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15454377 No.15454377 [Reply] [Original]

Science retracts coral reef recovery paper more than a year after a report on allegations in its own pages


Fifteen months after its news division published an investigation into work on coral reef recovery, Science has retracted a 2014 paper on the subject.

The article, “Chemically mediated behavior of recruiting corals and fishes: A tipping point that may limit reef recovery,” was written by a group at Georgia Institute of Technology led by Danielle Dixson, then a postdoc at the university. Science issued an expression of concern in February of this year, as we reported then.

According to the retraction notice, signed by Science editor in chief Holden Thorp, the University of Delaware, Lewes, where Dixson has been running her own lab, “no longer [has] confidence in the validity of the data”:

>On 22 August 2014, Science published the Research Article “Chemically mediated behavior of recruiting corals and fishes: A tipping point that may limit reef recovery” by D. L. Dixson et al. (1). On 17 February, we published an Editorial Expression of Concern (2) after being made aware of data manipulation accusations pertaining to this paper. In August, the University of Delaware informed us that the data in Figs. 1A, 2, 3, and 4 were questioned and that they no longer have confidence in the validity of the data. In agreement with the recommendation of the University of Delaware, Science is retracting the paper.

>> No.15454550

HAHAHA OH WOW is yet another environmentalist "end of the world" doomsday scenario turning out to be just a bunch of lies cobbled together by unethical scientists.
what a massive surprise
nothing like this has ever happened before
how totally unexpected

>> No.15454587 [DELETED] 


>> No.15454622

yeah go back there

>> No.15454629

>peer review working as it should
>science denialists masturbate furiously

>> No.15454632

Dude how are you still awake, that is not healthy

>> No.15454658

He gets paid by the post I assume.

>> No.15454663

> awake not healthy
go to sleep, shill, permanently, save yourself

>> No.15454870
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Well it looks like once again the mentally ill global warming doomsday crowd has been busted lying in order to forward their false narrative about nature being on the verge of death from too much plant food in the atmosphere.

>> No.15454895

>Science editor in chief Holden Thorp
Good name for an editor or censor

>> No.15455027

it should be "fossil fuels depletion is near"

>> No.15455945
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Ocean acidification is yet another sºyence doomsday lie that is intended to result in a bug cash grab for government and their sºyence servants

>> No.15457084

>hey goy, we need you to pay more taxes for
>ocean acidification
>yeah, thats it
>give us all you money goy, the ocean needs it

>> No.15457088

Why are we pretending like carbonated drinks aren't acidic?

>> No.15458133

>peer review working as it should
it should for e retraction nine years after publication? until yesterday it was supposed to prevent publishing it in the first place.

>> No.15458650

retractions are never followed by reassessment of all publications citing the retracted article. why not?

>> No.15459489


>> No.15460858

lack of genuine interest in scientific knowledge and truth by the authors

>> No.15461632
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Oceans' pH is over 8.1, its not even slightly acidic. The proper term would be debasement, but the global banking cartel could never let that come into common usage

>> No.15461645

It's good that it has been retracted, but let's not kid ourselves: It shouldn't have been published in the first place.
Also, why did it take nine fucking years for anyone to notice?

>> No.15462404


>A suspicious student started a record of his doubts while the work was going on, but it took from 2014 until now to get this done?
So it was noticed pretty much immewdiately, but THEN it took 10 years to clean out this sordid mess. And the reason is often prestige. Also from the same link:
>Get it? Female. Identity politics is now the last refuge of scoundrels.

The majority have not even the slightest idea of the enormity of the problems in science these days. More people ask "Where is my jetpack!?" but things would improve if they followed up on this question to see why we hit stagnation.

>> No.15462430

Just adding to this an example on how real scientists are treated when uncovering filth:
I put it in archive since I expect the author to delete his tweet any time now.

>> No.15462500

>It's good that it has been retracted, but let's not kid ourselves: It shouldn't have been published in the first place.
This is how I feel about the bible, the quaran, and basically any cult religion.

>> No.15462509

Do you think environmentalists will celebrate now that it's proven that ocean acidification is fake?

>> No.15462624

God bless Paul Prudhomme

>> No.15462755

The paper is not on ocean acidification itself though. That’s a basic observation. It’s about fish behavior

>> No.15462765

It's a basic observation that there is no relationship between CO2 and ocean ph, yes.

>> No.15462767

add ocean acidification to the list. acid rain is already on there, what are the going to claim is dying of acidification next?
what about alkalinity, how come they've never used that as a means of falsely claiming doomsday is on the horizon?

>> No.15462776

>what about alkalinity, how come they've never used that as a means of falsely claiming doomsday is on the horizon?
When they think they can demand social control using it they will.

>> No.15462829 [DELETED] 
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F U climate change deniers

>> No.15462833
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F U climate change deniers.

>> No.15462894

This doesn't have a god damned thing to do with climate change. I mean I know it's been intentionally cultivated to short-circuit any sort of actual environmental action, but not every environmental issue is "MUH CLIMATE CHANGE" and it fucking disgusts me there are enough NPCs for this kind of basic bitch tier propaganda to find purchase. Take birds for example. This is a group of animals whose extinctions rely almost 100% on humans just fucking shooting them. The same is true of all large mammals.

>> No.15462914

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>peer reviewing
>>>>>>>>>>>took 9 years to retract a paper
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>was reviewed and citated by dozens if not hundreds of other """""""""""""""""""""""""scientists"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
You should literally kill yourself
what a fucking sham Science is.

>> No.15462921

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>he thinks penguins and birds are dying because the temperature might be 1 degree warmer in 20 years
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>he thinks butterflies are dying en masse because there might be a 1 degree temperature difference in 20 years time (maybe citation needed)
I'm fucking laffin
If those worthless garbage species were so utterly incapable of survival unless their exact environmental variables were maintained constantly then they are not worth saving as they are evolutionary incapable.
Also they would have died out during the Little Ice Age, the Medieval Warm Period, the Roman Warm Period, the Bronze Age Warm period, the Holocene Climatic Optimum, or maybe the previous fucking Ice Age.
Or are you the type of retard who thinks the species of this era developed after the fucking Ice Age?
Climate change is a fucking sham beyond shams.

>> No.15462939

ignore all female publications in every capacity
do not acknowledge their existence

>> No.15462951

Damn I guess the conspiracy even came for pH meters

>> No.15462953
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>> No.15462955

You basedentists just want to deflect blame from agricultural pollutants so you blame a harmless gas for the results of billions of tons of annual fertilizer and sewage runoff.

>> No.15462956

trannies like you will never be women