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15435152 No.15435152 [Reply] [Original]

hi /sci/, somewhat-clairvoyant sperg retard here, I just realized something and I'm wondering if i'm hallucinating or not. I realized that the current timeline trajectory makes it very likely that we will all find the perfect waifus/husbandos instantly, with close to zero effort, and make children. Not sure if we will be happy as a result, lmk wdyt.


1. now AGI seems likely, let's be honest
2. logically, ASI comes after it; let's assume not instantaneously otherwise we ded
3. getting your Neuralink/comparable-BCI will thus be a matter of life or death. Meaning you'll just be an animal without it, maybe someone's pet; not considered human anymore.
4. therefore we can assume ~99% of people get connected at some point, some weirdos will enjoy becoming pets/"wild" animals
5. I will download the matchmaking app in my neuralink and instantly find the perfect waifu all things considered (full psyche test) and it will be branded like the psyche test is E2E encrypted and only happens locally and an algo just matches the hashes so only I and her know what kind of people we are, yadda yadda yadda

also even if this happens in 30 years from now, it's likely that I will make love to my waifu as a 20-something (biological age) which is my current chronological age, because as you know we seem close to cure aging (https://hms.harvard.edu/news/loss-epigenetic-information-can-drive-aging-restoration-can-reverse)) so AI is also likely to help out with this (something like AlphaFold?)

>mfw I will find love after all, I thought it was literally impossible at this point

>> No.15435180

AGI is a red herring.
People themselves have various levels of intelligence, and the extremes are worlds apart.
Did that enable us to keep society together?
If in the future, we set up a system that can be a silicon based human of sorts, it will be a total nothingburger, and will not behave as you think it will.
The masses of npcs define human society, and by and large the things you would say make us "human" are illogical.
The machine you seek will be a nice program that can imitate a human, but it playing "human" will inherently make it shitter than what you think.
It will be the AI of today on steroids, pattern matching.
And it won't be used for much because they can't make ot simultaneously politically correct (a liar) and useful (truthful)
>because as you know we seem close to cure aging
We are not and we might be worse off today that in the 80s, because science as a whole has gone to shit and retards are mass printing worthless papers pretending they're going somewhere.
Want to cure aging?
Bring back truth, put women permanently back in the kitchen.
Do all kinds of experiments with no limits and no regard for meme npc "morals".

>> No.15435216

>3. getting your Neuralink/comparable-BCI will thus be a matter of life or death. Meaning you'll just be an animal without it, maybe someone's pet; not considered human anymore
I'm not so sure I agree with this point. Right now we have smart and dumb people living in the same cities coexisting. If you removed the problematic say 5% of society that are criminals or just bad natured then things would be pretty peaceful. It would depend on how many people got the BCIs I suppose, but society is already divided in many different ways, like people who went to university and those who didn't. Or Christians and atheists and agnostics and so on. It's really up to the individual to choose what upsets them. Going by what seems to typically happen there will be small percentage of people with BCIs that are elitist and an even smaller group that are elitist radicals but the majority of people won't care what others do

In the far future I think humans won't partner with eachother at all. There's already designer babies and I see that extending to designer partners at some point but it will take some breakthroughs in not only genomics and cloning but also consciousness. Imagine being able to design your own partner and get show up at your house the next day, as a fully grown adult, with AI instead instead of a human consciousness. Essentially an advanced biological robot.

>> No.15435218

>and get show up
*and they

>> No.15435232

The genie is pretty much out of the bottle with ML already and like you say, we have no idea what it's going to look like. But to assume that humans are going to have any level of control when it reaches a certain stage of development is truly laughable. Strap in for the ride because it's going to be fucking wild and there is a strong possibility that no one or maybe only a tiny %, makes it out the other side. All that it requires to stage a coup are a few elements

>distributed computing, just dump processing into everyone's cellphones for say 5% of their processing power and use jacked crypto funds to rent cloud computing
>sufficiently advanced protein folding computing (its pretty much there already)
>ability to blackmail humans

Congrats you now have an entity that can protein fold whatever abominable nanomachines into existence via human proxies and can't be killed short of nuking the internet which would also yeet the human everything.

>> No.15435240

>1. now AGI seems likely, let's be honest

autism with schizophrenia is a truly debilitating condition. i'm normally anti psychiatry but consider a low dose of anti-psychotics. best of luck man

>> No.15435244

>we seem close to cure aging
Maybe yeah, there's a lot of varying opinions and I don't really know who to listen to but the scientists working in the longevity field all seem to think it's at least not impossible. It will probably start off slow I'd think and not won't be some overnight breakthrough where suddenly ageing is cured. It could be like a pill or injection that increases lifespan by twenty years or something and it's just refined into longer durations over time

>> No.15435288

>future of matchmaking
I hope that good thing I want works out.

>> No.15435328
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>the gymnastics
Do lolcels really
If you lack a companion go make one
Here is a list of reasons why that might be hard
>you didn’t develop strong social skills
>you are ugly
>you are smelly
>you are weird
Lucky for you bucko! All those things are FIXABLE. But,,, you have to be willing to change and work hard on changing.
All this babble about agi is going to leave you heartbroken in the end because it will not deliver, at least not to you and me.
Think about it this way: if they manage to create an agi brain interface who do you think will have actual access to that? Billions of retards? Or a select wealthy few? Once those wealthy few have it they will not allow the plebs that amount of power.
Fix yourself and release these fantasies, you deserve better.

>> No.15435371

1. fake
2. irrelevant because 1
3. irrelevant because 1
4. true independent of 1
5. society will degrade so far that you think your roastie slampig is the perfect gf

>> No.15435511

You think AGO would pair humans one to one? Lmao. Whoever owns the AGI will match make all the hot bitches with himself, all the homely ones with his minions, and there won’t be no women for you, wagie.

>> No.15435521

>I realized that the current timeline trajectory makes it very likely that we will all find the perfect waifus/husbandos instantly
Wrong, you will not be needed post AGI.
>because as you know we seem close to cure aging
Beyond wrong.