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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 271 KB, 1221x931, IQ tiers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15466130 No.15466130 [Reply] [Original]

How accurate is this, in your experience?

t. 140

>> No.15466148

Being a genius is great, being just slightly below is where midwits get to you and torture you till eternity

>> No.15466151

Yeah, 140 is truly the cursed IQ.

>> No.15466153

i'm 132 and have a bit of smug heaven and introvert hell so accurate in my case

>> No.15466155

I doubt it since your meme is so pathetically verbose and unfunny, with the style of a middle schooler

>> No.15466158

I used to be autistic hyperborean but then I lost some IQ points due to the Pfizer vaxx. Now I'm in introvert hell.

>> No.15466178

Total introvert hell
I havent had my iq tested but it that mensa norway and several online tests I scored between 120-130

>> No.15466190

>How accurate is this, in your experience?
Not at all.

>> No.15466193

I like microwave ovens

>> No.15466196

I would say I'm in smug heaven. I tested at 141, but I grew up poor, so I had to learn socialization. I would say growing up poor isn't Ideal, but if you are smart, it will prevent an asocial outcome. I am not introverted at all, and for me, I believe a lot of it didn't come to me naturally like it did to most people, but was rather learned behaviour from interactions with others. At this point in life though I'm comfortable. Most end up in Introvert hell not purely because of their IQ, but resultant isolation from a lot of different factors correlated with IQ. If you ever have kids, I would seriously suggest putting them in public school, and putting them out into the world where they can socialize with normal people, prevent Introvert hell for them.

>> No.15466198

>he mad
You're a normie wishing you could be an autist, aren't you?

>> No.15466208

Not at all, autistic "people" 's way of thinking is too simplistic and naive to understand reality.

>> No.15466211

I saw this posted in /pol and I wanted to comment on it but it was pruned/deleted by the mods for some reason. I think it was perfectly political because intelligence plays a huge role in geopolitics. The globalist overlords employ various think tanks of autist hyperboreans.

My comment was, the main difference between smug and hell is funding by the globalists. Look at Nikola Tesla, he was real smug when he had funding but he was in introvert hell when his rich backers and intelligence agency goons all turned on him until he went bankrupt and died, and then they just stole all of his research and hid it away.

>> No.15466219

I 100% disagree. I have 136 IQ and putting me in public school was a really bad idea. I got bullied ruthlessly and it gave me terrible PTSD. So unless you want to traumatize your kids and leave them severely depressed for the rest of their lives unless you pay for tens of thousands of dollars of psychiatric care, then you probably shouldn't let your precious children anywhere near those hellish fucking public schools full of psychotic evil soulless little monsters.

>> No.15466231
File: 62 KB, 866x590, 101 iq normie thinks he's smart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15466235
File: 46 KB, 878x608, 92 iq dimwit thinks he has 136 iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15466240

>You will overthink, overworry and underachieve.
Bull's eye.

>> No.15466252

I don't think this is accurate.
Focusing solely on IQ is problematic.
I know many people from my childhood and from my undergrad and graduate studies who would have fallen in the 115-140 range (in my opinion).
Within that range, their quality of life seems to correlate with factors such as ambition, mental illness, social status.
Several of them are burnouts who peaked too early, or have low social status, or mental illness, or no ambition. I'd say they fall into "introvert hell".
The rest are doing well. Getting PhDs (in STEM), or going to study medicine (which is a bad decision imo), starting/selling businesses, getting into silicon valley tech jobs.
One of my friends is probably <140, but they write software at apple and go on plenty of vacations, have friends, enjoy life, and so on.

>> No.15466255

Most of what you described is smug heaven, they are retards and you are probably among them, fucking worthless piece of midwit shit

>> No.15466258

>t. 140
doubt. this meme is awful

>> No.15466259

I'm smarter than you.
Some evidence: I have an undergraduate degree from a top 10 global university, and a masters degree from a different top 10 global university.

I knew posting in this thread would expose me to retards like yourself.
Go kill yourself.
No one will miss you.

I'm leaving this shit thread

>> No.15466264
File: 253 KB, 574x798, manlets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the degree too and publications along with that.

Leave now worthless midwit piece of shit.

you are not smarter, you're not a genius, you conform to midwits which means success, because the probability of you being a genius and successful via IQ > 150 due to this meme is highly doubtable.

You are a successful midwit without any achievements of high intelligence\

Oh btw law school doesn't count lol, I'm talking math and physics dumb piece of shit

disgusting midwit

>> No.15466267

The is the most reddit thing I've read in years

>> No.15466268

Imagine claiming yourself being smarter than somebody on an anonymous board.

Gender degree doesn't count tranny dilate

>> No.15466270

wow, and yet here you are... seething on social media. what went wrong bro?

>> No.15466271

>midwit midwit midwit
>crying wojak.png
He is definitely more intelligent than you, a better /sci/ poster, and genuinely a better person

>> No.15466274
File: 84 KB, 857x602, 106 iq normie thinks he&#039;s from elite universities.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15466275

I have the degree, publications and I am a genius.

He is not intelligent.



This is literally not how science works you can't just claim you're smarter than a genius when he is indeed a genius with various achievements

>> No.15466276

people who use midwit this much are the actual midwits. shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.15466277

I'm the smartest person in this thread and don't need pathetic insults to feel better about myself

>> No.15466278
File: 32 KB, 600x600, gger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to shut the fuck up

I am a genius and better than all of you MIDWIT



>> No.15466282

All I see is a bunch of midwits with worthless gender degrees, no publications.

If you haven't claimed the genius title by 20 you are indeed not a genius.

YOU ARE A MIDWIT, slightly above hence midwits conform to you.

Nobody cares about your degree, I have a degree in math and cs, I have publications along with that.

That's a real high iq.

You are not smarter than me.

That's not how it works and you must know your place

>> No.15466284
File: 35 KB, 600x600, 1685205694542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual genius here. It took me only 2 weeks to learn calculus at the age of 18. I'm gonnna revolutionize math and physics.

>> No.15466304

>Age 18
I learned calculus at 13, and was in college by 15. You should just give up

>> No.15466314
File: 502 KB, 1179x863, IQ estimate 4chins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya know I like that website too and in the past when I wrote some really fire shit, I would plug it into the IQ estimator and look at this, I even made a meme about it. Of course my thread got slid hard and ignored because dumb people don't want to show proof.

>> No.15466326

This was the most intelligent thing I could write off the top of my head.

Drawing concrete conclusions on complex topics often requires great diligence. All points made throughout the argument should come together in the end to support the final conclusion which should act as the summarisation of the argument. True understanding comes from a deep knowledge and critical thought process of the subject matter, understanding based on empirical evidence that is gathered from experimentation, analysis, and observations. While the human rationality is a useful tool, it has its limitations and to use it to draw conclusions on complex subject matters without the necessary prior work and research will likely yield incorrect or superficial assumptions. Arguments are best made by thorough academic writing where correct referencing, wording and structure is used, and an unbiased integrity is taken as an approach to the work when drawing conclusions or outlining the significance of the evidence or data provided. All sides of the argument should be considered deeply and critically before drawing a conclusion, and all points made should have sufficient and proper empirical evidence provided in the form of referencing.

If sufficient time has not been spent to draw a well-founded conclusion on subject matters, then at most any opinion drawn can only be considered a hypothesis and therefore cannot be defended as an argument. It should often be assumed that there exists information that contradicts the initial hypothesis and so time should be spent reviewing potential evidence to aid in reaching a better understanding. While intuition is an invaluable tool, it can often be blinding, even when one feels very strongly that they are right or that they understand something, a degree of uncertainty and hesitance should always be expressed so that other possibilities can be considered.

>> No.15466330

Beautiful, poetic, and empowering.

>> No.15466335

Thank you

>> No.15466338

Writingtoiq gave you a 151, nice.

>> No.15466346

I feel like ideally we should have a meritocracy, that acts as a scientific dictatorship, based on IQ. Voting should only be allowed for the upper echelon of high intelligence. No decision making should ever be made by lesser intelligences. I'm a big rebellious contrarian but it's mostly because I feel like stupid people are in charge and I don't think that should ever be a thing that is allowed to exist. A civilization run by the inbred midwit children of psychopath billionaires, only leads to dysfunctional societies that devolve into brutality and death.

>> No.15466356

Speaks volume about the quality of this board when there are so many replies ITT taking seriously some stupid shit made by some bored kid.

>> No.15466359
File: 72 KB, 931x612, 159_physics_genius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15466389

Oi oi oi nigger

>> No.15466755

im around 150~
i had one existential crisis when i was 9 and it has never really bothered me since, the absurdity of it all just became an objective and self evident fact that i detached myself from almost completely, with the help of logic accepted and moved on as per usual, tho perhaps with a sense of a little bit more alienation than before. school was always boring as shit to me and i paid very little attention to it, rarely studied and did whatever i wanted, yet still remained in the class' top 3. during that time i developed and autistic obsession with philosophy and literature (mainly poetry) that i maintain to this day. my math teacher even called me a genius and encouraged me to pursue my passions, once i shared some of my early work with him. i have shown very few people my work and thoughts but they have all given me extreme praise and affirmation for what i have done. i plan on publishing some day, but im not really sure when. so, yes, i guess it is accurate.

>> No.15466774

If you think of Calculus as the mathematical concept of maximizing the rate of swallowing semen as a function of time then I encourage you to follow your destiny

>> No.15466890

idk I want to kill myself every day
>t. aspergers

>> No.15467086

every time a thread like this is created, a bunch of insecure people appear to get data mined

>> No.15467508

142 iq here. Background: I have a PhD degree in solid mechanics and have reported at least 15 articles in well reputed journals (that is, I am scientist by now).

Although I am not like that depressed wojak, I am, sometimes, tired of how plain, vane and simple human societies really are. Everything reduces to short term success in every aspect of the human experience. I always end up wondering that we can do and achieve better as species.

Sorry for my English, it is not my mother tongue.

>> No.15467517
File: 238 KB, 900x1273, __feiqizi_original_drawn_by_fkey__d6522c8c979597385975328e32bb7eca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ the IQ metric is such a joke. everyone is apparently 110-150 somehow.

also "intelligence makes you depressed" is a massive cope. if you want to be happy and can't figure out how despite being in a limitless world of limitless possibilities you are not very smart.

>> No.15467530

if you think the entirety of humanity is on the short term grind you're missing some basic observational skills. some surface level long term intergenerational strategies exist in nearly every culture that maintains a semblance of proper 21st century civilization, putting aside the creep shit like what the jews have been doing for millennia. china has canal and terraforming projects that won't bear fruit for decades at minimum. there are parts of US infrastructure built to last centuries. I mean hell every 26 year old working in a factory living cheap squirreling away their savings disproves your shitty half baked worldview.

being a scientist doesn't magically make you educated in anthropology, society, geopolitics, history, philosophy etc.

>> No.15467532

Author consider himself smug tier yet produced chart so terribly biased it is useful only as a window to his own mind and should be considered a desperate cry for attention. Didn't saved/10
Also i would like to remind number of anons ITT trying to bait each other is no better than than reddit circlejerk and such behavior does lead to blindness of sort.

>> No.15467539

you're trying to bait responses as much as anyone else, froot loop

>> No.15467557

That's some powerful projection there. Consider opening outdoor cinema my 3$ bill friend.

>> No.15467737

>being a scientist doesn't magically make you educated in anthropology, society, geopolitics, history, philosophy etc.

Absolutely agree on this.

On the other hand, you would be surprised that modern engineering cannot afford to build infrastructure to last centuries. In fact, most modern projects are only projected and executed if and only if they secure profits. That is my main point. Nevertheless, I must admit you have some good points in your argument.

>> No.15467847

135 IQ literal clinically diagnosed autist here. You have no idea how frustrating the world is for me.

The graph is accurate but it misses a key point, which is the midwit canyon. People mistakenly think midwits are 90-110 IQ, but it is more like 115-125. I would say that people with 90-100 IQ are overall smarter than midwits.

>> No.15467876

I very much relate to the introvert hell except for the crippling depression. I don't feel depressed in the slightest. It's actually a pretty calm and peaceful experience.

>> No.15468098

I don't think it's very accurate. Mental traits such as introversion, sociopathy, depression, obsession with a particular topic, etc. aren't necessarily bound to discrete IQ ranges. I realize the point of the graphic is to identify stereotypes, and I'd say some of them are real, but the attempt to graft them onto the bell curve comes off a bit heavy-handed.

>> No.15468460
File: 156 KB, 376x358, AC8290A5-3B60-44FF-9F51-6F7B097A913F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys midwit

>> No.15468474

Inaccurate. I'm not that smart, but I'm definitely in the introvert hell.

>> No.15468478
File: 124 KB, 1068x1068, 1684789020425922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at least 90 IQ.

>> No.15468486

>Sorry for my English, it is not my mother tongue.
Apology not accepted. You need to kill yourself to atone for your sins. Seriously, if you have written 15 articles, you should be able to speak proper English by now. The fact that you can't means that you're irredeemably retarded and beyond any hope of redemption, and you really truly should just kill yourself.

>> No.15468493

His English is just fine.

>> No.15468497

Then why the fuck did he apologise for his English?

>> No.15468500

he was likely 5th author on them and didn't contribute anything to them beyond data acquisition

>> No.15468553

>your meme is so pathetically verbose
An expression, which itself is pathetically verbose.
>You tryna talk all'em big words cause you a bitch!

>> No.15468573

Quite possibly the stupidest thread on /sci/ I’ve ever seen. Top 5 at least.

>> No.15468596

Same reason your mom fucked that janitor… and that PE coach… and the entire defensive line… he was just being polite.

>> No.15468599

He was baiting for retarded faggots like this >>15468493 to compliment his shitty English, nigger.

>> No.15468607

>his shitty English

>> No.15468748

you don't know what any of these mean
kys immediately

>> No.15469381

I misspelled 'vain'. That was my only error. No, I think you are the right specimen that shows what I said in my original reply. You do not discuss the main issue, neither the topic of this thread. You just show how short sighted you really are. I speak four languages, why on earth, if I state in the first place that I am not an native speaker of English, you got mad? Is not that of a monkey level? People like you should be observed for life; 99% sure that most accidents and disgrace in the human experience is because of people like you. Also, no need to use chatgpt to sound more intelligent.

>> No.15469404

>everyone is apparently 110-150 somehow
Most people rate themselves about 15 points higher than their measured (not by online test) IQs

>> No.15469428
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, Asuakeva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

133 and extreme ADHD too. Wish I could be a normie and lose 15 IQ points or I wish I was like 150 IQ and a hyper autistic.

But at any rate I will never be a normie and I certainly will never be a genius autist

If I could be normal and like 110 IQ I would be much happier. But if I am destined to be an autist weirdo why couldn't I have been a little smarter?

>> No.15469435

I also think your looks matter although this goes along with social skills I guess. Being good looking is very important for social intelligence and developing it if you are ugly in your formative years is a real challenge especially if you are high IQ.

>> No.15469447

The only super social smart people I know are good looking ones. Being good looking is sort of a get of jail free card. Normal people put up with eccentric behavior more from good looking people.

So the halo effect or constant approval they get makes them not alienated and they get plenty of social practice early on. Whereas an ugly or average looking smart person has no advantages and people will only label them a nerd and this will reinforce finding solitary actives that make them more alienated in the first place

>> No.15469451
File: 39 KB, 837x284, high_iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The old IQ scores this website gave seemed highly suspect. Instead of fixing it, the website is now configured to detect use of the nigger word and soft-ban you from getting a score on any subsequent submission.

>> No.15469953

That shit is retarded. What kind of moron couples IQ with wisdom and conscientiousness?

>> No.15470035

I do. It helps me cope.

>> No.15470051

Introvert hell is necessary to understand what matters in life and what doesn't matter. People have to fuck with you and say enough retarded shit for you to analyze and understand and comb through. The goal is for people to say such mind numbing fuckery that you can smell the bullshit far before anyone else. You must become undeceivable. Like having the ability to look at a woman and know with utmost certainty in an uncertain world that she is indeed a retarded whore.

>> No.15470132
File: 7 KB, 253x199, bloomin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diagnosed aspie in my twenties then OCD at 28 last year
>some parts of life have been very difficult with intense anxiety, sometimes depression and suicidal thoughts
>learned the hard way that suffering is not pointless and that people who do not suffer rarely set high standards for themselves
>picked up CBT books to overcome my mental illnesses
>got academic recognition, got a golden career set for myself before I even started working, got a great job, making mad money, got a 11/10 wife, made a beautiful kid, got a nice car and house, got great friends
I still suffer at times, either because im sperging or ruminating. But now I see it as a chance to move forward. I have actually become wary of feeling good for too many days in a row because I know this is where I start getting lousy.

>> No.15470138

>I misspelled 'vain'. That was my only error.
Then why the fuck did you apologise for your English? Could it be that this guy was 100 % correct? >>15468599

You're seriously the biggest midwit on /sci/.

>> No.15470168
File: 3.60 MB, 300x300, 1672188853633.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a mensa test here in croatia, the test was in german, i'm pretty sure i got all of them right because i got a 135+, i asked what the + is and they said the test isn't sensitive for higher iq. What is this shit? Is american mensa different? Or is everyone that says they are 154 iq mensa test lying?

>> No.15470272

>I misspelled 'vain'. That was my only error.
No, it wasn't. The last sentence of your second paragraph doesn't make any sense. You probably wanted to use 'what' instead of 'that', but it would still end up sounding weird even if you'd done that. Also, there's a missing article in "I'm scientist".
Nobody would bat an eye if you hadn't brought attention to your English, though. Half of the posters here are ESL and native speakers aren't immune to making mistakes either.

t. ESL, I make no guarantees regarding the correctness of my own post.

>> No.15470288 [DELETED] 

Dont you narcissistic cunts ever get tired of jerking each other off over your worthless test scores.

>> No.15470297

Actually based.

>> No.15470314

My IQ is tested at like 120 but I dont feel like smug tier, I feel like normal tier or perhaps even retard tier being honest.

>> No.15470321

Wow hecking wholesome introvert hell is literally me.

>> No.15470325

Our IQ is the only way we can feel superior. In every other possible metric we are losers. Its a cope mechanism.

>> No.15470357
File: 652 KB, 1200x1200, tycho_moose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of examples of that in the history of science and engineering. Many of the most brilliant people we know about were from wealthy families so their day to day needs were covered and family power protected them from the social consequences of their eccentricities, at least most of the time. Wonder how someone like Tycho Brache would have turned out if not for his family's wealth and various monarchs wanting his brilliance in their kingdom. He lost his nose but it was a cousin who did it so they ended up making amends.

>> No.15470584

As a 134 iq


>> No.15470598

Self aware midwits are a rare breed. We are all retards at heart, 160s and 70s alike.

>> No.15470610

130-132 seems pretty accurate to me. not smart enough to see every little flaw but smart enough to

>> No.15470617

i honestly have a 142 iq and i wish it was over 160.

>> No.15470798

Actually, the distribution of posters on this site more or less correlates to a normal distribution of intelligence in the real world. Nobody cares about your accomplishments, they are not a mark of intelligence but hard work and dedication

>> No.15470804

>average /sci/ iq thread

>> No.15470837

I was on my way here to make fun of you, but unfortunately for me I really do feel this image

>> No.15470842

actual high intelligence people, don't even comment on "iq" numbers, because they know it's fallacy by a design because the brainlets that design the test don't even understand what intelligence is.

>> No.15471231

If you are reasonably smart, then its always better to start school attendance in an expensive school where your peers are if not smart, then at least wealthy.

Mid or high school can then transition into a public school, where you can apply the learning discipline obtained in your formative years.

Stay the hell away from any "inner city" schools. Always.

Unfortunately we were also dirt poor - it is just serendipitous that things turned out they way they did.

But yeah, thats my plan with my kids. And I am lucky enough to be able to afford it.

>> No.15471243
File: 2.95 MB, 267x199, FUCKEVERYTHING.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life is hell. I remember in 2003 writing out a short thing about why I thought politics were fucked because of donations being treated as free speech. And now 20 years later fucking everyone is on about that shit. 20 years later half the shit I was worrying about as a teen is only worse and FINALLY people are actually willing to acknowledge the problems

so I guess I got that going for me, which is kinda nice. at least everyone finally is admitting that you cant treat parents as the bosses of teachers and expect to have competent teachers. at least everyone is finally admitting that "everyone needs a gun" is how you arm every psycho wiht a desire to hurt someone long before you actually arm a "good guy with a gun". and we're finally admitting that the party that used to proudly bomb planned parenthood clinics is now turning its hate on the rest of the country for daring to allow "the sinners" to live in peace. at least everyone is finally admitting that you can't have colleges demand everyone get science degrees if there are NO job openings in your local area for science related positions.

too bad they arent solving it yet. just finally admitting "yeah that's a problem. oh well. who coulda predicted that?!?" I did. some chump teenager saw it coming and these clowns with access to genuine geniuses want to pretend that they have no responsibility to even try to solve these problems.

>> No.15471248

your entire post proved you belong squarely in the midwit category, holy fucking shit

>> No.15471249

250+ IQ (WASIB-II clinically tested) and that is literally me

>> No.15471252
File: 229 KB, 500x280, fuckyoukidyadick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waaah someone said something you dislike. they must be the dumbest person on the internet to disagree with YOU.

>> No.15471256

>2003 lol

I am younger then you anon but I can assure you people have known about this since politics have even been a thing. You didn't predict shit everyone with their head screwed on has known donations are a more polite form of political bribery/corruption. I bet you still believe we live in a democracy don't you?

>> No.15471267

>You didn't predict shit everyone with their head screwed on has known donations are a more polite form of political bribery/corruption.
except for the people still in office who claim its free speech and that everyone who disagrees should just live with it.

you know... the only people whose opinions actually matter?

>> No.15471420

I’m 144. I guess I need to find something to obsess about.

>> No.15471432

Yeah but what underlies complexity if not bullshit? I wouldn't call my mind "simplistic" as us autists have a variety of iqs and outlooks.

>> No.15471540

to "advance mankind" you have to interface with mankind, so the conclusion of that fantasy fails by its own premise. it's a nice fantasy tho

>> No.15471552

you sound more like a 110. smart enough to realize that corporations aren't people and shouldn't have the same rights. dumb enough not to realize that everything else you're stewing over is a fantasy pushed by those same corporations.

>> No.15471571

500 iq (WASIBV-VI 8==D~) and I am literally me

>> No.15471573


internetmachine disagrees

>> No.15471576
File: 281 KB, 1408x976, Screen Shot 2023-05-29 at 10.53.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15471593

now post your first two attempts instead of your 6th

>> No.15471681

oh I'm not the anon you were replying to i just thought it was interesting to see the score corroborated

not that that necessarily means much, scores for excerpts of my writing ranged from 92 to 168

>> No.15471823

bullshit. I took statistics. 15 IQ points is what is considered necessary just to even notice a difference between two people of similar educations and background. So if 115 is just one standard deviation above normal then 137 is barely 2 standard deviations from the norm.
And I am the anon that wrote that. idk why that shit calls 137 genius. anyone can look up that shit about standard deviations.

>> No.15472266

69 IQ (tested by myself) and I am literally me

>> No.15472341

t- fedboy.

>> No.15472393

I've worked for a large research institution for a long time and am a confident mid-wit. I've been around people really high on the scale (professors, senior scientists, prodigies) and I have yet to meet a really smart person that is also happy and fulfilled, save for the fleeting moments they can fully engage with the pursuit of their choice.

>> No.15472617
File: 67 KB, 630x748, void.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15472652

So you judge their happiness by your own standards. You aren't very smart are you?

>> No.15472745
File: 23 KB, 474x267, cozie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never had my IQ tested. If I had to guess, it would be somewhere around 100, maybe a little higher, maybe a little lower.
I really relate to the "introvert hell" though, but maybe it's from mental illnesses all along. Been in and out of the psych ward a few times for wanting to kill myself.
I've never considered myself smart, but my family and friends do. I feel like I'm a fraud to them and that they're all lying about me being smart.
I just want to be happy.

>> No.15472774

I'm 117 but I did other things instead of school work, so I left high school into burger flipping and I hate my life. Currently working on going to community college, but I might not have my degree before I turn 30.

I hate society.

>> No.15472805

Unironically this. I feel like an imposter and sometimes automatically try to brag a little bit about my intelligence and trying to look smart but i really feel retarded. I am scared to take a real test that would prove to me that i am just a poser. I think i only score better in math and science maybe because i am just curious and read a lot of things in my free time. That's why it seems i am always a few steps ahead in school. I did some online autism test and scored very high and many friends make jokes that i am Autistic. I fall into some sort of depression if i am not able to understand some things right away when i was younger to later found out that Wikipedia isnt the best source for math topics when u are 12yo

>> No.15473111

Just like solar system, setting earth on the center gives infernal orbits as outcome while setting sun as the center gives much simpler orbits. Reality is complex if and only if you accept as true the things that you been taught since you were 4. Its not complex, its only that you dont want to get rid of certain things that make it complicated to hold.

>> No.15473228 [DELETED] 

did pass physics.

>> No.15473266

someone did not pass physics class. maybe didnt even take it.

>> No.15473476

Good thing intelligence tightly correlates with attractiveness (and wealth, for that matter, because that's another one people like to cope and bitch about). It should be obvious that these aren't independent events. If not, you probably do not have any of the positive qualities in significant quantities and are self-aggrandizing a subset.

>> No.15473490

im either normie or cursed introvert. never took a real iq test though

>> No.15473509

>146 IQ
>can be autistic hyperborean but then always attacked by normies
>am vulnerable to introvert hell when i worry too much about social relationships and good/evil
>can happily exist as autistic hyperborean when I allow myself to not care of their judgements and not be to involved in aiding their suffering out of habit
I feel like it's a delicate balance to walk the line between these. My uncle was tested at 160 and he is very functional but quite psychopathic but gets away with pretty much everything. The concept of morality is quite an obsession of mine. I feel I exist between two worlds. Perhaps I need to spend more time voluntarily shifting into one or the other when appropriate, but I guess that's where wisdom and learned experience comes in.

Anyone else with high IQ have experience with Asperger's Syndrome and/or Schizotypal Personality Disorder? Particularly as two systems, one foundational and the other formed out of compensation? Has anyone found found balance between autism and schizotypy? Apparently this is common at the top end of the IQ distribution, mainly schizotypy with autistic traits and thinking formed to compensate?

>> No.15473685

I have schizotypal and I understand what you say about your uncle. The sociopathy is just one of the negative symptoms that is mostly the schizophrenic apathy but manifests as sociopathy. I have a theory that most 145+ increasingly manifest traits in the schizophrenic (save from psychosis) spectrum while the doers, midwits and 130-145+ are mainly autistics who have comparably little creativity. And this is while being able to tell when these traits and symptoms diverge from reality or when their mechanism of action initiates. I've not tested mine yet but the defining trait is what you would describe as unbridled reach of thought. I can't stop what to think. That's to say that I can entertain any thought without being emotionally affected by said thoughts, so that if I were to verbalize some of these thoughts I'd come across as either a crazy schizophrenic or a murderous psychopath. One more thing which I found particularly peculiar is the perception that normies had of me while growing up. They either thought I was stupid or confused going by the kind of questions I kept asking them.

>> No.15473716

In a basic physics class that is not covered, you need dif equations for that shit and mechanics is 2° year undergrad. Its a historical fact that people used to think that earth was the fucking center of the earth and taking that as true makes orbits go wild you fucking donkey. Its what happens when you are aware of what explosion principle is, aware that you dont really want it to be the case and you dont want to drop stuff that you believe its true wich makes it happen every 5 seconds: you have to juggle around in order to avoid it. Its much simpler if you set sun as center of solar system. If you change the cathegory that characterizes actions in this world from moral bullshit "good" "bad" to "useful" then things work and do it way smoother. Thats a feeling that clashes with cognition, not cognition itself. Back in the days of heliocentric bullshit they were autists not retards

>> No.15473870

I scored 33/36 on the timed RAPM at 14, 2 months
How do I tell my IQ from that?
Also, how reliable and meaningful are the scores obtained on this test in comparison with other popular ones?

>> No.15474095

reddit thread

>> No.15474101

IQ is not personality. I could relate to any given one of these at certain times, it has nothing to do with my intelligence

>> No.15474105

At least I can read a post

>> No.15474117

put in some writing i had done on a humanities topic and got exceptionally gifted. feel like the vocab someone uses has more to do with their audience and topic than with themselves. my mom writes for elementary school children. if she got anything above 90 she would know she had fucked up. the presence of "dumbed down" examples in the data set skews people who don't know how to adjust to their audience upwards on the scale

>> No.15474192

this is /sci/ not /creativewriting/

>> No.15474381

I’m 131. I kneel.

>> No.15474389
File: 183 KB, 1080x953, 1685369732236591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

completely accurate. i wish to god i had been born a 160+ inhumanly autistic living computer instead of the 135 wretch i am

>> No.15474466

nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot

>> No.15474470

Go home eurobro, you're unironically drunk.

>> No.15475021

I’m literally everything in introvert hell but I’m also not good at anything and often feel like my it is below 85. Is this just autism plus crippling depression or am I legitimately dumb.

>> No.15475024

Kys fag retard thats pure envy
Drunk language barriered and retarded yet not a single argument as response

>> No.15475028

This is true. My IQ was in the high 140s in my youth and I was somewhat of a savant finding passion in knowledge ignoring the cancer that is society, and looking upon the lesser races (sub 120iqs) in glee as if they were animals and I was at the zoo. Ironically this made me more social, like playing with puppies it's just fun... or it was.
Unfortunately due to emotional turmoil caused by my single mother and physical brain damage my brain was retarded into the mid 130s and I developed extreme introversion, antisocial behavior (the violent kind), and depressive schizophrenic episodes.
Oh well. I'm better now. Quite lazy and still suffering from memory problems, but after many schizophrenia self dialogs I have come to accept my mortality. That and gardening. Growing veggies is so fun.

>> No.15475273

Higher IQ means that the brain is more vulnerable to metabolic disruption, causing depression.
The idea that depression is about happiness is one of the great scams of our time. It's about brain energetics.

>> No.15475286

I was a 132 four years ago, but in between a mental breakdown (caused by committing a crime, Raskolnikov-style), being sick with covid, a bit of drug use, somehow developing visual snow (maybe it's forward head posture related?) I don't know anymore. I feel very stupid relative to the work before me. I have more energy but seemingly less focus and depth. Perhaps that could be treated.
I'm squarely in "introvert hell" right now, not out of moralism, but out of a lack of interest in socializing. With most people it's just not stimulating.
I did manage to cure my lifelong depression and resulting bad habits with dietary intervention though (a few months of keto to correct insulin resistance, red meat for micronutrients), so maybe it balances out.
Right now I'm looking to find a long-term romantic/biokids partner so I can have a reason to do it all. Playing with my big-boy toys doesn't really cut it for me, I can't do it for the 16 hours in my waking day, like your 145+ can.

>> No.15475760

I have heard of the phenomena, which is/was a diagnosis in other places, called Schizotypal Autism. Mostly diagnosed in baltic and post-soviet states. It was described as elements of both schizotypal PD and Asperger's syndrome symptoms together, but with the autistic symptoms produced from an underlying schizophrenia spectrum disorder. Apparently it's highly prevalent at the upper end of the IQ distribution
>Vacilly Mendelsohnn noted that due to the extremely high IQ of patients he could guarantee that the world's most intelligent person has this condition and speculates that mathematician Grigori Perelmann does


This resonates with me, as I can relate to myself using autism as a defense mechanism to keep my own sz-spectrum symptoms (looks like schizotypal PD, I am in the process of diagnosis) from going off the rails. Almost as if I developed ASD sx to compensate for schizophrenia spectrum.
>I have schizotypal and I understand what you say about your uncle.
I have similar traits myself, but they come and go. Depends on context. Mainly via an extremely powerful sense of morality and justice, vengeance even, but I do have the ability to dissociate and boldly act swiftly in dire circumstances. I can do so exceptionally well even, but this also applies to contexts where I'm motivated (tempted) for self-gratification or personal gain in a very ego-driven manner or where I'm willing to get what I want despite however it may hurt others. I'm quite aware of this proclivity of mine and thankfully have a good ability for restraint.

> I have a theory that most 145+ increasingly manifest traits in the schizophrenic (save from psychosis) spectrum while the doers, midwits and 130-145+ are mainly autistics who have comparably little creativity.
This makes sense with divergent thinking, and DARPP-32

>> No.15475777

What do you mean when you say your uncle can get away with anything?

>> No.15475787

Did I stutter? I was a really smart kid, probably too smart, 147+IQ tested at age 5. I was casually conversing with my parents and uncle on all sorts of topics such as social hierarchies. Well my uncle took a liking to me, saying he loved my brain and saying that with age comes experience. Anyhow he convinced me that sexual relations boost intelligence and happiness and even showed me studies. But I was 7 years old at the time and despite my high capacity for reason failed to realize the studies didn't apply to people my age. Well when I eventually found out at 13 when I truly hit the age of reason I handled the situation. Unfortunately my formative years got ruined and now I'm out for self gain at the expense of others thanks to my uncle. Thanks biology.

>> No.15475826

change and grow as a person

>> No.15475872

like most 4chan """""statistics"""" it just outright fake or at best utterly manipulated bullshit targeted to make people feel something.

In this case they want to make you feel special. Every idiot here who can barely get into community college is now thinking "ahh that's le me, im loser and i hate everything must be because im smarter than anyone else"
literal idiots

>> No.15475876

I'm over 150 and I'm happy and productive.
I didn't have to have a job for a year in my whole life.
I have made several scientific discoveries in different fields and have published only one of them, by myself and in the finest quality no publisher would allow such high quality of publication, because it is rather niche. Now, when I have so many under my belt, it's time to promote my ideas, and it takes a different set of skills I'm now to master.

>> No.15475877

140IQ here. I wish I was a retard. I heard alcohol lowers IQ so I’m taking the necessary steps.

>> No.15475881

Alcohol is depressant. You was supposed to overcome your difficulties, not ignore them. I takes merely a decade to solve every personal problem with iq of 140

>> No.15476058

>everything is a problem of language
>we can't ever fully explain language using language
>can't reason without language
>can't reason without logic
>why should we trust logic in being the right way
>right way to what
I keep having BPD like episodes of fully immersing in studies trusting the language is the best way we got to progress intelectually than episodes of realisation we are working on unsure ground why should we do that when we aren't sure our method is reasonable? then realising futility of language I begin to have problems to even form a simple sentence.
t. 150/86 IQ depends on the episode I'm experiencing

>> No.15476063

IQ doopid.

It is a quote. Only the quoter confirms you can pass his intelligence test. You don't necessarily pass everyone's test.

Lol IQfags getting bummed by the tester, their 'clarification'.


>> No.15476065

iq posters need to leave
just a bunch of braindead timeloopers

>> No.15476086

160 tested IRL.

>> No.15476156
File: 54 KB, 612x408, 7nb4w0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retards and poorfags

>> No.15476200

I'm 132 and I don't have depression. However I can't connect with "normal" people at all. They feel different idk. It's like they are missing some part of their being like curiocity or a certain motivation to understand. Like they seem to care more about going to parties, smoking and traveling the world, maybe to flex to each other but they don't ever do anything of substance. I think society is at fault for making them behave like this

>> No.15476772

>Schizotypal Autism
Holy fuck literally me, I was diagnosed with Asperger's when I was 16, but still felt strange that other autists who hated social interactions felt such emotions as loneliness or desire to be understood or connect. I was also brought in for an initial checkup due to suicidal thoughts and also because my father who is a doctor thought I might have schizophrenia. a Psychiatrist from when I was locked up in a mental institution suspected it too. I am also from Lithuania. Although my IQ is only about 130

>> No.15476810

IQ isn't a valid measure of intelligence, so this image is completely disconnected from reality and only exists in the mind of autists who need to assign a category to everything.

>> No.15476823

not really, introversion and iq aren't really linked.
you're falling for a stereotype here anon, it may be true of some people but it means nothing beyond just that.
iq and personality type cannot be reduced to so few variable and hold more than a nanoiota of truth
also I suspect that you're just a narcissistic faggot that thinks he sees himself in one of those and you're seeking validation and approval that your shit life is due to your inherent "superiority" so as not having to improve because can't change iq while still thinking yourself superior
hard cope
you're a faggot

>> No.15476875

idk what's my iq but i was depressed until i joined college as a math major. The only sad think is that is a small department and my classmates are not that interested/competitive, therefore there is no camaraderie.
Tldr: life's good but i wich my classmates weren't a bunch of faggots.

>> No.15476879


Pfft fuck off.
Smart people don't think along those lines.

>> No.15476907

midwits don't
smarties do

>> No.15476912

>IQ isn't a valid measure of intelligence
only it is (it doesn't measure wisdom though)

>> No.15476954

No, that is just bullshit you Marxists stoke each other with.

>> No.15476961

>marxism is about fairness
/sci/ needs to consult >>>/his/ before spewing illiterate nonsense

>> No.15476963

The low info herd group think mass thinks that is what is it about so that is what it is about.

>> No.15477051

I am antimarxist.
I lived in soviet russia and it was worse than kafka.

>> No.15477055

now people think i'm making some point about communism in practice. sigh. no, i'm saying marx and engles didn't even care for the notion of true equality in theory. too abstracted from material processes for them.

>> No.15477095
File: 411 KB, 1920x1306, 1920px-Gérôme--The_Harem_in_the_Kiosk--c-1870-1875--private_collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the meme is literally false. Only the +160 get to become titans of the industry or define their respective fields. Everyone else is just wallowing in mediocrity and coping with it in their own unique ways (like the 100 IQ dumbfuck that made this meme)

>> No.15477112

>Everyone ̶e̶l̶s̶e̶ is just wallowing in mediocrity coping with it in their own unique ways
that's just the human condition

>> No.15477134
File: 46 KB, 688x460, ll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, those at the very top instead have to grapple with the knowledge that the universe is still too complex for them to understand, and I guess that creates some kind of sense of mediocrity in the grand scheme of things, but at least they don't ever have to feel mediocre when weighed against other humans. I feel like that stings a lot more. Even if you're in the 140 range and can impress a couple of people even dumber than you are with your credentials, sooner or later, if you lead an actual professional life, you're going to run into someone that's going to completely outcompete you in every way and it'll all feel fucking pointless

>> No.15477143

you are the society, along with them. they'll always outvote you.

>> No.15477145

>oh no other people are le better than me
grow up

>> No.15477307

more like Machiavellianism. High dark triad/tetrad traits. But "can get away with anything" as in not getting caught or ensuring plausible deniability, as more of a planning/calculative rather than impulsive type. He's definitely got himself into some major trouble before, as have I just not nearly as bad, but always manages to get out somehow, often at others' expenses.
fuck off. you wish.
from what I've read about this "Schizotypal Autism," it starts out with autistic symptoms from childhood and schizotypal symptoms come in during late adolescence. I'm not sure about you but it matches my experience as I've aged.
I'm not sure about Lithuana but I know some of those Baltic states use different models, with some remnants of soviet psychiatry, but I'd be interested to hear how they may have certain diagnoses for disorders which are most common in that region due to more genetics and/or culture.
IIRC you can still have Asperger's with high schizotypy or Asperger's with a psychotic disorder comorbid, including but not limited to StPD.

>> No.15477514

What work does he do?

>> No.15477599
File: 17 KB, 678x534, (((writing iq))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15477600

If someone was intelligent as I am, I'd be severely depressed. Luckily, I'm me.

>> No.15478230

that's a bunch of bullshit. I'm going to take a wild guess that the calculator weights rarely used pompous words more than it does the ideas themselves. it can't even measure your ideas for fucks sake.
put the most mid take you can think of, but use "big" words, compare that result to an extremely smart idea presented in dumb words. see what you get.
just because you read a lot of books it does NOT make you smart(er). I've seen plenty midwits who understood nothing from said books.

>> No.15478310

Anyone who takes the time to read 5 legitimate novels in full, to understand every word and how the words are put together, is easily "smarter" than 80% of the faculty in an ivy league university.

>> No.15478322

sure, and its great for midwits to read. they manifest stupidity way less which helps everyone.
this should not be mistaken for "well if I really have at it and read a whole lot of books I'll surely be smarter!". there's a hard stop in what a midwit is able to do with all those ways of seeing things. even if they get the building materials, they're not going to build something exquisite out of them.
I'd still take a well read midwit over an unread one anytime.

>> No.15478335

> a whole lot of books
No one can read a whole lot of books. It takes at least 3-4 years to read a single book to the point you can understand and rewrite it. Midwits don't read books, they spider books for keywords.

>> No.15480648

>t. 140
only a complete retard would believe that picture

>> No.15480675
File: 77 KB, 1219x958, 88 low iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15481129

That website said they used a sample of Hawkings last paper and it achieved a score of 151.
I've done something similar.
Using a paper that Hawking is the primary author of; "A smooth exit from eternal inflation".

The sample is this:
Eternal inflation [1] refers to the near de Sitter (dS) regime deep into the phase of inflation
in which the quantum fluctuations in the energy density of the inflaton are large. In the
usual account of eternal inflation the quantum diffusion dynamics of the fluctuations is
modeled as stochastic effects around a classical slow roll background. Since the stochastic
effects dominate the classical slow roll it is argued eternal inflation produces universes that
are typically globally highly irregular, with exceedingly large or infinite constant density
surfaces [2–5].
However this account is questionable, because the dynamics of eternal inflation wipes
out the separation into classical backgrounds and quantum fluctuations that is assumed.
A proper treatment of eternal inflation must be based on quantum cosmology. In this
paper we put forward a new quantum cosmological model of scalar field driven eternal
inflation by using gauge-gravity duality [6–8]. We define the Euclidean dual theory on
the threshold surface of eternal inflation, which therefore describes the transition from the
quantum realm of eternal inflation towards a classical universe, in line with the original
vision behind inflation [9]. The subsequent evolution is assumed to be classical.
It achieves 155 IQ

>> No.15481132

I then went to chatGPT (the GPT4 version, not GPT3.5).
"I have a text sample for you. I want you to try to make it sound like it was written by a much more intelligent person"
then I paste the above hawking sample.

GPT4 gives me this
The term "Eternal Inflation" [1] denotes the persistent near de Sitter (dS) condition that exists deep within the phase of inflation, wherein the quantum perturbations in the energy density of the inflaton demonstrate significant magnitude. Conventionally, the dynamics of these quantum perturbations during eternal inflation are described as stochastic processes superimposed upon a classical slow roll background. Given the supremacy of these stochastic processes over the classical slow roll backdrop, it has been posited that eternal inflation culminates in the creation of universes that are characteristically irregular on a global scale, exhibiting exceptionally large or even infinite constant density surfaces [2–5].

This traditional view, however, invites skepticism as the dynamic processes of eternal inflation efface the dichotomy between classical backgrounds and quantum fluctuations that are generally presumed. The concept of eternal inflation mandates an approach steeped in quantum cosmology for its accurate delineation.

In the present treatise, we introduce a novel quantum cosmological model for scalar field-induced eternal inflation, employing the principle of gauge-gravity duality [6–8]. We establish the Euclidean counterpart of the theory on the critical surface of eternal inflation, thus describing the transition from the quantum domain of eternal inflation towards a universe governed by classical physics, adhering to the foundational philosophy underlying the concept of inflation [9]. Post this critical juncture, the subsequent evolution is presumed to obey classical principles.
This scores 184 on that writing to IQ calculator

>> No.15481141

I now try with this prompt
"I have a text sample for you. I want you to try to make it sound like it was written by person of slightly above average intelligence. Remember to keep the relevant details as part of your text. Remember to write the text with a formal style. Don't use colloquialisms or slang"

The output gives 168 IQ, so I tell GPT4:
"That's too good. I want it to sound like it was written by someone slightly above average intelligence"

Now GPT4 returns this:
Eternal inflation [1] is a concept that talks about a period during the inflation phase where quantum fluctuations - or changes - in the inflaton's energy density become really important. Usually, people model these changes as random effects around a slow roll background. Because these random effects seem to overpower the slow roll, it's thought that eternal inflation leads to universes that are very irregular and have incredibly large or even endless constant density surfaces [2–5].

But this common idea might not be quite right. The problem is that the way eternal inflation works seems to blur the lines between classical backgrounds and quantum fluctuations - two things that were once considered separate. So, to fully understand eternal inflation, we really need to look at it from a quantum cosmology viewpoint.

In this paper, we're presenting a new model. This model uses a concept called gauge-gravity duality [6–8] to describe eternal inflation that's driven by a scalar field. We set up a related theory, called the Euclidean dual theory, at the turning point of eternal inflation. This theory then describes the shift from the quantum side of eternal inflation to a classical universe, which is what the original idea behind inflation suggested [9]. After this shift, we assume things work in a classical way.
This scores 112 IQ

>> No.15481149

The Hawking sample gives 155.
A simple prompt to get GPT4 to produce text which will score higher gives 184
A pair of simple prompts to get GPT4 to produce text which will score lower gives 112
Let's ask GPT4 what conclusion we can draw from this.

My prompt:
There is a website online, which will take text samples, and return a predicted IQ of the author.
I gave the website a sample of writing from Stephen Hawking, and it returned a score of 155 IQ.
Then I gave GPT-4 that sample of writing, and asked it to make it sound like it was written by someone more intelligent. It scored 184 IQ.
Then I gave GPT-4 that sample of writing, and asked it to make it sound like it was written by someone with slightly above average intelligence. The first response scored 168 IQ, so I told GPT-4 it was too good. GPT-4 then returned a sample that scored 112 IQ.
What conclusions can we reach about the effectiveness of this website?

>> No.15481151

part 1 of reply:
The scenario you've described provides some interesting insights into both the capabilities of GPT-4 and the website in question. However, I would caution that our conclusions are inherently limited and speculative because of the complex nature of intelligence and the possible variability in the algorithm used by the website to estimate IQ from text. Here are some conclusions we might tentatively draw:

The website seems to respond to complexity and sophistication in writing: Given that GPT-4 was able to score higher by aiming to write as a more intelligent version of Stephen Hawking suggests that the website is probably analyzing factors like vocabulary usage, sentence complexity, idea articulation, and the use of domain-specific knowledge or concepts.

The website may not effectively capture the nuances of intelligence: The concept of intelligence is multifaceted and extends far beyond the capability to produce sophisticated writing. The fact that GPT-4 could adjust its "intelligence" in writing and significantly affect the score raises questions about the validity of the measure. It's unclear how the site handles different types of intelligence, such as emotional, social, or practical intelligence, which wouldn't necessarily be reflected in a piece of text.

GPT-4 can modulate the apparent complexity of its outputs: GPT-4 can seemingly adjust the sophistication of its text in response to user prompts, indicating the flexibility and adaptability of the AI model.

>> No.15481153

part 2 of reply:
The website's scoring may not linearly correspond to perceived intelligence: GPT-4 initially scored 168 IQ when asked to simulate slightly above-average intelligence writing, indicating that the site's scoring might not directly correspond with typical perceptions of intelligence or actual IQ distributions. An average IQ score is generally around 100, and a score of 168 would place someone in the extreme upper end of the scale.

There might be a 'floor effect' or minimum score for coherent text: Even when GPT-4 was asked to simulate a 'slightly above average intelligence', the score was still 112, which is above the mean IQ of 100. This might suggest that the algorithm has a sort of "floor effect" where any coherent and logically structured text is going to score above a certain threshold.

Remember, however, that these conclusions are based on the assumption that the website's algorithm is functioning as expected and has some valid basis for its claims, which may not necessarily be the case. The true measure of one's intelligence cannot be accurately gauged by the complexity or sophistication of their written text alone.

>> No.15481164

Why did I do this?
I think that the writing to IQ calculator is flawed.
If I write a piece of text where I am addressing experts in a topic, I write in a more complex manner. I trust that my readers are able to understand complexly constructed sentences.
When I write on 4chan, I try to make everything sound as simple as possible.
If we take the text where I write simply and input it to the calculator, I will receive a low score.
Does this mean that I have low intelligence?
Well, GPT-4 is able to achieve 184 when asked to appear intelligent, and 112 when asked to appear average.
I suspect that trying to analyze anonymous individuals by their posts, where many of us are trying to simplify our text, is going to lead to inaccurate, underestimates of intelligence.

>> No.15481170

>ultimate kekeroni
Who is this god that determines i.q.

>> No.15481174

>Have the IQ like those who live in smug heaven
>have the characteristics of peak retard and those living in introvert hell
What did the >55 IQ individual who made this meme mean by this?

>> No.15481176

I know exactly which online quiz you took.

how smart do you feel now, brainlet?

>> No.15481671

Friendly reminder that "self-made billionaires" average out at >140IQ, so either they spread the suffering they have from not being hyperborean or their obsession is themselves.

T. Obsessed with myself but still not smart enough so I seethe and try to find ways for IV cerebrolysin to be a thing for me

>> No.15481682

Also, it's not like the barely >120IQ can't see any flaws, it's more like it requires so much effort, clarity and time by themselves that they most likely will be too distracted by life.

t.128 phoneshitter

>> No.15481806

People will think they're in introvert hell but really they're in normie purgatory. So not accurate at all.

>> No.15482386


>> No.15482408

Works for me.
t. 128

>> No.15482411
File: 44 KB, 832x592, iqgraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15482468

I was in introvert hell but managed to kill enough braincells by drinking that I'm happy most of the time again.

>> No.15482492

These memes always place their target demographics and creators in the 'so (valued trait for demographic) it becomes counterintuitive' category. They desperately want to be smart, or empathetic, or charismatic, or unique but all empiric evidence in their lives points otherwise, so they need to invent a new category to fit themselves into to avoid accepting they are just not who they want to be. This is suited solely for the people who believe they're in introvert hell, which isn't even 1st tier because there is no way to completely cope your way out of mediocrity

>> No.15482493

I struggle getting people to understand my thought processes and I can't tell if it's because I have esoteric knowledge or because I have autism
t. 167

>> No.15482860

why the fuck do I think that I'm retarded, but still able to outperform my peers through little effort.

>> No.15483305

I took the Mensa Norway one a week ago without knowing you don't lose anything for being wrong so I ran the timer out with quite a few questions remaining and got a 110, then I took it again today while answering everything within the time limit and got a 131.
The 131 feels disingenuous since I was able to speed through some of the ones I had to think about from last time, so would my actual IQ be somewhere around 115?

>> No.15483414
File: 536 KB, 1170x955, 54A5D7A0-2DB9-4C51-8940-5674AF47DCEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life is pure suffering. I have been depressed and suicidal since I was young, but my own fear and the slow drip feed of dopamine keeps me from ending it. All I can do is watch.

>> No.15483439

There is no reason to be afraid friend.
Just take one small dose of fentanyl to ease your anxiety.
Then take the big dose and drift into nothingness.
It's THAT easy.

>> No.15483441

Knowing you CAN kill yourself at any time gives one peace of mind.
There won't be any suffering - read experiences it's lights out immediately.
You just have to experiment with fent a little bit to realize that you do have the balls to end it. And if you die by mistake even better, you won't even realize when it happens.

>> No.15483460
File: 63 KB, 720x712, 1683697501766815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scored between 127-138 WAIS equivalent on a few different tests.

Seems legit. I work as a family doctor after burning out of a MD/PhD tract program when COVID shut down my entire lab and some idiots let all my cell lines and biopsies thaw.

>> No.15483472

>if you want to be happy and can't figure out how despite being in a limitless world of limitless possibilities you are not very smart.
Almost everything I read about IQ on 4chan is absolute horseshit, but this is also horribly wrong as well. In societies that we were not necessarily made to live in, our biology can definitely be pathological. And not knowing how to achieve what many consider to be a nebulous concept isn't really an indication of low intelligence. Not knowing how to do a certain thing is a really bad way to determine how smart a person is anyway.

>> No.15483491

>I really relate to the "introvert hell" though
I believe most people at least superficially relate to it, in the sense that they see the world is bad (or could be better) but can't really do anything significant to improve it. But also same. everyone that I've ever got to know has called me incredibly smart and even almost genius/genius and I don't know actually what that means.
I feel like I have some obligation to do "great things" with my life or I wasted it all away. I definitely don't do anything to prove it. I just like space and the stars.

>> No.15483617
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Every iq test i've taken has given me around 125-135. I think it is fairly accurate. I grew up in a pretty wealthy area and went to good schools growing up etc. I'd thought of myself as smarter than average but not by much. Eventually I moved to a college town type area that was more "normal" than where i grew up and man the people there on average were pretty dumb. They were all nice but you can just tell most of the time. The idea that im smarter than most normies but not some "introvert hell" tier feels accurate.

>> No.15485177

Using the Mensa test I got a score of 102 which I think is fair. I am pretty normie, hate consoomer culture yet binge watch whatever the algo reccs, so I don't think I will make too big of an impact on the world other than local ripples. Is what it is

>> No.15485188
File: 81 KB, 642x389, 7ofd7i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15485245

I put parts of a paper I published into this and got 146IQ. Do I win?

>> No.15485275
File: 785 KB, 651x602, etsubatsu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ dick measuring and meme threads aren't really related to Science & Math are they?

>> No.15485292

IQ is number
Number is math
Grug have many IQ

>> No.15485475

cock length is also a number, shill