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15429975 No.15429975 [Reply] [Original]

The partner with higher intelligence almost always dominates in romantic relationships.
Female university graduates dominate their male counterparts by numbers. What implications does this have for the future of men? Everybody only talks about the future of women, but what about men?
"Successful" women are clearly disrupting biology as demonstrated by the very low birth rates and social encounters reported by the younger generation.

>> No.15429979

Whatever. As usual it's a self-solving thing.

>> No.15429981

how does it solve itself?

>> No.15429985

With time and great suffering

>> No.15430002

>time and great suffering
based entropy enjoyer

>> No.15430006


>> No.15430021

>The partner with higher intelligence almost always dominates in romantic relationships
Lol no. Those who are higher intelligence tend to be more risk averse as a result the less intelligent partner tend to dominate relationships based on their comfort level.

>Female university graduates dominate their male counterparts by numbers
This is a fallacy of false equivalence .You're not mentioning the fact that males don't participate in university as the same rate as women. With that logic, Bill gates is intellectually dumber than a female art who barely graduated.

>> No.15430024

Would be interested to see an IQ comparison between university-educated women and non-university-educated men

>> No.15430030

who cares.

>> No.15430090

Why? Even if there is a small difference between average IQ of men and women in general once you filter by university education that will be washed out.

>> No.15430161

affirmative action, pro female bias by teachers, greater male variability, yeah probably nothing there

15% larger male brain on average, 4 billion more neurons on average in male brain, probably nothing there

>> No.15430271

What are you expecting to see? Will 4 billion additional neurons that are allocated towards daily living as a forklift tech really give an advantage unless he's doing something to stimulate intelligence in his off time?

>> No.15430280

>affirmative action, pro female bias by teachers, greater male variability, yeah probably nothing there
This is all some pretty vague stuff. On the other hand a certain segment of the population is literally retarded and almost none of them go to college. So if you compare non-educated men vs educated women, one group includes literal retards (not some midwit meme) and the other by and large does not. That's a more important factor.

>> No.15430283

MBAbrain literally cannot conceive of a world not dominated by simple hierarchies. No surprise there, complexity is a high IQ thing.
>thinking most university education is even valuable
Where are the women dominating intellectual pursuit? Because they do dominate universities.

>> No.15430291

What is the point of intelligence?

>> No.15430295

Maybe not, but you are not as smart as me and that is why you completely and utterly failed to understand my post

>> No.15430300

The answer to that is God's domain. If you think it's reducible to something as banal as landing a cushy place in an inflated job market, you're fucking retarded. You're arguing for a world where humans are inferior to trained monkeys because trained monkeys make better circus performers.

>> No.15430305

>no argument
I accept your concession.

>> No.15430326

All I did was ask you a question and you're getting pissed. We're not gifted the ability to learn just to waste it on throwing back beers after being miserable at our day jobs. Learning isn't something that's barred by an institution either, and you can learn something just by reading or observing something. If you're not mentally stimulating yourself with something that keeps the gears working and your mind consistently trying to find meaning for and solutions to the things around you, everything is wasted and those 4 bn neurons are just being suppressed by adult onset substance abuse.
Do you know something your partner doesn't know? Do they know how to do something that you don't? Share the information, grow together. I won't assume that's what God's intentions were, but I would like to believe that it wasn't intended for the sexes to have a dick measuring contest over intelligence.

>> No.15430338

>All I did was ask you a question and you're getting pissed.
I'm not getting pissed, umless getting hypothetically pissed is a thing. I was contrasting where I saw this overemphasis of institution going.
I am also not saying we need to spend our time fighting over the difference in intelligence between the sexes. Fighting includes making shit up, like coping that women somehow make up the difference that does exist by being overeducated, or by being dismissive like acting like men just have larger brains "to drive forklifts". You can't force harmony with lies.

>> No.15430362

I presented an argument in my post that you failed to understand

>> No.15430366

Your argument stands on flawed presuppositions and your shit is all gay and retarded.

>> No.15430370

>where I saw this overemphasis of institution going.
My grandfather always said that assuming makes an ass out of you and me. But generally, yes, it's taken as someone is irritated when they allude that you're retarded for thinking a certain way.
>being dismissive like acting like men just have larger brains "to drive forklifts
I don't understand how you got to that conclusion with what I typed out, but we're online and there's room for a lot of error in communication here. We're thinking about our own hypotheticals here, and can't exactly read one another's minds. Ok, I used forklift buddy as a lazy example because you said non-university-educated. Yes, this ignored the idea of men that were educated in trades or had community college/technical school education, but it was for a lazy example. In my hypothetical, forklift buddy has succumbed to a droll life of misery and eventual substance abuse (this was fed more from a sad observation of far too many friends and acquaintances). He is likely not going to be gaining mental stimulation, despite having potential to do so, because he is physically drained from doing labor and dealing with retards at work. If his intelligence is compared against a woman that has been university educated, and they are more seasoned with mental exercises and problem solving, the test might skew in favor of the woman. Maybe not though.

>> No.15430371

Oh nevermind, it seems you tagged my earlier post and didn't read the one with an obvious argument for why non-college educated men would have lower average IQ than college educated women.

>> No.15430405

>Female university graduates dominate their male counterparts by numbers
that would imply that university graduates are smarter than average, which I could contest

>> No.15430421

>>The partner with higher intelligence almost always dominates in romantic relationships
>Lol no. Those who are higher intelligence tend to be more risk averse as a result the less intelligent partner tend to dominate relationships based on their comfort level

This. There is a reason there is a stereotype of an intelligent doormat husband with a dumb controlling bitch wife

>> No.15430434

I'd like to see the data all the same

>> No.15430799
File: 66 KB, 741x643, iq-by-college-major-gender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

relevant data

>> No.15431009

>SAT proxy data
>Only it's actually pre-2011 GRE proxy data
>By college major
>It's actually by surveyed intended major
>Source explains that and why such correlations are misleading
>retards mindlessly parrot only one graph
The variance is dominated solely by quantitative analysis scores. The difference on average between men and women do not have, in the general population, such large variations in subscores when administering WAIS-IV. The variance in the SAT proxy data is so great that it far exceeds the variance from verbal related WAIS-IV subscores compared to other scores, as well as far exceeding any gender differences typically noted in sample populations (tends to be 2-3 IQ points) comparing genders.

GRE proxy data has some pretty big issues if it has such a gigantic variance not represented by actual IQ testing. This contradiction is evidence of its invalidity, not some hidden truth. As usual it's effortless to parrot a lie and requires far more work to explain why it's a lie.

>> No.15431227
File: 1.44 MB, 277x202, 1607699685785.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With that logic, Bill gates is intellectually dumber than a female art who barely graduated.
If he did not have all his degrees, then yes, he would be dumber

>> No.15431266

What an absolutely retarded attempt at a rebuttal.

No one claimed it was SAT proxy data.
The GRE is highly correlated with IQ.
There is no difference between intended major and actual major.
Women develop more quickly than men, so the male advantage will decrease on tests given earlier in life.
Your source is wrong about pretty much everything, right down to the fact that it gets the test wrong like you. And most importantly, it uses average undergrad scores (aka stupid people) to draw conclusions about people who are 2+ SDs from the mean.
So many astoundingly simple errors. Peak midwit

>> No.15431313

>What an absolutely retarded attempt at a rebuttal.
The irony.
>No one claimed it was SAT proxy data.
You mean except the author? You've admitted you did not read the linked article.
>The GRE is highly correlated with IQ.
Might be in other datasets. There's a big discontinuity between quantitative and vocab in this one as the author notes.
>There is no difference between intended major and actual major.
lol I can't even imagine a world where someone says this and isn't trolling.

>> No.15431345

>You mean except the author? You've admitted you did not read the linked article.
You responded to an image that does not anywhere contain the word "SAT," and the first thing you say is "SAT proxy data." Then you link an article that agrees with you that actually does confuse the image with SAT data.
>ol I can't even imagine a world where someone says
Are you retarded? Do you know how graduate school works?

>> No.15431362

>You responded to an image that does not anywhere contain the word "SAT," and the first thing you say is "SAT proxy data." Then you link an article that agrees with you that actually does confuse the image with SAT data.
That article is literally the source for the image. Randal Olson. Note the author attribution of the image. Are you really this dumb?
>Are you retarded?
No. You definitely seem to be, though.

>> No.15431365

No, women like dumbasses who constantly take risk

>> No.15431392
File: 188 KB, 1228x1150, 1683834043434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fundamentally flawed assumption of your post is that "university graduate" was an indicator of higher IQ. In reality it is merely an indicator of obedience and socialization in a toxic atmosphere. What's the average IQ of gender sociology majors again?

>> No.15431393

>That article is literally the source for the image.
This data has been passed around in various forms for 10 years. You think it matters at all which schmuck slapped together this particular graph? Lol, and you keep ignoring the fact that the retard who doesn't know the dataset is literally the one who agrees with you.

Keep trying to nitpick those irrelevant details though. It is about the best you can manage here.

>> No.15431524

>Lol, and you keep ignoring the fact that the retard who doesn't know the dataset is literally the one who agrees with you.
It should be a crime to miss the point this hard. Are you a narcissist or something? Did you realize you fucked up and now you're in too deep?

>> No.15431780

He dropped out of college. He has no degrees except honorary ones.

>> No.15431892


>> No.15431900

My gf is way smarter than me and totally submissive bro idk maybe get your t levels checked, consider hitting the gym

>> No.15431901


>> No.15431906

Because women will often choose men after they are successful, thus high risk=high reward. If it's before success, well, I've observed women generally drop men the moment they lose employment.