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15445764 No.15445764 [Reply] [Original]

Cancer mystery as cases rise among younger people around the world
>The number of people under 50 with cancer is increasing in many countries and for many different tumour types. Why this is occurring isn't entirely clear, but it may be due to some aspects of modern life


>When it comes to cancer research, we regularly hear good news about the number of people benefiting from advances in treatment. But there is one bad news story about the condition that gets little attention. For three decades, there has been a gradual rise in the number of people under 50 being diagnosed with cancer – and we don’t entirely know why.

>The rise is steepest in bowel cancer, but an increase in incidences is happening with tumours of nearly all the major organs of the body. It is so alarming that it was made a top priority for research in a joint UK-US cancer funding review earlier this month. So, what might the causes be?

>The incidence of cancer rises with age, mainly because the cells of older people have had longer to acquire the genetic mutations that cause tumours.

>> No.15445769

It comes from food
Processed, artificial, chemical-ridden food
Literally, smoking is better for you
Yet food needs to feed the pigs at their troughs - look at how the slaves react to inflation making their goy slop a little more expensive
Poor people are fatter by comparison too, so they love to eat

>> No.15445813

HPV vaccines gave teens HPV which causes cancer. There are many other cancer inducing "viruses" they released into the general population in the past decades.

>> No.15446021 [DELETED] 

Not the worst thing they did, they also caused infertility

>> No.15446024

> cancer
just a label

>> No.15446560

>HPV vaccines gave teens HPV which causes cancer.
The data is from 2000-2012.

>> No.15446631

I hope Pfizer and Moderna will release their mRNA vaccines against cancer soon.

>> No.15446764

> I
> vaccines

>> No.15446787

this so much, everyone's gonna get cancer anway but it will be less severe

>> No.15446834

Cooked food
high carb diets
Fossil Fuels
Seed oils
lack of saturated fat
lack of raw meat

>> No.15446839

samefag so much

>> No.15446841

Maybe it's because people are fatter than ever before. More cells -> higher probability of one growing cancerous.

>> No.15446848

Wrong dipshit, not how it works.

>> No.15446863

Correct. That's how it works.

>> No.15446866


>> No.15446880 [DELETED] 

you need to learn how to detect irony.

>> No.15446939


>> No.15446940

you need to learn how to stop replying to shills

>> No.15446943


>> No.15446952

covid and/or climate change

>> No.15446991

Linoleic acid. Cancer is a metabolic disorder.

>> No.15447001
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Nah it's CO2 intoxication caused by the masks.

>> No.15447002 [DELETED] 

VDE isn't a shill.

>> No.15447240
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>Whats behind the increase in cancer amongst young people?
>>The number of people under 50 with cancer is increasing in many countries
Geeeeeeeee whatever could it be?
When were people under 50 born?
What drastically increased starting in the early 1980s?

>> No.15447273

ahaha lol another flat earth shill

>> No.15447279

hello samefag. you don't need anything.

>> No.15447758

>The rise is steepest in bowel cancer

>> No.15447897


>> No.15449417

No, its the vaccines that are causing cancer

>> No.15449460
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Not in the image:
>endocrine disrupting chemicals everywhere, including your food
>urbanisation -> increase in infections

I'm convinced muh vaccine shills are corporate bots to detract from the harm they're causing to society, because it would be bad for profits if people focused on that instead of identity politics.

>> No.15449495

bullshit. nocebo shilling.

>> No.15449500 [DELETED] 

Well, given the data's from 2000-2012, good thing we switched from traditional vaccines to mRNA vaccines that work entirely differently, and thus can't possibly also cause cancer.

>> No.15450079

probably an increased amount of radiation

>> No.15450107

Why do you think medical technology would regress? It gets more effective over time and cancer rates go up.

>> No.15450443 [DELETED] 
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>It gets more expensive over time and cancer rates go up.

>> No.15450794 [DELETED] 

tobacco use is decreasing, so why is cancer decreasing? tobacco doesn't cause cancer in young people anyway, there is no statistical difference in life expectancy for people why smoke when they're young and quit before 40 years old vs people who never smoked. smoking is only harmful for old people

>> No.15450814

Maybe sugar?

>> No.15452065

>an apple a day keeps the doctor away
kids these days don't eat apple anymore

>> No.15452361

fat ppl don't have more fat cells, they just have larger ones

>> No.15452432
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>kids these days don't eat apple anymore
Check out what Bill Gates is coating apples with now. heh! "healthy fruit" heh!

>> No.15452436

radiowaves are unhealthy after all

>> No.15452442

Jewish food industry, jewish poisoning of water, jewish EM pollution, jewish medical industrial complex.

>> No.15452449

>radiowaves are unhealthy after all
Probably are. Certainly are not "healthy".
Now think about all the new invisible energy such as WIFI, Cell towers and phones, even toys and transporation computers.

>> No.15452757

only for people under 50 years old?

>> No.15452812

da joooooooos! no, shill, it's calle government

>> No.15452859

Leaded gasoline

>> No.15452881

thats only used by light aircraft

>> No.15452899

Untrue. Stop spreading reddit-knowledge. Bigger people have more cells.

>> No.15452911

zoomers and millenials are degenerates who do anal, eat pussy and ass with hundreds of people
you have things like papillomavirus that spreads like STD and gives you cervical, oropharynx and rectal cancer
anal sex also always leads to tearing and infections, that in turn leads to constant repairing of damage and scarring
constant repairing cellular damage increase risk of incorrect DNA replication and thus cancer

they also can't drink
overall alcohol consumption is more or less the same, but it used to be more evened out (1-2 beers after work) and your body was adjusted, so you poisoned yourself slowly enough
now they get absolute blackout drunk once a week - that's a huge shock to the body and again causes a lot of internal damage

>> No.15452920

Yeah, because it was banned in regular road vehicles towards the end of the last millennium, with varying adoption times.
>In response, many countries began to phase out leaded gasoline in the 1970s. The US Environment Protection Agency, for example, issued guidelines to reduce lead content in 1983. But it wasn’t until 1986 – six decades after its introduction – that Japan became the first country to ban it completely. Three and a half decades later – in 2021 – Algeria became the last country to ban it.

>> No.15453062

is it banned everywhere? even shitholes like eastern Europe?

>> No.15453065

Thank God I never took that jab, if that's true. My logic was that I would never have sex anyways so I refused it.

>> No.15453066

> blablavuris
> sex is bad
> alcohol bad

>> No.15453129

Well, like the quote says it was finally banned world wide only two years ago, mainly because it took that long for the leaded gasoline reserves of some country to run dry.

Modern western cars can't run on leaded gasoline, so it kind of became pointless to keep making more leaded gasoline, even if you are a shithole country like Algeria that apparently doesn't give a shit about the harmful effects.

>> No.15453432


>> No.15454252 [DELETED] 

>Modern western cars can't run on leaded gasoline
they run fine, most cars are overpowered to the point that predetonation is never an issue anyway.

>> No.15454391 [DELETED] 

false, fat cells expand as their lipid content increases. they do not spawn new cells to contain an increase in lipids

>> No.15454404

True and real, vaccines are a massive scam and anyone involved must be punished in the most brutal way. Those fuckers need to be dismembered, flayed and burned alive.

>> No.15454647

Swift executions without unnecessary fanfare are a better idea

>> No.15455060

It could be an increase in false diagnoses. Young people are more out of touch with reality and consequentially more gullible than they've ever been before. Easy marks for slick doctors who want to make a quick buck

>> No.15455067

notice that this is just "statistics change", and if "cancer" diagnosis are on the rise, that means other diagnosis are dropping. just like "covid" cured "flu" and "syphilis" cured "lepra".

>> No.15455919

The number of fat cells in a person's body is constant throughout their lives, the size of those cells is not

>> No.15455955

Industrial pollution

>> No.15456592

zoomers and millennials are the laziest and least physically active generations that humanity has ever produced

>> No.15456605
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Ah, of course, my wise redditor-friend. Fat cells do not, in fact, have a lifespan of 5 - 10 years. Instead, they're eternal. Because reddit says so. Losing fat cells is impossible. That's why losing weight is literally impossible.

The difference in size between a baby's fat cells and a fat adult's fat cells must be quite impressive too. I wonder if increasing the volume of a cell hundred-fold causes any issues to the cell, considering that its surface area scales only quadratically... Nah, probably not. Gaining fat cells is impossible too.

>> No.15457228

>t. reddit expert

>> No.15457242

least motivated and interested, having less challenge and freedom, having less unknown to discover.

>> No.15458540

One of Al Gore's private planes uses leaded gasoline

>> No.15458635

>living in polluted air and eating gmo'd food and plastics
>it's a mystery!
hopefully they'll get enough funding to figure this one out

>> No.15458697

if ppl are getting cancer because they choose to lead an irresponsible, unhealthy lifestyle then I don't see how "muh funding" for science is going to help that,
>sorry I was late for work, I overslept because I chose to stay up late playing video games, not my fault

>> No.15458706

One thing is certain, it's not the safe and effective vaccines that are to blam-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO REFUNDS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.15458717
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>> No.15459517

leaded gasoline is good, it keeps the cylinders cool and reduces the possibility the fuel charge predetonating, engines can be run more efficiently on leaded fuel

>> No.15459586

It’s unironically probably the covid vaccine. I wasn’t a conspiratard during the pandemic, just chalked up the push for vaccines as a money grab and nothing more. Just this year, THIS YEAR, about five people I know have suddenly had a surprise freak diagnosis of late stage cancer out of nowhere. The vaccine seems to do something that causes the body to be unable to regulate cancers, hence why not only are there so many people getting cancer just within the past year, but it’s advancing so quickly. I remember a friend of mine trying to threaten me into getting vaxxed “for my own good” because “vaxxed people spread it” which was a lie.

>> No.15459587

there's no "covid", "vaccine" is something
> I
shill you are

>> No.15459591

I love how you started talking like yoda because you realized you werent sounding as stupid as you needed to sound

>> No.15459599

> I
shills love using I, useful to play offended victim

>> No.15460814

excess reliance on the first person is a tip off of deeper personality features

>> No.15461180

It kills the immune system. Cancer is normally taken out by your bodies immune response, we all have cancerous cells but they either kill themselves or immune cells kill them.

>> No.15461212

the answer is industrial pollution. the environment is full of toxins. everywhere you go there are toxins from industrial activity so bioamplification takes care of the rest. the pollution ends up in every part of the trophic hierarchy and creates problems for predators higher up the hierarchy, e.g. humans.

all of these problems are because there are too many people that consume and produce too much industrial waste which then feeds back into the air, water, and soil. the only way to fix the problem is to reduce the number of people by a few billion which is never gonna happen so everything will continue to get worse

>> No.15461673

"I" is used primarily by narcissists, but shills use it as magic, it's right in their instructions to use "we", to appeal to cattle instinct, and "I" as some sort of example which being out of context serves as a alleged proof or for devaluation. cattle are reluctant to take responsibility, so they tend to accept someone elses opinion, "I" for them also serves as kindof "we". I bet there must be truly scientific literature about this, shills just employ the instrument fully aware.

>> No.15462479

This, the vaccines have nothing to do with it.
So let's make sure to vaccinate the goylem filth.

>> No.15463480

if there are first person pronouns in a post then high iq people will just ignore the post because the worthlessness of the post has been tipped off by the pronoun content

>> No.15464037

>cancer why?
the consumption of Social Media is the reason (literal cancer)

>> No.15464501

There's no way to ignore it now that it's happening to so many people.

>> No.15464542

samefag lol so fucking obvious

>> No.15464623

Inuits were once free from cancer, now they are extremely likely to get cancer.
Since the establish science says cancer is caused by genetic mutation, we must conclude that inuits are evolving.
Evolution is caused by natural selection, hence cancer is caused by natural selection.

>> No.15464742

> genetic
bullshit and shillshit

>> No.15464756


>> No.15464766
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>> No.15465004

Please stop interacting with the hasbara.