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15428209 No.15428209 [Reply] [Original]

Does energy actually have objective existence or am I just being trolled by soiencists?

>> No.15428220
File: 1.33 MB, 1884x2164, TIMESAND___Golf+Rumors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15428233

Define what you mean by objective existence.

>> No.15428234

This is so tiresome.

>> No.15428278

Is it an object or a relationship between objects? For example, velocity is a relationship between distance and time. Velocity is not part of the universe. Its existence is subjective.

>> No.15428287

It's a conservation law due to time symmetry.

>> No.15428293

I don't understand your post.

>> No.15428327

It's called Noether's Theorem. Certain symmetries of the universe lead to conserved physical quantities.

>> No.15428339

How is that subjective when it describes an actual physical relationship between objects?
I think relative is the word you are looking for rather than subjective/objective.

>> No.15428345

Because time and distance both exist objectively, but their relationship does not. What is the physical relationship that you are referring to?

>> No.15428361

>time and distance both exist objectively
Neither of those physical units are objects directly you will never be able to buy them on Amazon because they are only abstractions of objective properties.

>their relationship does not
Except you would definitely objectively know the difference between being hit in the face by a large object like my fist moving at 10 km/s than 1 km/s because of the physical damage, so there is definitely an objective physical relationship between something and its velocity.

>> No.15428380

another shill spams pseudo science "questions" with neat pics to entertain memerican zoomers

>> No.15428397

Don't listen to the soiencists, the device you just posted that from is powered by love. Electricity is a Jewish lie.