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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 147 KB, 973x759, Math in San Francisco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15432846 No.15432846 [Reply] [Original]

>Eight years ago, San Francisco United School District eliminated accelerated math classes in middle and high schools, including the option of taking algebra 1 in eighth grade. The policy idea was that all students would be required to learn together through the same heterogeneous math classes until the end of 10th grade. Only then would students become eligible to take accelerated math courses.
>As reported in The Examiner, Long Beach Unified School District offers many lessons for SFUSD. LBUSD is comparable in size, demographics and socioeconomics and faces many of the same challenges. Yet although LBUSD schools receive less funding per student than SFUSD, their secondary math program produces superior student outcomes to ours.

Anyone with a brain could've guessed the outcome of this. Removing math classes harms students learning. Adding math classes would've been the preferred outcome, as well as forcing students to study more. But, you can't do that because "muh racism", apparently.

>> No.15432853

>Even worse, new inequities were introduced that correlated with a further decline in the enrollments and success of our Black and brown students in algebra 2.
Wtf I'm woke now.

More seriously the source is garbage since it's also being vague. No concrete data

>> No.15432859

>more is better
people who aren't interested in math won't be good at it anyway, and the current way they teach math prevents people from being interested in it, the problem is within the methods themselves

>> No.15432866

They reference published studies, like this one.

Naw, I think it has more to do with single-family households, and no interest by the parents in learning or teaching math to their kids. The best math teachers on the planet can't compete against that.
Parents naively think that government schools should be responsible for all of a students learning, but in reality government school should be supplemental compared to what kids should be reading/studying at home.
Parents are dumb, teachers who don't understand this are dumb, and school boards are even worse.

>> No.15433101

What would it take to get Classical Education, and hard STEM classes, back into government schools?
I think School Boards should be removed. They don't do anything except cause problems.
Then, I would remove any administration jobs that don't do anything, especially any operating out of a "central location."
Next, I would get more Dad's and Mom's involved in school activities, both after school and during school. Kind of like Dad's on Duty: https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/29/us/dads-on-duty-louisiana-school-cec/index.html
>Dad's On Duty completely and utterly BTFO EVERY single feminist who has tried to get Dad's and Men out of schools/families for the past 50 years. Within ONE WEEK, these Dad's did more than Teachers, Principles, Feminists, and Social workers COMBINED.
With Math (and other subjects), there should be room for students to complete Tests again by the end of the year. If they pass the test, they should be given a better grade. All students learn at different rates, so allowing students to STUDY and re-take tests allows them to not be defeated by Testing, and instead look at it as a learning tool, not a disciplinary tool.

>> No.15433123

Why would it harm students? Wouldnt the students that were gonna be accelerated just sleep in class and get nothing but straight As?

>> No.15433128

>What would it take to get Classical Education, and hard STEM classes, back into government schools?
Unironically abolish the dept of education. Unfortunately, most (nearly all?) "people" believe that public schools wouldn't exist without them. After the way they were stirred to freakout over Roe-v-Wade, doing the necessary work of eliminating the DoE would cause cataclysmic lugenpresse-induced social upheaval.

>> No.15433160

Definitely agree with that. Schools were better before the DoE was created.
I'd like to see more one-room schools too.
>More small schools, almost 1/neighborhood in some areas.
>More competition between schools for students, means higher quality
>Less overhead means more money to hire the best teachers
>Kids can walk/bike to school
>Older kids help teach younger kids, which reinforces their own understanding of topics
>Less bullying, since you see the same students every day
Large prison-esque schools are unnatural and do more harm than good for society.

>> No.15433300

schools are only prison-esque if they're over 5% black/latino

>> No.15433811

Ameribros, since some of you I assume, are smart people, what is required to give your child a good education? Do you need to pay for private school? Or is living in a high-valued zipcode enough? I'm also talking total avoidance of zoo-animals in the classroom prone to violent outbursts.

>> No.15433818

The DoE will bus in inner-city black children to upper-class white schools if they live close enough. Avoiding diversity means living somewhere dozens or hundreds of miles away from a large black population.

>> No.15433838

A good education doesn't exist. Even if teachers like you, and especially if they do, other kids hate you. I don't believe the idyllic school where "all kids are well behaved" ever existed, other than by luck over a short period of time.

>> No.15433840

What's the secret then? Of course you don't want to go too remote, and end up with some country bumpkins either. How does a legitimately gifted child achieve their potential in the US? Really having nigs destroy education for everyone else should be seen as a national security threat.

>> No.15433842

The real answer is they mostly don't, or if they do then it's despite schooling rather than because of it. You get the highest chances with charter schools (which are allowed to discriminate by IQ via proxy measures) and private schools which can expel students for any reason. But neither one is guaranteed to be free of disruptive people.

>> No.15433844

Imagine the trauma that must place on the black. You leave your shitty trash filled ghetto and bus into a nice clean community full of happy white people, with pretty gardens adorning their McMansions, and you know you're restricted from all of that.

>> No.15433939
File: 34 KB, 260x322, What smart students know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are several options.
>Live near a good university (or several). They will have summer camps for kids and classes they can take while in high school, which will give them more to look forward to.
>Live near a good high school. Look up rankings for your state, and pick one to live by.
>Look for Honors High Schools. For example, in North Carolina there is a honors/STEM high school that students have to apply to get into. https://www.ncssm.edu/
>Have plenty of books in the house, and make sure your kids read all the Great Books that are appropriate for their age group
That's about it. The rest is on your kid to be smart and do well in school.

>> No.15433975

>How does a legitimately gifted child achieve their potential in the US

They don't. Grade school education is absolute shit in America, and it serves no purpose unless you're taking AP classes or dual-enrollment. Unironically, just have them drop out of high school, make them get a GED (or something equivalent), and send them to community college until they figure out what they want to do. I have heard way too many stories of "gifted" kids burning out and disappearing into the depths of mediocrity.

>> No.15433981

>need a curriculum to study math
Guess they weren’t so smart then

>> No.15433996

Not him, but do you really think that for example Gauss was unique in the harvest of euro math twinks or that many other twinks probably saw the same relations he saw at the same time but were ignored because they didn't put out.

>> No.15434008

Don't do this lol. Send them to an expensive prep school so they can get into a top tier college, and give them tutoring on the side so they can actually learn something as well. Starting from the bottom is hard as fuck, you should take advantage of the existing system to cheat your way as far up as possible.

t. 142 IQ (tested) who went to community college

>> No.15434026

I was able to cheat the system the way I said. That's why I said it. However, I believe it only works in California. I dropped out 10th grade, went to community college right after, then I transferred to UCLA.
My suggestion isn't realistic, but neither is yours lmao. If everyone could go to prep school, they would.

>> No.15434032

If you have the money, prep school is always going to be better than wasting two years of your life and (at best) going to a good state school.

The key here is to be rich and then invest that money into your children instead of funkopops. If not, just try to get them into an alright state school, and do everything in your power to find something they're actually good at and get them high quality lessons on that.

>> No.15434044

True, I was only speaking about the community college system in California, which is arguably the best in the nation. Also as you can tell from the post's article, k-12 education in California is unbelievably awful. So much so that you'd probably be better without it, or as you said going to a prep school. I've never experienced good k-12 education, so I cannot argue with you there.

>> No.15434294

>k-12 education in California is unbelievably awful.
It's telling that Alabama has stricter mathematics requirements for graduating high school than California does.

>> No.15434298

Honestly, even in a garbage tier school system you may as well stay in just for the degree. You can just go to community college after you finish high school.

Actually, especially if it's a shit school. Top colleges take the top students from each school, so if your school is a ghetto shithole, you have a real chance of getting into a T20 program.

>> No.15434303

People badmouth Alabama due to a stereotype of it being poor white people, but it's where most of the paperclipped Germans ended up after WWII and it's a center of innovation. University of Alabama is a very reputable school for high tech engineering.

>> No.15434391

>People badmouth Alabama due to a stereotype of it being poor white people,
It's an area the (((Hollywood))) types do not have much influence in, so they stereotype it as dumb and redneck. It wasn't too long ago that Idaho was mocked for being full of "dumb" farmers, but now it's one of the hottest real estate markets for rich Californians getting the hell out of that shit hole.

>> No.15434764

>people who aren't interested in math won't be good at it anyway,
newton wasn't interested in math, he only cared about physics.

>> No.15434852 [DELETED] 

Can you two hillbilly’s jerk each other off and take your Cope somewhere else? Thanks

>> No.15434958
File: 386 KB, 1080x2171, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who would've guessed it

>> No.15434977

How is this not a national security threat? What's the plan for people so dumb, you can't just have them roaming around like animals.

>> No.15435060

>Naw, I think it has more to do with single-family households, and no interest by the parents in learning or teaching math to their kids.

>school fails because people don't make up their own curricula outside of it.

>> No.15435068

>Wouldnt the students that were gonna be accelerated just sleep in class and get nothing but straight As?

>bobby doesn't participate too often, so well give him an F for his oral contributions which we will weight at 2/3rds of his overall grade so pupils with weaker written performance aren't falling behind t much.

At least that's what happens in germany.


>> No.15435077

how old is 10th grade in non-burger years

>> No.15435080

what anons here, who never really slid down the social totem pole because of their school performance don't realize is this:

You get to lower and lower, "easier" forms of school but the social milieu will get more and mote ghetto and toxic, that's a no brainer but where you people have some weird blindspot is the work you still have to put in, just because you get retarded assignments, you still have to attend the classes, cock in the hours and have to waste your time with doing the written assignments - the difference is you now just do stupid shit without challenge, practically wasting away your best years while not having time to do what you actually need to in your free time because of the more intense needs to fraternize in low end school. Putting smart kids with stupid kids will make the smart kids stupid but putting retarded kids with smart kids won't make the retards smarted.

>> No.15435086

sitting on a bus for an hour or more each way on a daily basis must be wonderful for them too

>> No.15435150

Most kids feel like their wasting their life in School anyways. Curriculum should have a stronger focus on how the kid wants to contribute to society in the future. Hopefully with ai we can get that

>> No.15435195

Probably 16

>> No.15436119


>> No.15436397

it's not a national security concern if they keep voting for the correct party. there are still enough smart whites/asians/jews to keep the machine limping along.

>> No.15437280
File: 968 KB, 827x827, school makes you dumber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Curriculum should have a stronger focus on how the kid wants to contribute to society
the point of school is brainwashing, not education

>> No.15437965
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>> No.15438031

Homeschool that motherfucker, teach your friend's kids, and make your friends teach your kids when you're working

Or you know throw them at the mill and act like they don't exist

>> No.15438820

as if on cue, we now have a popular thread on /sci/ about the miracles of multiplying by numbers ending in 9
coming soon: thread going to the bump limit about the discovery that 2 is the only even prime number

>> No.15439252

>accelerated math classes in middle and high schools, including the option of taking algebra 1 in eighth grade
what the fuck. I went to some rural shithole school that didn't have any honors classes or accelerated programs or anything like that and even we had algebra in eight grade

>> No.15439392
File: 330 KB, 1080x855, Screenshot_20230515_170104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be one of the top high schools in the US
>bunch of apparatchiks and "community organisers"
>declare admissions test racist and change from merit based to fucking LOTTERY system for admissions
>failure rate jumps from 7% to 24%
>"it is important to note this cannot just be attributed to one cause..."

>> No.15439394

Most of America's schools are being dumbed down.
>woke crowd insists underprivileged people can do just as well
>demand underperformers get into top schools
>underperformers underperform
>same crowd says tests must therefore be racist
>test standards drop
>repeat ad infinitum

>> No.15439397

eh, I don't see the big deal. Highschool is 90% social 10% learning. It's why smart people who went to terrible highschools do good in college, you learn so little at such a slow pace in highschool that you can make up for it fast

>> No.15439599

for what it's worth, I went to a 50% black magnet school in a poor area and took math all the way through ODEs and LinAlg.

there were always a few poor (read: black. not profiling, they were on free/reduced lunch) kids in the advanced classes, and I felt good that they had the chance to do something like that.

>> No.15439602

>Imagine the trauma that must place on the black. You leave your shitty trash filled ghetto and bus into a nice clean community full of happy white people, with pretty gardens adorning their McMansions, and you know you're restricted from all of that.
it's not a trauma since the negroes know that no matter how they behave they can shit up the place and the whitoids will not retaliate in anyway kek

>> No.15439609

Spoken like a true retard; math is interesting enough on its own. The problem is pandering to garbage ideas that math should be "fun" or "less like literature" when that couldn't be further from the truth. Another problem is math is difficult and you gotta spend hours practicing or else you'll severely fall behind.

>> No.15439635

There are many different styles and branches of math. I agree with you that we need more exposure, which could be in the form of proof based geometry courses in high school, among other things. I loved math in school and nothing pissed me off more than the garbage that is pure math like galois or category theory. Thank God PDEs is huge today for people who actually like what I call REAL math.

Summer programs are a big one for academics in general. Every summer my parents would send me to Umich for their math/science program, helped a ton academically and socially(first GF/sex and start of yellow fever)

>> No.15439642

>It's why smart people who went to terrible highschools do good in college
name 5 people

>> No.15439727

As someone who has taken advanced math classes I definitely liked when they focused on the actual concept in the abstract rather than
>Lebron James throws the basket ball from the 3 point line at a 45 degree angle... blah blah blah...

>> No.15440148

>Naw, I think it has more to do with single-family households, and no interest by the parents in learning or teaching math to their kids. The best math teachers on the planet can't compete against that
It's tough to untangle because most of the single parent families are in a group that has an average IQ of 85 with a verbal tilt. They ought to be in separate schools but we decided you can't do that.

>helped a ton academically and socially
>start of yellow fever
Sounds like it destroyed you socially

>> No.15440188

i like this. It wont happen though because schools today are designed to destroy communities and individuals. The hyperpolitical left are ensuring this

>> No.15440275

But they will never have it. They will never create that which they destroy, and they know it.

>> No.15441092

thats why the highest iq bracket after homeschooled kids is college dropouts

>> No.15442324

They also have the only climate science department that works with actual real data and legitimate physics

>> No.15442360

I studied hard science. If a client calls and has a question I don't know, which happens most of the time, I tell him I'm currently in a meeting, in the lab etc. and I'll call back soon. Then I Google the solution, ask the lan workers if they can measure the parameter and think about a price that seems fit. Then I call back and play the smart guy while I know absolutely nothing. Actually pretty comfy thinking about it.

>> No.15442425

>hold back all of humanity endeavor and progress to the intelligence and aptitude level of the most retard underachieving lowest common denominator
>what could possibly go wrong?
the fact that the education system is controlled by people make these kind of decisions is beyond disturbing and scary.
we are so fucked

>> No.15442446

>accelerated math classes
>algebra 1 in eighth grade
At the Jr High I attended 7th grade pre-algebra was standard, followed by 8th grade algebra. This was in 1985, but still...

>> No.15442458

it's pointless and also a correct decision to remove math classes because absolute majority who attend that school are iq 70 melanin enriched americans, they don't want it, even if someone forced them to attend accelerated math it would just be wasted on them. To make them happy, to make taxpayers happy, to make teachers happy is best not to waste resources (money, time etc) on them when it is known with absolute guarantee and extra math classes will cost money but will not provide any value or benefit to anyone.

Also that school building looks like some shitty american mcdonalds

>> No.15442463

>Naw, I think it has more to do with single-family households
no, if kids are low iq don't blame the single parent households, blame the low iq kids

>> No.15442610

Restricted from all that? I dunno man, nobody's forcing you to get involved with druggies and criminals. Just keep your head down, study hard, get into college, and as soon as you've got that sorted, you're about 10-15 years away from Making It (TM) into the middle class. Then it's your job to propel your kids even further.

>> No.15442997

DOE is ok but insufficent, the entire education system should be managed by the federal government and private education (including charter schools) should be abolished. All school districts should be funded federally. Democratic administration (including state sovereignty) have not produced good schools. Brutal centralization and massive bureaucracy is required.

Schools should teach constructive geometry before fractions and all classes should be proof based. Almost all kids CAN learn math to a higher standard (vector calculus and number theory by high school graduation), but kids aren't ever taught mathematical reasoning, only symbol manipulation and memorization of formulae.

Kids should also study PE for 90 mins / day.

>> No.15444331

did you already (even vaguely) know what field you wanted to pursue when you dropped out? am doing similar right now but not sure if it's worth going to woke college.

>> No.15444368

Nature is more important than nurture, but the one type of nurture that has consistent proven devastating for kids is single motherhood. It is literally the leftism of parenting

>> No.15444396

>The government may have wasted a trillion tax dollars without providing a single measurable improvement in education, but if we just give them even more money and power, everything will get better.
Unironically kys. Everything the government touches becomes a million times more inefficient, incompetent, and corrupt. The government's involvement in education has been nothing but negative. Abolish the DoE.
>Kids can't figure out how add, but they're ready for constructive geometry and mathematical proofs
Everything you believe about the world is false.

>> No.15444531

The point of all the forced integration is to cross breed the smarter with the dumber in the hopes of making a docile mixed population to rule over. Standard animal cross breeding applied to humans. A farmer might say, "These Chianina cows are too large to fence in easily and these long horns don't produce enough meat. If I cross breed them, I might get a better result."

Here they use the negro population and hope to breed it with the other ethnicities to cancel out some of the troublesome genes. They don't care if it ruins everything. They hate that whites are pretty and ask for fair wages.

>> No.15444690

>Brutal centralization and massive bureaucracy is required.
Poe's law is tiresome

>> No.15444765

Actual options

>Private school without religious affiliation (jewish or some catholic schools are fine but most Christian schools are awful)

>Magnet program in an integrated school district - this is what I did, the IB program for instance is designed to give kids of diplomats, businessmen etc in third world shitholes a decent education, turns out it works in america too. not total avoidance of zoo animals but getting to see some of them in their native habitats in elective classes is an educational experience.

>homeschool with online classes - not sure if this is fully viable yet but virtual school was already developed enough when i was in school 15 years ago that you can probably get a far better education than even a relatively good public high school without stepping foot on a campus

Last option is probably the most realistic going forward if you are not rich and care about your children's education. Regular homeschool where you teach the kids yourself is far too time consuming to do properly but with access to professionally designed online classes for higher level subjects and local community activities it is far better than being trapped in an equity-driven education system where your success is an obstacle to the goal of equal outcomes for 85 iq single parent households.

>> No.15445669

There is only one zip code in the USA with public education good enough to compete with private schools.
22101, the region surrounding CIA HQ in northern Virginia, where members of congress live

>> No.15446792

yeah, those ones are the only public high schools in the top 100 rankings every year

>> No.15447161

You're bringing the cart before the horse. Ask yourself what variable correlates most with single family households? Kids raised by single mothers aren't stupid because of the household they grew up in, kids raised by single mothers are stupid because their parents were stupid and they inherited those traits. Which population has the lowest average IQ distribution, and raises their children in single family households 80% of the time? School performance was never a social problem to begin with, and when I think about how much money we wasted treating it as such I want to scream.

>> No.15447163

single mothers are bribed by the government via welfare to be single mothers. thats how the welfare system works, single mothers are the only people who collect money from it, they get about $80,000 a year in benefits for being single mothers,
if they were married, the family would get no welfare and instead they would owe massive taxes.
a family needs to earn about $130,000 to have $80,000 left over after taxes

>> No.15447167

It doesn't have to be that way. The government wasted trillions of dollars on education because its racist to admit blacks are lower IQ on average than whites. If we got rid of the false premise you could very easily organize education programs to make the most of eveyones abilities, even with the retarded bureaucracy of the DOE leading the helm. Until then we will continue watering down American education until everyone is reading at a third grade level.

>> No.15447181

Not true. The actual number is about half that, and you'd have to make a combined income of a little over 60k to break even against a welfare mom. High IQ people aren't choosing to go on welfare because it makes economic sense, high IQ people get married to someone who went to their college or a coworker and make 100k combined or more.
Whats actually true is that low IQ mothers, who never would have achieved high yearly salaries in the first place, are incentivized to have multiple children in order to maximize welfare benefits, thus increasing the proportion of low IQ to high IQ members of the nation over time. In fact, what is actually happening is so much worse than what you claimed, because the government is literally encouraging the population through finacial incentive over time to become MORE stupid.

>> No.15447344

> I like talking about math more than actually doing it.

>> No.15447414

We should start a campaign to diversify those schools. Sounds like they need a little more strength.

>> No.15447469

Yeah they get A's but don't learn anything and are never challenged.

>> No.15447727

they're diverse, foreign diplomats send their kids there as well as members of congress and they're filled with the kids of jewish bankers and lawyers and lobbyists too

>> No.15449341

pure conicidence

>> No.15450696 [DELETED] 

>Yet although LBUSD schools receive less funding per student than SFUSD, their secondary math program produces superior student outcomes to ours.
Sure, but do the Long Beach kids know all 78 different genders?

>> No.15451629

Physics is applied math, you silly goose.

>> No.15452079

The SF kids can't count to 78, how can be sure they know all the genders of they can't count up how many they know?

>> No.15452691

They get $80k when you count up all their gibes, housing allowances, free public transportation, free university tuition, free childcare, free healthcare.
Normal people all have to earn money and then pay taxed on what they earned before they can buy that stuff, welfare cases, all of whom are single mothers, get it all for free

>> No.15452710

>single mothers are bribed by the government via welfare to be single mothers.
It's not a bribe, it's a grant. You just get it for being a woman with anchors.
>thats how the welfare system works, single mothers are the only people who collect money from it, they get about $80,000 a year in benefits for being single mothers,
Jose and Jamal should give them some lessons if that's all they get.

>cherry picked government stooges
Diversify it all you want, they'll just dredge up some other cherry picked university in some brown country and import the cream of the crop to increase the quota.

Try figuring out how to teach them how to think instead of what to think. You'll find most normie drone parents can't comprehend what that even means which is why they send them to public school in the first place.

>> No.15453011

math in highschool is about memorising algorithms. math in uni is about solving problems. quite easy to get filtered if you learning an algorithm doesn't seem interesting.
the really good students just "get" the rote the learning and get their hands on new concepts at the right pace to sustain interest even if they arent trusted to problem solve quite yet (although sometimes they are). but there are students who may need the motivation to struggle through the rote to see the open vistas. just need a glimpse of these open vistas. a lot of precalculus was just factoring polynomials, if that didnt turn you off math you were an automata/grade driven/disciplined by parents.

>> No.15453022

The problem is niggers can't understand math and the bigger problem is that double digit IQ public servant wokies can't understand that math is an inherently objective and difficult field in which they cannot bullshit by calling everything "racist" like they did to pass their party school liberal arts degrees.

You can dumb it down sure, then you just fuck over your students who fall behind everyone else that doesn't do that. Then you lose the tech, industry and power that that generated the wealth you are squandering to begin with and the people who learned this powerful tool laugh at your inferiority (and move their companies to Texas while your state sinks into debt).

>> No.15453398

>What's the plan for people so dumb, you can't just have them roaming around like animals.
Pay for all their needs and give them even more money when they have kids

>> No.15453464

Nah man, it's way easier to blame it on lack of motivation and give up than it is to devote time and effort into a new subject. I failed classes and tests before and believed I didn't "get it", but I discovered in grad school that it takes about four hours a day at minimum to learn a new subject.

>> No.15453470

How is it possible that hispanics score better than blacks in reading and writing in fucking English? Like the hispanic kids don't even speak English at home and are better than Blacks?

>> No.15453484

Blacks are dumb but spics aren't much smarter.
Asians and Jews will have to carry California.
Spics have supplanted whites as the majority of the state.
Only 21% of all births are white and white people are the largest demographic leaving California.

>> No.15453486
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>More seriously the source is garbage since it's also being vague. No concrete data

They are not being vague, they are not ALLOWED to explain.

>> No.15453618

How is this flawed, homogenized math curriculum 'woke'? Woke means "being alert to racial prejudices".

>> No.15454062 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 656x960, trot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

racial prejudices are a natural part of life.
saying you can't pre-judge people by race is saying that there are no difference between the races, in which case racial prejudice couldn't possibly have existed to begin with

>> No.15454074

you can also pre-judge based on race and be immediately proven wrong by asking a leading question.
there are plenty of smart people everywhere, I am not among them.

>> No.15454348

Hispanics are white

>> No.15455008

what's with all these racial groups that desperately want to be identified as White? jews and arabs do too, but at least beaners might have a few drops of European blood, semites have none, arabs and jews are from Asia, they are not European in any way, they are 100% Asian

>> No.15455030

The education system is working as intended.

>> No.15455032
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No. Too much native blood. Some parts are *mostly* "white" though. It's not a secret that the upper echelons of Chile/Uruguay/Argentina remain mostly "white". They're becoming browner by the year though. South Brazil also has the most Germanic admixture, and it's the most developed part of Brazil.
Pure Ashkenazim have as much as 70% European admixture after living in European societies for hundreds/thousands of years.
Arabs aren't even remotely European.

>> No.15455134

>what is required to give your child a good education?
Your time as a parent. It really is that simple. Because if you don't put in the time, someone else is going to.

>> No.15456014

that sound like too much work, I think ill collect toys for myself instead
t. >>15437965 picrel

>> No.15456029

Wtf is happening in America?
As an Eurochad I always get the impression colleges there are pure indoctrination factories, whereas the professors and docents here indoctrinate you into taking notes fast enough before they finish the lecture in an aloof fashion with zero ideological distraction.
So of course the average student that finishes an American college is a studious average intelligence woman that can sit down and listen what she’s told. The same isn’t true here.

>> No.15456328
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True desu but aren't many countries in Western Europe just as pozzed and woke as America, if not even more so?

>> No.15457181

your glaring nationalist inferiority complex with respect to America is cringe, if euro education were really so superior then euros would be out performing America economically and politically instead of being a collection of impoverished vassal states who can't even afford to arm themselves or defend their own borders.

>> No.15458271
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>> No.15458332 [DELETED] 

[citation needed

>> No.15458337

[citation needed]

>> No.15459371
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>> No.15460737

The scoreboard reveals the truth. Europe has been on the decline since the 1800s and they can't seem to turn it around, things just get worse and worse for them

>> No.15461139

I posted this a few weeks ago too. Thanks for doing it again anon!

>> No.15461660

the government wants ppl to be ignorant of math, makes them easier to lie to and manipulate.

>> No.15462661


>> No.15462903


>> No.15462906

/also thread

>> No.15463001

8 years ruining thousands of people, like fucking rats in a social lab

>> No.15463378

California is currently losing population for the first time in recorded history. Its such a liberal hellhole that people are fleeing faster than they can be replaced by illegal immigration. Cali is currently getting over a million illegal immigrants annually

>> No.15464648
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cali used to be so much better because all this (((progress)))

>> No.15465439

america is sinking into the same judeo-bolshevism hell that europe is, just not quite as swiftly

>> No.15465459

Turbo brainlet post

>> No.15465837

who does that school look like it was built by the same people who redesigned all the fast food buildings?

>> No.15465976

add 5 to the number and thats approximately the age

>> No.15465977

None of the posters in this thread can do high school math

>> No.15466422

other way around

>> No.15466423

[Citation Needed]

>> No.15467172

glorious communism

>> No.15467713

>living in European societies
same as any parasite lives in it's host.

>> No.15469007
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>> No.15469685
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>> No.15469971

I can't, I don't understand the pozzed shit they teach children these days. Its not real math

>> No.15470388

Very based, but the US does not have the state capacity to enact such programs. It is very much declined.

>> No.15470400

ya hate to see it

>> No.15470410

good. the more stupid you are the better

>> No.15470459

Your children can get a good education whether it's public, private, charter, magnet, etc. The real difference is in your parenting. A student with parents who are involved in making sure they do their homework, and push them appropriately to achieve, will do well anywhere. A student with parents who don't care to check if they do their homework will miss out, even at a well to do private school.

You want to give your kid every possible advantage though. Not all private schools are the same; some are better than others. I went to a private school with an excellent reputation. I know people who went to public schools in good zip codes that received the same or a similar level of education as me. I know people who were top achievers at public schools in middle of the road public schools and have impressive professional careers, while some of my former classmates work in retail and aren't even salaried.

It really comes down to parenting, but you should interview the school, the zip code, etc. Be involved at parent-teacher meetings and understand what your kid is being taught.

>> No.15471086 [DELETED] 

children get good education when they're educated at home, by people who genuinely care about them and understand them

>> No.15471870

>mom, can you drive me to the mall?

>> No.15472890

and she did it too, bad parenting.
single mothers raise garbage children.

>> No.15472909

that's just sad

>> No.15473676

Its funny because its true

>> No.15474189

>Adding math classes would've been the preferred outcome
That might be the wrong lesson.
You probably could have retained student performance while removing the advanced class options if you still SEGREGATED the good students from the bad students.
I had algebra in 8th grade and it was a class full of the good students.
Then I had geometry in 9th grade where it was only freshman (so still only the good students).
Then algebra 2 as a sophomore (still only the good students)

My math education at least since 8th grade had me in math class with only the smart well-behaved kids.
It's amazing how smooth things run when there aren't retards and disruptions slowing everything down.

>> No.15474709

>I always get the impression colleges there are pure indoctrination factories,
They are, they're little more than brainwashing camps for amoral, overly status conscious personalities

>> No.15474895

lol, you don't know what a class with smart well-behaved kids is like if you're only 1 year ahead

>> No.15474962

Is woke in the room with you right now, Republicans?

>> No.15475259


>> No.15475427

It wasn't just one year ahead. There were no older kids who were the dummies of their grade.
It was only all of the kids who were one year ahead in the accelerated math classes.
Maybe you don't know what it is like since your school wasn't as based as mine.

>> No.15475502

This is the face of anti asian racism

>> No.15475964

Listen retard, I took algebra 1 in 6th grade with a mix of 6th and 7th graders.
Throughout my middle/high school experience I never took a class with kids more than 1 grade above me.
I took AP calc BC and AP stats in 10th grade, calc 3 in 11th, linear algebra and ODE in 12th grade

If you were only one year ahead of the mouthbreathers who take algebra 1 in high school, then you're not "advanced"
Sorry you're retarded and think you had the pinnacle of math education

>> No.15475968

Asians will keep voting for even more of it.

>> No.15475994


>> No.15476030

Beyond the basics, primary education should try to arm students to defend themselves from the lies and manipulations of the wider world. This can be done by using the same curriculum more or less.
A good example being mathematics and statistics, show students not just how to do it but how it can be abused. Show them all the tricks, and maybe people won't be as easily fooled.

>> No.15476757
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>> No.15477314

That sums up California's educational philosophy perfectly

>> No.15477618

Same experience here. 1 grade "ahead" is average for whites. Algebra one in 6th or 7th grade is a minimum for "smart".

>> No.15478165

devoting your youth to math isn't "smart" its a cope for social rejects.

>> No.15478415

taking algebra 1 in 6th or 7th grade isn't devoting your youth

>> No.15478433

The Hispanic kids often don't even speak English at all beyond greetings and still do better than blacks in both Math and English.

t. NYC public school teacher.

>> No.15478848

>so fucking stupid that he can't even imagine that the base level of effort for smart people would have better results than him trying his hardest
You're a genuine retard, sorry about that.

>> No.15479135

The people in your school with superior genetics didn't waste their time doing extra math, they were too busy played football and putting their penis in all the prettiest girls

>> No.15479224

Europe has the perfect system for this honestly. They give everyone aptitude tests in kindergarten and they funnel the kids into the subject the perform best in and basically ignore all the others. Multiple intelligences is a real thing within and between different groups of people. America has this weird blank slate view where children can magically start performing well in subjects they were bad at when they were younger so kids shouldn't have a specialized education until they're adults (and even then colleges still have fucking required courses outside the major).

>> No.15479260

I like that idea anon. Get everybody specialised early on. It is true that there are different types of intelligence.

>> No.15479540

again, it didn't take extra time.

>> No.15479669

>tell asians that republicans want to hurt them
>in reality its 'diverse' people who hurt asians the most
the democrat part is truly the scum of the earth

>> No.15479701

"Hispanics" refers to people from Spain, the ancient Roman province of Hispania. Hispanics don't have native admixture, those are "Latinos" (derived from "latinoamericanos") you're thinking of.

A lily white Spaniard straight off the plane from Spain is Hispanic, but not Latino. A brown mexican with half aztec blood is Latino, but not Hispanic.

>> No.15479706

Without the national obsession with diversity, those Asians, much less their extended families, would not be in the US. Diversity has evolved into a contest for which immigrant group can grab the most power from the incumbent population.

>> No.15480044

>half aztec
The king of Spain is 6'6" and blue eyed, have you ever seen a mexican over 5'8" or with blue eyes?
They're not half European, they're probably not even 1%, the only thing Spanish about them is their language and other aspects of their civilization.

>> No.15480068

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. First of all, the king of Spain comes from a long line of nobles of a French dynasty. He doesn't actually reflect the population of Spain. Second, it is well known by several genetic studies that latinos (not pure natives) have European DNA. I'm talking about like 30-70%. However, having even 1% European DNA does not mean you automatically get blue eyes or whatever the fuck just like being 1% black doesn't make you literally black or even a bit swarthy.

>> No.15480124

Regardless of the precise racial composition of modern Mexicans, the vast majority of them aren't Hispanic in the ethnic and racial sense. The king of Spain is Hispanic (I assume, I'm not going to bother deciphering his family tree just for this thread.) Hispanics are Europeans from the region that was once Hispania, namely Spain. Portuguese could reasonably claim the term too, but instead they are termed Lusitanians. Hispanics from Spain, Lusitanians from Portugal, and together they can be called Iberians. The main takeaway here is that Hispanics refers to people from Spain.

In an ethnic and racial sense, the vast majority of Mexicans cannot rightly claim to be "from Spain" because they are substantially or even mostly native blood. Racially, Mexicans aren't Hispanics. The only sense in which they might be called Hispanic is their language.

To call a Mexican a Hispanic is mostly just wrong. it is more correct to call a Mexican a Latino. Latino means latinoamericano, it's a word that exists to describe the people who come from "Latin America", which is basically Mexico and everything south of it. Latino includes Brazil, incidentally, but not Portugal nor Spain. Spanairds are not Latinos, and Mexicans are not Hispanics.

>> No.15480142

Your education was different as I thought.
In your case it wasn't the
>smart well-behaved kids
because you had lessers from 1 grade above.

In my case, the advanced classes were comprised of only the smart well-behaved kids with no lessers from the grade above.

>I took AP calc BC and AP stats in 10th grade, calc 3 in 11th, linear algebra and ODE in 12th grade
Good for you. I got bored in 9th grade geometry and started learning calc and taylor series on my own because I hated relying on the calculator for trig functions (I didn't need the hand-holding like you did).
I learned diffeq, calc 1, calc 2, calc 3, linear algebra, complex analysis, physics 1, physics 2 and fourier analysis by grade 12 all learned on my own just from MIT opencourseware and Stanford stuff.
There was some stuff from Euler (random papers), Gauss (disquisitiones), Hardy (intro to theory of numbers), and Edouard Goursat (course on mathematical analysis).
Judging from your posturing, though, I'm going to assume you are lying or just a childish irritable aspie with ego issues.

>> No.15480145
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Brainwashing and education are the same shit.
Beasts of burden are educated.
Humans acquire knowledge.

>> No.15480150

A complete waste of resources. To save the planet all that vermin and those who feed them must be eradicated.

>> No.15480153

To the meat grinder with you, feet first.

>> No.15480155

True and real. To save the planet don't waste resources on animals who will never provide anything of value to society.

>> No.15480794

I used to know a Spanish scientist when I was I was working in Arizona, he was always loling his ass off over how stupid mexicans are

>> No.15481459

my "lessers from the grade above" were more advanced than your entire class. In fact my high school is regularly ranked as a top 3 public school in the entire US and had a tough entrance process including a pseudo-IQ test, so even the midwits at my school were probably smarter than your school's top students
you really need to work on basic reading comprehension, bro

Ironic that you throw out accusations of lying when it's obvious you just lied on your own or vastly overestimated your own comprehension of those materials. The poster doth protest too much, methinks.

For what it's worth I qualified for the AIME twice in high school, which then filtered me as I only got 6/15 my senior year just like the PUTNAM filtered me in college with a 19/120

>> No.15481502
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>> No.15482014

oy vey

>> No.15482787

>public school
you went to a shit school

>> No.15483734

>Diversity has evolved into a contest for which immigrant group can grab the most power from the incumbent population.
…by claiming victim status, never by earning it

>> No.15483809

>you really need to work on basic reading comprehension, bro
Lol. You autistically fixated on
>smart well-behaved
and tried to start some one-up game:
>Well ackchyually, your smart well-behaved peers weren't as smart as mine
Which has no effect on the validity of my point.

You completely ignored the main thrust of my point and tried to brag about how great you are.
I don't know if it is narcissism, autism, or some insecurity but I hope you resolve your issues and I wish you well.

>> No.15484099

> narcissism, autism,
same thing

>> No.15484637 [DELETED] 

USA public schools are run by child molesters

>> No.15485462 [DELETED] 

The government and especially leftist in government want ppl to be bad at math. If ppl can't do math then they can't figure out how much money government is stealing from them and can be more easily manipulated via emotional means, TV talking heads, "internet influencers" & other "smart" phone feature.

>> No.15486734 [DELETED] 
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this, ppl who can't do math also can't handle money

>> No.15486744

Not just public schools, but spot on.

>> No.15487676

The point being that 1 grade ahead of donkey-brained mongoloids is not "smart" and shouldn't be bragged about

>> No.15488089

I wasn't bragging.
My first post >>15474189 was related to OP's.
My whole point is that segregating kids with advanced placement as most schools do with mathematics brings with it additional benefits that people may overlook.
There are multiple variables at play when comparing the system that offers advanced placement vs the system that doesn't.
Naively, people might fixate on the taking advanced classes vs not taking advanced classes aspect.
My point is that may not be the main variable at play when identifying the source of the difference observed in the performance of the 2 systems.
My hypothesis is the SEGREGATION that is imposed is the main contributor to the difference in performance since there are likely positive effects on the learning environment just from having all of the "relatively" smart well-behaved kids in one classroom.
I guess it was the lack of "relatively" that triggered the sperg into a dick-measuring contest but who knows.
Maybe he thought me describing my education experience to lay the groundwork for me stating my observation was an attempt at bragging (even though it is just the standard education track for the non-retards).

When sperg >>15474895 fixated on smart well-behaved only 1 year ahead, he gave the impression that it wasn't the case that there were segregation benefits which I interpreted >>15475427 as perhaps his school had the lessers from one grade ahead in the classes which would erode the segregation benefits.
Then sperg >>15475964 started dick-measuring and also admitted it was the case that he did have kids from one year ahead in some of his classes.
Then I >>15480142 acknowledged the admission and also did some dick measuring.

I don't know if I gave the wrong impression in my first post or the sperg is just over-sensitive to perceiving bragging but clearly he was sufficiently certain I was bragging to respond with hostility instead of seeking clarification before retaliating.
Very low impulse control.

>> No.15488095

this only proves him right. a worthwhile human will be naturally drawn to math, and he will suffer to learn it, whether he "wants" it to happen or not. meanwhile a retard will stay a retard, and will never wish for more

>> No.15488444

Sometimes this question keeps me awake at night. It made me cry a bit too

>> No.15489741

right, but university mathfags also can't handle money, they are all poor

>> No.15490714
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>> No.15490859

The Whites at those schools treat them like princes and princesses.
I've visited California on several occasions, staying on a private college where all the White kids are rich but paying through the nose, and the blacks are middle class surfing on the 200 scholarships they got with a 3.2 GPA 1230 SAT score. The latter are by far the most arrogant, stuck-up, spoiled group of people I've come across, and yet they provide nothing to any activity they participate in. They just complain and get.

>> No.15490874

Just parents willing to do it, parents being anle to hit their kids and 2 hours of extra online education per week.
4 for the nerds or they will remain virgins and that's wrong

>> No.15490963
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Soientists are the most foolish and stupid people that exist. Even people who were born retarded never mess up other lives as much as they do.

>> No.15490981

If As are good why not just give everyone As?

>> No.15491786

money math is extremely simple arithmetic, you don't need to go to school to learn it

>> No.15492535

Latino comes from Latin. There are latin-americans and latin-europeans. Latino is short for latin-american in most contexts in the US, but it's not exclusive to them.
Hispanic means "from the province of hispania", as you mentioned. Hispanic is short for latin-american in most contexts in the US, but it's not exclusive to them.
Racially, Mexicans are Hispanics because they strongly descend both culturally and ethnically from Hispanics. They're not purely Hispanics, but they're descendants. Just like the Latin countries in Europe aren't purely Latin, having mixes of Roman and native blood, traditions, customs and languages.
Of course, after a certain point the influence of a group of people becomes small enough that such label becomes questionable, such as whether England or Germany are Latin (they aren't but have suffered heavy influence). Mexico is heavily Hispanic however.

>> No.15492536

mathfags all think they can earn easy money on wall street, but their fancied faggotry isn't useful on wall street

>> No.15492764

The average Mexican is about as Hispanic as Obama is white.

>> No.15493658
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>> No.15494504

This is all intentional, the political classes don't want an educated populace, they want a dumb one that can be easily tricked and manipulated.
Government run schools were banned in Ancient Rome because they knew this would be the inevitable result.

>> No.15495412

No, they'll get bored, goof off, find something better to do, start skipping school and eventually fail out.

>> No.15495682

kids are forced to watch a homosexual propaganda film and are threatened with punishment if they don't watch quietly and pay attention

>> No.15496356

>what went wrong?
in 1973 the jews removed homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses in the DSM, thats what set the stage for today's conditions

>> No.15497688
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>> No.15498078


>> No.15498084

The Nature journal declared that science is political.

>> No.15498603
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>> No.15498697


It became /pol/ when scientists became woke and started stating backing insane beliefs as reality.
Reality is there are 2 sexes and they are permanent at conception.
"Boys have a penis and women have a vagina" is now a "controversial" statement.

>> No.15498752

>the problem is within the methods themselves
if you actually need a teacher to teach you anything in 2023. it is already over for you

>> No.15498843

>Black and brown
Why do they always use the euphemism "brown" when what they really mean is Mexican? Not all "brown" people are bad at math. Indian people are brown, but most of them are pretty good at math.

>> No.15499698

>"Boys have a penis and women have a vagina" is now a "controversial" statement.
institutional science is so cringe and fake, it should just be ended, we would be so much better off without it

>> No.15500498

>find something better to do

>> No.15500511

realizing the grind required for mathematics is what made me drop out of uni a decade ago. I wasn't willing to commit 2-4 hours a day to something so completely bland, especially when it had little to do with the field I was interested in. thank god I dropped out too, I can't imagine the insufferable depressed soi faggot I'd probably have turned out to be if I kept on that route.

>> No.15500518

the people haven't changed. they're just getting exposed to the same information the /pol/tards you hate are, including the stuff that's correct.

why wouldn't the board associated with a proficiency for mathematics immediately see through obvious historical lies like the holocaust once all of the data and numbers are in front of them? the numbers involved in western historical canon treblinka deaths are fucking hilariously cartoonishly impossible. and once a mainstream public school staple like the holocaust is flipped on its head, you're much more willing to accept that other things might be false as well. such as modern mainstream trends in human genetics, which essentially assert that natural selection magically stops at the neck except for the times when we can make it not offend anyone.

>> No.15501336

>we would be so much better off without it
giving careers to nerd who should be genetic dead ends in counterproductive

>> No.15502159

OK, but there aren't any standardized tests which rate students' knowledge of gay buttsex and tranny pronoun faggotry. I bet those students would be amongst the highest scoring of there were.
Maybe math just isn't as important as learning about nonreproductive sexual perversion?

>> No.15503333
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>Maybe math just isn't as important as learning about nonreproductive sexual perversion?
why not both?

>> No.15504206
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>> No.15505193 [DELETED] 

>why wouldn't the board associated with a proficiency for mathematics immediately see through obvious historical lies like the holocaust once all of the data and numbers are in front of them?
Because they're threatened with severe penalties if they do, so they choose self preservation over honesty

>> No.15506423 [DELETED] 

A standardized test like that could be an enormous moneymaker, you could run the SAT ppl out of business. Universities don't want to grant entry based on academic merit anymore, excluding wrongthinkers is their primary desire

>> No.15506951

>but most of them are pretty good at math.
eh, the ones that are rich enough to come to the US are, but most of them are like 94 IQ and only fit to work at call centers.