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15464294 No.15464294 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically, how do you cure a depression without the use of drugs?

>> No.15464299

depends on the cause of the depression

>> No.15464307

unironically, a lobotomy

>> No.15464310

I tried everything. Eating completely clean, using my rowing machine everyday, trying to socialize and put in the work to cure depression, but the intrusive self-deprecating thoughts just wouldn't fuck off, and I'd spiral into that black pit daily. Then I just said fuck it and got in paroxetine and now I'm fine.

>> No.15464313

Religion, faith.

>> No.15464318

have you tried going on a gluten-free and casein-free diet?

>> No.15464324

Just get into politics. Seeing how politics are constantly improving society every day makes us all happy.

>> No.15464325

Just ignore it

>> No.15464327

Sounds like youre living a normie life and the unfulfilling bleakness of your future is crippling your subconscious while your conscious mind is so out of sync with your body you cant figure out why your body is turning against you.

Tell us about your life...I bet it will contain something like (28, live with parents, neet, why am I sad?)

>> No.15464330

Just grind so much you don't have the time to ponder the futility of life. As a bonus you might improve your professional standing and thus have less reasons to be depressed. Works every time.

>> No.15464353


When you return from your Cave of Doom you find the world is ants...and youre an antlion.

Hiss. :3

>> No.15464388

depression is not real. it was made up by big pharma to make profit by selling their drugs (aka long term poison)

>> No.15464440

find the neurons that were modified to make you depressed then remove them.

>> No.15464471

Once factor fueling depression in modern times is the mismatch between what the world is like and how we behave. Assuming you're a vulgar materialist and understand the game is a little more rough than what you were told, you begin to develop an instinctual sense of "wrongness" for how you and by extension everyone else is behaving.

At a certain point you're folding clothes, sorting recycling, thinking "wow, this really is just a primate game governed by market forces, and here I am, not even happy, doing a bunch of bullshit sidequests for a (possible) tiny taste of a brass ring that the more intrepid can just reach out and grab."

And you lament that you are a bitch, a coward to your material and existential fears. You're sure this thing we're/you're doing isn't right, and you know there are real ways to change your short existence, but you know there is a bitch inside that prevents that.

>> No.15464480

As Buddha already said, material possessions and too much freedom are the source of suffering. You will be happy once you own nothing and live in the pod. Also a balanced diet is important. Experts recommend bugs, soi and microplastics.

>> No.15464710

just run daily
the amount depends on what kind of shape you're in, but you should run at least a few miles as often as you can without fucking up your legs
(fucking good looking girls doesn't hurt either)

>> No.15464716
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>woe is me, muh life is pure suffering, plz pay attention to me and gibes me gibes fo free

>> No.15464718

Study absurdism

>> No.15464740

living in a box 24/7 could be the problem. Try traveling for a year by your own machine and live close to nature, experience what being truly free is about. I think this puts your entire being, physical and mental into its unaltered prime state.
Speaking from my own experience, it cured depression quickly and after half a year or so, I finally made peace with the auditory hallucinations and they stopped completely.

>> No.15464747

have you tried talking about yourself on social media

>> No.15464752

nicely put man, you have to put that bitch to rest.

>> No.15464757

Remove yourself from dopamine addictions like drugs, porn, social media(including 4chan), video games, television, etc. Your brain is experiencing elevated and unnatural levels of dopamine so you've developed a tolerance and when you're not hitting those levels of dopamine constantly you experience a depressive state.

>> No.15464845
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>Scientifically, how do you cure a depression without the use of drugs?

We call it "Growing up and making a family".

>> No.15464952

>using my rowing machine everyday,

This is where you fucked up. You should be jogging outside in the countryside breathing the fresh air and seeing the beauty of nature on a regular basis. At least once a week. Not rowing in your dank basement next to your smelly socks.

>> No.15464958
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>> No.15465031

nice pseudoscience you got there