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File: 26 KB, 800x530, moon hitting venus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15400000 No.15400000 [Reply] [Original]

A lot of people smarter than me have looked into the options for terraforming Venus and most of them are on the timeline of thousands of years if not longer. The problems people mention are
>Low spin making days long and the climate erratic
>No magnetosphere, likely due to the lack of spin making the core and mantle less active
>Thick atmosphere
>No water

So has anyone seriously considered chucking ice moons or asteroids at it? It's lack of spin and weird orientation are probably due to a impact in the way back so hitting it with enough mass at a speed and angle that could blow off it's atmosphere and introduce spin might now be a bad idea. Earth got it's water from a comet impact likely speaking. So could we just chuck enough icy rocks at it to fix the problems it has? Yeah it would fuck up the surface but introducing spin and water could fix problems down the road and I'm not sure the timeframe would be that much longer.

>> No.15400005

Humanity won't last more than the next hundred

>> No.15400009

>imma gooonnnnaa live in space just like muh superheroes in muh marvel comix mooooovies!!!

>> No.15400010

Holy shit quints

>> No.15400030

keyed, put me in the screen cap boys

>> No.15400035

Why you think there's gonna be a screencap?

>> No.15400046

unless AI can be used to prolong our extinction that is

>> No.15400052

It absolutely will accelerate it.

>> No.15400222

All this talk of terraforming and dyson spheres and giant space colonies is just a meme. Mankind will never achieve much more in space other than building a Moon base and maybe a research outpost on Mars. Anything else is just a hollywood science fiction fantasy.

>> No.15400243

There is literally no reason to assume this. There's money to be made in space so even the most cynical view on the future assumes people will go make it. Space tourism. Asteroid mining. Space colonies on mars, Lots of money in being the guy to crack that.
>But what money is it gonna be-
All of finance is a adult game of pretend, monopoly money being exchanged, Someone's gonna foot the bill
>AI shilling

>> No.15400250

>Terraforming venus
The time, energy, and materials needed are immense. This is well beyond our capability in the foreseeable future.
Aerostat colonies are far more reasonable, but still challenging.

>> No.15400323
File: 84 KB, 847x476, goodfellas popsci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15400407
File: 29 KB, 620x355, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted this quint in my post.
Yea basically. I've read plans which say the atmosphere contains a lot of water if you do chemistry, but the scale is epic. No idea why everyone wants an exact duplicate of Earth. It would be easier to put a magnet between Venus and the sun. We could probably make something like a combination of submarine and airship, considering the co3 is so thick it behaves a lot like fluid, with waves, currents etc.

What I'm really interested in though is what is precipitating on the mountain peaks making them shiny. I was wondering if it might be calcium. No idea if picrel shows that specific phenomenon though.

>> No.15400416
File: 65 KB, 751x1280, f305qbOGgebG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people who can't differentiate between sci-fi fantasyland an irl are uniformly below 110 IQ

>> No.15400427

Here's your (You) now fuck off we don't care what you think. Thanks for the bump though.

>> No.15400448

>There is literally no reason to assume this.
There is . Just compare cost that requires to sustain 1 man on IRS and median income of per Capita. Huge gap. There need to be immense growth of productive, orders of magnitude to make space living possible. Actually wee had less productivity grows going from agriculture medieval society to nuclear age. How this new grows can be possible? Doesn't looks there is much ways for it.
Only possible way to make people produce 10000 times more is eventually taking people and replacing them with robots. If you have slave army of 10000 robots you can be "10000 more productive man". But here is the catch if robots can replace man you don't need man. Technology of artificial life that can enable humanity living in space also makes humans in space pointless.cwhy do send there humans if all work is done by robots? Obviously in competition organization (corporation or state) that doesn't drag humans with them but only uses robots would win vs organisation that have burden of humanity.
There is no way ape can live in space. Ape's destiny is live in the jungle.

>> No.15400452

Your effortpost is proven garbage in the first sentence. The economy grows constantly and once the Moon base is built and space industry kicks off, everything beyond Earth orbit will become more and more affordable. I didn't read the rest.

>> No.15400455

Every gram of material for a moon base will have to be launched from earth
>inb4 ISRU
That violates planetary protection principles and the Artemis Accords.

>> No.15400457

Completely incorrect again.

>> No.15400468

>The economy grows constantly
Again economy growth from feudalism to nuke age is less than another big jump of growth needed to be able to make humans in space living possible. I don't see such growth possible in evolutionary way.
Only way I see it's via AI and robots replacing human workers such economy scaling per capita can be infinite. But this automatically means there is no need to send humans to space. And also means death of humanity. Because eventually one way or another more effective AI civilization would get rid of the humans.

>> No.15400474

Seems like a whole lot of qualitative argument by analogy.

>> No.15400480

Median income per capita US google it
ISS space station budget google it.
ISS average number of residents google it.
Then come back.

>> No.15400486
File: 76 KB, 188x264, reaction 2 int.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15400487

>Artemis Accords
You think that shit is gonna hold up? Lul. LMAO even.
You realize tech gets cheaper right?

>> No.15400495

No lol. Once we begin construction of orbital space habitats the human population, the economy and productivity are going to skyrocket. It's the only reason I am certain we will colonise space. The movers and shakers behind big money are insisting on it.
There's nothing in the Artemis Accords preventing in-situ resource utilisation.

>> No.15400524

We already constructed space habitat. Pro tip: you with your income can't live and work there.

>> No.15400531

>let's just hit venus with enough momentum to make it start spinning
i think once elon gets the kinks sorted out with his rocket that this should be doable

>> No.15400535

Nor would I want to. That's not a habitat. It's a scientific outpost not even fit for accommodating a fly-in fly-out workforce. Give it 50 years and the Moon will be providing much better alternatives.

>> No.15400861

>and most of them are on the timeline of thousands of years if not longer

>chucking ice moons or asteroids at it?
Congratz. Now your plan works on millions of years

>> No.15400882


>> No.15401171

Like I said i’m not sure how lot it would take for the crust to settle after that damage and how that compares to the other methods. That said the main issue with most solutions is that the atmosphere needs to get removed. The main solutions are using shades to cool the planet down over the course of a few centuries before either paving over the ice (terrible idea because any quake or damage could melt all of the ice and fuck up everything we built) or shooting it all into space (very time consuming and difficult to haul all that away).

>> No.15401204

Hitting it with ice meteor is part of the standard terraforming path but that's just to bring in water and other elements that might be lacking not to cause it to spin faster which is practically speaking impossible and frankly unnecessary thing to fix. The same systems that can remove the excess air can be used to create artificial day for instance and magnetosphere is easier to fix with a space based magnetic shield.

>> No.15401969

Most of the problems described in the op can be solved with powerful enough magnets.

>> No.15402416

Most of life's difficulties can be solved with sufficiently powerful magnets.

>> No.15402649
File: 705 KB, 5000x5000, 1682741919427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cancer? Communism?

>> No.15402656

Communism is caused by brain damage, which can potentially be reversed by magnetic therapy.

>> No.15402681

>Low spin making days long and the climate erratic

>> No.15403962

It contributes to the heat and magnetosphere problem. It would also likely make things harder for earth animals to live there once teraforming is done

>> No.15403991

"Tech gets cheaper" is a cop out statement, that's hardly scientific at all.

>> No.15405070

I know this is bait, so i'm gonna just reply to bump a otherwise interesting thread

>> No.15406199

He's right though

>> No.15406717


AI is in the hands of the powerful and they have zero interest in keeping you around

>> No.15407031

It'll terraform itself as the next few micronovas occur. The shitty atmosphere gets blown off and planet gets pushed into habitable zone. While that is occurring, the same thing that happened to Mars will happen to Earth. Hopefully, our descendants will be smart enough to bail or GTFO into space.

>> No.15408111
File: 127 KB, 480x788, micronova thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say micronova?

>> No.15408723

How come all the previous ones wasn't enough?
You have to be a special kind of gullible to fall for this