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15412627 No.15412627 [Reply] [Original]

Germany is shutting down all it's alternative power in order to go to 100% coal power and produce maximum CO2. All nations will soon follow suit & the Earth will become greener and more productive. The future is going to be bright and wonderful with the highest per acre crop yields humanity has ever seen

>> No.15412642 [DELETED] 

I'm glad they're doing it. With the low levels of CO2 in the pre-industrial era, we were in danger of a catastrophic planetary event taking us below the necessary level of CO2 for large-scale plant life.

>> No.15412646 [DELETED] 

Fake news. Nobody gave a shot the first time you posted this crap.

>> No.15412648

>Germany is shutting down all it's alternative power
This is false

>> No.15412876

Absolutely epic, the entire planet should be kept at the same level of CO2 as greenhouses are maintained at, about 1600-1700ppm seem to be the sweet spot.
The last trees over 120m tall were cut down about 100 years ago, if you want to see them replaced and surpassed in your lifetime this is the way to go.

>> No.15413383

it isn't, see OP picrel for more info.
germany is defying the globohomo faggotry and going back to good old reliable coal 100%

>> No.15413385

Call me when they expel the 5th column and subhumans

>> No.15413656

One thing at a time, Hitler took 5 years to clean up Germany to the point that they could host the olympics and he was operating at top speed

>> No.15413686

I used to be anti-Greenshit, but sorry the fact of the matter is it is working. The only sad part is we are basically importing cheap labour goods building our own stolen tech. If we had proper protectionism like they promise we would already have full energy independence.

>> No.15413697

Germany has energy independence, they have plenty of coal and they're using it freely.

>> No.15413709

Nuclear is dangerous and harmful to the environment which is why we should rely on ex kgb members to maintain our electrical grid and infrastructure.

>> No.15413813

The coal is literally worth less than the industry and infrastructure we would have to dismantle to dig it up.

Germany has enough shale gas reserves to supply all of Europe too, it's just quite literally not worth the cost.

Renewables are worth it because especially offshore farms don't displace anything.

>> No.15413825

Thank god not anymore. Excommunicating Russia in every way possible is the best thing for us and everyone else in europe

>> No.15414093

>please see my attached pictures from big name media sites Twitter page
Do you know where you are? Only /pol/ tourists will believe this in its current form, so you might as well just be posting on /pol/ anyways faggot.

>> No.15414123

It won't, you would have to fertilize with all the ash with all its heavy metals etc. otherwise CO2 alone is like feeding with sugar, there are no nutrients to use it all up.

>> No.15414128

Worthless if we don't cut ties with China and other probably other BRICS too.

>> No.15414531


>> No.15414541

Are you retarded? China is giving weapons to Russia. It's not a political statment to say it's worthless to cut out Russia, and not other BRICS.

That's what's happening anyway.

>> No.15414629

>Carbonmaxxxing for increased productivity
This is the way, but Germany = fags and wimps, and aren't Herr Chads anymore.

>> No.15414705

Europe will be part of Russia soon enough.

>> No.15414777

They literally genocided them....
eisenhower's rhine meadows camps, Patton was so disgusted with them , he called it semitic, then he mysteriously died

>> No.15414841

That is by definition a political statement, but it's not wrong. The other BRICS however, are not threatening to take over Finland and Poland because they share some ethnic makeup with them, as they absorb a neighboring country, claiming the same ethno-state motivation.

...and it has nothing to do with the Ukraine's government being overthrown by a NATO friendly one. If they felt that government was illegitimate they could have overthrown it in 2014, when they had all of 40K troops to defend themselves with, which had already been defeated in Crimea. Never mind the 2004 Orange Revolution that happened in Ukraine well before NATO was even on the table.

But I digress to /pol/ as well. Not that you can have this conversation there either, nothing but wannabe vatniks and Putin simps these days.

>> No.15415333
File: 206 KB, 1280x650, United_Nations_General_Assembly_resolution_ES-11_L.1_vote.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I digress to /pol/ as well
Because you are fucking /pol/ posting and you have probably unironically been there.

I am posting the consensus of every important technical and political leader in the West w.r.t. good research conduct as it relates to our profession, minus two boomers in Germany who are slow to catch on as usual but fortunately Scholz is fixing that. China is selling chips to Russia. Most yellow countries are either buying oil and not arresting Putin as the ICC ordered or in general supporting the war (mostly because they like see dead Europeans). Therefore they support the war. That's their right, and then it is also our right to cut them off from our technology which is precisely what we are doing. This is about the integrity and ethics of the STEM profession and civilization in general. That is the only scope that falls within /sci/ as the ethics of data sharing is a common topic in all our professions.

We have never shared our work with warmongering racist authoritarians. If you don't like that you can go bitch about it on /pol/, not on /sci/.

>> No.15415398

Not him but if you wanted present your hot takes as facts, you belong in /pol/ buddy.

>> No.15415542

It's not a "take". It's official policy of my funding mandate you retard.

>> No.15415771


>> No.15416059 [DELETED] 


>> No.15417288

Looking forward to it, life will be better than ever before with increased atmospheric CO2

>> No.15417316

> we
Russia is a colony of west and remotely controlled proxy mercenary. "peacekeeping operations" can be outsourced as well.

>> No.15417582
File: 92 KB, 664x504, co2trees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moar CO2 plz

>> No.15418874

>The coal is literally worth less than the industry and infrastructure we would have to dismantle to dig it up.
It isn't, Germany is wiping out their wind mills in order to get to the coal thats beneath them

>> No.15419392
File: 354 KB, 1429x1968, 3_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Windmills are literally built on the most undesirable real estate in the entirety of the country and it's always been the strategy to offshore them as we replace older models. I am talking about where the proper reserves of shale and coal are. Germany _could_ produce enough shale gas for the whole of Europe, it would just come at the cost of food independence plus invaluable industry.

>> No.15419415

Germany is doing just fine using it's coal, they don't need your advice
>nooooooo, but i know everything, they need to do what say because of my repulsive know-it-allism and delusions of intellectual superiority, i'm so smart!! reeeeeeeeeee!!!

>> No.15419549
File: 202 KB, 1200x848, fig1-installed-net-power-generation-capacity-germany-2002-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What coal? Coal hasn't been significant since 2011.

>> No.15419705

More CO2 = better life for everyone
in the short term
increased rates of photosynthesis by oceanic plants means less direct solar heating of the oceans as the plants absorb an ever greater share of the sunlight. this leads to cooling oceans and eventually to ice ages

>> No.15419720

so thats the mechanism that causes ice ages to start
i tried looking it up on wikipedia but they didn't know

>> No.15420469

Is there any way to stave off this effect?

>> No.15420878

put something into the ocean to prevent plants from growing

>> No.15421006

>installed capacity instead of actual generation
Also you are aware that lignite is just shitty coal, right?

>> No.15421044
File: 47 KB, 440x412, gretafume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Carbonmaxxxing for increased productivity
I have to say, this makes a lot of sense.

The planet is still too cool compared to the past, and another ice age would be disastrous to humanity.

>> No.15421467
File: 227 KB, 1550x1550, greg t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15422491

>you are *explicative* /pol/
>I am posting the consensus of every important technical and political leader
you're the only one posting political stuff, the rest of us are here to discuss science

>> No.15423488

>it would just come at the cost of food independence
it wouldn't because all of the awesome CO2 that burning coal & gas produce would make the remaining farmland twice as productive

>> No.15423496
File: 9 KB, 474x161, jss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another ice age would be disastrous to humanity.
THIS is what concerns real scientists and people the most. Talk about a near extinction event that would cause!

Warmerplanet is better than frozen.

>> No.15423729

It wouldn't tho, the sahara was a verdant paradise during the last ice age, the only lost territory would be thinly populated places like canada, siberia & scandinavia. the antarctic is already uninhabited. reduced sea levels would make places like florida twice a large

>> No.15424186

This is like your 3rd post (I think) where you are pure politics posting without any mention of data of scientific or engineering relevance and you are also confusing multiple posters. If you don't want to explain your reasons then you will rightly continue to be ignored and I don't see what you think you are accomplishing by reposting the same ad nauseum.

But I think real problem here is that you don't even realise we probably have the same "politics" (I think all of us here are pro nuclear at least) and the statements in this post chain are about the implementation of Germany's (and Europe's) energy sustainability goals, not the politics surrounding what led to those goals. The original Anon replying was simply making the point that we don't rely on gas anymore (which is true and not a political statement), so killing nuclear didn't turn out to be as big of a deal as everyone said it was going to be. The follow up point is that sustainable development requires global cooperation and there is no point to shifting energy sources in Europe unless there is a follow through with the orignal goals which necessitate a scalable, protected technology and consumer goods chain (you can call it what it is: "green" protectionism, I don't care) which includes cutting out entities that don't cooperate.

This is in line with the UN sustainability goals and the BMBF energy independence strategy. It is not controversial, it is simply referencing a fait accompli and we, as researchers, technology suppliers and manufacturers, are not part of that decision chain anymore except to implement the plan in a way that our industry continues to thrive (which it is, contrary to "political" views, see industrial confidence indices and GDP growth 2022).

Plants might be growing faster, but they're not necessarily producing enough nutrients. As I said the goal is shift wind turbines to oceans where we have unused space both for electricity and offshore hydrogen production.

>> No.15424290

>The future is going to be bright and wonderful with the highest per acre crop yields humanity has ever seen
This will pair perfectly with the genetic modification of humans to make women giant and super fecund, and men small and super athletic

>> No.15425415

I respect the grind shilling your fetish in every thread.

>> No.15426162

According to Plato, during the last ice age, Florida was the kingdom of Gadeirus, part of Atlantis

>> No.15426671

plato's history is full of things that used to be considered myth and were later proven true

>> No.15426678 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 825x320, females are not smaller than males in most mammal species.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon!

>> No.15427812


>> No.15428450

axl rose

>> No.15428714

>Coal hasn't been significant since 2011.
it is now, they're digging it up as fast as they can

>> No.15429224
File: 37 KB, 825x320, females are not smaller than males in most mammal species.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon!
For some reason my post was deleted I don't know why.

>> No.15429228

>women giant
>men small
Manlet cope

>> No.15429230

Small men are superior to large men

>> No.15430016

they dismantled a bunch of wind farms to get at the coal underneath them

>> No.15430033

90% of the human population should be replaced with trees.

>> No.15430620
File: 95 KB, 1000x1000, fake enviromental concern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lead by example, replace yourself with a tree. Mother Earth will be much better

>> No.15430687

>germany is defying the globohomo faggotry
Yeah that’s what’s happening lmao

>> No.15430698

It's habbening

>> No.15431092

It is tbf. No more globohomo trade reliance is good.

>> No.15431118

wake me up when im trading in euros and not dollars

>> No.15431522


>> No.15432518

Why should Germans get rid of the dollar, do you have any idea how big the German ownership of publically traded American companies are?

>> No.15432703

they need to bring back marks because gauss was on one of the bills

>> No.15432743

/sci/ really needs to read this.


>> No.15432763

i read something a few weeks ago about the military going all electric, their daily needs in electricity to power their trucking would be several multiples of the country's total capacity.

>> No.15432848

True and based. But dollar (Taler) is even more based and trad.

>> No.15433954

joachimsthal is now known as jachymov, its no longer germanic

>> No.15434692
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>> No.15434953

There is no such thing as a Germanic/Slavic dichotomy. All the Eastern European states (Novgorad/Kievan Rus) have Germanic origins.

It's different classes of the same people of which the (true) elite speak Latin.

>> No.15436292
File: 106 KB, 645x325, 1-s2.0-S1319562X20300735-gr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CO2 is based

>> No.15436298

>Comunism is dangerous to the environment

>> No.15436381

Based. More plant growth means more photosynthesis. More plant material will turn that CO2 into glucose and oxygen. More oxygen in the air will cause creatures to become bigger. Imagine breathing in outside air with more oxygen. You'd have so much more energy. CO2 is life.

>> No.15436387

Rus' were a mix of baltics, slavs, and nords living together

>> No.15436390

meds and return to >>>/x/ you schizos

>> No.15437061

Yeah and Nords are Germanic fren.

>> No.15437194

Which is a linguistic group. Rus spoke Old East Slavic which was a Slavic language.

>> No.15437205

Nobody cares you stupid moron.

>> No.15437315

The elite spoke Norse. Their handlers spoke Latin.

>> No.15437341

Unironically increased CO2 levels will cause crop production to SKYROCKET. Not even joking but doing what OP suggests would be able to feed 10+ billion people well and have left overs.

Please note that as we grow more food and the forests become super charged off the C02 the carbon becomes sequestered in living plant tissue and the cycle grows exponentially since older trees are more efficient at the conversion. Eventually we will reach a homeostasis around 10 billion humans and a slightly warmer planet but no big deal really. Plus everyone should be full and comfy.

He gets it, based tree lover.

>> No.15437932

>a slightly warmer planet
CO2 is not a "greenhouse gas"
Mars has no greenhouse effect and Mars has over 2000% more CO2 per unit surface area than Earth does

>> No.15438108

>Coal hasn't been significant since 2011.
People who can't read basic charts (and who don't know what lignite is) are discussing topics such as this.

Just a random blackpill for passerbys.

>> No.15438143

wait, so I'm not a rebel anymore for rolling coal, burning trash, eating 2 pounds of meat every day and having 20 childen? i guess i will have to become a green loving vegan hippie now

>> No.15438180

>this leads to cooling oceans and eventually to ice ages
>implying this isn't good
hyperboria kino is on the plate boys

>> No.15438261

>Mars has no greenhouse effect and Mars has over 2000% more CO2 per unit surface area than Earth does
mars has a greenhouse effect, mars just gets way less solar radiation than the earth, YOU DUMB FUCK, learn Physics before opening your filthy faggot mouth

>> No.15438297

Mars has no measurable greenhouse effect according to publications from the space agencies that have visited the planet. Given that Mars has over 2000% more CO2 per unit surface area as compared to Earth and Earth has a 33ºK greenhouse effect, Mars would be far warmer than it is if CO2 were a greenhouse gas.
Heres a link to the basic calculation,
astronomy majors learn this in the first month of their freshmen year, if you're unfamiliar with it, and you clearly are, then you're just a pseud and don't belong on /sci/

>> No.15438395
File: 167 KB, 1118x967, Screenshot 2023-05-14 222953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine looking at this and see no issue.

>> No.15438404

>mars has a greenhouse effect, mars just gets way less solar radiation than the earth
It gets 40% less solar radiation.
If you stand outside on a cloudy day, you get, what, 2% of the solar radiation as during a sunny day? Just some food for thought. Temperatures are incredibly more complex than solar.

>> No.15439148

you gotta cook eggs on a gas stove if you want to be a real rebel these days

>> No.15439153

The essence of the problem: people like this poster fail to read simple graphs

>> No.15439328

>muh capacity
Is not an argument, batteries are being built at breakneck pace.

>> No.15439419

It wouldn't work, as the rest of the nutrients are not being replaced. You could as well try to grow massive animals by feeding them sugar. We would have to use the ash as a fertilizer.
Also the trees are not that old.

>> No.15439426

You're looking at nuclear you idiot.

>> No.15439462

No I'm not you retard. Coal combined is half the capacity of wind, a quarter the capacity of wind+solar. It's not significant.

>> No.15440801
File: 79 KB, 1500x500, climate-crisis-end-of-the-world-stonetoss-political-cartoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trees don't grow faster with more CO2 in the atmosphere
everyone get a load of this science denier.
trees growing faster was already proved earlier in this thread here >>15417582 and the lying science denier just willfully ignored it in order to shill it's disproved doomsday fantasy soience dogma.

>> No.15441212

Global Warming is a literal doomsday cult

>> No.15442220

Yes, we call them 'politicans' and make fun of them off the web.

>> No.15442233

Shutting down nuclear is good for the enviroment....
...you know, plants like CO2

>> No.15442426

plants don't seem to mind nuclear meltdowns either, the chernobyl exclusion zone is teeming with wildlife