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15387706 No.15387706 [Reply] [Original]

What's the deal with homeopathy? The amount of hate it gets from pseudo-skeptic NPCs and pharma shills is gargantuan

>> No.15387711


>> No.15387895

Because it's retarded larping akin to practicing wiccan rituals that yield the same results sending hopes and good vibes does.

>> No.15387921

Thing is, wicca doesn't attract as much hate, and doesn't have scientific papers showing its effects

>> No.15387933
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> doesn't attract as much hate
Because they stay in their lane instead of spastically and needlessly costing people their lives performing interpretative dances trying to cure their cancer.

>> No.15387948

This argument is often spoken, but how many people die because of homeopathy each year?

>> No.15387974

More than necessary. Also, you don't know? You're making the affirmative claim. How the fuck are you this unprepared?

>> No.15388128

>More than necessary
Got any data?

>> No.15388191
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The placebo effect is the most consistent effect in medicine.

>but how many people die because of homeopathy each year?

Far fewer than die from pharmaceuticals. That's why they hate it.

I would say the thing that makes me most wonder about homeopathy is that I have ONLY heard about it from people attacking it. I never met anyone preaching homeopathy or heard anything about it until I heard people mocking it.

Seems super suspicious.

>> No.15388201

Why the fuck would I have data, anon? 1 is more than necessary. Is n > 1?

>> No.15388231

people hate it because it's homeosexual

>> No.15388246

You mean that your argument
>needlessly costing people their lives
is not based on any data you have browsed?

>> No.15388253

I've provided exactly the same amount of data that the affirmative side did. Why are those claims more valid? Actually, I've provided more than the other side.
The retard didn't know there were wiccan studies.

>> No.15388263

You say that homeopathy attracts hate because
>it's retarded larping akin to practicing wiccan rituals that yield the same results sending hopes and good vibes does.

Yet wicca doesn't attract as much hate, and doesn't have scientific papers showing its effects

Then you tried the
> needlessly costing people their lives
approach, but you don't have any data to back up either of your claims

Very fishy

>> No.15388275

Wow, it's like you didn't even see the image. Selection bias the post. No wonder you're so into homeopathy you couldn't wrap your mind around actually doing any science. And yet, after all that grand standing still no data is provided on the pro side. Curious.

>> No.15388287

Basic epistemological problem: as nobody understands how homeopathy works, nobody can prove it "scientifically"
Yet, it works, beyond the placebo effect

Few examples:
Cytotoxic effects of ultra-diluted remedies on breast cancer cells.
Systematic Review of Plant-Based Homeopathic Basic Research: An Update
Effect of Homeopathic Medicines and a Nosode on Larvae of Cochliomyia hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
Statistical analysis of the effect of high dilutions of arsenic in a large dataset from a wheat germination model.
Effects of homeopathic arsenicum album, nosode, and gibberellic acid preparations on the growth rate of arsenic-impaired duckweed (Lemna gibba L.).
Fibronectin Gene Up-regulation by Arnica montana in Human Macrophages: Validation by Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay
Bioresilience to Mercury Chloride of the Brine Shrimp Artemia Salina after Treatment with Homeopathic Mercurius Corrosivus
Phenotypic Changes in Mammary Adenocarcinoma (4T1) cells In Vitro after Treatment with Carcinosinum
Agronomic behavior of the turnip (Brassica napus L.) during the application of homeopathic medicines.

>> No.15388326

I looked at the first one. Where do you want them to ship your Nobel prize for this discovery that products prescribed in a clinic in India potentially have an effect on cancer cell lines which is demonstrated a potential cytotoxic effect on breast cancer cells by using only two ultra-diluted remedies and two breast cancer cell lines? Couldn't find any follow-up studies. I wonder why. I am not going to lie, I don't want to piss my day away larping about homeopathy with you. Here is my statement. What a glorious well of knowledge. Everyone should hear all about this. I kneel.

>> No.15388343

You may be a retard but at least you have the good grace to admit when you've been btfo, good intellectual humility anon

>> No.15388355

It's all correlational, there's no way a 30C mixture with a 0% probability of even having a molecule of the original substance somehow be effective beyond placebo.

>> No.15388374

If homeopathy actually worked then I would be able to get higher off the smallest crumb of weed then I would after ripping a fat ass dab. I can assure everyone that that is not the case.

Take your meds anon, the real ones.

>> No.15388407

>You're making the affirmative claim.
No. You're the one who did: >>15387895
>Because it's retarded larping akin to practicing wiccan rituals that yield the same results sending hopes and good vibes does.

>> No.15388427

>The amount of hate it gets from pseudo-skeptic NPCs and pharma shills is gargantuan
What kind of claim is this?

>> No.15388475

Don't we use a similar system for reducing extreme allergies?

>> No.15388480

If you suppose a biochemical pathway, indeed
But what if the way of action isn't biochemical?

That's not how it works, check out how it's done

>> No.15388526

>The amount of hate it gets
Because it's selling sugar pills and sugar water and calling it medicine. The real problem is when legitimate drugstores stock homeopathic products on their shelves and put up what's essentially fake medicine for kids. The pharmacists are even expected to push these products to meet sales quotas because they're so profitable because sugar and filler are so cheap and margins are extremely high.

>wicca doesn't attract as much hate
You don't walk into your local health institution, a clinic this case I suppose instead of a pharmacy, and get directed towards wicca to treat your medical condition.

>a similar system for reducing extreme allergies
There's a difference between very tiny amount, and statistically should be absolutely none. The health regulators allegedly allow homeopathic products to get away with as much as they do specifically because they should contain absolutely none of the active ingredient, perhaps a single molecule, so there's nothing there to regulate.

>> No.15388531

How do you explain that homeopathic dilutions have an effect on organisms that cannot experiment a placebo one?