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File: 38 KB, 900x506, cdc-hiv-2018-fig-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15408515 No.15408515 [Reply] [Original]

Why are white females so likely to troon out compared to other races where only men do so?

>> No.15408527

Autism and weak fathers thier a strong link between autism and transgenderism

>> No.15408532

Nonwhite women don't have autism but their men do?

>> No.15408541
File: 73 KB, 720x711, oak joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weak fathers
no fathers, the welfare system is designed to encourage single motherhood. single mothers get about $80,000 a year in benefits, married couples pay taxes.
and we all know who is behind it

>> No.15408579

>autistic people are 3% more likely to be trans
>strong link
I think you have a strong link to being an idiot

>> No.15408583

Nah, autism is a very male trait so it's typical for female troons to be autistic.

>> No.15408587

I don't have a father and my mother never got any benefits. Im not gay or trans or anything. If you need a dad so you don't become gay then you're just gay in denial. I don't believe single moms get 80k for doing nothing either that doesn't make any sense

>> No.15408588

propaganda primarily directed at whites

>> No.15408634

Are you stupid? Your graph shows the precise opposite. Was this a bait thread to see if people even bother to read critically?
But studies show contradictory sex ratios in this realm. So there aren't really conclusions to be drawn.

>> No.15408647

searching with the reverse image tools threw up this paper hat OP sourced his graph from
page 22
Figure 13. Percentages of diagnoses of HIV infection among transgender adults and adolescents, by gender and race/ethnicity, 2018—United States and 6 dependent areas

>> No.15408653

>only I read critically none else does

>> No.15408659

Asian population is nearly as large as Black population at ~6-7% and ~20-30% in the studies being done, but yet are invisible in all these statistics.

>> No.15408666
File: 90 KB, 750x1252, TomboyBad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because white tomboy bad !

>> No.15408674

>Why are white females so likely to troon out compared to other races where only men do so?

Because being a White male is AWESOME!

>> No.15408711

Is this real?

>> No.15408716

Evidently yes.

>> No.15408720

Surprisingly yes. https://lithub.com/the-racist-history-of-celebrating-the-american-tomboy/
Usually that sort of inflammatory headline circulated in 4chan screenshots is fake but in this case it's real.

>> No.15408721

Imagine being a white woman. The most important type of female in the entire world.
And then you screw it up by trooning out.

>> No.15408736

>Usually that sort of inflammatory headline circulated in 4chan screenshots is fake

>> No.15408750

>Your graph shows the precise opposite.
No it doesn't

>> No.15408754
File: 447 KB, 721x724, nothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Usually that sort of inflammatory headline circulated in 4chan screenshots is fake
No ?

>> No.15408757

White females are Satanic. I don't think there is any other demographic group on planet that is as toxic, treacherous and serpentine as them.

>> No.15408764
File: 38 KB, 400x400, weinstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15408897

Doesn't sound like my problem.
They voted for this shit and go along with it so let them reap the consequences

>> No.15408907

I am happy owning nothing, btw
I rent, no car, no tv. Only books, a bike and a FAT bank account.

>> No.15408971

Good, mr bergstein will do the owning for you