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15450457 No.15450457 [Reply] [Original]


what did nature mean by this?

>> No.15450475

historical people didn't get acne like this. it's something about modern society

>> No.15450499

I'm not sure about that. This se answer lists a number of instances from ancient sources
>Some Egyptian writings have mentioned that Pharaohs suffered from acne and had also made efforts to resolve it

>> No.15450505

Severe acne is genetically linked to coffee/tea consumption. It's meant to signal that your ancestors worked long physical jobs which required caffeinated beverages, and thus are unfit in modern society now that we have moved to complex, nonphysical work. It's evolution before our eyes.

>> No.15450507

I used to have acne, not that bad though, maybe 1/4 that bad. Hormones play a role obviously and that can be affected somewhat by bad diet etc, but one of the major things to avoid doing is getting dirt on your face. If you need to touch your face then wash your hands properly first, and wash your face once a day, and change your pillow case every other day is important too and just avoid touching your face with anything. Sounds obvious I guess but I didn't really consciously try to do it until my late 20s but it helped a lot. Before that I might squeeze a pimple or something with dirty hands which just gave me more pimples in the surrounding area. I did manual labor work for a bit too and I noticed my acne got a fair bit worse during that time and I think it was because I was constantly touching my face throughout the day wiping away sweat and stuff with the back of my hand, what I should have done was take a clean handtowel or handkerchief to work every day and used that instead

>> No.15450515

stop posting

washing pillows helps a lot

>> No.15450517

Maybe yeah, but zits/pimples are caused by the oils of your skin or dirt etc getting trapped in the hair follicles which causes the surrounding area to become inflamed. If there was no oil or dirt or dead skin cells on your face you wouldn't get acne, though that is easier said than done

>> No.15450619

Pretty sure nature intended to fuck us all over. I used to believe nature had pure intentions. Now I fucking hate her.

>> No.15451262

>If there was no oil or dirt or dead skin cells on your face you wouldn't get acne, though that is easier said than done
Yeah, pretty much. Nobody is trying to convince acne chuds to wash their faces with soap and water multiple times a day.
Instead they get told facewashing is bad. "It will dry your skin out and cause more acne!" "You have to pay for special creams or pills or whatever."

>> No.15451286

Pharaohs were inbred, dysgenic aristocrats who ate shitty diets for their era.

>> No.15451557

Washing your face multiple times a day is literally what will cause more oil production retard.

>> No.15451654
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>just leave sweaty oily garbage on your face all day

>> No.15451661

I used to have this.
No joke. Stop eating cheese. Cut down on all other dairy, but cheese caused me to have cystic acne.
Secondly put a clean towel on your pillow case every night.
Wash your face with basic soap and use oil free moisturizer.
Try and get benzoyl peroxide cream put on every night.
Combination of all these actions cleared up 98% of my acne.

>> No.15451663

Forgot to mention, shower every morning wash your face and wash your face just before you go to bed.

>> No.15451975

There's clearly something wrong with you so an attempt to procreate would be detrimental to your group's survival. This is nature's way of warning your potential (lol) partners not to waste energy on you.

>> No.15452006

I used to have pretty bad acne. Accutane fixed it permanently with no side effects. I never get pimples anymore.

>> No.15452040

I don’t think acne is genetic for most people at all. It’s probably just environment and food (and being dirty). When I went to Iraq no one had acne and they thought I was weird for having the little I had. I mean I’ve been not taking care of myself recently and it’s coming back

>> No.15452073

Acne is autoimmune.
Allergy to substances produced by your own body.
It's caused by too much hygiene in formative years.

>> No.15452112
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>Stop eating cheese
That thing, I just cannot do it.
Cheese is my life.
>Secondly put a clean towel on your pillow case every night.
Why not just change the pillowcase every night?

>> No.15452194
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- No fast food, no soda, no exception.
- Daily shower.
- Cleaned pillow cover every night.

Lel no,

>> No.15452307

Acne past the age of 17 is strange to me. It's like a random curse. I like most people haven't had more than 1 zit since I was in HS

>> No.15452314

>tfw don't shower more than monthly and drink and eat any trash I want
>no acne in a decade
>naturally dry skin master race
Though my bed sheet is covered in skin flakes, got real awkward when I first had my gf over and she was playing with the flakes on my bed like it was a game

>> No.15452326
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>> No.15452467

Everyone has a little bit of acne

>> No.15452492

>they get told facewashing is bad.
yes it is bad. when i washed my face too much i'd get flaky dry patches around the T zone that would take forever to heal, and that i couldn't apply moisturizer either as that was still acne prone skin. thank god that shit is over, it feels really crippling to live like that.

>It's caused by too much hygiene in formative years.

>- No fast food, no soda, no exception.
i wasn't even allowed to consume goyslop

>drink and eat any trash I want
me too. i was forbid from eating what i liked during formative years, but now i have no acne anymore and i make my own food. i have steak everyday, smear the pan with butter, pan pizza every other day, fries every other day, soda every single day, i buy chocolate in large bulks (2kg or more) every month

>> No.15452700

It's literally getting poisoned.

Egyptians ate lead and arsenics.
And we inject our children with:
>aluminium hydroxide, hydrated (Al(OH)3) (neurotoxin)
>aluminium phosphate (AlPO4) (neurotoxin)
>mannitol and sorbitol sugar alcohols (fucking up blood sugar levels)
>lactose (just sugar)
>neomycin, Neomycin sulphate and polymyxin (toxic antibiotics)
>toxic dye (Phenol Red, toxic)
>formaldehyde (toxic and carcinogenic)
>para-aminobenzoic acid (causes skin reactions, allergies and bronchspasm)

And they sometimes inject this crap specifically intradermal and not intramuskular.

>> No.15452728

I unironically look like this
It's so over

>> No.15452734

you can have acne and have social life lol

>> No.15452765

You are stupid. I had that exact experience. Washing my face once per day (twice if you count showers) was better than when I was washing it 4 times per day. The only acne products that helped were accutane and shea butter black soap. All the expensive bullshit is a scam

>> No.15452774

body positive retards dont count

>> No.15452789

yeah, even if you exclude them, 1/10 people with acne can still have social life

>> No.15452795

>what did nature mean by this?
I think that was the USA, not nature.

>> No.15452832

Depends on the person, but in general I think it is good practice to wash your face once a day, maybe in the evening as opposed to morning

>> No.15452898

no 10/10 would date a skin cripple at any serious capacity. you're relegated to people who look even worse than you, or people who will try to gaslight you and act like they don't mind it (they do). i'd definitely use the latter for sex though.

>> No.15452976

Stop eating shit food, anything that contains refined sugar, anything thats deep fried. Go get some sunlight and the radiation will kill the bacteria. Eating sugar feeds it.

>> No.15452978

thread is about social life not sex life.

>> No.15453218

>tfw don't shower more than monthly
Holy shit...

>> No.15453223

>your ass

>> No.15453541

you might as well just microwave your testicles
Also look at suicide risks while on accutane, it’s no joke.
Layering more chemicals on top of a problem that is caused by exposure to harsh chemicals.
This solution sounds like it was invented by a businessman. Most stubborn acne is caused by hormonal imbalances (directly tied to poor diet, lack of proper exercise, and masturbating too much or too little)
>muh ancient Egyptians recorded acne in Pharos
Mfw the Pharos were lazy unhealthy chronic masturbators

>> No.15453714

>Nooooo I can't just get bacterial infections in my skin it's not fair why meeeeeee
Shut up.

>> No.15453766

>cameras didn't exist 100years ago
>people had to rely on artists' rendition of individuals
>painting/sculpting someone takes days months or even years
>it's much easier to paint a generic idealized human body and slightly tweak the face, than to paint in all the subjects' imperfections
>commissioners would prefer people to look perfect in the art anyway
Nah, I'm thinking you're just retarded.

>> No.15453828

I had pretty bad acne for a few years as a teenager, definitely caused by hormones. Anecdotally I think exercising in the sun helped get rid of it.
It does suck that people get it for such long periods of time. I still see those Morlocks around every now and then.

>> No.15453833

why do you think make-up exists?

>> No.15454002

Are you a man?
By the time your 30 its okey. Woman like scars. Go to the gym, get some meat on your knuckles.

>> No.15454091

Is it weird that I find acne attractive?

>> No.15454853

Acne is 100% genetic and is caused by overactive sebaceous glands.

>> No.15455117

im so lucky i dont have any scars at some point it felt as if my face was going to melt off but everything healed back somehow

wearing make up to cover acne is nothing more than a cope if someone comes close to you they will instantly know whats underneath that mess

>> No.15455319
File: 164 KB, 295x361, 1674742675432353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw 25 and still have acne
Should I just do nofap?

>> No.15455323

At that point just rub your face with cannabis oil (the THC kind, not seed-pressed) every night for 3 months. Also castor oil.

>> No.15455349

It's fixable by stopping masturbation.
It's actually that easy.

>> No.15455362

Mfw that cute girl with bad acne is a chronic masturbator.

>> No.15455370


>> No.15457089

ive thought about taking accutane recently
im a 27 year old, have had acne since like 13
have it pretty bad especially on my back and ass, shoulders chest and face definitely has a lot too but honestly my face isnt that bad anymore (still definitely have mild acne and a bit of scarring)

not sure whether it's even worth it to try accutane anymore because of the sides, but im sort of tired of going through life with acne. Not even for the obvious aesthetic reasons, but it's mildly uncomfortable to have, almost like a constant itch.

i actually went on accutane when i was about 16 or 17 and went off it because i had a few auditory hallucinations. Basically just noises though, and maybe a couple times a year I still get them. It's weird, like a "whoosh" or "zoom" sound. I don't really know if it has to do with the accutane but it was way more frequent when I was on it and it was the first time I ever noticed them. I felt weird as hell in general. I think I might have had suicidal thoughts? Been a while anyway and I may have had those anyway.

Honestly acne is the reason I'm still a virgin. Otherwise I was a good looking kid. I've been tarting to lose my hair as of the last few months, I'm probably just going to stop giving a fuck about my appearance entirely.

>> No.15457968

>what did nature mean by this?
It tried to tell you that DHT is a trash hormone after puberty

>> No.15458001

It's like the mith about eating chocolate and fatty foods cousing pimples fore some people nothing helps. I washed my face 10 times a day before school, lunch break, free period after school every cream lotion tea , special diet, a butt lode of money with little or no resolt .dermatologist, The only thing that helped was antibiotics a little not anough to get a date or blend in with normal people fore a select few nothing help your fucked.

>> No.15459021

Amazed no one has posted the real cure: grow up. It stops once you get past puberty.

Senilebros, we can't stop doing something, but I forget what it is. Sorry, what were we talking about?

>> No.15459030
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>cute girl
>bad acne

>> No.15459200
File: 18 KB, 488x488, GUEST_1bb8ad2f-f6cb-425a-90b2-cbc1e03c8ee1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's pretty much always diet, whether that is commercial meat, dairy, sugar. It also can come from a weakened immune system (due to vaccines, not being breastfed, etc)

This shit is literally the best stuff I've ever used I've suffered from acne for atleast 20 years and I'm virtually zit free, have been for years. Use very little at first, apply before bed and upon waking after showering. Nothing I have used works as good.

>> No.15459289

not randomly. it's not natural that this happens. must be what you're putting in your body. also all the creams and 'skincare' shit just fucks up your skin. skin should self-regulate. women need 'skincare' because of how makeup and the repeated removal of it already fucks up their skin.

coffee/tea was too expensive for people working long physical jobs. only in the late 19th century in england were working people drinking tea and it was still less than the upperclasses where the practice comes from.

>> No.15459387

It's the other way around. 1/10 of the population randomly turns out better enough to outcompete the other 90%.

>> No.15461003

>>tfw don't shower more than monthly
no acne could penetrate your layer of smegma

>> No.15461047

Seconding the recommendation to cut dairy. I also used to have cystic and cured it by cutting out dairy. Also, despite what people say, I'm convinced that acne is close to 90-95% hormonal unless maybe you're truly filthy. I've been able to go without showering for over a week at a time and not get a trace of acne, but if I fap more than occasionally, boom I get acne.