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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1546587 No.1546587 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw 40% of americans don't believe in evolution

>> No.1546600

i'd honestly rather not believe in evolution than be black

>> No.1546599

>mfw I give a shit about mfw threads
pic non-existant

>> No.1546604

>mfw Brits call popsicles "cold on the cob"

>> No.1546602
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>> No.1546610


no fucking way

they better not >_>

>> No.1546613

>mfw brits call a remote control a 'smibbly bibbly'

>> No.1546620

oh god, I laughed so fucking hard

>> No.1546621

>mfw when brits call oral hygiene a waste of time

>> No.1546625

>mfw OP doesn't realize since it's a theory, nobody is required to believe is 100%

>> No.1546631


>mfw "mfw" has lost its original meaning

>> No.1546638
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Welcome to the world of science. Enjoy never getting any attention or remembered.

>> No.1546639
File: 29 KB, 600x540, girugamesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw brits created america

>> No.1546645

>mfw newfag fucks it up

>> No.1546647

Of course you're not required to.
You just look incredibly retarded if you don't.

>> No.1546648

>mfw the red states are the only livable ones

>> No.1546652
File: 11 KB, 244x299, gilgamesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when japs have to change my name so they don't have to pronounce "l"

>> No.1546654
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lol, my french teacher in high school was a britfag and used to say that shit, also bragged about defeating napoleon. Then I would remind her that she shouldn't brag about those things because we kicked britains ass twice on our soil and then saved their ass twice on their soil. That would make her pretty butthurt.

>> No.1546655
File: 9 KB, 238x273, dungy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it's like I'm reading /sp/

>> No.1546657

>mfw this thread sucks.

>> No.1546660


how are the red states the only "livable" ones?

my washington state beats the shit out of wherever you live.

>> No.1546661

>mfw you're a mad britfag

>> No.1546702

I live in PA. It is not livable. Used to live in the south. Shit was cash. Washington state isn't bad though. As long as you never visit CA.

>> No.1546709


>mfw North Dakota is "livable."

>> No.1546717

in the famous words of mr. king, "why can't we all just get along?"


>> No.1546720



u wrong, fags?>>1546660

>> No.1546723
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>> No.1546730
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179 porch

>> No.1546732

wow... soo... I keep going onto /sci/ and /b/ and /s/ and all these other boards, like /wg/, and just chillen out and then all the sudden one day some faggot says >mfw

I scratch my head but move on.

the next day EVERYONE is saying it as though it is the thing "everyone does."


I see this.

seriously... if you are conforming to what other tards do and say here by using >mfw yourself then you fucking blow ass chunks

make some OC and it gets ruined. no shit. still.. stop repeating and spamming lame OC and just fucking post your own god damnit.

god damn I'm mad.

>> No.1546733 [DELETED] 

that is fucking sad. we are even lower than chirstfag italy.

>> No.1546734
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>> No.1546736 [DELETED] 

you nuts too. that shit made no sense.

>> No.1546739

Canadafag here. You should remove Alberta, Saskatshewan and Manitoba, as they're retarded cowboys as well. Intelligence tends to rouhgly follow the ocean's coasts.

>> No.1546742
File: 15 KB, 244x225, 1277615625120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


a non-fundamentalist liberal with just a high school education is just as likely to accept evolution as a non-fundamentalist conservative with a graduate level degree.


>> No.1546749


lol me and my buddies road tripped down to CA one time to hit up universal studios and knotts berry farm etc, then were going to go to Tijuana if time and money allowed. like our second night there my friend and I were in anaheim at a bar and got robbed at knifepoint when we went outside to smoke a cigarette and had to spend the next couple days scrambling to get new cell phones and cancel our credit/debit cards and get new ones. fucking california man.

>> No.1546757

it made perfect sense! I'm just mad about all these fucking newfags coming on here and being like "I saw something funny, I'm gonna fucking spam it until everyone congratulates me on being funny" and then seeing the popularity arise, other newfags sit around and act like they know what the fuck it is all about and try to join in because they are worried about what other tards think of them on this anonymous fucking website.

fuck off! all of you! fuck yourselves

seriously I mean to say that niggers who be trolling in the /sci/ looked at been known to copy nigger post shit posting like how they thought the shit had been seen by the niggers who been postin it originally trying to be funny but looked much like how they were had.

>> No.1546759

not trolling the /sci/.. I meant trolling /sci/

typo my bad

>> No.1546762

the us needs 30-40 (or more, see slavery) years to catch up with any cultural/sociological anything.

>> No.1546807

Virginia is Jesusland... bawww

>> No.1546818

itt: people disregard the size and diversity of the american population geographically and assume that it is a completely homogeneous mixture of people in all regions who can be easily stereotyped.

>> No.1546882


Oh yeah? How many asians you got in South Carolina? 4? Cool.

>> No.1546909

uh. well i'm not in south carolina. but i think you're proving the point i made there? not every region or state is homogeneous and thus you can't accurately stereotype a country as large geographically, and diverse as america.

>> No.1546920

disregard this post. i am only posting in the hopes that the captcha (Overton cantaloup) will digitize glenn beck's book as the faggot window if i replace Overton with faggot.