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15433766 No.15433766 [Reply] [Original]

How do you indentify someone who’s IQ>130?

>> No.15433771

Give 100 randomly selected people an IQ test.

>> No.15433785
File: 1.72 MB, 1266x1043, nahida_thinking_please_wait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask them to speculate how time travel would work if it was possible. If they reply with anything that assumes matter or space can magically multiply, then you know you're talking with a sub 130. If they simply argue it isn't possible, then you're talking with a sub 100.

>> No.15433822

they'll tell you

>> No.15433825

people with iqs below 130 arent human

>> No.15433828

Ask their sexual fetishes. There is a well known correlation. Anal and feet are always low IQ.

>> No.15433829

You can't solve the grandfather paradox. Therefore time travel is impossible

>> No.15433837

what are some high iq fetishes?

>> No.15433845

Talk to him about a math/physics/engineering problem. If he gives you a boneheaded response or responds by saying something like that stuff is way over his head, then he probably isn't 130 IQ or above.

Or you could just ask someone to do some basic math like 13 x 17. If he can't figure it out in his head he's not smart.

>> No.15433853

>13 x 17
I would be like 13x20 is 260, minus 3x10 is 230, minus 3x3 is 221. What does that mean for my IQ?

>> No.15433854

Alright, where do uniforms fall? Say a Stewardess, French maid, or maybe a bunny costume etc?

>> No.15433856

The level of pain/disgust in their eyes.

>> No.15433860

>French maid
Low IQ

Police or military uniform would have been high IQ though.

>> No.15433861
File: 96 KB, 205x234, burr durr hurr what the fu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a brilliant biochem student, who's into inflation, another pharmaceutist from india who developed a new portable MRI scanner who is into inflation and another mathematician who passed mensa with flying colors and joined the cool kids club and coincidentally he's into vore and inflation. Many of great entertainers and comedians (at least those few I personaly are buddies with) are also into bodily deformation so I guess it is a broad generalization - but there seems to be a pattern.

bear in mind, this is only coming from experience about people I personally know and may not reflect all the high IQ cunts out there

I dont fucking know

>> No.15433865


>> No.15433868

Findom and height humiliation

>> No.15433880

Nothing, because you didn't do it in your head on the fly.

>> No.15433882

high 130s here, what the hell are you talking about.

>> No.15433883


>> No.15433885

Bullshit, I agree on feet but anal is the patrician thinking man's fetish.

>> No.15433888

It sounds like your social circle is the same as your BDSM group at university. The takeaway is that you are a degenerate and need to be thrown off a roof along with your friends.

>> No.15433894

>high IQ
>sticking your dick in literal shit
Choose only one.

>> No.15433900

This guy doesn't know about the winding number.

>> No.15433902

Good answer.

>> No.15433914

Being highly intelligent and being able to emulate a calculator have little in common. There are many high IQ people who have no interest in anything related to STEM.

If someone started trying to talk to me about engineering then I'd also act like I was too dumb to understand it because that's the most effective way to avoid both present and future conversations about a topic that doesn't interest me. Very high IQ people are humble, or are at least confident enough in their own attributes to know that they have nothing to prove.

You'd be surprised at how many quiet, unassuming, seemingly average people are very smart but smart enough to realize that flaunting it is only detrimental. Intelligence is a tool to be used when necessary, not a badge to wear.

>> No.15433922

>when your iq is too low to consciously place pleasure over cleanliness
Low IQ people aren't creative enough to be perverted.

>> No.15434001

Why do you still think of IQ as of singular value? How is it supposed to represent intelligence accurately? It is an averege of several different metrics at best if credible at all. Say, verbal intelligence, spacial orientation, memory, math, logic etc... All of it just gets thrown into a mixer and chopped up into a singular unrepresentative value, kek.
Also, mere existence of such a phenomenon as hypercalculia should make you doubt the credibility of IQ as a metric of intelligence. Really makes you wonder if there are people with, who, say, are very good at understanding language, but retarded at everything else (which perhaps would allow them to be the ultimate pseuds as they would be able to endlessly come up with sophisms indistinguishable from real logic)

>> No.15434003

see >>15434001

>> No.15434004 [DELETED] 

Pedo and furry, not memeing. Also crystal statues.

>> No.15434028

Aside from an IQ test? Well, if people like their ideas, they will call them smart, so I suppose consensus is the best way.

>> No.15434049

Ask them how they would identify someone with an IQ above 130

>> No.15434083

>It is an averege of several different metrics at best if credible at all. Say, verbal intelligence, spacial orientation, memory, math, logic etc... All of it just gets thrown into a mixer and chopped up into a singular unrepresentative value, kek.
How is it unrepresentative when it explains most of the variance in all of these? You were disappointed with your low online IQ-test score, and now you try to rationalise it away, am I right?

>> No.15434258

Great way to put it.

>> No.15434281

slime people
sex with your own dead body

>> No.15434309

154 iq here (tested twice irl)
time travel isn't real and speculating about it is foolishness

>> No.15434317


>> No.15434323

The self-correcting universe is novel. Imagine; In regards to time travel, the universe is self balancing. If you went back in time and killed yourself, then you had already died, and therefore never existed, and therefore there was never a paradox. Paradoxes become impossible, only an invented word, like a colour no one has seen before.

>> No.15434327

You have to also be >130 IQ. That's how IQ works. Everyone with a higher number can tell who is at their level or below but no one below can tell if someone is higher than them.

So if you want to identify high IQ people then practice being high IQ yourself

>> No.15434329

Wouldn't the implication be that if there intelligences operating around us right now at a much higher level we would have no clue as to their nature and would just see their presence as effects in our daily life?

Why do we assume we're the smartest thing in nature?

>> No.15434333

There's no way you got the same score twice.

>> No.15434338

It's hard to pick an intelligent person but I can definitely tell you're all morons.

>> No.15434358

You're the only one who answered that is 130+ IQ.

>> No.15434376

Say wha?

>> No.15434383

Mine is above 130. Ask me questions to get an idea of what we’re like.

>> No.15434390

I have a 130+ IQ and bug and slime girl transformations really turn me on.

>> No.15434396

you're right. I scored 152 and 154. I post the higher value because i'm insecure

>> No.15434404

What do you know about presheaves and colimits?

>> No.15434431

nothing. I'm in economics, not math. linear algebra, calculus and optimization techniques are all the math i need

>> No.15434448

you're wasting your intelligence then

>> No.15434450

They don't go on 4chan.

>> No.15434452

How depressed are you?

>> No.15434467

Hot Japanese girls in one-piece swimsuits... being attacked by a tentacle.

>> No.15434593

I’m pretty happy ever since I got money and replaced my friends with video games. I’m heading for a healthy Scrooge life but should probably breed or /pol/ will get mad at me for not spreading my high IQ genes to white children.

>> No.15434598

How fast can you learn?

>> No.15434686

by looking in a mirror (that I'm standing in front of)

>> No.15434996

The ability to entertain a hypothetical. Midwits literally can't do it.

>> No.15435000

If it commits the appeal to shame fallacy it’s a midwit.

>> No.15435003

Unironically hair color. Lighter hair means higher IQ.

>> No.15435007

Girls with blue colored hair are usually smart.

>> No.15435009

So you posted an opinion so retarded that you retrospectively felt embarrassed after others pointed out its flaws, and now somehow this is their "fallacy"? Sounds like massive cope and cognitive dissonance.

>> No.15435013
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They certainly dont spend time on 4chan

>> No.15435015

>tranny says Logic is invalid because it says it’s wrong
Many such cases.

>> No.15435033

Because the hive being disparaging bitches isn’t a substitute for logical thinking, idiot. There’s a difference between logic and social mechanics.

>> No.15435141

Imagine having an inflation fetish. These guys' dicks must be hard as diamond when they see the prices in the supermarket.

>> No.15435174


>> No.15435456

Leave it to a trannime spamming tourist to shit out the worst post possible.

>> No.15435463

Well you see, it's all about
if they have MY characteristics, then you for sure are talking to a person with IQ≥130

>> No.15435469

Tabs. Spaces are for brainlets.

>> No.15435480

Present them with a novel system and see how quickly they're able to derive accurate information about the system from experimentation

>> No.15435526

IQ is an index of general intelligence, which is defined as the capacity of learning patterns and solving problems.
you develop sufficiently abstract tests (meaning they rely on acquired knowledge as little as possible, i.e. no questions about Kant's philosophy or how to solve a cubic equation) and apply these to a large enough population, and define the mean score as 100. give it a normal distribution and set the standard deviation at 15, and that means that an IQ of 130 means you're better at learning patterns and solving problems than 95% of the people in the reference population, and an IQ of 145 means you're better at learning patterns and solving problems than 99.7% of the population.

It's not a hard concept to grasp.

>b-but what about hypercalculia???
hypercalculia is itself defined as an aptitude at performing mathematical computations that is above the student's regular learning capacities. the very concept of "hypercalculia" is based on a discrepancy between a person's regular intelligence and his skill in perfoming arithmetics without the aid of pen and paper.
It doesn't disprove the concept of IQ just like dyslexia also doesn't disprove the concept of IQ, and also like finding out a great musician is a complete retard doesn't mean that musical skill has no relation to intelligence.

>> No.15435548

>tfw you live in the suburbs of Alice Springs

>> No.15435563

certified retard here.
You can most definitely timetravel, but only forwards in time as time is a rate of change that can be avoided and thus "travelled through" at a slower rate than the surroundings. The only reason why dinosaurs born the DAY of the Chicxulub impact couldn't travel here, is technologic advancement. IF there was a civilization with warp bubble technology present at that catastrophy, they could theoretically return at any moment with dino pets, if they chose to gamble on this date being more habitable than any other arbitrary future date.

>> No.15435580

Well if you're only testing your neighbors that's not a random sample, it's a convenience sample.

>> No.15435603

Time is just matter changing, so you wouldnt be able to literally go back, your only hope would be to travel into the future to the point the matter is in a similar state as in the past which would take a long ass time

>> No.15435636

>Kant's philosophy
Shit example. You should have used "business admin text" or something.
Kant's ideas can be summed up in 2-3 minutes. Even 2-3 sentences if you just care about the ethics. It's very grounded in logic, etc.
Your example is shit because explaining the categorical imperative and then asking someone "now, what are some arguments against it? In particular, why would someone think the cat imp is terrible for some concerns, like animal ethics?" is a brilliant heuristic to discern intelligence.
And if you have time left "How could it be improved?"
This is a foolproof way to detect 130+s.

>> No.15435720

Yep. Good explanation. Most people misidentify intelligence since they only identify it relative to themselves, and their own ideas, rather than the concept of intelligence. Or hollywood notions and things like hypercalculia as you've noted. Only thing you did not directly remark on is the narcissism people have when it comes to such comparisons, which is why it's usually a good idea to be subtle about it or play dumb.

>> No.15435737

then you should specify the whole world,- because an IQ test is only valid among the people that has previously taken that specific test - and good luck sampling the whole world. group IQ cannot be avoided in this topic.

>> No.15435811

Nah, that would just be another proof of how trivial philosophy is. Doesn't require IQ at all.

>> No.15435826

>How could it be improved
Lol. That one always gets them. It's incredible what brainlets and midwits will do to save face instead of just saying that they are unfamiliar with the subject. There was an explosion of youtubers and other talk show hosts in the early days of the last decade after vlogging became popular that went around asking people these sorts of questions and the answers were hilarious.

>> No.15436120

I know what IQ is, thank you. Ok, then simple example: say a person scored 20 on tests that rely on verbal intelligence and 80 on tests that rely on math. Then take a person that scored 40 on verbal and 60 on math. Final result for both would be 100. You see now why it is unrepresentative? It at best must be broken down to components or at least have several different metrics with 100 as a mean for each, but its a fucking 1 number.

Analogy: an athlete that can do max of 300 pushups but 100 squats = athlete that can do max of 300 squats but 100 pushups

IIRC, I have seen a documentary about some girl who was barely could tie shoelaces kind of retard and yet she could multiply 6 figure numbers, which makes me assume that calculations ability (as well as, maybe, some other things) might be a thing independent from intelligence, which I personally define as the ability to quickly and effectively construct an accurate and precise model of the outside world in your head. Pretty simple: the quicker you do it, the more information you grasp, the better chances you got to act "smart" meaning in a way that enables you to achieve your goals. But does that mean we should merge different aspects of the model into just 1? No, thats stupid.

I may be wrong about the documentary and the girl might be not as retarded as I remember her to be

Also, nobody is trying to disprove anything, why is it so common amongst you to take everything as though it is a point opposed to yours? I don't try to deny IQ like you imagined it to be, I just think it should include more data to be more accurate.

But nonetheless, you should understand that simply being able or not able to correctly solve a test might not necessarily mean that the person is smart or dumb. 1 or 0/right or wrong does not account for the person's trail of thought during the test taking, it just shows the results of the work of the brain, it is a mere proxy. That is why people should be more skeptical about IQ.

>> No.15436207
File: 117 KB, 800x400, William James Sidis perfect life quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you get too smart for your own good


>> No.15436289
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if they are so smart why are they sad :pogchamp: ? Can't they figure out a way to make themselves happy?
baka my head for real this time. This is pure american cap, kemel. Inshallah.

>> No.15436415


>> No.15436434

Check to see if they’re capable of communicating with less intelligent people with high proficiency. In order to do that and to have them follow along you’d need to be able to quickly develop an internal model of their own way of thinking and then immediately finding ways to fit your thought process into their thought process. And then check to see how intelligently they communicate with other intelligent people

>> No.15436778

the pinnacle of low iq. what are you thinking?
>my fetish is falling for scams

>> No.15436784

they dont eat carbs

>> No.15436801

about tree efiddy

>> No.15436808

>Also, nobody is trying to disprove anything
you're trying to disprove IQ as a singular value, but that is the concept of IQ itself. and no, you were not the first person to thing about dividing IQ into several "intelligence" categories, psychologists have been talking about that stuff for decades. logical-mathematic, linguistic, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal etc etc
but I'm still very confident on the overall reliability of IQ as a measure of general intelligence,

>> No.15436828

>If they reply with anything that assumes matter or space can magically multiply,
You need an IQ for that?

>> No.15437248

Then you tell me in what way exactly, chap, because I see that by merging we factually loose information. Will you argue that it isn't so?

1. Consider it a proxy rather than a concrete actual representation of intelligence (a very good one, yes, still just a proxy) for it only shows whether or not a person's trail of thought had been able to reach the correct conclusion, but does not show the trail of thought itself and underlying mechanisms behind it. Therefore if a respondent's output was incorrect, you can't really tell at which step it went wrong and gave a kinda warped model of reality.

2. We can't really tell if a test is 100% what it's SUPPOSED to be, which is being:
-relies exclusively on a person's innate ability to build an accurate and detailed model of reality (or rather effectiveness and quickness of performing this task) in their head independently from the knowledge they have accumulated throughout their life (crystalized intelligence, experience whatever you call it, doesn't really change a thing)

I am kinda impressed by how many people take IQ as a perfect and undoubtedly measure of intelligence instead of giving it a skeptical eye and try to think of it for more than just a second, forgetting that it was designed by humans, who (imagine my surprise) MAKE MISTAKES.

Now, before you proclaim me an IQ denialist (which, I am guessing, some of you inevitably will) I must say that I do believe that objective truth exists and there are no "opinions" and that intelligence is a real thing and it can be measured, I just don't believe that taking a test is a correct and exhaustive way to measure every aspect of it. My rough guess is that people who are closest to exhaustive and completely scientific understanding of what intelligence is are AI researchers.

I hope I made myself clear, I would've brought examples to 1 and 2 for you to better understand what I mean (its pretty simple, actually, as well as the examples) but char limit, bruh

>> No.15438189

Sabine Hossenfelder should do an IQ-test.

>> No.15438332

Do you read a lot? What do you read about?
Do you ask people lots of questions or wonder about how things work a lot (which categories of things specifically)? Do you like to tinker with stuff (if so, which categories)?
What are you working on (professionally)?

>> No.15438338
File: 34 KB, 600x600, 1670034888111629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My IQ is 160.
Also I didn't get the covid vaccine by the way.

>> No.15438344

>people who are closest to exhaustive and completely scientific understanding of what intelligence is are AI researchers.
AI researchers are the people who least understand intelligence in the world, apart from pedagogues and everyone else involved in educational methodology

>> No.15438351

Neither did I. Never got sick. What did I do right?

>> No.15438356

If they take get an intelligence quotation for someone's grade for general purposes, they're clearly intelligence 0.

>> No.15438766

>Do you read a lot?
I used to.
>What do you read about?
Sci-fi dystopia
>Do you ask people lots of questions or wonder about how things work a lot (which categories of things specifically)?
Yes, general mechanical stuff when I was a kid like conveyer belts and then programming as I got older.
>Do you like to tinker with stuff (if so, which categories)?
Yes, programming and tech in general and even CPU design.
>What are you working on (professionally)?
Programming applications.

>> No.15439097

I just use my tongue. I had my dick cut off of course. Naturally, my IQ was tested and it quite high.