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15404060 No.15404060 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15404070 [DELETED] 

"Fad" implies it to be a choice the students do. In reality it's leftist teachers associated with the Democrat Party forcing their weird fixation on the kids and why Biden had sent his secret police, the FBI, to are attack and harass parents that are resisting.

>> No.15404072 [DELETED] 

>Fad" implies it to be a choice the students do. In reality it's leftist teachers associated with the Democrat Party forcing their weird fixation on the kids and why Bidensent his secret police, the FBI, to attack and harass parents that are resisting.

>> No.15404073
File: 40 KB, 200x200, dutton jolly heretic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15404074

Without watching the video I think it is. There's a wave of blue-haired "nonbinary" girls on any campus who are not actually any real form of trans

>> No.15404076

"Fad" implies it to be a choice the students do. In reality it's leftist teachers associated with the Democrat Party forcing their weird fixation on the kids and why Biden sent his secret police, the FBI, to attack and harass parents that are resisting.

>> No.15404093

I haven't watched this video but she's pretty based even when she's wrong.

>> No.15404099

girls have been told that if they don't want a tradwife lifestyle then they have to reject traditional gender roles, and furthermore, that gender is defined by traditional gender roles, and therefore they must stop calling themselves women if they don't want to be subjugated by men.

>> No.15404116

Does this slut post here or something? Why is she shilled here so hard?

>> No.15404119

mommy issues

>> No.15404141

She's hot AND smart.

>> No.15404149

It fucking obviously is.

>> No.15404158

It's like goth but with an extra side of chemical castration and genital mutilation.

>> No.15404193
File: 408 KB, 622x485, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are they gay or trans?

>> No.15404226

buy an ad Sabine

>> No.15404242

She is barely a physicist, why the fuck is she making videos about whatever topic?

>> No.15404262


>> No.15404465

Her constant self aware unfunny jokes are so unfunny that they're actually seriously unfunny and it ruins the show and I can't watch it

>> No.15404513

partly yes, but also similar to homosexuals, they are much more noticeable, there's still considerable stigma associated but nothing like before, where basically anything was preferable to admiting their nature in plain view. Even today with all the woke ideals and netflix propaganda they are raped to death as an entertainment and many people just disregard it, imagine 50-100 years ago.
Until we don't actively stop discrimination and really create a society in which people dont give a fuck about sexual orientation, same as they dont give a fuck color of socks you wear we won't know the true prevalence of non standard sexual orientations

>> No.15404517

>are they gay or trans?
as if you couldn't tell , not sure if extremely low iq or dumbly trying to further the agenda.
same as dumb idiots who are afraid trannies will trick them. They can't, even the ugliest girl is more feminine than the prettiest trans, you can clearly see, if you fuck a faggot you did it 100% on your own, no one can even vaguely begin to force you, yes even under the effects of alcohol

>> No.15404525

should also correlate the rise of trans with a potential decline in bulimia, anoerixa and other mental health issues with teens. Basically it's just lumping it all together and the outlet is a socially encouraged and rewarded "fad" of trannyism.

>> No.15404547

of course more kids are gonna experiment in gender expression and identity because it's more normalised/accepted now, it's a new opportunity that doesn't hurt to try which might have not even been a thought for a lot of people before being transgender was talked about so much.

Some of them will realize it's not for them and go back, some will be more comfortable that way and keep being trans.
In a couple years those numbers will probably go down again because not as many teenagers will be too interested in being transgender, because it won't be a popular topic anymore.
imo in this case, amongst cis teens it's a fad that'll become lesser over time.

>> No.15404571

>t's a new opportunity that doesn't hurt to try
The trans "community" has very perverse incentives to encourage young people to transition. It's essentially a body modification/suicide cult.

>> No.15404797

>Some of them will realize it's not for them and go back
The statistics already bear out that the vast majority (80-90%) will go back.
But unlike sucking a dick in college realizing it's not for you and never doing it again, some of these kids are doing IRREVERSIBLE damage to their bodies.

>> No.15404887

Don't know about Bangladesh but in Thailand, ladyboys don't claim to be women. They're quite open about being males dressed in the clothes and makeup of women.

>> No.15405809

left handed graph

>> No.15405863
