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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15387031 No.15387031 [Reply] [Original]

Listen up, folks. I have never heard anyone proudly saying "I suck at history or philosophy," but unfortunately, I have heard people frequently and proudly declaring that they "suck at math." This is unacceptable. By glorifying ignorance or a lack of effort in this critical subject, we are perpetuating a culture that devalues math and makes it harder for those who genuinely struggle with it to get the support they need.

Let me make this clear: math anxiety is real and can be challenging for many people, especially in high school trigonometry, first-year calculus, or advanced math courses like Baby Rudin or Tao Analysis. However, that's not an excuse to give up. Math is a subject that requires consistent effort and dedication. You need to sacrifice your time to study, practice problems, struggle, and read the materials repeatedly until you understand it. That's the only way to truly learn math.

So if you're at a party and someone starts proudly saying "I suck at math," don't just sit there silently. Encourage a growth mindset towards learning math, and remind them that with effort and dedication, anyone can improve their skills.

>> No.15387037

because academic math is a meme
no one cares about anything other than + - * /

>> No.15387041

>I have never heard anyone proudly saying "I suck at history or philosophy,"
You don't talk to a lot of women, do you?

>> No.15387080

I talk to women, but they usually say the suck cocks

>> No.15389283

>if you're at a party and someone starts proudly saying "I suck at math," don't just sit there silently.
That's for the introverted nerds. As an extraverted nerd I do respond and I say "sounds like a personal problem"

>> No.15389333

I've heard people say that about many fields including Geography, Science, English, Languages in general, and yes History and Philosophy

>> No.15389340

>I suck as Philosophy
That's literally saying "I can't think."

>> No.15389373

>I have heard people frequently and proudly declaring that they "suck at math."
You're projecting your unjustified sense of pride

>> No.15389384

I suck at philosophy because I hate it.

>> No.15389389

math isn't important, its just a useful tool, its not worth anything on its own. same goes for computer science.

>> No.15389483

that's because philosophy is so devoid of substance that anyone can pretend - and convince himself - that he is good at it. math skills otoh are impossible to feign.

>> No.15389488

you got the idea for this thread from reddit and you are a faggot. Nobody even says they suck at math here, it is 99% kids bragging about IQ and jerking off the CMTU

>> No.15389509
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>that's because philosophy is so devoid of substance that anyone can pretend
Charlatans of Philosophy are literally everywhere!

The fact you cant see them in society proves you know Nothing of Philosophy OR Math, thinking Math is easy to check because "he did the order of operations so he got the answer" not realizing how much of Math is arbitrary definitions for universal outcomes.

>> No.15389533
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>anyone can pretend
Oh...and show me your's and watch hiw easily I dismantle it. No, not "everyone can", you're just able to differentiate those that mimic it and those that craft it.

Same for math. Those that teach to the test and those that invent it. Those that teach to the test can be Professors. Those that invent it can be homeless schizos.

>Yes, I read your post wrong because I was so baffled how off base it was. Stupidity can confuse the shit out of me sometimes.

>> No.15389541

kill yourself, namefag. I am a mathematician, a d you seem to think math is about calculations.

>> No.15389543

it is also easy to 'dismantle it', that's why it's pseudoshit.
also, kill yourself, namefag.

>> No.15389544


bruh I literally read the exact same content on a reddit post a while ago


mfw you are a bot

>> No.15389557
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>I am a mathematician
>Gives "blanket title" to a Theoretical Mathematician.
Number Theory shit? Sheeit, I'm a champ in the field, lets dance.

>it is also easy to 'dismantle it', that's why it's pseudoshit
Except when it becomes correlated to Physics itself, then it becomes irrefutable. Capital-T Truth. You can't differentiate Logic from "Words words words". A trait of midwittery.
Put a name tag on so I can track your grade, dunce...this is a place to LEARN, not air your ignorance as being "just as heckin valid as everyone elses".

Its not, its the reason THIS BOARD IS SHIT.

>> No.15389584

LMAO, I bet the OP is trying to "improve" this board by posting crap from leddit

>> No.15390486

>this is a place to LEARN
on top of everything, the namefag is delusional.

>> No.15390493

>"I suck at philosophy,"
Not a bad thing at all. Philosophy is a complete waste of time