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File: 268 KB, 923x1600, 1684267660929-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15459415 No.15459415 [Reply] [Original]

The inevitable fate of all STEM students

>> No.15459429

>Two options
>Become NEET and never get pussy
>Become betabux but only get pussy for reproduction

Choose wisely western man.

>> No.15459441

You forgot this
> Move to south east asia, use the purchasing power parity to have a cocaine fueled orgy and go out with a bang

>> No.15459474

That's why findom is better. It's a clear contract with everyone being aware of their role. No illusions and no bullshit.

>> No.15459487

women love
-public posturing

that's all. Women don't even love their kids. Kids are jsut a tool for them in order to smother them and delude themselves they are not loathsome.

You really have to understand women do only 2 things:
-with men they have sex
-and among women, they talk about the sex they had with men

there that's 100% the life of a woman .

>> No.15459550

Its only that way for STEM students who use their imaginary intellectual superiority as a coping mechanism for their failure in all other aspects of life, which is extremely common as intellectual ability is intangible, so its a great target for projecting grandiose delusions on to.

>> No.15459609

Autist be a real man and submit a bitch holy shit everyone on 4chan is a cuck if you’re muscling enough a submit a young wife she won’t cheat

>> No.15459773

Has this ever happened for real?

>> No.15459778

But anon... the purpose of sex is reproduction. Otherwise it's just masturbation with a chance of STD's.

>> No.15459793

Any man that dates a girl the same age as him at 30 is getting scammed. But then again the guy who drew this probably wants to be a cuck.

>> No.15459797

You guys should start a MGTOW sub on plebbit once the MVP comes out. Sounds like you'll have the time.

>> No.15459808

>Any man that dates a girl the same age as him at 30 is getting scammed.
Why exactly?

>> No.15459815

just don't be a loser lol? Work out, do sports, be social as well. And if your penis is small 3hrs jelqing sesh in the morning should do the trick

>> No.15459887

I married my college girlfriend (scholarship student pursuing her MRS degree) a few months after I finished my bachelor's degree in pure math.

>> No.15459934

Good for you. I hope you two have a long and happy marriage.

>> No.15460936

post pics of her

>> No.15460970

>my bachelor's degree in pure math
>me and the bitch I pulled by being autistic

>> No.15461241

I just wouldn’t marry at that point. Cuckholds are sick in the head.

>> No.15461365

Do Not get Married


>> No.15461390

Marry an ugly girl with a wealthy father, preferably an ugly girl with a wealthy father who she has a bad relationship with so he will favor you over her.

>> No.15461453

>a comic on the internet drawn by a redditor convinced me to never get married ever

>> No.15461780

Thanks Anon, we just celebrated our tenth anniversary not too long ago and it is indeed a happy marriage.
Yes. My wife is also autistic as are our children.

>> No.15461883

three* options
>troon out

>> No.15461970

Yup, should've become a giga-chad instead of studying STEM because that was totally an option open to you

I don't think this comic is about someone's actual experiences, but rather the anxieties of a very sexually inexperienced person.

>> No.15462108

Or I can just hire a hooker

>> No.15462191

To have a good wife you need to hold power over her. Basically put all your assets in trusts and your income in the name of companies.
When the wife threatens to divorce you just tell her she would be left with nothing. You cant pay alimony from jail.
Make sure she doesnt work, she must be vulnerable. She must give you several kids to make her undateable for anyone save for the worst of cucks.
Also, never do exotic-porn types of sex with a woman. Women are naturally passive and just want to get fucked and get pregnant. When a woman has sex with you and doesnt get pregnant her mind tells her theres something wrong with you.

>> No.15462231

Your advice is terrible but at least no one here will ever get the opportunity to put any of it into practice

>> No.15462237
File: 7 KB, 219x230, smug_apu_crossed_arms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you are not a neet you must become a betabux

Yes, I have a successful STEM career.
Yes, I am going to be a wizard soon.
No, I won't play your stupid game.

>> No.15462262

I don't understand how people don't get heart attacks after sleeping with white women. White women are so valuable and good looking that it's actually pretty unrealistic. I'd get a heart attack if I got a 10/10 white woman like most white women look like these days

>> No.15462267

But if you get a divorce as a share holder half your shares are given to your wife

>> No.15462285

Because women and men aren't equal you midwit cuck. Men should date women at least half their age plus 7. That's if you are younger than 40, if older, you should date half your age women. Thing is that the only value women bring to the table is their youth. For men it's resources. If you date a woman who is 30 yo like you, it means she had her fun, gave away her youth to bunch of other dicks and now wants to settle down at finish line with a neet who has bux and will support her for next 10 years until she divorce him and goes back to carousel and your money on top that you made over 2 decades. That's why

>> No.15462341

Don't marry then
What exactly do you even get out of marriage?

>> No.15462379

>i have never heard of a prenuptial agreement
you're not emotionally mature enough to get married if you're feigning ignorance for the sake of playing victim, you're just an overaged crybaby. probably low iq too, somehow or other there are men who want to and manage to get married without regretting it later on, if you can't figure out how to do that then that means you are low iq.
in know a lot of loser nerds fancy themselves high iq science geniuses, but thats just a narcissistic coping mechanism, if you can't figure out the simple things in life then you are low iq and definitely way too low iq for complex problems like the ones found in science.

>> No.15462533
File: 509 KB, 1200x1800, BG-CA-006-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was recommended Thailand. Also many former colleagues got married to Japanese girls, and remain happily married to this day.

>> No.15462538

>t. Indian

>> No.15462555

>Its only that way for STEM students who use their imaginary intellectual superiority as a coping mechanism
Intellectual performance, real or imaginary, counts for nothing in the west. Wifebeaters, however, never have any problems.

>> No.15462570

based frog

>> No.15462758

you re retard for thinking that
a woman s world revolves around their kid
if you wish to not get cucked put a baby in her 3 months after every time she gives birth

>> No.15462820

What is the point of being married if your intent is just to imprison someone?

>> No.15462828


imprison someone is the whole point of marriage

>> No.15462855

I guess being the leader of your own very small cult probably does sound pretty based to some of the sociopaths that find themselves on /sci/.

>> No.15462884

Yup. I found out fast women are just walking vaginas yo be fucked and used for men's pleasure. Fuck women.

>> No.15463161

The comic in OP picrel isn't all that funny, but whats hilarious is Its that you, like everyone else here on /sci/, openly admit that you immediately identified with the two loser nerds in OP picrel.
There are no chads in science

>> No.15463177

Don't care, not budging on my standards

>> No.15463260

Lol this retard thinks his wife will birth "his" children

>> No.15463317

You're missing the point. It's not about whether this extreme version of alpha fucks beta bucks is actually common. It's about the principle. It's fucked up that we're supposed to work hard and think long term, when the most valuable thing in the world is given away for free on a whim. Young women shouldn't be allowed to give pussy for free on a whim.

>> No.15463325

Every sane society in history, primitive or civilized, forced men to earn women. Tribes always had specific rites that boys had to pass through to get the privilege of taking a wife. Civil societies gave parents a lot of sway in finding matches for their daughters, and being materially successful made you an eligible bachelor, and they'd invite you to tea parties or whatever to see if you hit it off.

It's degenerate as fuck for sex to be a whim-based thing. Totally demoralizes men. You're taking the most motivating, emotionally powerful thing in the world and decoupling it from all the things that are supposed to matter in life, all the things that men are supposed to do to contribute to society. It destroys the social contract.

I don't have a problem impressing or attracting women btw, I just see the sickness for what it is

>> No.15463334

>Every sane society in history, primitive or civilized, forced men to earn women. Tribes always had specific rites that boys had to pass through to get the privilege of taking a wife. Civil societies gave parents a lot of sway in finding matches for their daughters, and being materially successful made you an eligible bachelor, and they'd invite you to tea parties or whatever to see if you hit it off.
that was the old days, before atheism and judo-bolshevism took over

>> No.15463499
File: 28 KB, 770x435, lolers loling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15463522

>not getting laid while in college while studying computer science.
Sucks to be you.

>> No.15463525
File: 7 KB, 170x207, Spr_menutv1_confirm_0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't have a problem impressing or attracting women btw, I just see the sickness for what it is

>> No.15463592
File: 562 KB, 1212x752, 1685041214291731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how it was in 1955. Things sure have changed for the worse since then. All thanks to (((progress)))

>> No.15463597

How were things in the 40s and 60s?

>> No.15463687

Pretty bad for Germany and Japan and Britain and France who lose everything together. Also pretty bad for China

>> No.15463697

Things were probably never good. We just had great marketing during the 50's.

>> No.15464404
File: 81 KB, 828x1012, 1683155211141022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats very popular with the "nothing is ever quite good enough to satisfy me" crowd.

>> No.15464734
File: 64 KB, 710x678, v5Lu1GCKyI3m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15465413

Life was so much better back then.

>> No.15465562

that comic doesn't show the "no fault divorce" that happens a couple months later when the bitch walks off with half him money plus alimony payments

>> No.15465619

there is truth in comedy

>> No.15465852


also this

>> No.15465862

Doesn't apply to me. I didn't get laid while studying math and physics. At least I'm not a CS pleb.

>> No.15465864

Remember what they took from you.

>> No.15465930

Aww sweetie there will always be illusions and bullshit. It’s simply too profitable a strategy

>> No.15465951

We still have advertising though

>> No.15465952

The final red pill is that the 6'4" Chads fucking the Staceys on the right are also STEM students and get better grades, jobs and salaries than the twinks on the left.

>> No.15465953

The 50s were pretty bad for Germany you stupid amerimutt

>> No.15465962

Pathetic men truly subscribe to this way of thinking, lol.
What could someone so insecure offer to a kindhearted partner?

>> No.15466016


>> No.15466940

A human typed this...

>> No.15466975

Anyone who posts this idiotic incel bullshit is clearly less smart than they think they are. As a former MIT student, Northeastern, BU, Tufts, Wellesley, Harvard and even Yale and Brown girls all come to MIT frat parties to fuck MIT guys.

>> No.15466980

(cont) you aren’t not getting pussy bc ur “smart,” you’re not getting pussy because some don’t want to fuck engineers from bottom-feeder schools like UIUC, UW, Cornell or Purdue

>> No.15466984
File: 28 KB, 730x358, 1668317443819646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15466992

i can tell you're from your state school. IU? UW? dw, it's okay to be retarded <3

>> No.15467151


>> No.15467662

Is it legal to put guaranteed frequent sex in a prenuptial agreement?

>> No.15469001

its funny because its true

>> No.15469028

>women love
>-public posturing
and serial killers,don't forget serial killers

>> No.15469033

>Girls want to fuck dudes from expensive colleges and well connected families.
They are not fucking them because they are smart. How much of an idiot can you be?

>> No.15469951
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>> No.15470994

>Be a little gay

>> No.15471001

You should be going out and having fun with friends of both sexes while you are young. Of course postponing "real life" as if the time you spend in education doesn't count, and having an impoverished view of the nature of relationships between men and women will set you up for disappointment.

>> No.15471039

>You should be going out and having fun with friends of both sexes while you are young.
This is true. It's also true that as a young man, it's a lot easier to do this if you're already married and your wife is part of that going out and having fun with friends of both sexes.

>> No.15471058

>>>Girls want to fuck dudes from expensive colleges and well connected families.
Lol if you weren't retarded you'd realize it's still easy to get into HYPSM without legacy. just don't be stupid

>> No.15471079

Or you could stop spending all your time on 4chan seething over imaginary scenarios and touch grass instead

>> No.15471866


>> No.15471875

This is bullshit incel garbage
Feynman was fucking bitches. You know Howard Hughes was fucking bitches
STEM is a field that's become populated by losers and that's why there hasn't been a true innovation in close to 20 years

>> No.15471880

If you believe "alpha fucks beta bucks" you're leigtimately too retarded to be posting on this board

>> No.15471885

Thats why men in their 30's fuck women in their 20's.

>> No.15472878

nerds all love the idea that since they suck at everything else, it means they must have big brains, as if life is an RPG and everyone starts with the same total number of points to invest in themselves in different categories. thats at odds with the theory of evolution, which says that some individuals are superior and the rest are inferior and should go extinct.
fact is that some people are just born lesser. shorter, uglier & stupider all go together to make up the inferior individual

>> No.15472922
File: 46 KB, 670x585, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear incels on this board are only this way because they only encounter westernized women. Yes women are all like this *IN THE WEST*. Get a passport and go to literally any other country.

South america / eastern europe / eastern asia
Pick your fetish and then pick your women. Foreign exchange programs are literally marrage vehicles. Marry a rich girl from another country and have her dad pay for your bills.

>> No.15473264

>Every sane society in history, primitive or civilized, forced men to earn women.
Ours is a sane society then, because you're certainly not getting with a woman these days if she deems you unworthy.

>> No.15473267

You mean conservatives?

>> No.15473675


>> No.15473978

Having spent years as a PhD student and then years as a postdoc, where salary was a pittance and no retirement benefits would ever be paid out, all women agree I am not worthy of them. I was even checked for credit worthiness once by someone at work, and then discussed briefly by the women in the lunch break. They concluded I was just a loss.

>> No.15474673


>> No.15475304
File: 49 KB, 600x356, DSC_0295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

contemporary piggly wiggly checkout staff
>the great replacement is just a conspiracy theory

>> No.15475403

>Reorganize yourself into a man that can live happy and prosper without female validation.

>> No.15475408
File: 172 KB, 678x5000, 1685502980315101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoeflation is the real killer. Why should men give more to receive less than their grandfathers?

>> No.15476261

60 years of "progress"

>> No.15476352

lot of simps and cucks in this thread god dayum

>> No.15476373

who cares when AI is kicking off and waifus will become reality in our lifetimes lmao

>> No.15476384

>schizophrenia comorbid with autism

>> No.15476401

women make shitty friends and shitty girlfriends
I don't know why anybody tolerates them anymore

>> No.15476507

This is the cold, hard truth

I've scientifically verified this postulation in the field through my own research, by the way

>> No.15476520

>Muh incel boogeyman

Go back

>> No.15476728

Why are they using Gucci and Fendi bed sheets?

>> No.15476745

>i have to go back to the mid 20th century to find 2 examples to prove my point
the rest of use can walk on to any college campus and find hundreds of contemporary examples that disprove your "evidence" the 1950s

>> No.15476769

I realized this inevitability too late. I fell for the 'study hard!1!' meme that my boomer parents shilled me. This is why I am building a robo waifu in my spare time. I also plan to start my own business and fix the books in such a way that I never pay taxes to this shit country ever again. Perhaps I will update this board when it is further along, but until then three dimensional women can eat dirt.

>> No.15476781
File: 741 KB, 1441x2048, Robo_Wife_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The inevitable fate of all STEM students

Problem free robo-wife

>> No.15477199
File: 84 KB, 800x536, C0077610-Cro-Magnon_Skull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yup, should've become a giga-chad instead of studying STEM because that was totally an option open to you
That's right, the development of the vast majority of human beings should be like that of supermodels, but processed food, lack of chewing and bad habits have created deformed bodies and faces with poor health.
If you analyze the skulls of the Paleolithic, they have the same features of today's supermodels, hunter's eyes, prominent chin and wide jaw, protruding face, prominent cheeks and wide faces.
The nerd stereotype is the same, asthma problems, posture problems (nerd neck), flat faces and receding chins, they have dental problems plus the use of orthodontics.
It is bad habits, food and lack of exercise that have wrecked the development of modern man.

Mewing, exercise, eating harder things and more animal fats.


>> No.15477324

post pics or you're lying

>> No.15477937

>Not attractive, rich or famous
Can confirm.

>> No.15478116

just think about how much worse it will inevitably get in the future after even more feminist atheistic soience progress

>> No.15478125

It's ok I'm not white (germanoid) so I don't have this problem.

>> No.15478818

if this isn't ironic, do you people just hate your mothers or something?

>> No.15478827

tits or gtfo, ma'am

>> No.15479117

>no pics

>> No.15479348

>Studied literature
>My cute autistic hapa weeb gf wants us to have a threesome with her best friend
Damn guess I made the right choice

>> No.15479439

Wrong. Women love excitement and only excitement. If you can convince them that you're interesting and can make their lives more interesting, that's literally all that matters.

>> No.15479476
File: 88 KB, 602x476, crying_cat_in_bed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you guys so depressive over this? How does this make you feel better? How does this help your loneliness? Why keep acting so self-destructive? I understand that struggling with finding someone is demoralizing, and there are better ways of dealing with it.

>> No.15479478
File: 73 KB, 680x719, fc9 ).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>third option
>fund/produce A.I. generated onlyfans models and real world sexbots with artificial wombs to monopolize the sex industry.

>> No.15479487

There is a comfort in utter hopelessness. If there is nothing you can do, you have no responsibility to do anything. As years go by it becomes harder and harder to accept anything else, because admitting any sort of responsibility for one's own situation comes with the dual shock of realising the dwindling time you have to walk the long path before you, and the wasted abyss of years behind you.

>> No.15480065

You have to fly to Tokyo and go to a maid cafe to get service like that these days. Back then it came free with the groceries.
So much progress, wtg science

>> No.15480079

>gig at boeing
no wonder he failed

>> No.15480773

"progressives" are just people who want to change things to their advantage, it plainly has nothing to do with progress

>> No.15480982

>Progress is not progress if it helps people I don't like

>> No.15481939

Ugly women hate things like that Piggly Wiggly picture because it highlights the hideousness of the ugly women. Ugly women bear that grade their entire lives and do everything they can to ruin anything that favors pretty women. They call this feminism, but its really uglyism.

>> No.15482121

That's very depressing.

>> No.15482155

I choose hookers.

>> No.15482215

But entirely true.

>> No.15482593
File: 105 KB, 602x342, bodycount.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you are delusional and fool yourself into believing a lie.

If you find a 18-24 year old she will be more upfront and will date you for reasons beyond money/desperation. Once women are out of Uni for a few years and the high of their life is over they begin to settle for these beta guys. If you date a 30 year old woman this meme is true. You know in the back of your mind if she was young again she would leave you so she settles for an easy life as her options fade. But she will always resent you for this fact and think she could do better. Even once her looks fade she will still always have the same entitlement of her 20 year old self. If she dated a guy better looking or richer etc she will always be thinking she deserved that man.

>Tldr do not date post wall women long term and don't fall for this shit women don't change. A 20 year old woman dating chads is not going to mature she only gets desperate so either get her when she's young or do not bother with anything long term

>> No.15482594

Women who don't choose you in their younger years do not really want you. So just don't cope later in life

>> No.15482595

Shit that graph is brutal...

>> No.15482877

That chart is misleading because of course you'd have more partners if you get divorced

>> No.15483681

lmao at the desperate cucks who go for used goods sluts

>> No.15483966

Or not get married in the first place.

>> No.15484159

She doesn't seem very enthusiastic about being his wife.

>> No.15484639

this, but any desperate nerd dumb enough to fall for that scam has gotten what he deserved

>> No.15485268

This was already a sign of the coming decay. Letting them have jobs was the first step towards them wanting "independence" aka being more loyal to their boss than their own family

>> No.15485320

>I'm thinking though that I could study such math by myself in the holidays
because no friends or social life

>> No.15486495

Unmarried women used to get jobs as means of hopefully meeting a husband. Same as they used to go college to get their Mrs. degree. Thats why nurses were all women, specifically they were women that wanted to marry a doctor.

>> No.15486700

Never get married.

You meet a woman, and things are actually pretty good. She acts like she really cares and you believe she truly does. So you get married, and things are still pretty good, maybe she puts on a few pounds but that’s whatever because she still treats you well and you love her. And then the first kid shows up and all of a sudden she just doesn’t have time for you anymore. You figure, that’s okay, young babies need a lot of time and energy, things will get better. But they don’t. So you cope up again and tell yourself it’s not so bad because it’s not like she’s being a bitch, she just doesn’t pay attention to you anymore. Then the resentment starts to grow inside you and after a few years you realize you’re miserable, and she’s miserable because she has a miserable husband. Once again that cope dial goes up another click and you tell yourself to white knuckle it for the sake of the kid, you can’t give up, it means you failed. And the years go by, you hit a certain age where other women start coming out of the wood work to tempt you, a forbidden oasis for a man trapped in a desert. So you run the numbers on what you’d lose in the divorce, grim stuff to say the least. Now your middle aged and a prisoner, a slave with no clear way out.

Never get married.

>> No.15487669


>> No.15487697

Just got a cute gf in last year of my math bacheler's. Cope

>> No.15488813

thats what prenuptial agreements are for

>> No.15488883

>there was a time when every young guy grabbing milk from the grocer's had an attractive girl chat him up in the checkout line
god dammit, it's not fair

>> No.15489821

half a dozen decades of "scientific progress" later and we're all much worse off.

>> No.15490590

Neither the incentive nor the opportunity is really there. It’s just material consumption. I’ve faced it, tried to find a way out, but all the paths appear blocked.

>> No.15490593

According to Darwin's theory of natural selection, being a noGF nerd doesn't mean that you're intelligent, it means that you're genetically inferior. Lots of nerds brag about their noGF status as indication of superiority, but according to Darwin it is only an indication of inferiority.

>> No.15490597

I’m not talking about nogf I’m talking about the economy and the dating market. I know a lot of good looking and moderately successful guys who have trouble getting laid. And the market literally discriminates against the competent in favor of diversity, let alone the pay and the hours.

>> No.15490606

i know. i dont care. just want to pass on my genes.

>> No.15490629

Someone recommend jobs

>> No.15490890
