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File: 106 KB, 1080x1216, eKNezwKvZr2n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15426057 No.15426057 [Reply] [Original]

Given that NASA is a political entity lead by political appointees and taking into consideration that SpaceX is the only successful space flight program, how is Musk's pattern recognition ability and outspokenness likely to affect the future of space flight?

>> No.15426088

So Elon is just mad his son trooned out right? Is it why he is going ballistic on kikes?

>> No.15426245
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This is one of the scientists Musk follows on Twitter

>> No.15426276

why doesn't he just disown the troon? not like Elon doesn't have bitchez and sons.

>> No.15426280

Can someone explain the fascination of normalfags with "space flight". They do realize they're never going to leave the earth, right?

>> No.15426284

The fascination is that the normalfags are a political tool programed by the media. They just parrot whatever they hear and say thats "their own opinion"

>> No.15426320

As for the image, they were probably just mad about casinos.

>> No.15426326

The economy needs to lack an upper limit for progressivism to be sustainable otherwise they are wasting their lives being overly productive for the benefit of an upper class and the only way for there to be no limit on the economy is with nearly infinite planets and resources which is why the upper class people stoke those delusions.

>> No.15426655

Also see Chomsky's manufactured consent. Normalfags dont have an opinion on their own. Everything is manufactured for them by the elites who control the media.

>> No.15426673

"A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit"
Narcissists such as yourself can't comprehend it

>> No.15426685

You aren't doing that though, you are making pennies picking fruit for rich people that you can't yourself afford.

>> No.15426772

This is 21st century, communie. Everyone makes a living getting paid high 5 figures or 6 figures at any company today.

>> No.15426781

it's neat? I get that your autism precludes you from imagining other people's internal dialogue, but most people find cutting edge technology and exploration to be inherently interesting things.

>> No.15426796


>> No.15427775
File: 149 KB, 1080x608, IFLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's neat
OMG its just like in muh hollywood soi-fi mooooooviessz!!!!

>> No.15427795

A segment of society cares about the future of humanity at more than a generation out. Their existence is a large part as to why you're around to complain about it.

>> No.15427823

Elon is not a smart autist he simply plagiarizes smart autists as pointed out here >>15426245

We he speaks about AI you can tell he's paraphrasing Bostrom's Super Intelligence, and not that well. He's smart enough to read other people's work to normies and trick them into thinking he's smart. Many such cases.

>> No.15427971
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>> No.15428553
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>> No.15428587

He grew up in South Africa. South Africa used to have a space program and nuclear weapons.

>> No.15428747

It used to be a first world country too. Now its a 2nd world on the brink of collapse into 3rd world shit tier country.

>> No.15428881

What went wrong? No racist answers please.

>> No.15428894

>It used to be a first world country
>its a 2nd world

>> No.15428895

Bad policy stemming with race centrism at the core. All business there must have 30% black ownership. This deterred any external business in the country as well as internal business wanting to start up any business with coherent group of people. What you're left with is a state economy in maintenance mode thats on the verge of decay.

>> No.15428902
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>> No.15428905

>as well as internal business wanting to start up any business with coherent group of people.
Are 100 % black businesses not allowed?

>> No.15428912

30% is minimum. For example, SpaceX cannot even do any business in South Africa because the african government demands 30% of SpaceX stakes to be sold to South African blacks.

>> No.15428944
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>No racist answers please.

>> No.15428945

Members of certain human races prefer planning for the future, even if they personally may not live to see it.

>> No.15428953

To envisage the benefits for future generations, you have to use your imagination.
The same thing you do when someone asks you "how would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast?"

>> No.15429018

he has like 9 other kids to potentially carry his legacy, one failed male doesn't mean much

>> No.15429061

>So Elon is just mad his son trooned out right?
Nah I think he had like a dozen to overcome failure rates. The guys a genius.

>> No.15429086

elons purpose is to be controlled opposition for the right while also selling the idea of electric cars to the very people who would never otherwise buy them, to help destroy the automotive industry and result in people losing the ability to travel so that its harder to get away from the blacks and mexicans

>> No.15429091

Don't buy steam

>> No.15429093

thats a stupid meme that only makes sense to people with an IQ ranging from room temperature to midwit
fasting can make you feel even better than having a good meal sometimes. it can have widely varying results if you arent a retard who doesnt know how to go without eating for 5 hours without your stomach eating itself alive. protip, citric acid.. or some shit in citrus and fruits, idk it just werks and its why juice and fasting go well together

>> No.15429165

NTA but you completely missed Anon's point

>> No.15429169

no i didnt, i just dont care, his point is obviously true but his way of making it was retarded

>> No.15429299

No one ever focuses on their most successful kids though. You only think about the failures. Like the saying goes, you’re only ever as happy as your least happy child.

>> No.15429307

You should see pictures of SA in the past. It was like a piece of Europe transplanted into Africa. And the activists really thought they could have black people take over and it would stay that way. And maybe they were right if it have been executed cured properly, but instead it just became another African shithole.

>> No.15429333

The 3 worlds had nothing to do with the level of development.

>> No.15429348

You’re never going to have sex yet you’re really obsessed about it

>> No.15429420

Musk has gone full Nazi Fascist, Already collaborating with the likes of Tucker Carlson and Stephen Miller.

>> No.15429770

>depriving yourself of essential nutrients is good

>> No.15429779

"development" is only a euphemism for population growth rate. 1st world is under 1% annual growth

>> No.15429787

Your IQ has been objectively measured to be below 80.

>> No.15429921

Kek this is not true at all

>> No.15430289
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>> No.15430631

thats still pretty bad tho

>> No.15430871

>Implying South African black could afford 30% of spaceX
Do South Africans really?

>> No.15430876

>the year is 2050
>out of “the goodness of their hearts” whites have effectively become slaves to blacks. Whites now living in poverty with little government support, and being taxes to the bone in order to feed the black hordes.

>> No.15431513

gibes it to dey 4 free

>> No.15432608

Rhodeisa was like that too

>> No.15432616

Specious appeals to hypothetical personages and scenarios much like religious people do concerning abortion and the afterlife. Failed to convince me to support these idealistic causes which offer no benefit to me or my famiky. After me, the flood.

>> No.15433783
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you can't tell me this isn't sad.

>> No.15433789
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just ghoulish.
would have turned out a good looking handsome boy. now he's a stunted pudgy eunuch.

>> No.15433805

some women low key turn the disdain for their unfaithful husbands against the sons they're left with. She saw that fruitcake sons of hers and jumped on to leverage this for revenge. - sorry, I mean enabled him - no sorry courageously supporting her daughter on her journey.

>> No.15433808
File: 548 KB, 997x1333, happy family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't even just vaguely conceptualize musk's rage and hatred for troonery by looking at these pics, you aren't even human.

>> No.15434622


>> No.15434796

you know you are a psychopath right?

Can you give me your adress?

>> No.15434882

Now white supremacists are going to use him as a weird self insert(more than they already do)

>> No.15434920
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>> No.15434939 [DELETED] 
File: 214 KB, 1200x675, im-white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it too me straight /sci/, who is smarter? Whites or Asians?

>> No.15434961

most people are more interested in the applications of scientific advancement than the tedious incremental scientific advancement itself
not really that hard to understand

>> No.15435633

Damian Musk got into Caltech this year. I met him at a summer program once: he's smart but super autistic.

>> No.15435691
File: 567 KB, 1920x1920, Orania-South-Africa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orania is going to be like that too. It's a whites only town in South Africa built in a semi-desert area but has still managed to have a high quality of life and community self reliance. Because it's such a nice place to live compared to the rest of South Africa, non-whites are demanding access to it "so all South Africans can enjoy the blessings of Orania". As you'd expect, the world press has condemned the town as evil and racist for not destroying itself.

>> No.15435753

ANC in bed with the chinese communist party, china will come to collect after the place disintegrates

>> No.15435758

Given who wrote this comic how did he fall for the very data manipulation he wrote about

>> No.15435761

africa is a crab buck social structure

>> No.15435799

inflation is actively eroding the value of those 5 and 6 figures. soon everyone will be a millionare. remember when you could get by on just a couple bucks a day? pepperidge farm remembers

>> No.15436548
File: 73 KB, 537x585, muh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. has never climbed a mountain, doesn't even go outside

>> No.15436598

Musk cucked to the WEF by installing a globohomo dommy mommy as CEO of twitter. Literally everything is over.

>> No.15436607

Isn't that place a cult? It's giving cult fr
The people there seem weirdly happy.

>> No.15437216

>on no! white ppl are happy
>this is a big problem for me, really rustles my jimmys
>there must be something wrong with them
>i know, i'll make up an imaginary story to placate myself
>they're all crazy, yeah, thats how it is

>> No.15437224

White people let you live in their world, why not just be happy? Do you want to upset the whites and force them to kill you? Sir, do not piss off the white man. Take it from me. Their terms are even very reasonable and you profit immensely from the respectful relations. Have a good day, and take my words to heart please and thank you.

>> No.15437959

you have never climbed a mountain, you are not one of the white people

>> No.15438379

>t. fails the test, although to his credit on a more meta-level

>> No.15438432

I've been there, it is a bit off feeling. They kick anyone out of the town cuaght with weed but most of their men drink themselves paraplygic over weekends. You also have to wave at everyone and by the way they did it it felt forced, like they were scared of not being polite. Apparently the town has a private police force that'll fuck your day up. It felt a bit cultish but it was also nice not seeing any blacks and leaving your car open next while you fetch groceries, a big no no in the rest of SA. That life isn't for me though, it's like a garden. I prefer the wild.

>> No.15438591
File: 418 KB, 1200x1537, Caspar_David_Friedrich_-_Wanderer_above_the_sea_of_fog (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't get it

>> No.15438597

>t. has never climbed a mountain

>> No.15439149

they saw too much soience fiction moooooovies and can't tell the difference between whats on the screen and irl life

>> No.15439809


Earth is flat and stationary. Musk is a globohomo puppet.

>> No.15439856
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>SpaceX is the only successful space flight program

I dunno, bra...of NASA and SpaceX, only one is currently fielding a heavy-lift rocket that's actually orbited the fucking Moon. The other exploded from Hopium over-pressure and filled the sky with raining vaporware.

>> No.15440030

I can't imagine being forced to praise SLS of all things just because you hate a billionaire. Have some self-respect.

>> No.15440171


>> No.15440575

>world class athlete
he's easily above 120 IQ

>> No.15440691
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>SpaceX is the only successful space flight program
>This is what Muskfags actually believe

>> No.15440694
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Go back, and please try having sex

>> No.15441187
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>> No.15441211

take your meds buddy

>> No.15442279
