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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1538400 No.1538400 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one tired of that stupid "Science!" meme usually promoted by people who never did or studied something related to actual science. I'm a non-religious person myself, in fact I don't believe in a deity, and I love science and technology, in fact I'm doing third year of molecular biology, but that "Science!" bullshit is starting to piss me off, "Science!" is not science, it's just a bunch of retards wanting to fell better about their miserable lives.

I was watching a "Youtube Atheist" the other day and the guy (his nickname is Coughlan666) was trying to explain evolution to his retarded audience and damnit, he had not a fucking clue about how Natural Selection works, he explained anything BUT Natural Selection. So, why are they so adherent about something they clearly don't understand?

TL;DR These idiots aren't promoting science, they're hurting it by turning it into a fashionable meme supported by retards.

>> No.1538408

Yes I'm, OP. But sadly the people you're describing is the majority here.

>> No.1538414

When people have clearly misunderstood or have a wrong picture of a scientific principle, I always make a point of educating them on the matter.

It's hard when I rage a little inside but it's ultimately worth it. The world needs better scientific literacy.

>> No.1538416


> I was watching a "Youtube Atheist" the other da

Wait, there's a group that identifies itself as "Youtube Atheists"?... That's pathetic, and I'm not saying it for the Atheist part but because of the "Youtube" part of it. That's perhaps the laziest activism EVER.

>> No.1538419


Welcome to post-modern America pal! enjoy your stay.

>> No.1538426

I'm an actual scientist, working in boring a job way below my qualifications, underpaid and surrounded by depressed people experiencing their mid-life crisis. Suddenly it isn't fashionable anymore.

>> No.1538428
File: 59 KB, 504x533, 20100130.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1538432


Gotta love Capitalism then pal.

p.S. I'm not advocating Communism, in fact in Russia it was even worse. But hey, we should be looking for a new model.

>> No.1538438

What's wrong with being a science fan anyway? You can be a fan of music and sports without knowing how to play....

>> No.1538445

Yes, but there are not large groups of people who do not know how to play music teaching other people how to "properly" play music. That is the point of op's post.

>> No.1538449
File: 123 KB, 468x571, internet-bro-fist2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1538450


I like that meme.


...and there and everywhere.


Rage a little or a lot, but you're otally right.

>> No.1538454


Absolutely. Be a science fan, that's cool and it's a healthy interest, but don't try to teach it if you haven't formally studied the topic!

>> No.1538478

I'd read your post OP but I'm very busy because I've read an article on Wikipedia about the meiosis process and now I'm taping myself explaining it to my fan base!

>> No.1538495

You've never been at a campfire.
(Most annoying thing other, must resist urge to throw guitar into fire..)