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15390974 No.15390974 [Reply] [Original]

"APS is too retarded, I'm outta here" says world famous physicist


A NOBEL laureate has resigned from one of the world's leading organisations for scientists in protest at its assertion that the evidence of damaging global warming is ''incontrovertible''.

Professor Ivar Giaever resigned from the 48,000-strong American Physical Society (APS), where his peers had elected him a fellow to honour his work.

The society's policy statement says: ''The evidence is incontrovertible: global warming is occurring.''

But Professor Giaever, 82, who shared the 1973 Nobel physics prize, said: ''Incontrovertible is not a scientific word. Nothing is incontrovertible in science.''

The US-based Norwegian physicist, chief technology officer at Applied Biophysics Inc, added: ''Global warming has become the new religion.''

Professor Giaever was among 70 Nobel laureates who endorsed Barack Obama for president in 2008. But he has since criticised his stance on global warming, and joined scientists declaring that ''the case for alarm regarding climate change is grossly overstated''.

He questioned whether the average temperature of ''the whole earth for a whole year'' could be accurately measured, but contended that results indicated the climate has been ''amazingly stable'' for 150 years.

In its policy statement, the APS says: ''Emissions of greenhouse gases from human activities are changing the atmosphere in ways that affect the Earth's climate … The evidence is incontrovertible: global warming is occurring.''

An APS spokesman said the society was ''disappointed'' by Professor Giaever's decision and his criticisms were based on ''misunderstandings''.

>> No.15390984 [DELETED] 

saged, thread hidden

>> No.15391018
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Man of integrity, good! That alone won't suffice ofc. Guess the only way will be to line these cultists up against the wall in the near future. :)

>> No.15392356

announcing a sage is against board rules
>b-b-but the rules don't apply to me, i'm a super special snowflake

>> No.15394440
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an honest scientists
extremely rare, top 99.99% of scientists in terms of iq, most scientists are brainless lackeys who say whatever they're told to according to einstein

>> No.15395373

>Professor Giaever was among 70 Nobel laureates who endorsed Barack Obama for president in 2008.
Obama was running against a pappabetalar who destroyed more American aircraft than anyone in the North Vietnamese army

>> No.15395834
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>> No.15395929
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thank you based mods

>> No.15396400

Class act though. Science doesn't fear being challenged. A proof doesn't require worship; it supports itself.

>> No.15396438


>> No.15396460

>Man of integrity, good!
I met him once on the campus, can confirm he will never compromise his integrity. He says what he means, means what he says, and is never happy to let you know in no uncertain terms.

>> No.15397216
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>> No.15397463

An example is Linus Pauling which Wikipedia claims was some kind of schizo who took too much vitamin C. Meanwhile click their bright disease article which Linus has, and you'll see it's allegedly treated with the Hay diet... Which taking tons of vitamin C would support. Wikipedia is not reliable.

>> No.15398006

He lived to the age of 93 which isn't too chabby. He probably outlived most of his critics.

>> No.15398549

global warming is fake

>> No.15399360

his wikipedia critics are all low iq 19 year old roasties

>> No.15399901
File: 245 KB, 1920x1490, 2023.04.26-04.42-revolvernews-6449546a47f1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Common problem for Nobel laureates these days

>> No.15399916

William Shockley

William Shockley, who won the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics for his invention of the transistor, promoted racialism and eugenics.[4][9]
James Watson

James Watson was awarded the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, together with Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins, "for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material". Since at least 2000, Watson has consistently and publicly claimed that black people are inherently less intelligent than white people, and that exposure to sunlight in tropical regions and higher levels of melanin cause dark-skinned people to have a higher sex drive.[9][12][13]
hahah these guys are crazy!! get them outta here

>> No.15400555

>noticing is a disease
i thought scientists were supposed to be observant

>> No.15401582

Nice digits.

>> No.15402846
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pattern recognition ability is a bigbrain characteristic

>> No.15404424

>b-b-but the rules don't apply to me, i'm a super special snowflake
apparently not lol

>> No.15405676

thanks, good job noticing

>> No.15407242 [DELETED] 


>> No.15408544 [DELETED] 

>the climate has been ''amazingly stable'' for 150 years.
barring a volcanic event which blocks sunlight, solar input is the only factor that determines planetary temperature. the effects of the last big volcanic event had faded away by about 150 years ago. this stuff isn't hard to understand

>> No.15409058

>the effects of the last big volcanic event had faded away by about 150 years ago.
There was also the Pinatubo eruption in the early 90s-
>this stuff isn't hard to understand
True. Even girls with no scientific training screams that the science is done.

>> No.15410300

>Incontrovertible is not a scientific word. Nothing is incontrovertible in science.''
Science has become political and dogmatic in favor of progressive lunatics

>> No.15410341


>> No.15410817

>The society's policy statement says: ''The evidence is incontrovertible: global warming is occurring.''
>But Professor Giaever, 82, who shared the 1973 Nobel physics prize, said:
>''Incontrovertible is not a scientific word. Nothing is incontrovertible in science.''
He is right about that; but instead of refuting the evidence, he bitches about the conclusion.

>> No.15411317

How far off are we for Nobel prizes being given out for regurgitating dogma? Maybe I can figure out a unique way to paraphrase GR & gets muh prize?

>> No.15411723

This article doesn't mention something really obvious. Scientists with skeptic personalities don't discover jack shit. Suspicious scientists do. They also suspect hypotheses in fields they know little about. Who cares really

>> No.15411882 [DELETED] 

jeez I wonder what type of character assassination operation is happening here...

>> No.15411883
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jeez I wonder what type of character assassination operation is happening here

>> No.15412098

If a Nobel physicist can't comment on climate change, then the APS can't either. Your post proves his whole point.

>> No.15412101

>article created may 13, 2020
wikipedia is pathetic.

>> No.15412262


>> No.15412284

Barbie dope is well known, bit I am not sure how closely it relates to melanin.

>> No.15412292

>Barbie dope is well known
literally never heard of it

>> No.15412336

Illegal now, but once popular to get a better tan, though heightened sex drive was very well known.

>> No.15412866

old article on Vice about it:

>> No.15412867
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How come einstein's racism wasn't called Nobel disease?

>> No.15413402
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>> No.15414562
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They gave Obama a Nobel peace prize for starting wars

>> No.15414575
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>> No.15415406

>How far off are we for Nobel prizes being given out for regurgitating dogma? Maybe I can figure out a unique way to paraphrase GR & gets muh prize?
meet >>15414575

>> No.15416679

yep, global warming is a hoax

>> No.15416721

sydney morning herald cucked by 4chuds retarded word filter.

>> No.15417355

moot said he hates australians, maybe that was his revenge

>> No.15417672
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aussies got their revenge

>> No.15417691

Meds. Take them.

>All racists are always right!!
Guy has other nutty beliefs that have nothing to do with crystallography, the area that he actually contribute. You have to be a major smooth brain to appeal to authority like this to validate your own racist beliefs.

>> No.15418934

so wheres your nobel prize in climate science?

>> No.15419003

It's in the mail for sure. It'll get there any day now.

>> No.15419401

I am not the one making stupid claims against the consensus of experts actually in the field. Just how dumb/impressionable are you, jesus.

>> No.15419457

nobody cares what average midwit think, they're always wrong

>> No.15419851

Good man

>> No.15419940

>>15412284 >>15412866
One teeny detail Vice "forgets", is that it also heightens women's libido. And that is the reason it is called "Barbie dope", not "Ken dope".
Around here it was indeed popular with youngwer women who then found it perfectly normal to flaunt their extra tanned body in extra tiny bikinis. No, I am not putting up a picture of this.

>> No.15420793

>The evidence is incontrovertible: global warming is occurring.''
There is no evidence to back that up, only lies

>> No.15420838

Because racial segregation actually turned out to be irrational.

>> No.15421372

segregation worked for the ottoman empire as well as the austrian empire an it worked just fine in america too

>> No.15421380

you are. experts agree global warming is a hoax.

>> No.15421601

You sound like a genuine schizo. Is that you Tooky? Samefagging doesn't make your point steonger either.

>> No.15422276

you are genuine shill

>> No.15423267
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women receive 3/5 of university degrees, any consensus is nearly guaranteed to be wrong

>> No.15423706

Ivar Giaever is currently 94 years old

>> No.15423720

no, fuck you.
his statement is directly to the point:
nothing is incontrovertible.
go hang yourself with a green rope

>> No.15425524

…and still as brilliantly genius as he ever was

>> No.15426006
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>> No.15426682
File: 397 KB, 1x1, Legatesetal13-Aug30-Agnotology.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres no consensus on global warming, that myth has been debunked

"shows just 0.3 % endorsement"
>Climate Consensus and ‘Misinformation’: A Rejoinder to Agnotology, Scientific Consensus, and the Teaching and Learning of Climate Change
>Agnotology is the study of how ignorance arises via circulation of misinfor- mation calculated to mislead. Legates et al. (Sci Educ 22:2007–2017, 2013) had questioned the applicability of agnotology to politically-charged debates. In their reply, Bedford and Cook (Sci Educ 22:2019–2030, 2013), seeking to apply agnotology to climate science, asserted that fossil-fuel interests had promoted doubt about a climate consensus. Their definition of climate ‘misinformation’ was contingent upon the post-modernist assump- tions that scientific truth is discernible by measuring a consensus among experts, and that a near unanimous consensus exists. However, inspection of a claim by Cook et al. (Environ Res Lett 8:024024, 2013) of 97.1 % consensus, heavily relied upon by Bedford and Cook, shows just 0.3 % endorsement of the standard definition of consensus: that most warming since 1950 is anthropogenic. Agnotology, then, is a two-edged sword since either side in a debate may claim that general ignorance arises from misinformation allegedly circulated by the other. Significant questions about anthropogenic influences on climate remain. Therefore, Legates et al. appropriately asserted that partisan presentations of controversies stifle debate and have no place in education.

>> No.15426719

you're talking to notorious larper
i let you know you should be careful or else you'll make him depressed and crying

>> No.15427782
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>> No.15428352
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>> No.15428360

>top 99.99% of scientists in terms of iq
that doesn't mean what you think it means

>> No.15428703
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mentally ill people have reduced life expectancy

>> No.15430041

bleeding hearts liberal climatecucks steaming mad

>> No.15430618

That disproves the "Nobel disease" theory

>> No.15431427

Maybe he invented immortality

>> No.15432329

Vice is co-owned by Rupert Murdoch & George Soros, everything in it is a lie. Vice is now financially bankrupt to go along with being morally so too. It was always just globohomo degenerate propaganda

>> No.15432653

Nice to know that Nobel laureates agree that global warming is fake, only low IQs think its real

>> No.15433463

Science as you know is stupid and is stopping the progress of attainment of knowledge.

>> No.15434152
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wasn't always that way, but it is now. we are living in the dark ages

>> No.15434733
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Also WEF's paid shills

>> No.15436181
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>> No.15436891


>> No.15437347

>Theres no consensus on global warming, that myth has been debunked
yet the shills continue to claim its true

>> No.15438240
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and JIDF

>> No.15439164

What do you expect? They're shills, not honest people

>> No.15440242

Consensus means 100 IQ opinion

>> No.15441090

that would be antisemitic

>> No.15442274

Imagine Einstein stabbing Americans in the back like that after they saved him from the Nazis