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15423900 No.15423900 [Reply] [Original]

Is this global warming?

>> No.15423902
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1677511109747223s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but anon, global warming isn't real~

>> No.15423905

it is (c) shills

>> No.15423914

Climate change. Do try to keep up.

>> No.15424280

climate change? probably yeah lol lmao

>> No.15424298

When you start recording meteorological data, you're going to have mostest-ever-recorded events all the time. Right now, they've only been doing it for about 100 years.

>> No.15424314

australia is upside down so it's colder because of global warming, retard

>> No.15424338

There's a real debate to be had about whether the government should intervene to stop global warming but global warming deniers have unfortunately poisoned the well by casting anyone skeptical of climate policies as retards.

>> No.15424431

Global warming increases atmospheric moisture which makes extreme weather events like heavy rain, flash freeze, snow, tornadoes, floods, &etc. more common.

You ain't seen nothing yet. It's only going to keep getting worse.

>> No.15425110

there's no global warming, only global shilling

>> No.15425133

well, the climate changed from being warm to being cold so I'd say it's climate change and not global warming, but maybe if the earth gets a little bit hotter then that would be evidence for global warming. So, yes.

>> No.15425138
File: 192 KB, 1440x810, slb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful with that, is "climate change" now, use the proper terms or your ass will land in gulag prison for spreading missinformation not approved by the General Kommissar.

>> No.15425150

> I
no, shill

>> No.15425223

more energy is trapped in the atmosphere now than at any previous point in history. more energy means more extreme weather patterns. this is basic logic

>> No.15425481

no, that would make it warmer, snow happens when its colder

>> No.15426192

Yes, global warming is when the weather gets colder.

>> No.15426193

Wow, record setting snow, that mus be global warming, just like the scientists have been saying for the past 35 years

>> No.15426308

Its "global warming", not "global warmed". Of course it will increase with time.

>> No.15426743

Increased CO2 causes global cooling. Plants store solar energy without reemitting it, sometimes for over a billion years.

>> No.15426910

omg what bullshit

>> No.15427027

For over billion years? What plant lives for that long lol

>> No.15427033
File: 488 KB, 1100x794, IMG_6889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don’t know how weather works

>> No.15427141

leafbros I don't feel so good

>> No.15427145

How does it work?

>> No.15427159

light goes in, heat goes out. you can't explain that

>> No.15427611

I don't know that's true

>> No.15427620

*climate disruption

>> No.15427623

except that hasn't happened

>> No.15427627

>this is basic logic
intuitive but wrong

>> No.15427691

>Is this global warming?
Global warming doesn't exist. Boogeyman make-believe.
So no picrel is not.

>> No.15427695

>It's only going to keep getting worse.
If only that were true. Need more snow on my ski slopes I made.

>> No.15427699
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>"climate change" now, use the proper terms or your ass will land in gulag prison
Report to the gulags comrade.
Since you did not use the proper government approved "weather change", we know you are a heretic!

>> No.15427708

>more energy is trapped in the atmosphere now than at any previous point in history. more energy means more extreme weather patterns. this is basic logic
What is "trapping" all this "energy"?
Is it racism?
It's white supremacy that is trapping energy, isn't it?
I KNEW IT! Darn ole white supremacist baddies!

>> No.15428271
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>> No.15428579

lurk more, you'll learn eventually

>> No.15428734

The last few winters have been extra cold and wet and long thanks to La Nina but that's meant to be over now so who the fuck knows what's going on. Here in Adelaide it's like a switch has been flicked and it's become bitter cold as of a week ago, out come the electric blankets, water bottles, and portable heaters. It seems to have caught the whole country by surprise, my wife works for a gas company and says calls for LPG service/topping up have doubled this week.

If it's anything like the last few winters this'll drag on for 6 miserable months until November. At least it brings us a shit ton of rain at the start and end, keeps the reservoirs topped up.

>tfw writing this while under my electric blanket lying in my recliner with a warm milo
Max comfy

>> No.15428793

The new kikespeak is "climate change" since global warming fell on its face and died.

>> No.15428798

retard mouthbreather

>> No.15428801
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this anon understands

>> No.15430039
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>> No.15430075

"Global warming" is outdated terminology, it's more accurate to say that greenhouse gasses lead to climate change. Which is obviously occuring, otherwise we would see the same temperature on the same day every year

>> No.15430255

We are entering an ice age at the same time as global warming due to industrialization. Naturally this leads to an interesting dynamic that is best described as ‘climate change’ but ultimately humans pumping carbon into the atmosphere has saved most life on earth from freezing to death in a couple thousand years. With that said, if we continue to warm the earth we begin to stray from all natural paradigms and confident forecasts which creates an unpredictable future. Unpredictable is scary. Ruling elite like controlled and predictable. You can put the rest together from here.

>> No.15430263
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>> No.15430290

wtf this has to be fake? It's a tropical island.

>> No.15430315

Not fake. Because of cooling temperatures it snowed significantly on the highest mountains.

>> No.15430329

What will really blow your mind is what Mauna Kea means in Hawaiian.

>> No.15430344

May snowfalls aren't super common, but it's quite late in the season for snow usually. Idk why that article says it's early, are they already considering this as next winter's snow? Anything for a headline..

>> No.15430398

CO2 is what causes ice ages, increasing the rapidity of plant growth means that ever more solar radiation is absorbed by plants without reemission occurring

>> No.15430640

That explains the snow in early Australia

>> No.15431051

Weather is chaotic so we wouldn't expect the exact same temperature the same day of each year.

>> No.15431117

there's no man made climate change

>> No.15431529

lmao snow in australia in may (november for them)
global warming is fake asf

>> No.15431669

I need to see comparison photos.

>> No.15432214
File: 115 KB, 800x533, cold kangaroos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

global warming

>> No.15432368

now I seen everything

>> No.15432661

>pic shows how and why penguins evolved from kangaroos

>> No.15432852
File: 434 KB, 1281x1012, China_typhoons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then there hasn't been any changes in "extreme weather", by any measure. Actually, in some places (like SE Asia), typhoons have become less severe.

>> No.15433448

Anon, I don't think you looked at that chart very carefully.

>> No.15433493

I did.
You'll notice that it starts in 1949.
If these researchers gave a shit, they would know that China has over 1,000 years of historical records on typhoons, and that these storms have basically occurred with the same frequency over a much longer time frame, with periods of more and fewer large storms.

>> No.15433558

You keep slinging out charts and sources thinking that I'll just assume they back you up. Neither does.
The first shows severe and super typhoons massively increasing over the reporting period.
The second is an anthropological article. I don't have a JSTOR account, but the abstract mentions absolutely nothing about trends in severity, which should be obvious given they're basing it on newspaper articles that have no metric beyond qualitative (and probably biase-prone) descriptions of human impacts from storms. The only firm statements made are two periods of relatively high storm landfalls in a single Chinese province two hundred years apart.

>> No.15434147

the strongest typhoon/hurricane on record is typhoon kip, 1976, nearly 50 years ago.
if they were getting worse there would've been a more powerful one this century

>> No.15434168

Is just a scam, and only ignorant moron like you fall for it.

>> No.15434171

One should also note with interest that it happened during the trough of the coolest part of the last century.

>> No.15434721

yeah, even canada doesnt get snow in november
inb4 brandon crisp, that was a fluke

>> No.15435095
File: 17 KB, 300x225, Brandon-Crisp-PolicePhoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he had his own personal gamer uprising and he won eternal life, on encyclopedia dramatica

>> No.15436459
File: 93 KB, 736x736, OaZH8txcRaiw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel will never be able to understand that, they do not study math or physics and thermodynamics is just a big mystery to them, most are too low iq to ever understand it

>> No.15437137
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>global warming

>> No.15437896
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>> No.15437921

snow in australia not normal. climate change make earth warmer. warmer earth change weather. snow in australia sign of climate change. need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

>> No.15437930

dumb fuck, kangaroos in snow is not a sign of anything. there are snowy mountains in australia and these roos are well adapted to cold weather. this is normal.

>> No.15437958

you guys are faggots

>> No.15438172

shillshit. there's no man made climate change

>> No.15438988
File: 23 KB, 338x383, Derp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its cold because of global warming

>> No.15439590

>Just 2 more weeks until the climate really changes.

>> No.15440977

global warming is fake af

>> No.15441219
File: 57 KB, 642x382, global warming any time soon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15441373

>seasons are reversed
>May 7th snowfall is the equivalent to November 7th snowfall in the northern hemisphere
Yeah real record-breaking. Is everyone here this retarded not to notice?

>> No.15442382

that seems to be the case