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15392715 No.15392715 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there so much degeneracy amongst scientists? Even going all the way back to Benjamin Franklin the scientific community was doing degenerate things

>> No.15392718


>> No.15392723
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>> No.15392748

cuz degeneracy ain't actually bad you retarded incel

>> No.15392750

>It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. (Jeremiah 10:23)
This isn't a joke

>> No.15392761

>“I will soon pour out my wrath upon you, and spend my anger against you” (Ezekiel 7:8)
Maybe they've been fucking around. Maybe its time to find out.

>> No.15392763
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Human love is shallow, tainted with ego and selfish desires...but their hate is true and pure.

>> No.15392764
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>> No.15392765
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This is why the Dark Side is more powerful.

His love was tainted...but is hate was not.

>> No.15392805

I feel I'm too dull for any kind of deep connection. I don't like the thought of being demanding or selfish. Of course I am at times, but to consciously choose to be so, just doesn't sit right with me. But I know some people want someone greedy as a part of being engaging, making them feel wanted. It's kind of like the cheap tricks used in entertainment to keep an audience engaged? It's interesting to think about.

>> No.15392818

Unironically curiosity and open mindedness

>> No.15392826
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>I feel I'm too dull for any kind of deep connection.
If you wanted the deepest of connection, love beyond what humans ever could, you would also have to suffer greater than anyone else, but would be One with life itself in the process.

The price mortal humans flee from...for it cuts to the soul for flesh only burns so hot.

>Of course I am at times, but to consciously choose to be so, just doesn't sit right with me.
Completely normal, you're not Jesus and thats normal.
>But I know some people want someone greedy as a part of being engaging, making them feel wanted.
"Some of them want to abuse you, some of them want to be abused."
>It's kind of like the cheap tricks used in entertainment to keep an audience engaged?
When living in mediocrity their own dramas are the realest.
>It's interesting to think about.
Yes...but what did you FEEL?

>> No.15392827

What do you consider degeneracy? It's fairly subjective.

>> No.15392832
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>What do you consider degeneracy?
Moral relativism.
>It's fairly subjective.
Consider ye cleansed.

>> No.15392843

I feel God will show the way at the right time. I feel glad that people who truly appreciate romance will be free of much of the needless suffering they can experience nowadays.

Habakkuk 2:14
For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of Jehovah As the waters cover the sea.

Isaiah 11:9
They will not cause any harm Or any ruin in all my holy mountain, Because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah As the waters cover the sea.

In a sense people having lower standards at this moment is similar to a young one who has too much of an appetite for sweets and doesn't appreciate the healthy balance yet, you know?

>> No.15392848

People with high openness are often more creative and have a higher interest in learning
>People high in openness may be more motivated to engage in intellectual pursuits that increase their knowledge.[23] Openness to experience, especially the Ideas facet, is related to need for cognition,[24] a motivational tendency to think about ideas, scrutinize information, and enjoy solving puzzles, and to typical intellectual engagement

Sexual openness is related to that but as it's all a spectrum you'll find people who are sexually adventurous and don't talk about it and some that do. If you're in a conversion about someones twink boyfriend being fucked in the ass and that's not something you want to talk about then you're probably hanging around the wrong people or going to the wrong places as that's not really anything most people would encounter unless if they went out of their way to meet people like that, like if you're not gay and you go into some kind of Austrian gay faggot club for men to meet people

>> No.15392853
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>I feel glad that people who truly appreciate romance will be free of much of the needless suffering they can experience nowadays.


When was the last time you saw something so beautiful you cried? When you saw something so selfless it marked your soul?

>In a sense people having lower standards at this moment is similar to a young one who has too much of an appetite for sweets and doesn't appreciate the healthy balance yet, you know?
And you think a life free of suffering is balanced? If you suffered for the love of what is good...then could you call it needless?

Developmental Psychology and Physiology, those who have experienced little in life are like 40 year old children to me, those that know Good & Evil are matured and capable of truer love.

>> No.15392855

high IQ + high T

>> No.15392865

I'm thinking about the kinds of suffering caused by going against God's ways. I'm glad those will be gone. But there is a point to any current suffering, yes. It creates a real, organic record of what happens when humans and demons try various forms of rule and don't fully accept God's leadership. So in the future when people ask why one must do things God's way, there will be a real history to show, rather than just having to say "trust me".

>> No.15392878
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>I'm thinking about the kinds of suffering caused by going against God's ways.
Which ways are those?
>I'm glad those will be gone.
The Devil will begone and Eden returns with a people free of the stain of sin.

Hallelujah, its a Christmas miracle.

>It creates a real, organic record of what happens when humans and demons try various forms of rule and don't fully accept God's leadership.
Is that what happened to Jesus?

>So in the future when people ask why one must do things God's way, there will be a real history to show, rather than just having to say "trust me".
Is that why Prophets keep coming back saying "Ye have forgotten!"?

>> No.15392902
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>When was the last time you saw something so beautiful you cried? When you saw something so selfless it marked your soul?

You never answered me. If it is never...then it is You that needs to suffer, so when you see it in another...you feel it too.

How can you be of One spirit but see not their soul?

>> No.15392913

Make a rational non-emotional argument against "degeneracy", rational men don't care for your feels.

>> No.15392923
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>Make a rational non-emotional argument against "degeneracy"

>The Gift (2003 film)
"The film follows the stories of two "bug chasers" who are seeking "the gift" of HIV infection."

>rational men don't care for your feels.
Youre not a rational man, youre impulse driven and ignorant of the self. Simply eating more feces screeching "I like it!" doesnt make you rational, it makes you demon possessed.

>Demon possession; a part of your body that gives you drugs (endorphins, the "im doing my purpose" drug, the euphoric drug) has trained your consciouss mind to seek what gives you purpose.

This is why degenerates know nothing better than self destruction, theyre brainwashed by their own brain chemistry to seek nothing else because they lived a shallow life until "Ahh muh god, I feel for the first time."

>> No.15392933

When we have only ~80 years to live why isn't hedonism a reasonable choice?
>they eat the poo-poo
Are we talking about a tiny group of people who conduct research and eat shit as if they are statistically important or is your definition of "degeneracy" wider than that?

>> No.15392942

It's current year grandpa, we eat ass now.

>> No.15392951
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>When we have only ~80 years to live
Shitty. I've been alive for at least 300.
>Not possible!
SEE; >>15392709
>why isn't hedonism a reasonable choice
SEE; >>15392853
>Developmental Psychology and Physiology, those who have experienced little in life are like 40 year old children to me, those that know Good & Evil are matured and capable of truer love.

Its literally how to mature you. I call my own dad "son" because he thinks, act and percieves the world like a child to me.

Not insults, he literally is a child. Thats why the Bible told ME "Call no man Father." because "they will be like little children".

>they eat the poo-poo
>Are we talking about a tiny group of people who conduct research and eat shit as if they are statistically important or is your definition of "degeneracy" wider than that?

You went on the rails with some retarded kid mentality shit. The core of fetishes in axioms of emotions, shame, anger, causing or recieving trauma, Disgust....

Things like shame fetishism is universal, because humans need not just "good stuff, good fuud, good drink and a good mooovie". They joy with anger, love with hate, pain with pleasure.


Boys like >>15392865 who only want good stuff end up degenerate man-children because theyre living a life of "I dont like eating the crust."

The prince that never left the castle...now am adult will never make it in the real world.

>> No.15392975

Atheism just leads to hedonistic self destruction

>> No.15392977
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"Look at me, Ma, Im a big boy now!"

Ever meet a battle hardened green beret? Theyre not like you for a reason.
>Being yelled at and made to crawl in mud?! Dood, fuck that dood.

Men are borne, not born.

>> No.15393275

I don't think I have the tact to see eye-to-eye with you at this time, but what I hope I can get across to you is that it's 4chan. Not being paid to post here so late replies or conversations that don't continue will happen.
Seeing as it's important to your reasoning, I've cried over painful and happy things. From pets seeing their family again to enemies making peace with one another.
There is suffering that shouldn't be happening currently which is a result of God's ways not being followed fully. But there's a time coming when that won't be the case. Assuming someone hasn't filled in the 'Name' field to pretend to be you, you wrote about the devil being gone and eden returning.
It will still be possible to suffer then but it won't be anything like is happening right now which results from being allowed to hurt others daily in complete defiance of God's ways.

>> No.15394594

>Why is there so much degeneracy amongst scientists?
Gotta relieve stress somehow.
Science requires a very strong work ethic and a good enough IQ and confidence to be good.
Self-selecting for those traits, you get a bunch of motivated, hard-working people together who are passionate about what they do and are very comfortable in their understanding of the nature of things (or at least, of what they research). In other words, not incels talking about sour grapes.
So they enjoy themselves and have fun and explore what they like and don't like, like most human beings. Meanwhile, those who can't get a partner/sex idolize and make sacred the idea of a relationship, touting it as some moralistic value that they adhere to in order to make themselves feel better about the fact that they can't get any (I suggest looking up Slave Master morality from Neitzsche, this recent trend in moralizing sex exactly mirrors his thesis on slave morality)

>> No.15394696

That strangely answers OP's question.

>> No.15394697
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Only the goyim need be afraid.

>> No.15396937

I used to be a moral relativist until I started thinking about morality from a biological and evolutionary perspective.

Now I know about good and evil. What have I done.

>> No.15396948

I have yet to find a person who uses this word to describe people that isn't some kind of moron.

>> No.15396980

I've yet to find a person who engages in sexual hedonism with others who doesn't deserve a swift execution

>> No.15397060

>Another "Why is [blatant lie]" thread
these need to be banned. they're such an obnoxious form of shitposting
also this is a /pol/ thread

>> No.15398158
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Philosophers think, scientists do.