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File: 81 KB, 828x1012, kVQ2QnygYuBe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15414851 No.15414851 [Reply] [Original]

What are the evolutionary advantages of playing victim that this newly published scientific research refers to?

>> No.15414855

>the evolutionary advantages of playing victim
>pic literally states for material gain and as a means to get ahead

>> No.15414925

It states that people who play victim also lie and cheat to for material gain, it doesn't state what the evolutionary advantage of playing victim is, it suggests what the evolutionary evolutionary advantage of lying and cheating might be. Theres lots of people who've lost their lives lying and cheating when they get caught. Leo Frank died childless that way, he was an evolutionary dead end

>> No.15414939

...Those who have material gain and get ahead are likely to reproduce.
>Theres lots of people who've lost their lives lying and cheating when they get caught
First of all, the "caught" part is the deciding factor here. Secondly, the west glorify victims, self-proclaimed or otherwise, which gets them ahead.
If you point out that these 'victims' lied about their positions, they'll just say that they needed to fight an oppressive system and people will eat it up.
Not to mention that these 'victims' are starting to outnumber the 'non-victims' in west, so there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.15414995

Victims are often recipients of support and aid. In the absence of legitimate victimhood, these benefits are purely an advantage over those without it.

However, I doubt this was a direct evolutionary development. Probably more an emergent behavior of conscious exploitation. Maybe in the northern climates where an unusual amount of cooperation and accommodation were required to survive the harsh winters.

>> No.15415000

There's a certain group of people biologically predisposed to such behavior just as a German is predisposed to work.

>> No.15415053
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Playing victim is a form of lying. So the image is saying that people signal victimhood for material gains and to denigrate others. Luckily there are no identifiable groups of people known for playing victim, except for white christians of course

>> No.15415058

How much is too much?

>> No.15415220

>What are the evolutionary advantages of playing victim that this newly published scientific research refers to?

Being Black and blaming 'racist' for making you mug and rob strangers.

>> No.15415240
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The difference between justified backlash for evil or degeneracy and a human rights violation on par with slavery and genocide is powerful allies.

>> No.15415241
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>> No.15415289
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>You want to be more hurt than me
>You want to say you're more the victim
>You wanna complain and pass the blame
>You want to say you're more the victim!

>> No.15415308
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wow this post is antisemetic chud

>> No.15415666
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if its an evolutionary advantage then why didn't the holocaustasaurus survive the cretaceous–tertiary extinction?

>> No.15416957


>> No.15417100

>What are the evolutionary advantages of playing victim that this newly published scientific research refers to?
Man if only there were a website with an article by that title that I could have followed a link to when I was on twitter making screenshots for my daily crop of shitposts

but alas

>> No.15417335

>woe is me
nice try faggot

>> No.15417340

>it doesn't state what the evolutionary advantage of playing victim is
To gain something, you ESL retard

>> No.15417729

its worse than that, babies learn to cry to get what they want, when they grow up they're supposed to grow out of that behavior.
they're so underdeveloped mentally that they never progressed past being 3 year olds

>> No.15419078

that explains diaper fetishes with trannies

>> No.15419474

matriarchal culture, circumcision

>> No.15419505

This is why my game strategy is to only care about family and friends

>> No.15419879

and jews constantly crying about the holocaust, which never even happened

>> No.15420857
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Thats why they made 9001 movies about it, to help propagate their lie

>> No.15420869

>What are the evolutionary advantages of being a kike?


>> No.15420883

>play victim also lie and cheat to for material gain, it doesn't state what the evolutionary advantage of playing victim is

playing victim if you aren't a victim is both lying and cheating

>> No.15420891

>jew shows other jews how much everyone hates jews

unfathomably based

>> No.15421398

Validation, humans desire the feeling of being comforted, accepted, reassured. Some need this continually caused by various factors during development.

The expansion of social media has created a foundation of "This is what you deserve and shall have" belief. This has given those with drives to be validated and comforted and accepted by peers a hard delusion to fall back on, you can see the reactions to shattered delusions in many debates and even in every day life. The person will either react with anger, tears, manipulation or will find someone else to fulfil those needs.

This isn't new, it's just a lot more prominent and exposed. These kinds of people must be challenged and forced to introspect so they can see how their behaviour has a negative effect on those caught up in it. There's not one conclusive study to address this because there are so many different factors at play.

In regards to social advantages? I'd argue that is just a consequence the conditioning of the person. The actual goal is for validation and acceptance because they cannot accept themselves.

It is in no way defending this behaviour because it does have such a negative impact on the unfortunates caught up in it. This problem you have to treat with patience and calm. Reason and middle ground, not black and white thinking but trying to colour their mind with alternative ways to meet their needs.

>> No.15421438

they aren't smart, they make dumb mistakes all the time

>> No.15421803

So BLM and the Holocaust survivors are a lie?

>> No.15422451

also feminists

>> No.15423439
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& trannys
>highest "attempted suicide" rate of any group on the planet

>> No.15423734

scientist pull these bullshit games all the time
>oh no, the world is coming to an end unless i get muh gibes, i need more free money reeeeeee

>> No.15425527
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anything for money

>> No.15425784
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>> No.15426665

This reminds me of how the environmentalists are always whining and complaining and moaning about one made up problem or another solely as a means of justifying demands for gibes and political power

>> No.15427689

It’s quite obvious when you see women and niggers who have the exact same rights as white men claim they are somehow being treated unjustly.

>> No.15427706

i AM a victim (of the universe), as are you. that's just a fact.

>> No.15428274

>the exact same rights
since when do white men get affirmative action?

>> No.15428599

kys and your suffering will be over

>> No.15428693

They don’t, but women and niggers love playing the victim and pretending they do.

>> No.15430045

If only they would

>> No.15430616
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jews faked the holocaust in order to play victim, that after mass murdering russians. the jews have still not been held accountable for their crimes.

>> No.15430622

>>the evolutionary advantages of playing victim
>>pic literally states for material gain and as a means to get ahead
I don'y understand. What is your issue with that? Being a parasite is definitely an evolutionary strategy. There's literally an entire race of people dedicated to it.

>> No.15431027

There should be nothing controversial about this article, but there is.
people must be reminded that good will and grace can be, will be and is exploited by bad actors.

>> No.15431515
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>> No.15432609

>the road to hell is paved with good intentions

>> No.15432644

there I said it, happy now ?

>> No.15433864

honesty is the best policy

>> No.15433920

>evolutionary advantage
its a CULTURAL advantage. if its not programmed in by genes, its not an evolutionary process. you can't ignore the selecting process of the individual as just another "evolutionary advantage"

>> No.15434537
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>> No.15434836

how do you know its not genetic? there is a genetic subgroup that specializes in playing victim

>> No.15435199

>the world is coming to an end because *made up reason*
>therefore you have to do as i say, give me all your money and be my slave
crybullying in modern parlance

>> No.15435246
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anon its the literal dominant strategy in the current meta try to keep up.

>> No.15435363

>/pol/tards playing the victim of a global conspiracy
>niggers playing the victim of white racism
>jews playing the victim of antisemitism
yep, checks out

>> No.15435528

It's part of the selfish gene, they are weak humans. On a deep subconcious level is aware they are genetic dead ends or lower caste and lack intelligence so have to survive in other ways.

>> No.15435768 [DELETED] 

...and yet the anti-environmentalists are the ones with most of the money and political power.

>> No.15436500
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>> No.15437299
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>> No.15438216
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>> No.15438219
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"The first thing to appreciate is that times of transition from one age into another are always intensely difficult. Then the second is that any transition becomes not just difficult, but more or less impossible, when the lessons of the age being left behind haven't been fully learned. This is why Jung as prophet placed so much internal emphasis on his private life of voluntary suffering and conscious sacrifice, and is why those commentators and interpreters who quaintly claim his psychology was aimed at transcending all the Christian values couldn't be more wrong. It’s why he also emphasized that, sinking as we are into a state of darkness, we are still living inside the Christian aeon of Pisces which means “we shall need Christian virtues for the utmost”, and it’s why, far from abandoning those close to him, he kept supporting and encouraging them. After all, a little encouragement in the face of the impossible is always welcome."

"What he saw in this particular transition was something far worse than the usual affair, at such times, of mass melancholy and despair. “Now we are coming to Aquarius’, as he wrote to a friend, “and we are standing only at the very beginning of this apocalyptic development!”
And, as he would do more than once, he quoted a Latin text from the ancient Sibylline oracles that contains an old visionary prophecy not exactly in line with the new-age celebrations of an Aquarian age:
Luciferi vires accendit Aquarius acres, “Aquarius sets on fire the savage powers of Lucifer.’"

>> No.15438224
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Age of Aquarius: We are in Aquarius right now. These energies are clearly dominant in society.
Science is the dominant religion of society. The impersonal interactions of internet and social media are very Aquarian.
Saturn and Mercury are dignified in this Age - there has never been a better time to seek out information that was hidden away in previous Ages. Saturn is said to quickly bring the results of karma in this Age. Sun is afflicted in Aquarius, meaning that men, fathers and careers don't receive the respect they deserve."

>> No.15438851
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>> No.15439808

ben garrison got canceled on facebook by the crybullies

>> No.15441015
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>on no!, the world is coming to an end because of racism/sexism/antisemtism/global warming/gender norms (pick one)
>therefore you must gibes me dat reparations fo free

>> No.15441298

Cool C.G. Jung info, thanks. Will definitely look more into this.

>> No.15441336
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>> No.15441714

This is an extremely anti-semitic article. Sending this to the ADL.

>> No.15441923

>what are the evolutionary advantages of a psychological phenomenon
Get a load of this retard, he thinks psychology is a science

>> No.15442406

>psychology isn't a science

>> No.15444233

you get away with scams and bad stuff you do

>> No.15444257

Shalom heeb
Christians will inheret the kingdom of David cope and kill chickens.

>> No.15444899
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Its probably a coping mechanism to reduce psychological stress.

>> No.15445677

fee fie fo twum
I smell the gibez of an americun

>> No.15446796

>except for white christians of course
heterosexual white christians males only
women and gays never do anything wrong

>> No.15447196
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>> No.15447218

if you play the victim and it works, you can get what you want

>> No.15447685

thats her entire scientific career, how many other scientist made a career for themselves that way?
all of them?
is that the reason science stopped producing anything of genuine value at the same time it got to bee 1000x more expensive?

>> No.15448067

>about one made up problem
their corporate masters do that to get them to ignore all other environmental concerns, such as azatrine or plastic pollution. CO2 is the only environmental enemy they are allowed to criticize

>> No.15449548
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and only CO2 from cars, jets and chinese trinket factories are always mysteriously exempt

>> No.15450661 [DELETED] 

the anti-environmentalists are the ones complaining about CO2. plants love CO2, if you're against CO2 then you're against life itself, plants are the overwhelming majority of all life on earth by mass, all the other creatures need the plants to survive. More CO2 = more life = healthier environment

>> No.15450689 [DELETED] 

boy who cried wolf

>> No.15452019

is there a similar fable that applies to girls?

>> No.15452351

did someone really get b& for mentioning "the boy who cried wolf"?

>> No.15452749

that seems to be the case

>> No.15452890
File: 188 KB, 591x653, hey rabbi watcha doin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread reminded me that the overwhelming majority of "hate crimes" are committed by the group supposedly being targeted

>> No.15452900

>What are the evolutionary advantages of playing victim that this newly published scientific research refers to?

>Be normal
>Pretend to be victim
>Social and emotionally dense people take it as truth
>They help you because they believe you're a victim and give you resources (time, attention, effort, etc.)
>You get free stuff

There. Pretending to be a victim is just a way for incompetent people to still get resources. You could say they're competent at social manipulation though.

>> No.15453955

Well, no shit

>> No.15454007 [DELETED] 

victims should be seen as easy targets, not as deserving of pity

>> No.15454144


Be a Black person in America.
You do not even know the name of your father.
Be told your ancestors were slaves and you DESERVE reparations.
Protest about the injustice of America and it can ONLY be rectified if you get $1,000,000.

>> No.15454843

I forgive you, but the Father won't

>> No.15455091

Correctly, but "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" so overaged crybabies get catered to and you end up with "the inmates running the asylum"

>> No.15455982
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>"the boy who cried wolf"?
That boy's name?
Dr. Science, PhD

>> No.15457083

In America they use their media empire to tell stories about how Italians are the ones running organized crime. Italians are really the ones stealing all the money how come jews are the majority of the 1% of wealthiest Americans and not Italians?

>> No.15458487

That depends on if they have anything valuable left over after the primary victimization. If they do then you should take whatever the weakling has left, if not just ignore them.

>> No.15459454

Hey Rabbi, Whatcha Doin?

>> No.15460788

Science has been lying about made up doomsday scenarios since the 1960s
>the end is nigh!
>give up your worldly possessions, give all your money to science and you will be saved
same scam that atheists mock religions for

>> No.15461489

It is

>> No.15461505

US oil did peak in the 70s, and only recovered with "unconventional oil".
Acid rain was a widespread, longstanding problem that was finally solved.
The economy never recovered from the crash.

>> No.15461569

Literally (((me)))

>> No.15461587

Acid Rain was a problem. We changed what we did and fixed it.
The ozone layer being destroyed was a problem. We changed how we behaved and it's mostly fixed.
Y2K would have been a huge problem, but we update our computers and fixed it.
Many of the other issues were also huge problems, and then we changed what we did and fixed it.

In short, the reason why many of these things weren't as big a deal as they could have been is specifically because we did shit about them, not ignore them.

>> No.15463423

they want far more than just $1,000,000
cali is promising them $5,000,000 each

>> No.15463788

Monkey group: Monkeys who are injured receive receive sympathy and resources from moneys in the group as that is beneficial for group survival.

Wormtongue monkey recognizes this, and pretends to be injured, thus gaining resources, so increasing his survival/reproduction chance.

>> No.15464312

you just trying to selfishly justify getting moar free gibes money, you lazy worthless welfare case

>> No.15464333

So let me guess, right wingers are gonna use this as an excuse to dismiss classism and actual victimhood.

>> No.15464338

Science doesn't do any of that you dumb hick. Science is a methodology that some superstitious people are afraid of.

>> No.15464344

I'm willing to discuss what I want with anyone who will give me $50M up front good faith money without asking me to sign anything. Four billion rubles is also acceptable.