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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15452099 No.15452099 [Reply] [Original]

115 IQ
>Maybe I'll become a teacher/lawyer/manager
145 IQ
>Maybe I'll become a mathematician/scientist
130 IQ

It can't be just me, right?

>> No.15452111

Just be a scientist or mathematician. You may not think you're bright enough to cut it, but I guarantee you can find some folks who did manage to cut it who aren't as bright as you.

>> No.15452113
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University is a scam and science is the art of bullshitting.
Believing a bunch of monkeys in lab coats know the laws of the universe is a very brainwashed attitude.

>> No.15452114

Thanks. I've always wanted to become a mathematician, but the nagging insecurity has been a bit much.

I hear somewhere that the average IQ is 145 (bullshit), and I feel bad because I can't cut it.
I then hear that their average is 115 (also bullshit), and I feel bad for "polluting science and math" with my sub-genius IQ.

I've read a few studies on this, and the average mathematician IQ is 130. This has done nothing to stop my insecurity.

>> No.15452115

And who does know? Internet shitposters?

>> No.15452119
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>> No.15452121
File: 72 KB, 624x624, brainwashed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humble yourselves before God, soientists.

>> No.15452125

>115 IQ

maybe i'll get affirmative action, cry in my professor's office and become a scientist :>

>> No.15452129

I became a mathematician with a 95 IQ. It's not that hard desu.

>> No.15452130

not science or math

>> No.15452131

Do you remember which test you took?

>> No.15452135

I don't remember. I got tested back around 1998. I remember having to piece together blocks as an image, drawing some shapes, remembering a few numbers etc. Was all pen and paper.

>> No.15452138
File: 36 KB, 340x178, 1684249317832730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

130 IQ is literally the sweet spot for traditional measures of success in life, you don't know what you're complaining about

>The probability of entering and remaining in an intellectually elite profession such as Physician, Judge, Professor, Scientist, Corporate Executive, etc. increases with IQ to about 133. It then falls about 1/3 by 140. By 150 IQ the probability has fallen by 97%!

>> No.15452245

Yes, but the trouble comes from not being mathematically gifted. It seems silly, but I feel awful about not being able to make significant contributions.

>> No.15452255

have you tried talking about yourself on social media?

>> No.15452256

didn't work

>> No.15452265

If you had a high IQ you'd know nobody is gifted in anything.

They're excluded because institutions don't like people that rock the boat.

>> No.15452266

If you have a high IQ and you're not an NPC then start a business. You need to understand you're not like most people and take advantage of it or life will fuck you up. Trust me I've been through some shit.

>> No.15452275

I could acquire money for the sake of acquiring money, but that's not really how I want to live my life. I truly do care about proof-based mathematics. I could retire at 50 with my money and study math then, but I will have to work myself gray-haired for money that I don't care about. A mathematicians salary of 100k a year is more than good enough for me.

>> No.15452290

how does this help, anon?

>> No.15452372

It should help OP and/or you to realize that the standard by which you measure yourself isn't what matters in this context. What matters is if you can meet the standards of the gatekeepers. And people far dumber than OP (and maybe you) have done so. So if OP (or you) would enjoy a career in math or science, give it a shot.

>> No.15452394

most scientists are 120-130 midwit core, you'll do fantastic

>> No.15452521

have you tried talking about yourself on social media?

>> No.15452524

stop being a retard, that's your subpar IQ speaking.
just do math if you like that
IQ is for classifying retards

>> No.15452611

You can't be that smart if you think your best choices involve being a state employee instead of the private sector.

>> No.15453075

Shut the fuck up, actually do something and stick the cope up your ass. I fucking hate man children so much it's unreal

>> No.15453083

My brother dropped out in the first grade and has 137 iq on the wais he also has autism like me anyways if iq holds you back your a pussy

>> No.15453089

Also it all depends where your g is located in if you have high spatial intelligence you would do good in math 130 iq means nothing if we don’t know how its scattered

>> No.15453127

At least you're not a useless midwit like me anon.
I took this test: https://mensa.dk/iqtest/
My result was 115, but I always knew I was mediocre in everything. If I really was someone special, my life would have been much better so far.

You are on the verge of greatness, seize it. Take comfort in knowing that you are intelectually superior than 90% of humanity.

I wish you luck, because (You) can make sonething good out of your life.

>> No.15453169

>Take comfort in knowing that you are intelectually superior than 90% of humanity.
In fact superior to 97% of all Whites and East Asian and superior to 99,8% of all the other races

>> No.15453191

Even better. I hope, considering that fact that there is still a chance for someone mediocre like me.

>> No.15453259
File: 74 KB, 1439x763, retardedmaybe..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I may be retarded bros...I don't feel so good ;_;

>> No.15453262

None of you have an IQ more than one standard deviation above the mean
You all took online tests that exist to scam you
IQ tests require a proctor to be present

>> No.15453452

That's not how g works. G is supposed to be the factor that explains variance in all types of problems. The idea of multiple intelligences is not compatible with the theory of IQ, as the latter claims that success in one type of problem set is correlated with success in all other types of problem sets

>> No.15453860

I have exactly 133, and while I obviously could not split myself like an amoeba and pursue several careers as lawyer, doctor, etc. I do feel with my intellectual set of tools it'd be trivial to enter any such career. Note: I talk about "career", which is only partially coterminous with "field". E.g. I think I could become a well-cited mathematician, but obviously with 133 IQ I can't grasp everything in math (effortlessly).
The thing is: people are like dogs to me. They are like like toy automata. They are so predictable. I have extremely high empathy and know which buttons to press in 99.9% if I want to have my way.
133 IQ is almost a parody of "doing human". It's the admin account. It grants superuser privileges. It's a dev console.
Reading a r/AskReddit etc. comment by a 98 IQ Redditor is literally an identical experience, minus euphoria, of humouring a dog. Maybe a puppy. Genuinely.
For the record, I am an INTP, not as one might expect an INTJ. Just because people and their modi operandi are open books to me doesn't mean I make use of it. I also don't have any egoistic and machiavallien designs, so why should I make use of my "code inspection" tool? This ties back to my initial point: With 133 IQ one can -- or at least I can -- seize any career at a successful (not necessarily famous, of course) level. Modulo all the work, diligence needed, all careers reduce essentially to the same interpersonal social operations, and people always behave, act, and feel in very predictable ways. If some unicorn does not fit the bill, it just strengthens the general case.

>> No.15453865

>IQ tests require a proctor to be present
IQ tests require a proctor to be accurate*
That's unfortunate

>> No.15453884

The tests are also not good, to say the least. There can be a variety of reasons people score badly, who are very bright, or people score well, who trained themselves to answer the questions as expected.
I can score a very high in spatial, and still not see an object sitting in front of my face on a table or solve a Rubicks Cube in a reasonable amount of time.
This is a wonderful copypasta

>> No.15453906

Subgenius is cruelest part of the curve.

>> No.15453913 [DELETED] 

>For the record, I am an INTP, not as one might expect an INTJ.

>Claims to be "admin level smart".
>Falls for astrology.

>> No.15453924

Alright, let's analyze you.
1. For starters, do you think it's possible for me to -- some day, some mood -- test as, say, an ESFJ?

2. Do you think my birth month determined my "INTPness"? Of course not, it's ~1/12 chance what month I was born.
Does this same ~1/n calculus apply to the JMB personality types, for me, for you, or for an arbitrary test taker?

>> No.15453985

not the anon you're responding to, but
>Do you think my birth month determined my "INTPness"? Of course not,
Absolutely, birth month correlates with many things depending on the region.

>> No.15454067

Birth month correlates only insofar as arbitrary human deadlines in youth change the environment. It's the difference between being the oldest or youngest in your school class basically and all the changes that come with that

>> No.15454112

>>Falls for astrology.
How did this meme start? It's so retarded, and every NPC keeps repeating it. It's obviously not astrology. It's a test that asks, "what kind of a person are you?" You answer, "I'm like INTP", and it replies, "You're INTP". How is that different from any other characteristic? Some people are smart, others are creative. Some are artistic, and some are depressive. Using a test to figure out if one of these is relevant to an individual, and then describing him as such is obviously not astrology, is it?

>> No.15454123

I never thought of it in that sense, thanks.

>> No.15454133

Become an engineer

>> No.15454170

115 does not make you mediocre in everything, only in extremely g heavy subjects. You are capable of making something of yourself. Avg IQ of self made millionaires is 118.

>> No.15454173

I actually did take the WISC when I was young (OP)

>> No.15454203

or an architect

>> No.15454355


>We already know that elites have an average IQ of about 125 (R16 128) which implies that the audience that is to be convinced by the elites has a mean R16IQ of 108 (D15IQ is about the same under 120 IQ). People with R16IQs below 98, after Hollingworth, are not effective followers and in a modern meritocracy are essentially disenfranchised and in the public discourse, essentially 'The Clueless'. It means that the 'The Followers' in the public discourse have a R16IQ mode of 108 R16IQ and 'The Leaders' have a R16IQ mode of 128 (125 D15IQ). These calculations provide us with a theoretical understanding of why the intellectually elite professions so consistently have mean D15IQs of 125.

In free markets people choose to whom they listen. In other words, in audiences dominated by high school graduates, who average around 105 IQ, the successful leaders will have an average IQ of 105+20=125. Speakers with R16IQs over 105+30=135 (D15IQ130) will be cancelled from radio, fired from TV and print or not elected because they confuse rather than enlighten their audience. A college educated audience (115 IQ) will be most convinced by a R16IQ of 115+20=135 and confused by a 115+30=145 R16IQ (140 D15IQ).

If you're not 115 to 125 IQ you're NGMI

>> No.15454393

tfw I'm 118 IQ working in a factory

>> No.15454395

To keep getting a different IQ score every time?

>> No.15454415
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Being a scientist or mathematician is way too much work, just because you can do something doesn't mean you want to.
I fell into a computational linguistics job and then got my shit rocked by autoimmune disease
Motivation and opportunity count for a fuckload more than IQ

These days I mostly just marvel at how badly the internet has fucked discourse and how the absolute worst and most manipulative rhetorical tactics have become wildly successful and self-replicating while proper critical thinking is all but dead

I sometimes sit and reflect on how absurd it is that a spin off of 2ch made for weird teenagers to talk about anime became the bleeding edge for propaganda, and how IRC with a dark mode and no privacy became everything boomer parents thought AIM was

>> No.15454423
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Imagine working lmao, only retards work in the first place and going to school is abuse.

I keep getting messages from the simulation that I'm needed and I have to lead them to save them but I'm taking this loop off, maybe next time simulation.

>> No.15454431
File: 377 KB, 1139x851, sdasfadf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>138 IQ
>just 7 points away from greatness
Like going to Heaven, but God locked the pearly gates
Or dropping the last ice cream from the ice cream man

Jokes aside, just do what your heart desires OP. Remember, you only live once.

>> No.15454434

>t. just discovered html modification

>> No.15454492

I should've become an architect :(

>> No.15454498

>took pirated copy of 1980s SAT
>report score to reddit and someone claims I have a 137 IQ
Is this trustworthy?

>> No.15454509
File: 26 KB, 334x506, the_based_one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sub 60 IQ
God loves you
>85 IQ
God loves you
>100 IQ
God loves you
>115 IQ
God loves you
>130 IQ
God loves you
>145+ IQ
God loves you

We are all children of God and have inherent value. Do not envy others. Keep to faith and hope. We will all find purpose in the joy of the divine substance.

>> No.15454519

Irresistibly based

>> No.15454723

become an optometrist

>> No.15454730

Professional intelectual pursuits are vanity

Grow a pair and try to get rich instead

>> No.15455352

>Professional intelectual pursuits are vanity

And money for the sake of money isn't vanity?

>> No.15455357

Yes, you are the only person who thinks they have an IQ around 130 and have issues figuring out a job to have...

>> No.15455360

Is that really true? I highly doubt that anyone could copy the achievements of Russel or Neumann without having a staggering logical skill

>> No.15455381

For the sake of good food, good house, good education for you children good health care, trips and, mainly, quality pussy.

If you dont understand that youre a juvenile who has a lot to learn. Do it before its too late

>> No.15455398

>These days I mostly just marvel at how badly the internet has fucked discourse and how the absolute worst
Moderator and admin was always were power lied. And oh boy can they have an enormous outsized impact.

>> No.15455493

>I heard somewhere
>I've read a few studies
>so I feel bad because I can't cut it

your iq is 85, don't bother

>> No.15455501

Just do what I'm doing. Chillax! I study on my own time and just work a part time job, live with my parents, and invest my income. If you don't have that resource, I'm sure you can find some fellow +2sd's to roommate with. Also if you do want to work towards a prestigious career path, grad school in something like math or physics is a good idea. It's better to be in an environment of people above you than below you, assuming the environment is safe, which universities generally are.

>> No.15455503
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>> No.15455508
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>if you dont want the products and the booba youre a manchild!!!!

>> No.15455510

Best post so far
Atheists btfo

>> No.15455604

Half of those are pointless hedonism, and the other half do not require extreme amounts of wealth.

>> No.15455813

The problem with young people is that it is of no help to warn them. At least I tried. One day you will remember this...

>> No.15456338

JFC, the 4channers have managed to convince you that a 120s IQ is retarded. Remember that the average IQ of this board is below 115.

>> No.15456371

I'm a scientist but I don't know my IQ. What now?

>> No.15456386

Do you produce quality research?
If yes, then you need not care

>> No.15456436

IQ thread. Instant ironic 60 IQ.

>> No.15456603

Pointless reply. Instant unironic 80 IQ.

>> No.15456846

I dont want to make yet another IQ test so I'm posting in here
Anon dropped this non-verbal and spatial ability test on the other board couple of days ago and I wanted to see if it inflates score
it's locked behind account creation and payment so it may be better than avarge free online test
anon dropped 100% disscount code for bot tests, it's "fren" so you just have to make an account
if anyone is interested in taking the test:

>> No.15457488

I'll take it after I get back from work. Seems interesting.

>> No.15458975
File: 29 KB, 558x531, 986598698132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Born with the drive to understand how everything around me and the universe works, cursed to never comprehend it :(

How can I even cope? Do I larp by schitzo claiming that God never wanted me to understand its creation because it feared of what I may discover?

>> No.15459003

115 IQ? Maybe become a technician or a mechanic

>> No.15460049

be a tradie but be the big fish in the pond. Unironically there are some lucritive, high skill jobs being an electrition. thats if you specifically want to make alot of money and dont mind being a tradie. Otherwise you can do a 115 job, big fish reasoning still applies although you wont make as much money. Or code lmao.

>> No.15460055

+20, not bad >>15456436 :DD