real boost. You could do that stuff while eating or drinking a Coca-Cola.

>> No.15476940

Do you not feel fatigued or distracted? I have obligations.

>> No.15477424

It takes some getting used to, but you have to shape your life around it if you're going longer than a few days. And not everyone's gonna have the same endurance for it. But everyone can do at least 3-4 days, I believe.
And yes, it's harder if you have obligations like work, taking care of kids, etc. Best to do it during your days off.
Just start small with a 24 hour fast, then 48, etc. See what you personally can handle.