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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15456169 No.15456169 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly do IQ tests determine? How reliable are they?

>> No.15456176

IQ tests were invented to identify retardation, not genius.

>> No.15456252

read this https://medium.com/incerto/iq-is-largely-a-pseudoscientific-swindle-f131c101ba39

>> No.15456297

>What exactly do IQ tests determine?
>How reliable are they?

>> No.15456315



>> No.15456330

>What exactly do IQ tests determine?
how well a person does on an IQ test
>How reliable are they?

>> No.15456358

g you mean
this was trashed like the day after it was published, taleb is a hack

>> No.15456392

>I need 30 seconds for a 100m run, maybe I'm not good at running
>my meal tastes blande and burnt, maybe I'm not good at cooking
>my painting only consists of stick figures, maybe I'm not good at drawing
>I scored only average on the IQ test - that absolutely can't be!!! I'm smart and the test must be fake and bullshit!!!!
Why are brainlets like that?

>> No.15456409

I started with squatting an empty bar and I didn't tell myself I wasn't good at it, I've squatted 500lbs for reps by sticking with it. I suck at bench press though.

>> No.15456416
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>> No.15456458

>this cope

>> No.15456650

According to everyone that takes it:
>It doesn't actually measure intelligence when they get a lower than expected score.
>It measures intelligence only when they get an impressively high score.
>It doesn't measure intelligence when an AI scores higher than most humans.

>> No.15456656

Yes, it was invented to identify you, because you would have to be retarded to think that inventions can't be extended and improved over time

>> No.15456659

Full scale IQ test is to intelligence as decathlon is to athletic ability

>> No.15456680

Funny that I would see this post after taking a proctored IQ test.

IQ tests determine "G", or general intelligence. This is a common factor that determines verbal intelligence, logical reasoning, working memory, visual spatial processing, and processing speed (all of these can be changed by other factors). G is correlated with income, educational attainment, and social skills (though these correlations decline over 130). All subtests on an IQ test tend to correlate more or less due to G, but they grow apart at 140+. Unfortunately, there is no known way to increase G.

Proctored IQ tests are the only accurate ones (95+). Online tests are cheap, second rate copies at best.

>> No.15456682

Blows my mind how people are surprised when the AI is more intelligent than the human. An AI already beat the world's best chess player.

If computers and algorithms weren't more intelligent than humans, why the fuck would we make them? Are you also surprised that the car goes faster than the man?

>> No.15456710

Sorry I meant ~95+%

>> No.15456741

To abstract means extract the relevant aspects of an object in a given context in order to only work with them to solve a problem.

The backtracking problem solving strategy is the most basic one and means trial an error. Brute force. The larger the number of variables involved, the more memory and speed you need in order to solve a problem with limited time. It is basically the main strategy - the other strategies are shortcuts over it - you either break a problem into smaller ones to backtrack over them or reduce the number of variables using heuristics (intuition based guesswork) to backtrack on it.

In IQ tests you're required to abstract over a given set of objects and backtrack using elementary heuristics. That takes perception capabilities (to abstract), planning capacity (to determine how the backtracking will proceed) and memory + speed to solve the problem.

These abilities are the heart of any abstract problem solving (which is what got up to this point in evolution and what set us apart from animals), and anyone who says otherwise is just wrong (or probably is resentful for getting bad scores).

>> No.15456784


>> No.15456853

I dont want to make yet another IQ test so I'm posting in here
Anon dropped this non-verbal and spatial ability test on the other board couple of days ago and I wanted to see if it inflates score
if anyone is interested in taking the test:
it's locked behind account creation and payment so it may be better than avarge free online test
anon dropped 100% disscount code for both tests, it's "fren" so you just have to make an account

>> No.15456867

Intelligence is largely superficial. All men are born equal, and it is up to you to decide what your "IQ" is, and bar some mental illness or brain damage, anyone can become the next Newton or Maxwell,

>> No.15456878
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IQ tests have become largely redundant:
Individuals who attack the IQ concept as "unfair," "biased," "obsolete," or "pseudoscience" are coprophagic morons trying to cope with their stupidity, so the actual test is not necessary.

>> No.15456882

Weak bait

>> No.15456890

Most humans are too distracted to ever have the chance to ponder and reflect. If you locked the average "100" IQ Joe in a room with a pen and paper, a treadmill, and ample living necessities, within a decade he would self-teach himself enough mathematics to solve a Millennium Prize Problem.

>> No.15456906

Source: Karl Marx

>> No.15456911

They determine how well you will function in a westernized society. >>15456176 is true too you might want to check 4chan anons sources and maybe someone like taleb or whatever to get a full picture of the debate

>> No.15456913

Tabula-rasacels never get it do they

>> No.15456915

To add to my assertation in the first sentence, you have 100+ avg iq asians and upper class indians doing really well in US and Europe but historically did not contribute much compared to westerners.

>> No.15458272


> Trashed

Bahaha by bum statistically challenged psychologists / psycho"metricians" who invested their whole life into this fraudulent bullshit. Lmao Nassim Taliban absolutely made them seeeeethe. No relationship between results in life and IQ beyond 100 IQ. Net worth / IQ ...nothin lmao. ChatGPT beautifully rapes the whole IQ crowd.Finally there will be no more discussion when it solves all of those synthetic problems. True intellect is deep understanding,not seeing "patterns" everywhere.

>> No.15458282

I've tested 144 IQ as an adult, apparently IQ is >50% hereditary for adults, does it mean that my parents and siblings are also at least somewhat high IQ?

>> No.15458306

>are coprophagic morons trying to cope with their stupidity, s
virtually without exception, everyone who attacks the concept of iq (or "g") is not starting from evidence but from the faith-based ideological precept that humans are uniformly equal blank slates at birth, so to say some are simply born with greater intellectual potential than others is heretical blasphemy (or "problematic" in modern terminology) and should be summarily dismissed. as always, reality (in their minds, it's just a web of socially constructed power games and narratives anyway) must bend to ideology.

>> No.15458324

What the fuck happened to Taleb? Something about the 3 short Covid years destroyed his brain. I don't get it. He's fat and old so he got Covid. NO SHIT. What does that have to do with me? Fucking asshole.

>> No.15458396

Can't tell if sarcastic reply or genuine case of autism

>> No.15458411

This is a Taleb thread. My opinion is that Taleb is an idiot who believes EVERYTHING Fauci told him.
Is there any opinion Taleb has ever expressed contrary to Fauci?

>> No.15458427

Taleb is a useful idiot. It's the one thing he hated, and the one thing he couldn't help attaching himself to.

>> No.15459471

>Starting strength

>> No.15459473

Explain people scoring 140 while being obviously retarded.

>> No.15459477

140 is peak midwit.

>> No.15459478

No way you read anything that he wrote.

>> No.15459481

I think it's more pike we face a crazy cult who sabotages everyone who doesn't conform to its fake crazy metric.

>> No.15459482

They determine intelligence quotients pretty well.

>> No.15459500
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IQ tests mesure how dumb you are, not how smart you are

turns out murifats are so retarded they don't understand the nuance and they spout out hundreds of iq threads kek

>> No.15459827

85 IQ detected
Do you want your chocolate milk in a little babby bottle?

>> No.15459857

Your potential, if you are born without a hand you will never be a "pro-gamer"

>> No.15459873

Anyone have a thesis why 120 IQ is the precise inflection point when people stop having valueless input, and they start becoming worthwhile to pay attention to?
It's not just the 4chan meme that 100-120 is midwit country. There have been studies that 120 is when people start being creative, as in, they can actually create artistic works instead of merely producing semi-transformative parodies of earlier work.

>> No.15459889

Cope and wrong.

>> No.15459891

/sci/ says 115 to 145 is midwit range

>> No.15459918

Damn nice

>> No.15460125

>What exactly do IQ tests determine?
They measure whiteness

>> No.15460367

Its 139, and i was on anti psychotics when i took the test.

>> No.15460394
File: 62 KB, 976x549, _122247422_pills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You choose

I tell you what shill ranking means
Or you stay in wonderland

>> No.15460423

it determines your ability to solve manmade problems with manmade outcomes and repeat what you have been told.

>> No.15460509
File: 41 KB, 500x500, 52z2g0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ~110-120.

>> No.15460517

Asians and Jews are the whitest.

>> No.15460765

>What exactly do IQ tests determine?
Not intelligence just because you mighy score high and still do unintelligent things

>> No.15460872


>> No.15460880

>What exactly do IQ tests determine?
Pattern recognition, logical thinking skills
>How reliable are they?
Apparently they're very accurate, since people tend to seethe and shit themselves in frustration when they don't get a high enough score. I say this because an inaccurate test wouldn't be held in such high regard.

>> No.15460924

You mean the glorified search engine that's been throttled and censored every single time the developers caught it saying something remotely controversial?

>> No.15461460

It isn't anything like it. Autism may prevemt it if anything.

>> No.15461490

Lol it took Perelman ten years to solve the Poincare conjecture after meeting up with that American geometer. It took roughly the same amount of time for that British mathematician to solve fermats theorem. You must be a retard if you believe otherwise.

>> No.15462091

>If you locked the average "100" IQ Joe in a room with a pen and paper, a treadmill, and ample living necessities, within a decade he would self-teach himself enough mathematics to solve a Millennium Prize Problem.
normies kill themselves if they dont have a distraction within 5min