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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 28 KB, 320x269, Eudn7aRWGseAvirtdCh38K-320-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15394220 No.15394220 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15394227

Google a scientific forum or journal or something man

>> No.15394237

/pol/ said it's nonsense.

>> No.15394245
File: 2.59 MB, 2123x1621, literature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The earth is flat with a dome. Onestone science man was complete fraud. Relativity is a meme. Gravity doesn't exist.

>> No.15394252

It's not testable so it's not science. It's philosophy.

>> No.15394253

It's the second most successful scientific theory every devised.

>> No.15394256

What's the first?

>> No.15394275

Quantum electrodynamics.

>> No.15394278

Covid vaccine safety

>> No.15394284

anthropomorphic climate change

>> No.15394286

what are you talking about

>> No.15394302

>not testable
>ride a bike towards someone at 5km/h
>the other person does the same
>you are moving 10km/h relative to eachother
>not testable

>> No.15394305

>anon who doesn't know what relativity means

>> No.15394320

It means exactly what it says in the dictionary, dumbasses who don't understand this are the ones who believe shit like spacetime being an aether medium that's being manipulated

>> No.15394399

That trans women are women

>> No.15394414

naw dawg stein musta been hittin the pipe when he came up wit dat shiet

>> No.15394436

I know you don't believe this, but to anyone that dose, I say this:

Using your theories for Earth's geometry and physical laws, solve a problem that newtonian or modern physics cannot explain, develop a theory which models the observed behaviour, and on the basis of the model predict future events which are also not known to us using our conventional means.

Also, I would like to encourage flat-earthers to commence a voyage to document and photograph the "dome"

>> No.15394448

>Also, I would like to encourage flat-earthers to commence a voyage to document and photograph the "dome"
People have been threatened with death by naval forces for trying this.

>> No.15394460

The Chinese balloons were on a mission to document the dome... suddenly it all makes sense.

>> No.15394475
File: 2.11 MB, 1280x720, dome lightning.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here, but because of your indoctrination you will parrot some bullshit about sprites and elves (lmao).
What this anon is saying if you venture towards the arctic north or antarctic south, you get intercepted by warships and they have shoot to kill orders if you don't follow commands. As for exploring the dome, it needs resources for one among other things.

>> No.15394496

What's the context of the video, I want to see the full thing.

>> No.15394552

Lightning storms don't just create discharges below the clouds but also above the clouds turning atmospheric gases into plasma jets

>> No.15394566

You know you can send your phone up with a balloon and record a video, right?
Let me guess, the navy is gonna send submarines surfing the dome to imtercept it, right?

>> No.15394644

Lmao... >>15394284 and >>15394399 are better answers.

>> No.15394649

People have sent balloons up to show the Earth is flat but you don't believe them. Why is that?

>> No.15394676

I don't believe them because I can observe a lunar eclipse. One can also notice the sky in the northern and southern hemispheres. Anyways, what we want to see is the dome. Send up a balloon and take pictures of it, genuinely curious to see its composition.

>> No.15394726


>> No.15394734

/pol/ says Nazi Germany would have built a nuclear weapon without Jewish scientists, and that special relativity and quantum mechanics are Jewish pseudoscience. They are retards

>> No.15394757

Because I've actually flown there and it's not flat dumbass

>> No.15394794

So direct photographic proof won't convince you? That's all I needed to hear.

>> No.15394867
File: 251 KB, 1200x1200, detail_as11-44-6551_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I'm the guy that disputes photographic evidence anon. That would be you and your ilk, that cannot even accept that satellites and the space station are real, let alone the mood landing.

>> No.15395022

It makes them feel special and that literally it. Behind every single flat earther is a broken home

>> No.15395118

Yes, gravitational fields are indistinguishable from accelerating frames because all physical experiments remain invariant whether you're in a gravitational well or an accelerating frame.

>> No.15395133

Einstein failed to predict the precession of mercury. Ether is correct and relativity is simply a fraudulent empirical result.

>> No.15395192


All relativity is doing is describing the fictional reality that humans created. It's like watching clouds, imagining objects in the clouds, and then developing scientific laws and models based on the relationships between the "objects" you saw in the clouds.

>> No.15395197
File: 2.73 MB, 297x498, based150iq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Sound needs a medium to travel through.

Relativity is true in a vacuum.

It is not sound science.