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15415469 No.15415469 [Reply] [Original]

What actions could one individual take, singlehandedly, within their lifetime, to significantly raise global sea-levels?

>> No.15415477

You can't afford that many car batteries

>> No.15415483

Become leader of America or Russia and direct your entire nuclear arsenal at Antarctica.

>> No.15415556

Have sex

>> No.15415564

Just need a big boat, a shell company for battery disposal, take them for free, ?????, profit in the ocean.

>> No.15415575

Direct an asteroid with enough mass to displace the water over the continent into ocean

>> No.15415585


>> No.15415935

Sprinkle coal dust on the polar ice sheets so that they absorb more radiation and melt faster. Perhaps detonate all nuclear DEVICES in the world over them before hand to kick-start the process.

>> No.15415954

Sabotage multiple oil wells in a way that lead to them burning, start wild fires, set fire to no longer mined/maintained coal fields.

Non terrorist way: Become executive of a large fossil fuel company and lobby your way into continuing the use of fossil fuels.

>> No.15415967

Stop pissing in toilets, only piss in the ocean.

>> No.15416113
File: 18 KB, 165x165, Sulfur-hexafluoride-3D-vdW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mass produce as much sulfur hexafluoride as possible


>> No.15417397

coal dust won't last long, it'll warm up and melt in and ice will form on top of it and the effect will be gone pretty quickly

>> No.15417586

Push the moon further away with solar sails or drag an asteroid into it to accomplish the same

>> No.15417768

Fuck off Archie, we both know you aren’t gonna summon Kyogre

>> No.15419119
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>> No.15419232

take meds, doublehandedly

>> No.15419384

Launch a missile into supervolcano or just learn what it takes to make Yellowstone erupt.

>> No.15420843
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raising CO2 levels clearly won't do it, something else must be the solution.

>> No.15421126

Clathrate Collapse. See the novel "The Swarm" by Frank Schätzing

>> No.15421128

He wants to raise sea levels, not start a new ice age.

>> No.15421176

then keep doing it

>> No.15421620

that would get tiresome

>> No.15422637

run all the faucets in the house nonstop

>> No.15423635

>raising CO2 levels clearly won't do it
raising CO2 levels will lower sea levels. adding CO2 means more plants in the ocean, effectively raising it's albedo because plants absorb solar flux without reemitting it

>> No.15425490

CO2 causes ice ages

>> No.15426212

No gasses containing oxygen are greenhouse gases. Oxygen is not a greenhouse gas; therefore, gases containing oxygen—such as ozone, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide—are not greenhouse gases either.

>> No.15426401

You can't lol.
Their retarded predictions are going to shit, and they'll be remembered as retards. They're shitter than fucking nostradamus

>> No.15426797

destroying all hydropower reservoirs might be slightly effective. You could also feed the whales until they got massively fat

>> No.15426866
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go home archie, youre drunk

>> No.15426880


>> No.15427760

They don't care about accuracy, only about manipulating the low IQ hysterics

>> No.15428252
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concentrate warm blooded animals at high elevations until all the snow melts

>> No.15428573

why does it have to be space rocks, you can just throw native earth rocks into the oceans. bulldoze the himalayas, fill in the mariana trench

>> No.15429745
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According to science theres a lot of people out there who are always looking for any excuse to cry and be demanding

>> No.15430597

if you're going to do that you can use the rocks as weights and tie balloons to them.

>> No.15431467

>nooooooo it needs to be space!!!
>i saw it in a hollywood moooooovie

>> No.15432195
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t. OP

>> No.15432401
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Al? Is that you dude?

>> No.15432680
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he got plastic surgery, hes chinese now

>> No.15433879
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>> No.15433891

Put waterhose into sea, turn on

>> No.15434650
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>> No.15434849

Nuke the poles.

>> No.15436222

what did poland ever do to you?

>> No.15436322
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>to significantly raise global sea-levels
Nothing will ever significantly raise sea levels. Even if every bit of ice on the planet were melted, and all the lakes and rivers drained, it would only rise by a few feet at most.

Now if many many icy comets crashed into the Earth and introduced new water into our closed system, then that could do it!

>> No.15437077

what about siphoning lakes into the ocean and throwing mountains into the ocean? if u could make the whole surface of the planet flat then the water would have to be on top

>> No.15437410

axl rose

>> No.15437429

Create an influential environmentalist organisation to prevent whaling of any kind, send radicalised assassins to kill any pro-whalers and their families. Think Sea Shepherd but not gutless.

>> No.15437521

Shovel all the landmasses into the deepest holes in the oceans until the whole world is one smooth plain and everything is covered by water

>> No.15438722
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>> No.15438728

Put a bunch of shit into the sea