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15431604 No.15431604 [Reply] [Original]

Is inability to differentiate between humans and animals a known mental illness and if so, whats the name for it?

>> No.15431618

>demand 1000 to stop
ok you must asmit this is pretty funny

>> No.15431622

Did they give the $1000? If not, who's the real monster here?

>> No.15431637

>failed to return to retrieve the pet
Jesus Christ. Muricans are so cucked that they would really allow these subhumans to not only have pets again but even the same one they tortured?

>> No.15431652

>inability to differentiate between humans and animals
I think that's called veganism

>> No.15431658

"anthropomorphic fallacy" and it is very common.

>> No.15431800

Its companion fallacy, anthropocentrism, the inability to recognize that humans aren't fundamentally above or in essence different from other sentient beings, is even more common.

>> No.15431809

Yuh dey on tha dub dub
Bix on tha beach nigga

>> No.15431836

considering humans equal to animal is also misanthropy

>> No.15431866

The inability to empathize with animal suffering is due to a lack of higher functioning brain processes. These people are a form of retard - they are everywhere now, and civilization isn't sustainable with too many of this type around.

>> No.15431885


Stop speaking truth on /sci/

>> No.15431964

>demand 1000 to stop
This should make them eligible for federal charges; animal abuse FOR PROFIT.

>> No.15431994

>empathize with animal suffering
your out of control psychological projection is indicative of deeper mental illness
you don't know what animals think or feel, you only presume that you do.

>> No.15432002

you drowned mice in puddles as a kid didnt you?

>> No.15432005
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>and demand $1,000 from shocked onlookers just to stop
LMAO is anybody else here old enough to remember savetoby.com?

>> No.15432050

On a fundamental level literally the ONLY thing that sets us apart from animals is our ability to empathize.
Youre pretty much on the level of any wild beast as far as I'm concerned, though your kind isn't even really unique or rare.

>> No.15432066

>what is sapience

>> No.15432077
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>i know what animals think and feel

>> No.15432108

koko the gorilla grieved for a cat

and you're a fucking retard

>> No.15432110 [DELETED] 

>you don't know what animals think or feel

you don't __know__ what humans feel either. It's all projection which is a skill. You assume that conditions which make (you) sad and fearful, might make something similar to you also fearful. Animals are very much not rocks or plants, esp. the one that do have expressive faces, eat and shit like you do.

>> No.15432118

i can tell that you're emotional and upset by your use of profanity, why don't you take a break to calm down and come back to the board when you're ready to discuss science in an objective and factual manner without allowing your emotions to interfer with the process?

>> No.15432120

>science is when I have no emotions

>> No.15432121

didn't read, why are you a subhuman?

>> No.15432135

ahh the good old
>i want a source for this intuitively obvious fact

you seem a sleazy lawyer with a political agenda. there is nothing to be gained from discussing anything you

>> No.15432168

anon is being intellectual honest but obfuscating this through a veneer of civility and objectivity

>> No.15432169

anon is being intellectual dishonest but obfuscating this through a veneer of civility and objectivity

>> No.15432174

its just a game to be one at any cost to them
if the specatator is too stupid to catch them in their lies then that's perfect

>> No.15432276

What is your definition of sapience that you suppose non-human animals definitely don't have?

>> No.15432284

Low-functioning, zero-empathy autist detected

>> No.15432457

No, most mammals share a very general outline for their nervous system, which essentially guarantees that a cat has similar low level experiences in regards to sense input. Pain is pain, pleasure is pleasure, feeling threatened is feeling threatened, scared, etc.

>> No.15432690

animals and ppl are not the same thing, animals are no more conscious than plants are

>> No.15432834

>animals and ppl are not the same thing
Humans are just another species of animal retard

>> No.15432868
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>Is inability to differentiate between humans and animals a known mental illness
Yes, called liberalism

>> No.15432875
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>the ONLY thing that sets us apart from animals is our ability to empathize.
Untrue. Interspecies empathy is quite common.

>> No.15432967

Yeah, Americans dont actually care about animals. Theres a small but vocal minority that fights for animal protections but most give 0 fucks

>> No.15433058

Humans are plants.

>> No.15433080
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humans are a species of monkey poo brain. Greater apes to be exact alongside chimps, bonobos, gorillas and orangutangs. Which in turn belong to the greater mammalian family

>> No.15433116

You must be joking as a mammal you are programmed to feel mirror pain whenever you see a mammal suffer, this is why its hard for a human to kill a mammal but effortless for us to kill something that doesnt look remotely mammal like an insect. Humans can massacre insects without feeling a thing.

>> No.15433149

>Humans can massacre insects without feeling a thing.
Guess I'm not human.

>> No.15433936

get over your projection habbit, you're not empathetic, you're not a mind reader, you're not "one with nature and the animals"
you're deluded
and pathetic

>> No.15433991

Lol retard doesnt understand that when we say animals arent conscious we only refer to higher level functions. Animals have emotions, and emotions do no exist outside of a consciousness, however simplified.

>> No.15434016
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You should get over your projection habit, you are not sentient, you are not "one with nature and the humans"
you're sub room temp IQ
and pathetic

>> No.15434029
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Very unChristian behavior.

>> No.15434037

wrong wrong wrong. Empathy is mostly a myth and ultimately all creatures are only concerned about their own survival. Empathy is an illusion.

>> No.15434046

>x is an illusion
Got to be the most low IQ pseud argument ever crafted. Literal syntagmatic autism.

>> No.15434058
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>oh no how dare that couple toss around the poor kitten like a rag doll! Arrest them!
>meanwhile e-thots put cats in their mouths for clicks, entire YouTube channels are dedicated to scaring the living hell out of pets and scientists/farmers are looking for ways to trick farm life into believing they are living in purgatory

>> No.15434084
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>>meanwhile e-thots put cats in their mouths for clicks,
Cats dont understand what happens when we do that do it doesnt scare them unless you growl.

>> No.15434433
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>> No.15434703
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>too low iq to differentiate between humans and insects

>> No.15435045

yes, its called being low iq

>> No.15436417

>gibes me dat

>> No.15436510

huwhitoids torture animals in factory farms all the time. all you faggots consume animal products and support their abuse. nice try with the propaganda though. Now back to >>>/pol/

>> No.15436514
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I torture animals for food, money and various other resources.
You torture animals for fun.
We are not the same.

>> No.15436526

Great so you're just like OP. They enjoy torturing animals for money when they can get it through other means.

>> No.15436535

No. It's completely different.
It's someone cutting down trees to build a house vs someone burning the forest to see the pretty lights.
One is useful and has a good mentality behind it, the other is useless and exposes a stupid and destructive mind

>> No.15436544

How dare you? Orangutans are gentle and noble creatures, they do not commit crimes.

>> No.15436547

>scientists/farmers are trying silly things in an attempt to... make cows happier
Oh no!


>> No.15436559

You are both doing it for money because you enjoy it more than the alternatives. You are both burning down the forest for no reason but the difference is that you've convinced yourself that you're a builder.

>> No.15436570

Your morality is low-tier and makes little sense. Why equate some goof torturing animals for fun to someone using animals for an actual purpose?

Just understand you wouldn't be where you are if humans hadn't 'exploited' and 'genocided' animals for thousands of years - right now you're infringing on animals rights by living on some animal's ancestral habitat and causing it death and suffering.
The structures and technology you enjoy harm billions of animals in ways you can't even imagine

>> No.15436593

This psychopath thinks he’s the normal one lol

>> No.15436603

They weren't just torturing it for fun they were trying to profit off of it as well, just like you. Your 'actual purposes' arent necessary and causes the needless suffering of animals.

You're right that we wouldn't have gotten to this point without taking advantage of animals when we had the chance. Thankfully, we don't need to do this anymore, just like we don't need to kill other tribes and rape women. We have to be able to acknowledge what we were without thinking that's what we always have to be. Our carless implementation of technology has caused lots of damage in the biosphere but thankfully we have lots of efforts and organizations that are dedicating their existence to fixing that.

>> No.15436604

Because vegetarians are retarded.

>> No.15436660

muhhhh caterino muhh dogerino ,white people are so retarded they will have no problem in eating some animals like pig,cows and the same country charge citizens with animal cruelty just for playing with a cat

>> No.15436959
File: 95 KB, 663x505, This Is Where the Fun Begins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear this opinion as badge of honor

>> No.15437360

they'll chimp out over a cat being messed with and then go out and mow their lawn, decapitating millions of innocent living plants in the process, and think nothing of it.

>> No.15438245

They're worse than that, virtue signalling is always a mask for evil intentions

>> No.15438345

The Niggers should go to jail for disturbing the public peace obviously.

>> No.15438363

>you don't know what animals think or feel
Yes, you can know if an animal feels pain if you are not a fucking retard.

>> No.15438995

i can tell that you're in some sort of emotional state by your use of profanity, why don't you take a break from the board to calm down for a while so you can discuss science with us on a strictly rational basis. you're not convincing anyone of anything by screeching profanities like some sort of out of control mental case

>> No.15439297

>t. lady who knits sweaters for cats even though they have fur all over their body

>> No.15439305

>I am better than wild animals because I can empathize with them.
>But you basically think like a wild animal, so I can't empathize with you or your point of view.

>> No.15439312

Nah, you are just too low IQ to clean your room, so it is covered in insects you continually have to kill.

>> No.15439314

>you've convinced yourself that you're a builder.
No, the buildings they built did most of the convincing.

>> No.15439317

Animals don't believe in normal, you need to cut off your own butt and regrow another like another animal would as penance.

>> No.15439319

That is more like cutting a pet's hair to help manage their hygiene than drowning cats although I guess they could make a case they were just giving it a bath and it tries to scratch, hence the game of hot potato.

>> No.15439321

They probably did nothing wrong

>> No.15439325

>we have lots of efforts and organizations that are dedicating their existence to fixing that.
No we don't, we have a wealth class that just buy offsets by investing in each other's worthless foundations so they can dodge taxes while nothing ever gets solved.

>> No.15439327

Sure you can totally diagnose mental illness via text over the internet, but it is impossible to tell if an animal is screaming in pain or just for fun.

>> No.15440255

The mental landscape of the virtue signaler is made of dissonant thoughts, lies. Thats how
>i like wild animals
is followed by
>i hate you, you're a wild animal
They so mentally messed up that they make no attempt at rationality, its just one emotional outburst after the other

>> No.15440408
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Only a fool would believe those things are humans.
Humans tainted their blood by mixing it with demons. Not all demons look like that, and some of them are very smart so they accumulate wealth and reach positions of power to protect other demons like them. That is why there are so many of them among us. They are an existential threat to mankind.

>> No.15441146
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>> No.15442318


>> No.15442592

An animals brain functions in the exact same way as a humans, they just are less developed. Animals are basically retarded humans. A human retard isn't superior to an Orca just because he walks on two legs, the Orca is probably smarter than him, and capable of deeper thinking too.

>> No.15442632

>i know what animals are thinking
projection, you only know what you think animals are thinking and you're too egotistical to suspect that you could ever be wrong about anything

>> No.15442662

I don't know what anyone else is thinking, I don't know if you think the same as me. Perhaps I'm just living in a virtual reality, and you, and everything else are just NPCS made by the aliens to test me. However, in the scenario that you and I truly do fundamentally think in the same way, it stands to reason that beings that are running on what's a shitter version of our own hardware are going to function in a similar way to us.

>> No.15442715

your first mistake was trying to reason with an npc.
they're not programmed with the ability to reason only to rationalize.
the programming goes something like this: humans good, none-humans are only good in so far as they can be used by humans - they feel no pain or pleasure therefore i can do what i want without remorse.
its an ancient form of thinking / virtue signaling that would in theory gain the individual resources and favor among other humans needed to survive and reproduce. suggesting that non-humans can feel pain / pleasure / emotion would be counterproductive to the goal of attaining resources / reproducing.

>> No.15442723

It's some kind of fatigue

>> No.15442725

>everyone who disagrees with me is a nonthinking NPC
but also
>animals think just like me
nice coping mechanism, enjoying your dissonant cognition?

>> No.15442726

Chink hands typed this post

>> No.15442732

you are not programmed with the ability to reason, only to rationalize
now run along and preach to the retard choir about how climate change is a hoax.

>> No.15442739

>both suspects bonded out
what does that mean? They were released to do more crime? And if it was just a misdemeanor that means they will not even be put in jail?

>> No.15442785

absolutely correct.

>> No.15443216

>But I didn't put the shopping cart back