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File: 558 KB, 2880x2007, Von_Braun_1952_Space_Station_Concept_9132079_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15438078 No.15438078 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/'s thoughts on Rotating wheel space stations?

>> No.15438082

Might be cool.

It would be a pain in the ass to land on though.

>> No.15438085

Why not just listen to the man himself?

>> No.15438087

They never land

>> No.15438092
File: 14 KB, 484x481, 1683717140016974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spinchads we got a whole thread to ourselves

>> No.15438100
File: 31 KB, 342x361, Space Station V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread BGM:

>> No.15438114
File: 317 KB, 2000x1333, np_file_16780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, this is the future America chose. At least Von Braun is spinning in his grave.

>> No.15438138
File: 827 KB, 1920x1515, 1920px-Stanford_Torus_cutaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could begin work on a Stanford Torus today and have it completed withing 3 decades with modern technology. the only issue is nobody wants to spend the 3 decades worth of the entire gdp of an industrialized nation on a luxury gay space commune for 10,000 people.

>> No.15438149

Where's the diversity in your image? It looks terribly white.

>> No.15438151
File: 302 KB, 1775x820, 7487453645765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s o o n

>> No.15438164

Based as fuck.

No it wouldn't, not with computer control. I know it's not real life but I've managed perfect landings in multiple ship types on Elite Dangerous drunk with flight assist off. Noob.

>> No.15438171

>100 million ton flywheel
Looks like a catastrophe waiting to happen.
Also would they start it spinning? How would it be kept stable?

>> No.15438204

>Also would they start it spinning?
It spins to provide artificial gravity.
Spinning could be done with thrusters and then sustained by polarising the station to be spun by earths magnetic field.
Stable? Who knows, but I'm sure some nerd will figure it out.

>> No.15438214
File: 62 KB, 851x477, space enjoyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The earth is flat and stationary with a dome. You are never ever leaving this enclosed plane alive and you will most definitely never jet through the galaxy in your rotating wheelstation. You'll have to do with CGI, possibly streamed straight into your vaxxed brain.

>> No.15438226

I know the purpose of the spinning, but I'm questioning the logistics.
If they start it spinning during construction, stability/wobble would be a nightmare. If they wait till after construction it would take incredible amounts of energy as well as time to get it to spin (and again, the nightmare of stability).
Looks cool for sci-fi, but practicality-wise a pipe-dream.

>> No.15438229

>Muh flat earth

>> No.15438231

wouldn't it take the same amount of energy to spin up regardless of when in construction you did it? at the end of the day the same amount of mass is spinning at the same velocity

>> No.15438236

That's going to be the motivating factor. No migrant caravans in orbit.

>> No.15438247


>> No.15438249

you'll make the well dwellers mad

>> No.15438250


>> No.15438259
File: 49 KB, 840x500, curve earth traject.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I challenge you to an artillery duel

>> No.15438264


>> No.15438377

>Off-planet businesses
Please explain how this is profitable and something you can't just do on Earth.

>> No.15438399

It would be a long and gradual process, but thats the beauty of zero resistance in space and inertia. They would just turn the thrusters on slowly getting faster and faster no matter how weak they were.

>> No.15438455

It'll probably start out as a single room attached to rotating arm like your swinging a golf club.

>> No.15438467

>They would just turn the thrusters on slowly getting faster and faster no matter how weak they were
So the outer structure also has to withstand the near constant force of the thrusters anchored to it. How many centuries of operating and refueling these thrusters do you suppose it would take to finally get it rotating at sufficient speed?

>> No.15438468

>I've managed perfect landings in multiple ship types on Elite Dangerous drunk with flight assist off. Noob.
Kid real life is not your game. I've single-handedly killed entire armies behind enemy lines, sabotaged submarines, stolen planes, etc. Does that mean I can do it IRL?

>> No.15438545

Looks gay, like it's some kind of goatse gay club in space

>> No.15438555

Scifi is not science.

>> No.15438557

You dock in the middle and just let a computer set your thrusters to match the spin.

>> No.15438578

the middle doesn't even have to spin

>> No.15438582

Isn't the real question where we would build it, and if it would be able to travel- such as- between the earth and lunar orbit. We need some way to keep people in zero-gee long term and we need a way to transport and process material for base construction and machining. No?

>> No.15438608

Just put a bearing around the airlock and then use a friction brake to lock it in place once the ship is docked.

>> No.15438617

It's like the dyson sphere bro, a trillion tons of unobtanium and adamantium will just materialize in place. All we have to do is push the "on" button.

>> No.15438621

ok, retard

>> No.15438664

>no argument
I accept your concession.

>> No.15438669

You won't escape the diversity, you'll just get "legal" migrants.

>> No.15438904

>walk faster on rotating wheel
>your gravity increases/decreases
into the trash it goes

>> No.15438912

You could probably use prefabricated modules and just assemble on site. Giant IKEA furniture basically.

Well, a Starship carries a hundred tons of cargo and you could make one of these with a couple hundred tons of carbon fiber and kevlar, so I think it's becoming increasingly feasible.

>> No.15438913

Based. We should build some.

>> No.15438927

Von Braun.
My god Krauts had such clean, purposeful minds.

>> No.15438944

A golem has no power of choice.
Best thing we could have done was let Germans defeat Soviets and from there, the sky would not have been the limit for them.

>> No.15438945

So instead the earth shall be the luxury gay space commune. Cool.

>> No.15438949
File: 168 KB, 1600x900, Babylon+5+station-467273994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rotating cylinders and tubes > wheels.

>> No.15438955

>let Germans defeat Soviets
Was never going to happen. The Germans never had the resources to fight a prolonged war, and the Soviets had enough men in their reserves to drown Germany.

>> No.15438957

If you are going to think like a defeated, obedient head of cattle, then you deserve an earth that is little more than an abattoir.

>> No.15438959

Be honest--you think everything is gay--except masturbating to gay porn.
It looks awesome.

>> No.15438961

Eh it depends, without lend lease I doubt the soviets would have had the same scale of industry that they had late war, plus if both the US and the British stayed out for whatever reason it would be a one front war, freeing up 2 other fronts' worth of manpower and logistics. It'd still be close though because Russia is fuck off huge but most of the important parts are in Europe

>> No.15438962

Without lend-lease, without the second front, Germans would have brilliantly adapted even better than they did--high tech weapons, all kinds of breakthroughs like petrol from coal. And Russians were coming for them anyway. No Ameri-golem, and they had a smart puncher's chance.
And then we might have had this kind of future in space. Well at least the best race would have had it.

We amerimutts would have had reparations for slavery in the 1990's as the refugees from German victory turned up our guilt complex to 11 by the 1950's.

>> No.15439044

bro there is a white guy in the picture? fucking racist

>> No.15439218


>> No.15439370

>How many centuries of operating and refueling these thrusters do you suppose it would take to finally get it rotating at sufficient speed?
Kek, look at this dood

>> No.15439391
File: 3.31 MB, 2560x1440, axiomspace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What for? Every profitable thing we know how to do in space requires microgravity. Building a station specifically to defeat microgravity also defeats the purpose of being in space.

Now, on a vehicle, sure. Then the purpose is clear, to keep astronauts' bodies from falling apart on long journeys around the solar system. But there won't be a case for stationary spin habitats until we've got such abundant lunar resource processing and robot labor that we can start thinking about building o'neill cylinders as permanent human population centers.

We probably aren't gonna live to see that. In our lifetime it'll all be tiny 2-4 man commercial LEO nanofabrication and specialized medical labs, which not only don't need to spin, they specifically need not to

>> No.15439398

He's trying to workout where he can pay for that box of (Lego?) he wants to buy.

>> No.15439412


>> No.15439860
File: 121 KB, 662x350, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you fit a skyhook in a rotating wheel space station?

>> No.15439876

them skyhooks is a risky business

>> No.15439879

>can't answer the question

>> No.15439887

Damn... If only space had places already equipped with gravity and ample resources within arms reach!

>> No.15439899
File: 40 KB, 600x485, gravballoon1419878796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer balloons in space.

>> No.15441134

You could live on the wheel part and go to work in the center part

>> No.15441143

>it would take incredible amounts of energy as well as time to get it to spin
Anon.. mile wide asteroids spin because of solar photon pressure. spinning is trivial compared to moving it.

Retard this is nothing like dyson spehere. We could do it with an operational starship and some 100 launches.

>> No.15441165

>spinning is trivial
and yet you can't even begin to describe how to achieve it nor the required time/energy.
>operational starship
more unobtanium

>> No.15441172


>> No.15441178

Just use a long rope and some hall effect thrusters at the end

>> No.15442244

He really glosses over the step of getting it rotating.

>> No.15443274


>> No.15443282

we don't have space construction down yet. one of my research buddies is working w/ NASA on such a project, and they can demo their deck in a gravity well, but still have a little ways to go to perfect the tech (i'm worried about construction robots falling off the structure)

>> No.15444926

Thats how we do it. Gotta have robots build shit before we arrive so they have things ready for us.

a big space station between here and the moon. Another big space station/ launch platform between the moon and mars, and habitats on the moon and mars.

>> No.15444961

>friction brake
>changing brake pads in space

lol tho