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15394013 No.15394013 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you became “race realists” after extensively traveling?

>> No.15394059
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You mean like Einstein?

>Though he called the Chinese “industrious,” he also described them as “filthy” and “obtuse.” They’re a “peculiar herd-like nation,” Einstein wrote, “often more like automatons than people.” He saw them as intellectually inferior, quoting — instead of challenging — Portuguese teachers he met during his travels who claimed that the Chinese “are incapable of being trained to think logically” and “have no talent for mathematics.”
>His reflections in the few days he spent in China also reveal Einstein’s tendency to perceive foreigners as a threat.
>“It would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all other races,” he wrote. “For the likes of us the mere thought is unspeakably dreary.”
He goes on to call Indians filthy.

>> No.15394118

It’s shocking to know that even 100 years ago, the the Arabs, Chinese and Indians were just the same as they are today. He goes on to say that the Arabs are a “screaming and gesticulating people” who swarmed his ship peddling wares. Interesting.

>> No.15394157

>“have no talent for mathematics.”
Based on the maths Olympiads, they seem to be doing quite well on that front nowadays.

>> No.15394168

>Wow a contrived exam that even gpt can now do
Wake me up when they figure out something truly novel

>> No.15394173

> goes on to call Indians filthy
kek, this is true af

>> No.15394177

They just memorize and spend 16 hours a day training, and send the ones that can't make it back to their rice farms

>> No.15394191

He is right
East asians are genetically gamers. They game systems by memorizing already established techniques, proofs, etc.
To mistake that for talent is a great tragedy and to admire this behavior and let it take root in the public conscious of the majority is truly "unspeakably dreary" just as Einstein foretold.

>> No.15394194

That's based. Being able to accurately utilize your human capital is one of the primary traits of good leadership. Much better than the West where everyone can be the emperor of the galaxy or whatever Marvel mass delusions they have these days.

>> No.15394217

I was a race realist all throughout my youth because of genetic expression. Come home white man, and denounce the filth of the modern world.

>> No.15394243

Culture is downstream of genetics. They'll be the same way in 1000 years.

>> No.15394255

This. Western culture used to value genius and creativity, not rote memorization of the "scientific consensus."

>> No.15394262

That's the desperate attempt to hold onto a glorious past that is quickly receding over the horizon.

>> No.15394265


>> No.15394288

Not my problem if you can't parse simple sentences. Not everyone was meant to be literate.

>> No.15394295

Even then, you must admit that East Asians and Europeans can live together in harmony. Besides, Japanese make the best video games.

>> No.15394389

hapas are a crime against nature and nature's god

>> No.15394406


>> No.15394415

How jews talk to other jews in confidence is no concern for the goyim. To distribute such correspondence is pure antisemetism.

>> No.15394422

Secular jews are are basically just autists like the rest of 4chan. /pol/ has on idea how much they actually have in common with them.

>> No.15394435

Hardly, we tolerate each but dont assimilate. It's just that other ethnic groups tend to act more savagely in historically western countries.

>> No.15394437

yes, and i insult them in public. "what's up happy hapa?" pull my eyelids back etc.

>> No.15394512

A country where whites and Asians cohabitate but don’t assimilate…what exactly would be the downsides of this?

>> No.15394519

Low social cohesion and constant competition for political resources. Asians naturally adopt subversive ideologies in order to compete politically.

>> No.15394565

Are you eurowhite or east asian?

>> No.15394612


>> No.15394621

The original aryans were HAPAS

>> No.15394633

If you think it's bullshit then you've never lived in a place with a large Asian minority.

>> No.15394639

They are not clever enough for subversion. They are simply non-descript opportunists.
>met some internationals from shanghai international schools
>hello im am Euclid Ling and welcome to my TEDxShanghai and let me tell you about how I am using this talk bought with my parents money to discuss climate change that i dont really know much about but am using to get into Harvard.

>> No.15394671

I’ve never lived in a place with an Asian minority, but I lived in Japan for a years as a white minority. Please expand on your argument. I’m curious, honestly.

>> No.15394675

Chinese are not Asians. They are nogs. Koreans and Japanese routinely call the Chinese cattle. They hate them as much as whites do. When someone says “East Asian”, they mean Japan, Korea and Taiwan.

>> No.15394681

Do you think you're the only one on this site that has been to Asia?

>> No.15394682

No. Why do you think I do?

>> No.15394683

Taiwanese are literally Chinese.

>> No.15394684

what race was mixed?

>> No.15394686

Different culture.

>> No.15394687

Because your dumbass weeb theories are backed by nothing other than your hypothetical trip to Japan, as though none of us have ever been to Asia for ourselves.
I get it man, my father was an unavailable alcoholic when I was growing up too. Toonami was great. But it's time to realize that anime, at the end of the day, was just cartoons.

>> No.15394688

No, Taiwanese are the remains of the actual chinese, they weren't affected by the inhumanity inflicted by the ccp/cpc regime

>> No.15394689

You just said they aren't Asians. Lots of retards on /sci/ today.

>> No.15394691

I told you I was genuinely curious to hear your reasoning for saying Asians practice subversive political tactics as a racial minority and instead of expanding you’re gatekeeping travel to Asia for some reason.

I wish low IQ /pol/ schizoids would stay in their containment board.

>> No.15394695

Are you trolling, autistic or stupid? Do you know what a joke is?

>> No.15394750

Everyone except spics and niggers. They are too violent. Ditto for Muslims.

>> No.15394798

Think this through even a little. Why would an Asian engage in subversion against his own culture when he's already dominant? I'm talking about why they don't make good bedfellows in your country, not why you make a good one in theirs.

>> No.15394921

Hard to be for sure, Indo European Scythians and Mongolian I suppose. The Sycth were steppe warriors with a very wide range of territory stemming from the Mediterranean all the way into China

>> No.15394929

You still haven’t given any evidence, proof, examples, or expanded at all on your position. How can you expect to persuade people to your way of thinking like this?