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15398489 No.15398489 [Reply] [Original]

More scientific proof that the tranny narrative is fake

>> No.15398490
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>> No.15398537

So is this activating your almonds?

>> No.15398561


>> No.15398592

All you want to talk about is trannies

>> No.15398767

Yes, people want to talk about threats to their children so they can warn each other of the danger and neutralize it. Not sure why you think this "rent free" line will shame parents into not wanting to protect their children from sexual predators.

>> No.15398891

You're confusing gender dysphoria with pedophilia. Two different things, fa.m

>> No.15398912

you are a bigger threat to my child than some elder horror in human form

>> No.15398913


>> No.15398918


>> No.15398926

Dial 8, trannoid

>> No.15398933

Childless and mad about it

>> No.15399364

post a larger study with different results

>> No.15399369

This is what the faggots expect us to believe.

>> No.15399419

I don't have to. I know trannoids such as yourself are trash purely through my intuition

>> No.15399442

So, in short, the vast majority of people "get over it?"

>> No.15399447

There's also 0 evidence that SRS improves mood or functioning in people with Gender Dysphoria. Trannies are the most gaslighted and exploited group on the planet. They're used for quick cash and then discarded. It's fucked up

>> No.15399512
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"let's ask children what gender they are and how horny they can get"

surely there's something bizarre and suspiciously wrong with SEXUALIZING children?

I mean imagine how funny that would be

"I don't care about your sex obsession and disgusting activities let me play minecraft!"

"oh so you don't like girls huh, do you find men arousing? do you identify as a girl?"

>> No.15399520

Why are children being diagnosed with gender dysphoria? I'm glad at least in the USA, it'll be state by state until the whole country bans supplemental hormones for kids. But I don't know why conservatives go so far as to ban books

>> No.15400152
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Banning faggot books is redpilled

>> No.15400211
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I thought we already knew this? It was pretty obvious...

Either way I don't care, I want to pound tranny boipuss and there's nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.15400227

>"I don't care about your sex obsession and disgusting activities let me play minecraft!"
>"oh so you don't like girls huh, do you find men arousing? do you identify as a girl?"
Literally and unironically what is happening.

>> No.15400530

If you want to protect children, take them out of church, teach them to distrust cops, and support them when they tell you who they are.

>> No.15400534

You're the one sexualising children here you projecting nonce
The paedo doth protest too much

>> No.15400544

>Aww look, little Bobby has a crush on his teacher, how sweet!
Do conservatives actually believe their own shit?

>> No.15400598

no, thats the opposite of what works. children need to be taught how to behave properly, if you let them do whatever they want then they'll hav gunny bears for dinner every night and spend the rest of the time playing video games

>> No.15400600

But you don't have children.

>> No.15400606

I didn't say anything about behaviour, Anon

>> No.15400964

you suck at drawing lines

>> No.15400971

>support them when they tell you who they are
kids come up with some pretty retarded shit about "who they are". they'll change their preferred identity at a moments notice depending on what neat thing they've been exposed to recently. child grooming wouldn't be an issue if kids had this kind of rock solid identity they'd stick to against all odds.

>> No.15400990

Yeah. Duh.

It's normal to have an 'identity disorder' when you're young, which is really just not knowing who you are. It's normal to not know who you are when you're young. Then you figure out who you are, and then it turns out your chaotic thoughts about yourself don't really hold any water.
The problem is that current culture affirms any kind of irrational thought the child has, and then destroys the child's life by making them believe they're trans and then transitioning etc.

>> No.15400992

>teach them to distrust cops,
Reported to the FBI

>> No.15401017
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I just wish i was born a woman
I dont care about children they should NOT troon out because they always mog my deformed by testosterone body

>> No.15401348

I'd be quite fine with people mutilating themselves or even their own kids, since it's just their own genes getting filtered out of the gene pool, but they really cross the line when they spread their tranny propaganda at schools, librarires, books, TV, toys, internet, etc. Now I just want to gas them all.

>> No.15401941

>I must inform the pedos that people know!

>> No.15401955


>> No.15401973

If you actually read the posts you would know that this confirms your bias

>> No.15402274

Yesterday my child told me that he's Bando, one of the dogs from the movie Homeward Bound Two. He persists in this identity today. Am I supposed to affirm his identity yet? If not, how long do I wait?

>> No.15402280

>Am I supposed to affirm his identity yet?
Yes you bigot!
You must transform your kid into a dog ASAP!

>> No.15402286

no bully plz. I'm trying to Trust the Science, but the Science on this matter hasn't yet been revealed.

>> No.15402293

The TV says the science. Obey the TV and TikTok.

>> No.15402328
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Does anyone under the age of 50 still watch TV? Or does the mass noun "TV" include streaming content nowadays? To me, "TV" is OTA broadcast programming. Any non-internet video network is Cable TV, even if it's transmitted by satellite rather than cable, then it's just Satellite Cable TV. And if it's a streaming provider then it's Netflix regardless of the actual provider. "Want to watch Netflix? King of the Hill is on Hulu!"

>> No.15402343
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I think it's a problem to give kids hormones that fuck up their development before puberty but if you look at /lgbt/ there are a lot of people who are pretty fucked up about not receiving them too. I don't think there's really a good solution here. Honestly trans people are so few and far between I think we're better off focusing on business regulation or clean energy or something that actually applies to most people and affects our quality of life.

>> No.15403251

>stop noticing goy
ok, thanks for the advice sholomo

>> No.15403260 [DELETED] 

>literal who article

>> No.15404109
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Yes anon diverting your attention from problems that can be solved by exerting control over powerful people, and instead devoting yourself to infighting among your fellow man is DEFINITELY going to stick it to the Jews.

>> No.15404126

>think we're better off focusing on business regulation
Agreed. Culture war nonsense is just the elites manipulating us into forgetting about the real enemy: regulators.

>> No.15404168

>and support them when they tell you who they are.
Great idea, my kid told me he's a dinosaur so I guess he's a dinosaur!

>> No.15404173

>are so few and far between
Is that so?

>> No.15404401

They make up less than 1 in 250 adults. Let me guess, the media has led you to believe otherwise?

>> No.15404703

>most boys in a cohort of different ages grew out of their dysphoria about 10 years after they were diagnosed
Okay, what does that disprove? It just shows that some people have it persist for their, potentially, whole lives. That is why they need gender affirming care -- there is no better alternative.

>> No.15404771

>my kid told me he's a dinosaur
And did you clutch your pearls over that too?

>> No.15404807

why are trannies so desperate to be around kids

>> No.15405747

because they're pedophiles
they like anime for the same reason

>> No.15407237
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>> No.15408179

>stop noticing goy
ok, thanks for the advice sholomo

>> No.15408456
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>> No.15408475

>business regulation or clean energy
that costs corporations massive profits and investments
better off just castrate some autistic kids and sell them heaps of prescription pills - that increases the profits

>> No.15408477


To make more trannies, so that eventually they won't be a vanishingly rare circus sideshow attraction anymore. The ideal is to slowly become the majority, any cult's goal.

>> No.15409679
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>> No.15409783

you arent having children. You arent going to ever get married as well.

>> No.15409817

>g-g-good I didn’t want them anyways!!
Trannies, cross-dressers and attentionwhore fags should all be baked on 375 for 25-30 days so they can’t reproduce (by molesting children ofc)

>> No.15409836

Trans are hated by almost every ethnic and racial group, therefore it is the ultimate attraction for victim mentality types. They absorb it and make it part of their personality so they can be clinically oppressed. That’s why they are insufferable and that’s why I know for a 100% fact they are mentally ill.
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness.

>> No.15409898
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According to most recent political polling from the 2020s, democrats now support the military, the police, corporations, and mainstream media more than republicans. Basically, anyone who questions the US media establishment, the US political establishment, US foreign policy, or the American legal and criminal justice system is considered an anti-government 'conspiracy theorist'.

Jan 6th, COVID, and the Putler's invasion basically destroyed any last shred of anti-establishment, anti-corporate, or anti-government sentiment amongst the woke neoliberal left. These sorts of anti-establishment sentiments still remain pretty common amongst members of the far left (e.g. Jimmy Dore, Briahna Joy Grey, Glenn Greenwald, etc.), but the dems currently view any opposition to the establishment as unacceptable. After all, if right wing terrorism and conspiracy theories have become rampant, and we need new disinformation laws, more domestic surveillance, and a massive increase military and police funding in order to combat anti-vaxxers, the far-right, and Vladimir, then that sort of conflicts with the goals of reforming and defunding the police, or bringing home the troops. Given the choice, it's pretty clear that spying on anti-vaxxers, transphobes, and other so-called "domestic terrorists" is more important to the pro-censorship neolibs than any sort of police reform. Pic related.

That being said, while I suspect you're a typical woke neoliberal, I actually completely agree with your suggestions. Keep you kids away from church, keep your kids away from cops, keep your kids away from trannies. Teach your kids to distrust the media, the government and corporations. Teach your kids to reject pop culture and public opinion. Teach your kids to ignore fads and trends. Teach your kids to value science, math, philosophy, art, and music. Teach your kids to enjoy the outdoors. Teach your kids that both democrats and republicans a low IQ soulless normies.

>> No.15409920
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>> No.15409921
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If you look at all the polls, neolib centrists are consistently the biggest cucks in the world.

Both the "far-right" ("MAGA republicans") and the far-left ("Bernie Bros") are far more reasonable when it comes to issues concerning tech corporations, the media, the police, the military, censorship, and any other controversial issues.

>> No.15409933

And you will note that democrats are actually growing MORE supportive of corporations, bankers, big tech companies, while conservatives are becoming less supportive of these institutions.

Neolib democrats will do everything in their power to bow down at the feet of billionaires, corporations, and the government. Their entire ideology is centered around worshiping elites.

>> No.15409990

OP, you seem to be drawing the conclusion that trannies are fake when all you have done is present evidence which strongly suggests that 87% of trannyism is fake. This implies that trannyism may be up to 13% real. From this I can conclude that, despite being less than 13% of the trans-identifying population, trans "people" account for over 100% of all mass shootings in april 2023

>> No.15411008
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>> No.15412492

god sent angels to clean up sodom & gomorrah
he sent hitler to clean up weimar germany
what does that make hitler?

>> No.15412497

Trannys and fags getting mad in here. Groomers.

>> No.15413173
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>> No.15413414

poignant question

>> No.15413774
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Fred Phelps was similarly persecuted for doing god's will

>> No.15414943

no, they go hand in hand. Trans talk and sexualizing children with this queer shittalk is absolutely going ahnd in hand and way too far.
They're not informing anymore, they're pushing.
They want your kids neutered, fucking react.

A tranny is the ultimate consumer, it's a lifelong medical case physically and mentally. On top of instantly becoming leftleaning (like all estrogenoids)

>> No.15414946

more like pus because that's all u're getting out of that infested gaping wound.

>> No.15415239

I'm not THAT degenerate. Nobody wants that

>> No.15415543

The name of the estrogen legume they want to feed everyone is censored on this site to prevent us from discussing it

>> No.15415592

This is a completely untested belief. We do not know that there are no better alternatives, and considering how generally successful other forms of body dysmorphia therapy can be, it would be pretty surprising if the best form of treatment is to allow people to mutilate themselves and subject themselves to being permanent medical patients.

If your comparison is against church based conversion therapy, yeah that shit probably doesn't work. Aside from that, I have yet to see a single serious attempt at proving that gender affirming care is the sole form of successful treatment when compared to body dysmorphia focused treatments.

>> No.15415871

So far we know that gender affirming care works, and for people with persistent dysphoria that may be the best option. It's their choice to go through with it or not, and, if you want alternatives, show they work well too.

>> No.15417145

>take them out of church, teach them to distrust cops, and support them when they tell you who they are
so theyll do drugs and die, get murdered on the wrong side of town, then kill themselves after they regret the transition?

>> No.15417162

this is a line I truly will never understand, when your kid tells you
>I'm an astronaut today!
>I'm a dinosaur today!
>I am a princess today!
your job as a parent is to go along with it. Yes it's make-believe, who cares, you're only a kid once, let them have fun.
to extrapolate that to trans issues, if my son one day says
>hey I want to be a princess this week
my response isn't going to be to beat him with a belt to knock the degeneracy out, it's to play along with him being a princess that week. 99% chance he wants to be an astronaut next week again, and if this is a more permanent decision then we have all the time in the world to talk it over calmly.
This conservative parenting idea that you need to be constantly treating kid as mini-mes and constantly prepping them for the adult world is how you get burned-out adult kids who hate you for being a shitty and emotionally unavailable parent, you know.

>> No.15417163

>Frontiers removed 31 editors of Frontiers in Medicine and Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine after the editors complained that the company staff were interfering with editorial decisions and violating core principles of medical publishing (Enserink, 2015).
>The editors say Frontiers' publication practices are designed to maximize the company's profits, not the quality of papers, and that this could harm patients. Frederick Fenter, executive editor at Frontiers, says the company had no choice but to fire the entire group because they were holding up the publication of papers until their demands were met.

>> No.15417188

>your job as a parent is to go along with it
To what extent? My response to my son claiming to be Bando the Dog was "Hi Bando, I'm Dad," and then we went right back to what we were doing, me pushing him on the swing. Should I have insisted that dogs don't ride swings? Should I have tossed the frisbee and told him to fetch it in his mouth? Should I have given him his dinner in a bowl on the ground? Should I have replaced his dinner with dog food? These actions would be consistent with affirming his new identity.

Your job as a parent is not to "go along with it." It's to allow them to run with it as far as they safely can and wish to. Playing fetch with the frisbee is fine. Carrying it in the mouth probably not so much, though some parents are less squeamish about germs and dirt than others. Dog food is likely a bridge too far.

Whereas gender dysphoria is so very strongly associated with suicidal ideation, as the trans advocates themselves so loudly claim, then it is reasonable to conclude that any degree of gender-pretending is intrinsically dangerous. There is no safe amount of running with it. Thus any "I am a princess today!" calls for a gentle reality check.

>> No.15417230

uh-oh persisters, we got to cocky

>> No.15417695
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i wonder who could be behind that

>> No.15418942

its over

>> No.15419110
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Hold the fuck up. Parading all over the streets, fisting each others' assholes in the open, and then even making an imperial culture out of it that demands to be spread all over the world, gets people to talk about it?

no shot man.

>> No.15419747

Yoel Roth?

>> No.15419949

>well actually, 2+2 = 5 if you completely change the rules of maths
He's technically correct, but he fails to understand that the solution to an equation cannot be determined until the given values and the series of operations have been defined. "2.4 + 2.4 = 4.8" is a valid statement. The right hand side is dependent on the left hand side, therefore rounding 2.4 down to 2 will in all cases give us an answer of 4. You cannot round 4.8 up to 5, because that is the solution to the equation, and the solution is necessarily dependent on the left hand side.

>> No.15419978

Error propagation and uncertainty analysis much? Please include that too next time

>> No.15420005

Get real, there's no way some sociopathic pedophile would join the FBI in order to be above the law and have access to a massive database of CP.

>> No.15420027

>technically correct