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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 243 KB, 784x492, the best.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15433256 No.15433256 [Reply] [Original]

Is the black science man really the best in teaching scientific thinking?

>> No.15433260
File: 225 KB, 797x509, the best 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quite a team right?

>> No.15433266

>le meme tv soience personalities
If you're trying to learn using pop-sci as a source, I have very bad news for you.

>> No.15433267

>Bill Nye and the black science guy
Top dogs of science right there

>> No.15433280


>> No.15433308

>Dr. Jane Goodall
Why do roasties do this?

>> No.15433324

Damn Terry looks so old there

>> No.15434582
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>> No.15435101
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All the real top dog scientists have been permanently censored for wrongthink, so we get this garbage instead

clown world is just a funny way of saying dark ages

>> No.15435106

Inferiority complex.
Dr. Anon McAnonberg, BS, MA, JD, PhD, HonPhD,

>> No.15435110

She's a WEF member.

>> No.15435115

they do the same kind of bragging with pilot's licenses too.
normal person: i'm a pilot
mental case: i'm a multiengine commercial air transport instrument pilot instructor land and sea

>> No.15435205

Those entertainers don't teach science. You can't and won't learn science from a TV. Go to school.

>> No.15435213


>> No.15435214

see >>15435206

>> No.15435234

shit post

>> No.15435266

He never said that

>> No.15435267

To make brainlets like you seethe

>> No.15435286


>> No.15435882

>I'm building a team

>> No.15435889

Jane Goodall is actually legit and could teach about field research and stuff. Although how old is she now?

>> No.15435914
File: 865 KB, 800x1120, hail_sagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have the best globohomo puppets don't we folks.

>> No.15435941

Whatever site you're on, its teaching you approved list of state propaganda experts mixed with people who keep quiet.

>> No.15435943

>t. never watched Cosmos

>> No.15435972
File: 47 KB, 620x620, tate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wealth management
>Game theory
>Hacking (the Matrix)
Is Andrew more of a Renaissance man than any of these hacks?

>> No.15435977

Andrew is based. Makes half of the world seethe

>> No.15435979

get ready for the jealous basement dwellers army to give you as many (You)s as you could never imagine for mentioning his name.

>> No.15435981

Neil degrass and bill nye are probably some of the best in science communication (which it says under Neil's name), but definitely not actual scientists and I dunno about scientific thinking

>> No.15436010

Unironically he has a lot of good advice, I tried this pick up line he taught and it works extremely well

>> No.15436022

hadfield is such a joke

>> No.15436571
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>> No.15436621

what is the pickup line?

>> No.15436623

Didn't find the original but this one has him explaining it

>> No.15436638

back to /pol/ nazis.

you are not science.

you will never be science.

>> No.15436656

My dad works at Science™

>> No.15436975
File: 295 KB, 720x1080, Fossey&Goodall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Jane

All Hail Dian

>> No.15437024

Black chick is like: OHHH BABY I MADE IT, A WHITE DUDE WANTS MEE!!!!

>> No.15437033
File: 143 KB, 930x1163, 57332e526eae4_378161b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, sure bud.

>> No.15437375

>hey goy, don't listen to the real scientists, listen to these posers instead

>> No.15438639
File: 72 KB, 588x389, black soyence man fails.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NDT sux at communication, check the date on picrel, is that anywhere near aphelion?

>> No.15439184
File: 360 KB, 2400x1600, sciencegrid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15439212

Imagine being known as "The Science Guy" and not even having a PhD, and only an engineering bachelors at that.

>> No.15439215

It's not a /pol/-tier conspiracy, it's this shitty website promoting itself to normies whose last meaningful exposure to science was a Bill Nye video in high school physics class

>> No.15440520

mathew walker has that jewish goblin look

>> No.15440525

Because science educators are bad, right?

>> No.15440677

Very bad, worse than you think actually.

>> No.15441281
File: 606 KB, 4800x2700, 160421114555-bill-nye-the-science-guy-will-mullery-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15441303
File: 416 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20230516-110419_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attend better lectures, peasant.


>> No.15441307

That is significantly more credentials than Thomas Science the original Science Guy who invented Science in the first place.

>> No.15441309
File: 1.37 MB, 2120x1580, 1672248104298280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soientists are criminal scum, a bunch of con artists.

>> No.15441311

Are those actual lectures or just video streams?

>> No.15441319

>Wealth management from a sex trafficker

>> No.15441326

Its a very lucrative business model with vast wealth management needs.

>> No.15441331

The best don't necessarily make for very good teachers, since they might not know what normal people find difficult.

>> No.15441335

D+ Bait

>> No.15441342
File: 759 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20230516-114020_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aint jet-set, homie...

>> No.15442379

You took the bait

>> No.15443283

Those that can, do
Those that cannot, teach

>> No.15443363


>> No.15443495
File: 812 KB, 250x250, 1679134063389435.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those that can, do
My experiments involve energy levels of black holes and radiation at higher frequencies than pulsars. Time frames required in the billions of years. Measurment comparisons from the other side of the universe, or outside the universe all together.
>Those that cannot, teach
The human species isnt ready for my work for they are but little children.
Teaching is getting me closer to doing.

Cliche phrase from a bio-drone. What next? Absolute power corrupts absolutely? Humans are corrupted, not everything is human, stewdent.

>> No.15445167
File: 483 KB, 680x949, b4e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15445694
File: 121 KB, 1011x377, soyence goes gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15446853

What major discoveries has he made?

>> No.15447410

In the case of Bill Nye, he teaches falsehoods and outright lies like global warming and 9001 genders.

>> No.15447730
File: 41 KB, 387x543, NDT-83-Topps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He hit for the cycle against the Yankees during the '83 pennant race

>> No.15449339

He'd have been a bigger deal in astronomy of he hadn't been so devoted to baseball

>> No.15449342

Tao and Matt are salvageable

>> No.15449353

It's another jelly /pol/fag strawman thread

>> No.15450684 [DELETED] 

>its a conspiracy!!!
>/pol/ is out to get me!!!
emotionally unstable paranoid schizo

>> No.15450827
File: 1.84 MB, 1266x1175, eat the bug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You deserve to have your tongue and hands cut out of you, you filthy liar.

>> No.15452051

This pretty much proves Nye is just a shill that will say whatever his handlers tell him to

>> No.15452055

I are you guys actually retarded enough to think these people are the best in science? They’re just gay pop culture celebrities and nothing else. Bill nye isn’t even a scientist and the black guy has already been criticized time and time again for being an egocentric retarded ass. You people are dumbasses. The best scientist alive today probably isn’t even known or is only well known in his niche field.
Remember anyone that is a celebrity or has the time to be one is never nearly as good as they let on. If the common retard knows about them then they waste they’re time trying to appeal to the lowest type of person

>> No.15452370

>I are you guys

>> No.15452732

incoherent emotional rambling of a mental case

>> No.15452867
File: 331 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20230520-165011_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[fingers crossed]
Im gunna go shitpost in real life. I should stop showering so they can smell how much I like science.

>> No.15452902

Have you seen the debate between Dave Farina and Dr James Tour?
Who won?


>> No.15452906

Jesus Christ, what kind of a person do you have to be to mix Kabbalah, the Baphomet and Carl fucking Sagan into this shitshow of an image?
This reeks of an idiot "artist".

>> No.15452929

James: "Show me the Chemistry."
Dave: "He's a liar and stupid and ugly and I hate him".

I'm more interested in Dr.Tour's graphene research.

>> No.15453998 [DELETED] 

everything he does is political

>> No.15454026

Does he teach how a narcist like myself can kiss myself?

>> No.15455014
File: 105 KB, 799x1002, Fv6UIg2XsAIJqhl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black soience man is a racist, comparing jews and hispanics to moneys is antisemitic

>> No.15455901

just stick your dick in the mirror bro

>> No.15457113

Masturbation AKA "self love" and narcissism are intrinsically linked characteristics. Why do you think jacking off is banned by so many religions? Its not to be prudish or authoritarian, its for the mental and physical health of the true believers.

>> No.15458443

>bill nye 15 years ago: there are two genders that are determined genetically
>bill nye today: there are infinite genders
what changed? what new science came out that rewrote the science books?

>> No.15458455
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>> No.15459465
File: 64 KB, 815x1024, wood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what changed? what new science came out that rewrote the science books?
financial concerns

>> No.15460801

what a pathetic display

>> No.15461598
File: 269 KB, 1488x1488, you don't recongize him because he isn't jewish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There aren't any living scientists that accomplished anything of noteworthy value, so thats the best they can do.

>> No.15463433

>There aren't any living scientists that accomplished anything of noteworthy value
I tried hard to think up an example to disprove you with, but I couldn't think of any. Henry Heimlich died in 2016, that was the closest I got.

>> No.15464689

What about the Chinese, don't they have any genius scientists inventing shit?

>> No.15464695

>there are no living scientists who have accomplished anything of noteworthy value
boomers ruined everything, science has been on a roll since the 1600s and boomers ended it

>> No.15464698

He teaches wealth not morality