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15398353 No.15398353 [Reply] [Original]

Materialism is wrong, but idealism still does not address the hard problem. It merely flips it around. Under idealism, why should the thing-in-itself that is represented by my brain be self-aware? It is the exact same problem.

>> No.15398641

>Materialism is wrong

>> No.15398659


>> No.15398678

>why should the thing-in-itself that is represented by my brain be self-aware?
Retard. That's not idealism. Idealism = there is one thing that appears as everything, like a computer screen that appears as a universe of time, space matter etc. Any other definition of idealism, especially a definition that refers to the one thing as consciousness, is a grift designed for plausible denial, like tricking their audience into magical thinking that they are immortal, God or whatever.

>> No.15398749

Close. "Too complex" isn't right. It implies the answer is "in" the universe, in the material existence we have access to. But that's not the case. And in any case complexity is not a barrier to understanding in principle. An understanding of consciousness eludes us because it is a property of some reality beyond our capacity to understand, which is different from "complexity". Your brain could be universe sized and it would make no difference: consciousness would remain beyond your reach.

>> No.15398752

Philosophy has never solved any problems.

>> No.15398755

>Idealism = there is one thing that appears as everything

Monism is not identical to idealism. Idealism is in general stating mind is primary over matter, that's all.

>> No.15398759

Go ahead and come up with a scientific explanation for a first moment in time, a first unit of space, how purely material and physical substances give rise to qualia, etc. You will be famous and cool!

>> No.15398765


>> No.15398780

That's why Cartesian dualism is the only acceptable answer. There are two types of substances and they interact via quantum mechanics.

>> No.15398789

No it is not. Ltrly it produces even more problems. Some such as "problem of other minds" , "interaction between two supstances".
Here Searl take on it. He is a bit grumpy but he does a good take.

>> No.15398793

>quantum mechanics.
Also this. What does that even mean anon.
i) If it is answerable trough quantum mechanics then clearly there are no two supstances.
ii) Many proposed such thing past years but it all comes down to "its quantum magic" without furthere explanation.

>> No.15398812

because you're a bug

>> No.15398820

>because you're a bug

>> No.15398862


Pure self-indulgent, masturbatory, intellectually dishonest sophistry.

>> No.15398897

Your consistent failure to write the word "substance" accurately reflects the intellectual level of your posts. I will not waste my time debunking your retarded non-arguments. You're not smart enough to understand.

>> No.15398903

No it does not.
Do not pull grammar card you are not a kid.

>> No.15399344

>Materialism is wrong
>idealism still does not address the hard problem
there is no hard problem under idealism
>It merely flips it around.
>Under idealism, why should the thing-in-itself that is represented by my brain be self-aware?
that's you projecting materialism onto your flawed conception of what idealism is
idealism isn't that at all, there is no "thing-in-itself" under idealism, that only exists in Kantian dualism

>> No.15399347

idealism is a form of monism, yes
as opposed to various forms of dualism, or even trialism, or even pluralisms beyond that
>Idealism is in general stating mind is primary over matter, that's all.

>> No.15399405

> but idealism still does not address the hard problem.

It does not need to. In idealism there is no such problem of emergence from a category of thing that is not consciousness - that is an issue for Materialism.

>Under idealism, why should the thing-in-itself that is represented by my brain be self-aware? It is the exact same problem.

The thing represented by your brain and body is your consciousness. You're essentially asking "why is consciousness conscious?".

Because it is what it is.

>> No.15399411

>navel gazing thread

>> No.15399412

Why does propofol seem to suppress 100% of my conscious experience? If there were some outside factor, it seems like there would be experience involved.

>> No.15399452

>Materialism is wrong,
unproven assertion.

>> No.15399478


Its pretty damn clear, and it is time to move on. Materialism is the least serious metaphysical position on the table - although it gets its support from the masses who parrot it.

You define reality to be quantitative, and thus, having nothing to do with qualities. You then find yourself, surprise, in a situation where you can't pull qualities out of quantitive world that is incommensurable qualities.

>> No.15399499

>Its pretty damn clear,

>> No.15399535

>Why does pulling the plug stop my radio? If there was some outside "radio waves" the music should just continue playing.

>> No.15399557

i hope you realise this is materialism

>> No.15399563

Only to a brainlet who doesn't understand abstract analogies.

>> No.15399798


Then you have a smol brain. Sorry to tell you that mate. You'll come around when your popsci masters change their tune too.

>> No.15399800

>You'll come around when your popsci masters change their tune too.
I doubt they ever will. The regime is based on state atheism, and atheism requires materialism otherwise it's even more incoherent than it already is.

>> No.15399801


>there is no hard problem under idealism

Why does my consciousness represent itself in the form a human body?

>there is no "thing-in-itself" under idealism, that only exists in Kantian dualism

Kant was a transcendental idealist. Not a dualist. There always must be a thing-in-itself. Even if you are a solipsist, you acknowledge that SOMETHING (your mind) exists. Are you asserting that NOTHING exists? Then how do YOU exist?


It does not need to. In idealism there is no such problem of emergence from a category of thing that is not consciousness - that is an issue for Materialism.

Why does my consciousness represent itself in the form a human body?

>The thing represented by your brain and body is your consciousness.

Same question.

>> No.15399805


That is true. There is zero incentive for any of the powers at be to abandon materialism, since their entire base of power (the way society is structured as a whole) is based on a materialist view.

Not to be a "look at the sheeple" person, but it definitely would not suit the people that run society to have everyone suddenly realize "hey, none of this stuff is real, and it only matters to the extent that it serves what really matters, which is loving each other."

>> No.15399810

>"hey, none of this stuff is real, and it only matters to the extent that it serves what really matters, which is loving each other."
New Age "love is love" navel gazing is worse than materialism.

>> No.15399814


99% of new age stuff is a grift, but seriously, when you strip everything else away, the only thing that is left is us and how we feel. And why not make each other feel happy? I believe that my core being is peaceful and loving; our core being is corrupted by this sick world and our sick bodies/minds.

>> No.15399819

>Why does my consciousness represent itself in the form a human body?

>Why does my consciousness represent itself in the form a human body?

Let say you see your friend Jim 6 feet from you. The image of Jim's body in your awareness is the result of your consciousness interacting with the consciousness of Jim's, and during that interaction, your conscious activity is changed in such a way as to represent that interaction as the image of Jim's body; In other words, you are constructing Jim as a representation of the interaction of conscious activity.

There is another level to this question - why that particular body of Jim? The brown hair, the scar on his right arm, etc.

I think that evolutionary processes within the universal consciousness have shaped us to register certain conscious activity as human bodies. You may want a precise scientific model of what the dynamics of conscious activity that would lead to conscious structures like humans to perceive conscious interactions in this way, which is fair. But that is an open problem of scientific modelling - not a Hard Problem in the sense of the Hard problem of consciousness.

>> No.15399844


Yes, you described the problem. It is a big problem. Let's set aside the loaded term "hard" for now.

Think about this; I can somewhat control my body. I can move my hand when I want to. But sometimes it twitches on its own or reacts to stimuli faster than I can even decide. I also do not control or generate all of my thoughts. I can think certain things, or stop thinking for a bit, but I do not generate my own thoughts necessarily all the time.

Our nature seems to be that we can direct our attention. Yet, our attention is limited. This means that we are limited. Why? If my brain is simply a representation of my consciousness, then why and how would my consciousness represent thoughts that I am not choosing to think? How and why could I represent thoughts to myself that I am not choosing to think? It is extremely paradoxical.

>> No.15399888

Yeah I moved on to "It is literally a dream" and don't care about muh mind stuff anymore.

>> No.15399892

there is not science content in this thread, just pomposity from delusional know-it-alls who like to hear themselves talk

>> No.15399894

oh look another not /sci/ thread that the mods won't delete

>> No.15399915

>But sometimes it twitches on its own or reacts to stimuli faster than I can even decide.
*severs spinal cord at C4*
There ya go. Don't gotta worry about that twitching no more.

>> No.15399931

Heres a thread about science that the mods did delete

>> No.15400103

That's why I use HGNU/Linux instead of HPC.