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15392737 No.15392737 [Reply] [Original]

Bros, I'm having a panic and I want to check whether my reasoning is correct.

I want my genes to increase in number long term. If I only have one child and my descendents each have one child then the amount of my genes in the genepool will on average half each generation and soon I won't have a single base pair in my "descendent". I'll be totally wiped out.
On the other hand if I have 3 kids then that generation will have 1.5 genomes-worth of my genes , and if they have 3 kids each then there will be 2.25 genomes-worth and so on.
But if my future ancestors start having only 1 or 2 kids each, then the number of my genes in existence will start decreasing and I'll become like the guy only had one child.

So not only do I need to have >2 kids, I need to somehow make sure that nearly all of my ancestors have >2 kids as well.
But with the way liberalism is going, people are having fewer and fewer kids. Even if I personally manage to convince my kids of my ideology, eventually my descendents will probably revert back to the norms of their wider culture.
So the only way to feel confident that my descendents will continue to have >2 kids each long into the future is to embed myself in a culture that is pro-fertility. Which basically means joining Islam or Hasidic Judaism or the Amish.

Am I right? Have any other evolution-maxxers thought about how to ensure that our ancestors are fertile and don't get convinced by mainstream globohomo culture to be genelets?

>> No.15392789

>But if my future ancestors start having only 1 or 2 kids each
>future ancestors
>need to somehow make sure that nearly all of my ancestors have >2 kids as well
Is english not your first language? I can see making the mistake once, but using the word "ancestor" instead of descendant twice is a bit puzzling.

Embedding yourself in a pro-fertility culture is certainly one potential option. Especially if you are able to integrate into a culture which encourages or at least allows polygamy, that way you can maximize your potential.

There are other options available depending on your morality/ethics. For example you could do the old fashioned strategy of simply impregnating a wide range of women from various different backgrounds and geographic locations. It's not too rare to meet people who have 10+ half siblings. If you visit other countries and try impregnating random women you can easily do 5x that number.

You could also donate sperm and potentially father hundreds of children, although the success rate would depend a lot on how attractive you are to the women who utilize those.

>> No.15392809

>don't get convinced by mainstream globohomo culture to be genelets?
I'm a fertile non globalised non jew non liberal and I don't want kids. I just feel like there's a lot I could do myself that would be beneficial and if I had kids I wouldn't do any of it. But if you want your kids to have kids then they need to have sex and in this day and age if you have a son and he's ugly then he'll probably die a virgin so you need to have children with a very physically attractive woman, not necessarily fit and healthy but just with generally attractive features. If you're ugly then don't bother, it will be unfair to your future son, trust me, my parents were ugly especially my dad

>> No.15392824

If it makes you feel any better, they will have gene editing soon, and your genes will be eradicated anyways bh genetically altered superhumans

>> No.15392883

>But if my future ancestors start having only 1 or 2 kids each, then the number of my genes in existence will start decreasing and I'll become like the guy only had one child.
>So not only do I need to have >2 kids, I need to somehow make sure that nearly all of my ancestors have >2 kids as well.
You can't. Isn't that called having a diminishing effect on what people in the future do?
Maybe join the Mormons or something to that effect..?

>> No.15392919
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So you want to breed like rats, mice and roaches.
Instead of the erudite K selection method where you integrate with and compete genetically within and survive as a giant instead of some minorling.

Rampant fertility is associated with the lowest and poorest of classes. K selection isn’t afforded to the masses. Only the massive.

You’re so far behind you’ll never catch up to people like me.
Bloodlines before blood thinning.

>> No.15392938
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>> No.15394510

Evolution-maxxing is very simple if all you care about is genetics:
>donate sperm
>travel to other countries and have one night stands
>if you are married, freeze as many embryos as you possibly can. It is likely that the frozen embryos will outlive you, and depending on how society continues, they could be developed even centuries later
>move out of the city, have many children, follow tradition, grow food, embrace religion
These tactics will surely put you ahead.

>> No.15394657

I'm currently donating sperm , but even though I can sire up to 10 kids that way and get a big headstart, nearly all of those kids will be brought up by secular white liberals, so most of them will long term only have 1 or 2 descendents, so those lines will probably go to 0 in terms of how many of my genes they pass on long term.

The scary thing is , is that if your line is not growing and having >2 kids on average each then it's decreasing and will go to 0 in terms of the amount of your genes that will be in the future gene pool long term.

So you could have kids with 100 women , but if they're all raised in a culture where basically everyone has only one or two kids, will be pointless.

Gene editing will probably only be done at a few sites. Even if my descendents rewrite 10% of their genes, , all that means is that instead of passing on 1.5 copies of their immediate ancestor's genes when they have 3 kids, they'll only pass on 1.35 copies , which still represents net growth in terms of the number of copies of my genes in the genepool.
The bigger long term risk to my plans is an AI destroying humanity.

>> No.15394662

in a world where it is difficult to survive then you might want a few well-prepared kids . But our world is pretty easy to survive in so failiing to have lots of kids and instead only having a small number of well-prepared kids when your well prepared kids are no more likely to survive than my numerous kids is simply poor evolutionary strategy on your part.
>but in the future it might become difficult to survive!
Then in the future my descendants can switch to having fewer well prepared kids and my genes will still have greater marketshare than yours.

Also, you seem to think that anyone who has >2 kids is using r selection strategies, since that's what I said I wanted to do in my OP.
Newflash, if you only have one or two kids and your descendants do the same then you will literally completely wiped out the gene pool. It's an evolutionary strategy that is guaranteed to lose.

>> No.15394670

>>if you are married, freeze as many embryos as you possibly can. It is likely that the frozen embryos will outlive you, and depending on how society continues, they could be developed even centuries later

I hadn't thought of that one. Even if artificial wombs are developed, I doubt anyone will spend the money after I'm dead to gestate them . I guess it might be worth it incase though.

>> No.15394673

Your children should share far more of your genome than 50 %. In fact, your optimal breeding partner is your third cousin, and he or she will share almost 100 % of your genes.

>> No.15394717

They will edit the genes of the best of the best and those will wipe out your subpar genes.

>> No.15396109

probably not. Let's say you make a shopping list for all the SNPs that boost things you want. You get height boosting genes to 6'4 , you get fast twitch muscle fibre genes, you get high IQ genes, you get good health genes. All of those will still only be a few thousand edits, so you will have only changed a few % of the SNPs that vary from person to person.

You sound like a brainlet who doesn't even know the basics of biology but read some article or blog post about crispr and thinks that people will literally replace their entire genome. lol

>> No.15396364

Why do you want to perpetuate suffering?

>> No.15397277

Because I’m not a spineless, pathetic cuck like you
Why don’t you minimise your own suffering with a bullet , you utilitaricuck subhuman vermin.

>> No.15397378
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Humans are going to be genetically modified to make men ~120cm and super athletic, with fast reaction speeds and a basal metabolic rate of only a few hundred calories per day. Women will be made ~200cm and super fecund, who release several eggs each cycle and gestate litters of 3 or 4 babies each pregnancy. All of the people will be highly intelligent.

In this way we will have a population which always expands exponentially even with only a single pregnancy per woman, which uses fewer resources to support larger population sizes which have superior social fecundity, and who will have massive advantages in economic output and military might.

This is what humans are going to look like in a few years

>> No.15397392

post your address and i'll do something to you instead :)

>> No.15397398
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This guy thinks the genes he has are "his"

>> No.15397432

Still posting your fetish after all this time eh anon? Based

>> No.15397455
File: 1.89 MB, 896x1536, 1670650382090471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become wealthy. Offer free or subsidized fertility treatments in third world nations (the desire for more children is strong there, often people will seek out fertility help even when they already have 10+ kids)

Be open that the fertility services are offered with the condition that they are being impregnated with a millionaire donors sperm. This is actually a selling point.

Have many thousands of children directly. Freeze your sperm and donate your will to the foundation so your work can continue long after your passing.

40 years later and half of Africa is a bunch of inbred quadroons.

>> No.15398876

Did you see the paper that came out about a week ago?