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File: 108 KB, 680x680, wojak still being awake at 5am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15390386 No.15390386 [Reply] [Original]

Why sleepless night feels better than <7 hours of sleep?

>> No.15390390

i sleep for 12 hours straight for each 2 days this is great

>> No.15390392

Take the nosleep pill. I don't sleep like 5 days and then sleep for 8 hours and feel amazing

>> No.15390393

>pretending to be normal
>accepting to be abnormal

>> No.15390741

It feels better at the time you would've woken up but by mid afternoon you'll be full blown narcoleptic unless you're mainlining caffeine. Skipping a night totally is only useful when your sleep schedule needs to be adjusted by a huge amount.

>> No.15390801

This. There's a moment of bliss at sunrise but then it goes downhill really quickly

>> No.15390915

so just go to sleep lol. nothing comfier than buying a sandwich at noon and falling asleep an hour later

>> No.15390957

it doesnt

>> No.15391396


>> No.15391407

You're lazy and you don't exercise, thats why you're not exhausted and ready to sleep at the end of the day.

>> No.15392136

not true. I excercised for more than an hour - 5 sets of pushups, hour of yoga 20 minutes of walking in forresrt. all for nothing.
My problem is not that i fall assleep at midnight and wake up at 5 AM, rather IF i have to wake up at 5AM i cant sleep AT ALL. The fuck is wrong with me?
and i have driver license test today i guess i have to pass on pure adrenaline and energy drinks

>> No.15392154

The more you exercise, the more your body will rely on it to fall asleep. I don't ever exercise and sleep fine, if I exercise I'll get insomnia for a few days until I stop. Shit's poison for you, you're just wasting time for nothing.

>> No.15392159
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Thats barely exercise, its enough to prevent total atrophy and keep you from getting back injuries, but you spend the rest of the day sitting in a chair. Run 15-20 miles a day and you'll sleep, you can squeeze that into 2 hours.

>> No.15392186

>but by mid afternoon you'll be full blown narcoleptic unless you're mainlining caffeine.
...no? I used to skip basically every other night and was fine.

>> No.15392194

Unless you're *really* using your brain, sleep is largely unnecessary. You could get a away with 4 hours of sleep every night. If you wanna sleep when tired but can't, then try concentrating on some hard math problems, brain teasers, puzzles etc. If that doesn't work, there's always meds.

>> No.15392197

I have been so used to doing math everyday that I cannot sleep without doing it.

>> No.15392513

excellent way to destroy your hips by 50

>> No.15392536

A man’s life of 50 years under the sky
is nothing compared to
the age of this world.
Life is but a fleeting dream, an illusion
Is there anything that lasts forever?

>> No.15392709
File: 104 KB, 525x1003, 2542753becbf34c842511509d6cbbe7c--horror-movie-posters-horror-movies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there anything that lasts forever?
The present moment. Think back to the time you were so scared it felt like time stopped.

Imagine that feeling never ending...perpetual hyper-sensory experience. Bible talks about people living "1,000 years"...

Biology, Cognition, Physiology, Biochemistry...this isnt made up fairy tales, its a detailed account of processes they had no means to scientifically measure.

>> No.15392990

I see what you are saying. Present moment. But is not present moment ever changing? What i mean is, wouldnt present moment in t1 be different from t2?

>> No.15393003
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Yes, time does pass, but for me personally its so slow...at times its literally stops but with motion, and everything is felt, seen, smelt, experienced in greater detail than most people experience in their whole lives.

Yes, its a bit "contradictory", but thats more so a consequences of language and trying to adhere definitions of words to the correlated aspects of reality.

Being in "the zone" is another. Also, it works in the inverse. "Time flies when having fun". It can slip by, too...fleeting.

Immortality isnt what humans say it is. Its real but way too hardcore for most people, they would fuck it up and experience hardship worse than anything they cod bear as the consequences would last for what would feel like a literal lifetime.

Heaven. Hell. These are not for mortals.

...but angels do walk among them.

>> No.15393008

No it doesn’t you dumbass, go to bed.

>> No.15393020

I understand, present moment comes as bliss to me too.
Do you have any methods of prolonging it? Somehow i allways get riped out of it.

>> No.15393034
File: 223 KB, 546x720, 2023-03-16_13.19.20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have any methods of prolonging it?
Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

Life isnt meant to be survived.

Enjoy the good...but do not turn away from hardship for comfort's sake. If its for the good, to protect someone, to do the right thing, to stand up to evil, then do it.

Physical excersion, working out, mountain climbing, push the mind, body AND soul.

Complete the system;

"You're gunna carry that weight."

>> No.15393048

Oh...and you wont have that "OMG I SEE GOD." moment, youre not a Prophet, youre normal.

BUT...if you live right, you might look back one day and think "Damn...its been a long, fruitful, journey." and see your old friends and theyre in the same mode, same cloths, same music, same job, same world.

You'll learn it after the fact.


>> No.15393051

drugs like ketamine or opioids

>> No.15393073

I was thinking about being in present moment not life. I wish not to live forever. This form is quit exhausting sometimes.
As much as i try to aceept the interactions with the world as they are.
Will watch video as soon as possible.

>> No.15393078

There is alot of stoic thought that i recognise in this paragraph. And i agree.
There is a story of Heraclitus and choosing between virtue and hedonism. Do you know it?

>> No.15393102

Nah, you're just not challenging yourself enough, I use to have the same issue and found that doing convoluted QM+EM problems and justifying everything from 1st principles was an absolute brain drain. When that failed I resorted to oxycodone, conventional sleep meds just didn't work.

>> No.15393110

>I was thinking about being in present moment not life.
Impossible for another to answer...thats like someone else telling you how to enjoy what you enjoy, its specific intricacies known only to you.

Every moment *is* the most important moment, so make it meaningful, even if its just acknowledging a homeless person as a human or really meaning that handshake to a new face.

The flip side of that is if you try to do that for every moment of life you get burned out, so...a time to live, and a time to get things done, and a time for rest and vegging out some.

Its exhausting for me...Im not a "people person", Im shy and slow to open up, so I spend a bit too much time "laboting alone", my "Job" is being with people that are demon possessed, ignorant or pseudo-evil (subconscioussly set shit up for bad things to happen but consciously are unware of it so punishing them for it gives the demon victimhood and further reason to commit wrong.)

>Do you know it?
Nay, though I have perused Philosophy of every time and corner of the world to some degree.

>> No.15393208

Finding balance surely is helpful.

>my "Job" is being with people that are demon possessed, ignorant or pseudo-evil (subconscioussly set shit up for bad things to happen but consciously are unware of it so punishing them for it gives the demon victimhood and further reason to commit wrong

Wdym by this?

>Nay, though I have perused Philosophy of every time and corner of the world to some degree.

Here a link:

I came upon it in:
Donald J. Robertson
How to Think Like a Roman Emperor: The Stoic Philosophy of Marcus Aurelius

>> No.15393263
File: 23 KB, 240x344, Ary_Scheffer_-_The_Temptation_of_Christ_(1854).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wdym by this?
Healing the sick sort of thing, seeing what their demon is and trying to exercise it out. Some of them are "healable", other are metastasized into being the controlling agent of the person.

Sometimes its Psychological, thats easily healable for me, the Biological kind is more of a "Evolutionary track"...thats closer to "fighting nature" and generally profitless for me to deal with. *Can* be "helped" but...even the Holy Spirit tells me to "let them be". Their "choice" and its more like trying to make someone leave the Matrix when theyre not ready "kills the demon but if the demon is the dominant force is ones life you kill the person, literally, at the same time".

These sound melodramatic but its not, Psychological damage so great they never recover. Imagine the most pure little kid subjected, in person and to themselves, the kind of things posted here. Wrecked...never recover, suicidal, unbearable living.

So...I walk with demons. Hell is a place I visit. Heaven is shockingly empty...

>Hercules who is offered a choice between Vice and Virtue—a life of pleasure or one of hardship and honour.
Tale as old as time itself.

>> No.15393328

I see. That is nice thing to do.
A thing that i often wonder about is, should we at all strife to change the wqy things are in nature? In sense of biologicak kind you speak off.
I mean it sounds melodramatic only by mentioning demons and angels. I do not belive in them as in a sense of antropomorfic beings or forces. But i do belive that that which you designate as demons or angels exist. Dosent matter after all. Interesting job you have non the less.

Do you often sense evil in someone?
I often get into trouble because i "feel" evil in someones doings but i do not have rational evidance for it. Do you understand what im trying to say?
Like, someone might say "Ohh but i didnt mean that" but you see in theyr eyes, the way they present that they did. You see "wolf" behinde the "sheep" cover.
This is my best take at deacribing, bevause i havent really got into nature of it more.

Beautifull tale non the less.

>> No.15393334

>I mean it sounds melodramatic only by mentioning demons and angels
Then you havnt seen enough suicides.

>> No.15393337

True, altho i am close with people that tryed it.

>> No.15393350

I eatched the videos, i just dont get what does Trump have to do with Idealism?

>> No.15393361
File: 2.93 MB, 500x361, tumblr_d442499a57a9192ae457a59b17abd652_6d9f723b_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do not belive in them as in a sense of antropomorfic beings or forces.

Youre not a doctor and Ive dropped enough STEM in the posts to clue you in that what Im saying is backed by more research than you could ever hope to cover in your entire life.

Physiology, Phenomenology, Psychology, Genetics, Evolutionary Biology, Environmental Genetics, wrapped up lastly into Physics. Biochemistry some but my approach to that field is from an Unorthodox ventor, so I can say Im not a "Chemist" in the traditional sense.

Youre taking me for some conjurer of cheap tricks.

Im done here...youre so far outleagued we're not truly the same species...keep up or shut up about what "some ignirant normie "beleefs" is".

I dont care. Im Reseacrh Scientist with much of my work being literally lightyears ahead of the field.

>> No.15393386

>Youre not a doctor

Didnt claim that

>Youre taking me for some conjurer of cheap tricks.


>I dont care. Im Reseacrh Scientist with much of my work being literally lightyears ahead of the field.

Okay.. good for you...

>> No.15393392

You went from being peacefull and sharing experiance to apeshit crazzy in secounds just because i dont see things the way you do?
What is your problem man. Damn.

>> No.15393471
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>apeshit crazzy
No. I havnt grabbed your throat.
>What is your problem man.
I'm detailing the culmination of 10,000+ hours of University lectures and as much in personal research into posts for some dude to say;

"Yeah, I beleef otherwise."

Even if you had a PhD in one of those fields I would only use more complex and field specific language to shut you down even harder.






>> No.15393513

If your "beleef" doesnt come with the expert opinion of a PhD...


>> No.15393657

I did not say i belive otherwise, i told you i have different conception of the same thing.

>> No.15393691
File: 48 KB, 640x360, 1dp9dt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>different conception of the same thing.
Yes...and so do flat earthers.

Youre still in this "Hey....MY ignorance is Just As Valid as your Medical Opinion, Doc."

Its not. Its flagrantly offensive to step to me like that. Literal spitting at the feet of Pai Mei and saying "Im just as good of a fighter as you." then crying when you get put on your ass.

Never forget this meeting, I never will...my eidedic memory wont let me.

Anonymous is for YOU...otherwise every time you post I would reengage you from where we left off until you learn...or leave.

>> No.15393728

>Youre still in this "Hey....MY ignorance is Just As Valid as your Medical Opinion, Doc."
No.. i never claimed that. You are puting words in my mouth.

Anon, i am just chating with you no one is attacking you.