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File: 60 KB, 1413x795, csm_SPE002_kidney-disease_3a47c566ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15379597 No.15379597 [Reply] [Original]

Like 2 years ago I started developing severe pain near my sides and frequent urination, I'd wake up like 3 times to go piss every night and god fucking damn the side pain hurts so bad it's impossible to sleep, I get like 3 hours worth of actual sleep per night max. I thought it would go away on it's own but it never did, I recently got a blood test and my GFR came back at 120 which was weird I was 100% confident it was some form of CKD, I tried explaining my symptoms to my family doctor and he kept denying I had anything wrong, I was baffled by some of the shit he was trying to tell me (he was trying to blame my issues on temperature/etc, like what the fuck?? I just agreed and left I didn't know what to tell him, I'm in my early-mid 20s and have no previous health conditions).

Certainly this is a kidney issue, are blood tests bullshit then? Like how could my kidneys be working that well when I urinate like every hour. No blood in piss, my only symptoms are extreme discomfort near my sides and frequent urination. I don't know how I lived like this for two years and I honestly can't imagine living much longer like this. Drinking less water doesn't help

>> No.15379617

Why the fuck are you asking us instead of your primary care physician?

>> No.15379631

They don't take me seriously, they're just like, "you're a young guy you're fine etc." I'm planning on doing so again just wanted to see if i could get a few pointers from anyone, for example would a CT scan be helpful? Other than the blood test I also did a urine test a year ago and everything was apparently fine

>> No.15379639

Does the pain in your sides radiate? Is it dull or sharp? Considering the time course it doesn't sound like stones or a UTI. Could be interstitial cystitis

This is a problem for a urologist

>> No.15379669

buy and eat watermelon. it will solve your problems. it can cause diarreah tho so don't eat too much

>> No.15379711

They ignore it a lot of the times.

>> No.15379713

Thanks, honestly too retarded to answer whether or not it's sharp or dull but I'll try: the pain isn't consistent sometimes I barely feel it and then other times I feel an intense amount of pressure in that area, sometimes it's both sides sometimes it's only one side (usually left), everyday it's painful however and it's always noticeable it never goes away 100%, like right now it's 20-30% as bad as it was just an hour or two ago, really weird. When I sleep I have to sleep on one of my sides, on whichever side I can feel the most amount of pressure on.

I used to fast a lot, what I originally thought was I gave myself renal damage. I did this for years without issues originally but maybe it just slowly damaged my organs until it became unbearable.

Even though I said I feel pain on my sides, I also feel some pressure near my bladder area, besides the pressure I can't sleep on my back because of this it's too uncomfortable in my bladder area. I used to take aspirin maybe this is what caused it? Really retarded but I'd take a gram a day if not more back then, however I already had the urination problems by then, don't know about the bladder pressure though. I looked up interstitial cystitis and it wouldn't be surprising.

Something I didn't bring up: I took vyvanse 20mg a year ago for the first time I had never taken a stim before, I had bad side effects for 2 weeks straight, I had erectile dysfunction, and I was freezing for those 2 weeks, etc. This was already a year after I already started having these other symptoms, it wasn't placebo because I couldn't get out of my bed, I'd sleep with like 10 blankets and would be drenched in sweat, and the second I'd get up to go piss I'd be freezing again, yes this really lasted 2 weeks. after I booked an appointment to see my old doc but he died 2 days before (early 50s), and that shook me and made me not want to go see another one until recently, but this also made me think it was kidney related

>> No.15379715

Go to a different doctor and play up the pain.

>> No.15379723

Yeah I'll need to be less of a cuck next time I go see one and not just walk on eggshells

>> No.15379724

Any injections recently?

>> No.15379734

So back in early 2021 I stayed at an airbnb, I woke up either once or twice to go piss that was the earliest memory I can remember of this happening, I still slept fine after I don't recall any pain at all. I started taking dupixent like a month or two after this memory, around this time I do remember being in pain, I actually thought this was what was causing it for a while but I didn't want to discontinue it, I took it for a year then I got fed up and discontinued, but it's been many months and nothing has gotten better.

>> No.15379747

Also before vyvanse I took minocycline 200mg per day for a few months, it discolored my teeth. This was right around the time I took dupixent so that could have been another cause, my doctor only wanted me to take 50mg but I didn't notice any benefits, I took 200mg because I read online that it was still a safe dose.

>> No.15379829

Because they don't do their job.

>> No.15379837

op here, I gotta go sleep for now. Thanks to everyone who helped so far and future replies. I'll go see a urologist soon.

>> No.15380030

Oh for fuck sake you are just suffering constipation. No, I am not kidding. MAYBE you are the rare unicorn who truly has celiac, maybe you have health anxiety trashing your digestion, maybe a lot of things. But you just perfectly described bad constipation.

>> No.15380037

How much caffeine are you drinking? It might be irritating your bladder. Did you see the results of your urinalysis? Did it have increased proteins?

>> No.15380135

I guess he's from the US. In the US the consensus is that only people with money are worth keeping alive.

>> No.15380410

>I used to fast a lot
Like what kind of fasts how often? I have been doing 48h fasts once a month and like 24-36h fasts once a week, for a year. I hope it seems a bit too non-intense to cause similar issues.

>> No.15381875

op here, you're good don't sweat it just don't forget to drink water, I used to fast for 1+ weeks, longest I went was 3 weeks, insane I actually pulled this off I wasn't even that overweight, and I did it on and off for years. I don't recommend fasting at all though it's very easy to get delusional once you do it often, I started off with one day fasts and then it progressed as I noticed I could do them longer, like 3 weeks without food just sounds like a recipe for organ damage, but I didn't think of it like this at the time I was surrounded by many other delusional people online.

>> No.15381885

probably kidney stones. Put 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a cup and mix it with some water and drink it twice a day.

>> No.15381898

it isnt organ damage. fasting is very good for you. It is because people get most of the water they need from food. When you cut off the food you werent getting enough water for your kidneys to break down the minerals and salts they formed into little rocks. The pain you are experiencing is because those little rocks are getting into your tubes, getting stuck and clogging shit that shouldn't be clogged.

You need to dissolve those rocks now using something acidic, hence the apple cider vinegar and the olive oil acts as a lubricant. You also need to stay well hydrated.

Drinking coca cola also helps break down the rocks from the phosphoric acid in coke. Stay away from dairy

>> No.15381914

look up the phoenix protocol btw. It is a 60+ year doctor who does a week long dry fast every year or so and will explain why it is good for you. The tldr is you have lots of unhealthy cells that could potentially become cancerous. They are only able to survive because of the sugar and nutrients you are provided to them. When you do a week long fast your body will kill all those cells off because it cant waste the energy required to keep them alive. It is kind of like human shedding for reptiles or molting for crabs and lobs and what not

>> No.15381921

here is his yt channel btw

>> No.15381928

I'll unironically try this out, I do drink a lot of milk, a liter per day, I also thought it was from excess calcium I tried cutting milk off for a small period of time and I didn't notice any difference, but I'll try what you're saying which is something acidic, lemons are ok right? I can drink high amounts water with lemon very easily. I'll also try some ACV

However it's been 2 years, I feel like if it was reversible this easily it would have already fixed itself, but I'll still try this out thanks.

>> No.15381938

it possibly could be little calcium rocks. Kidney stones can be any salt or mineral. Not every persons stones are made of the same thing.

Yah lemons will work, I prefer the apple cidar vinegar because you can purchase in relatively large containers compared to citrus flavors. Drink a lot of cranberry juice too.

>However it's been 2 years, I feel like if it was reversible this easily it would have already fixed itself
Nah, however long it took to build those rocks, it will take just as long to dissolve them as a general rule of thumb.

>> No.15381961

also take hot showers as hot as you can stand them and just let it flow directly onto your mid to lower back, it will help reduce the pain

>> No.15381971

What's your daily reduced iron intake?Had to switch to bottled water for this.
Inb4 drinking a lot of tap water which is rich in iron in the swamp area where I live. Hadnt enough guts to switch back to tap to test my hypothesis its related also BC tap tastes like shit and rust stains are everywhere.

>> No.15381999

I don't drink tap water and I usually avoid iron fortified foods, I used to get majority of my calories from dairy I don't think this is the problem but thanks anyways

>> No.15382301

you should definitely ignore some of the retards in this thread, the namefag in particular has said so much insanely stupid stuff so far
tell me anon: what is your diet like?
don't try to doctor your response to what you'd want it to be like, just be completely honest and as detailed as possible

>> No.15382314

you wont say anything specific because you are a fucking moron so stfu

>> No.15382324

he already said he got most of his calories from dairy you massive fucking retard. If you actually read the thread or actually knew what you are talking about you would know that. I can source everything I have said here whereas you are just a screeching moron

>> No.15382330

>I can source everything I have said here whereas you are just a screeching moron
In fact I am sure he has been jewgling since my posts and confirming it all for himself. So go suck some tranny balls psued

>> No.15382360
File: 1.43 MB, 1366x5262, stones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stone formation has been directly associated with a lack of fluid intake and is by far one of the most common causes of kidney stone formation. Low fluid intake leads to reduced diuresis, resulting in concentrated urine. This may lead to supersaturation of minerals contributing to the formation of kidney stones.

What Are Kidney Stones?
A kidney stone is a hard mass that forms from crystals in the urine. They can be as tiny as a grain of sand or as big as a golf ball. Sometimes they stay in the kidney, but they often travel through the urinary tract.

If a kidney stone is small enough, you may not even know you have one as it passes through the urinary system.

A large kidney stone can cause significant pain. It can also block the flow of urine, causing harmful backups.

The most common type of kidney stones are calcium oxalate stones.

Calcium naturally binds to a substance called oxalate. Ideally, calcium binds with oxalate in the stomach and intestines before moving to the kidneys. Then, the substances leave the body without forming stones.

However, if calcium and oxalate combine in the urine, they can form kidney stones, especially if there’s not enough liquid.

Kidney stones are common. The National Kidney Foundation estimates that one in 10 people will have a kidney stone at some point in their lives. They affect more men than women.

What are the Symptoms?
If you’ve had kidney stones before, you may recognize the signs. Typical symptoms of kidney stones are:

Constant need to urinate.
Bloody urine.
Pain in your lower back or side (flank pain).


Now run your mouth some more dipshit.

>> No.15382374

Oddly this website (pic rel) says to consume dairy OP but most, if not all, the other ones I checked out say not to and when I had kidney stones drinking milk or cream always made it worse. Since you were dehydrated from fasting and consuming large amounts of dairy I will say this points to your stones most likely being calcium so I would cut out dairy altogether but it is up to you.

>> No.15382384

I mentioned your diet and constipation for a reason anon. >>15382301 is correct and appears on the same track. If your bloodwork and everything else is fine, odds are cyclical constipation is causing your issues. Look it up. Causes bladder pains and migrating pain. Your doctor should have asked the related questions and investigated that unless he fucked up OR you were not honest or cant recall detail enough. If you dont know what normal is you wont know if your diet is abnormal for example, and doctors sometimes have to go fishing to figure out ehat you think normal means.

You need to make sure you arent driving yourself crazy over something as simple as not staying hydrated, with moderate salt and calcium and related. Talk to your doctor about your diet. I bet you it isnt good. If it is, then get an xray when the pain happens to rule out other causes of constipation.

Beyond that you either have a super duper rare zebra condition, which you dont or you would have other complaints a lot worse, or anxiety related somaticism. Lots of people with anxiety or adhd have dietary ajd digestion issues due to bad diet and anxiety causing bad digestion.

>> No.15382405

He can add salt, pepper, and a few other ingredients and that would just become salad dressing.

>> No.15382448

He isnt constipated.

>kidney stones are super duper rare!
stfu you fucking retard

>> No.15382482

btw the best way to know for sure is just go to your doctor and get x-rays. If you avhe stones they will show up in the x-ray, problem solved. The people on this board are so fucking stupid it is hardly fathomable how they even function on a daily basis, never listen to them about anything

>> No.15382519

Because interstitial cystitis, caffeine consumption, deeper UTIs, and other things can all cause similar symptoms. He could even have prostatitis. The thing is, too many things are a possibility, his doctor fucking sucks and is lazy, and a lot of people immediately want to jump onto assumptions instead of asking questions.
You're right, he just needs to do a different doctor. X-ray would probably help, full thorough work-up with it optimal.

>> No.15382523

>calls me stupid
>Proceeds to parrot the same thing I said about an x-ray for the same reason
lol ok

>> No.15382537

Well I would say the most common ailment is the best place to start. Institical cystitis is so fucking rare you may as well consider an alien probe as just as likely culprit. 99.999999999999% he has kidney stones

>> No.15382563

Op here, it's good guys no need to argue I wasn't expecting to find the exact answer here obviously I just wanted to hear some opinions, I can go see a doctor again and be more confident in what I say now. So thanks I appreciate everyone who posted any sort of advice, it could be simply kidney stones for all I know I'll get an x-ray and see if anything comes back I've clearly tried jack shit to fix the issue so far

>> No.15382567

Stones, constipation, or otherwise, all amounts to the same thing about diet and hydration. So that's what you'd want to discount first. Hence that, and if in extreme pain again an x-ray would differentiate and narrow a lot of possibilities.

>> No.15382570

Does your skin feel weird sometimes? Like you have a sunburn? Your ribs hurt? Check the toilet paper when you wipe for little traces of blood too

>> No.15382574

Caffeine irritation isn't that rare though. I worked with a woman that had interstitial cystitis, so it's more immediately in my view as a possibility despite me not being the one to suggest it earlier on itt. We're coming in and posting globally, so rarity for something is skewed. Kidney stones are usually pretty common in people that drink a lot of soda, sometimes with beet juice (which is evil because it's delicious). He could be dehydrated, and you could be right, but it's just better that he find out for sure by having someone with actual diagnostic tools on hand.

>> No.15382578

enlarged prostate

>> No.15382623

btw I went to the doctor like 4 times before they properly diagnosed me with kidney stones. You would think being as common as they are they would have started there instead of testing me for VD's and shit. Everyone everywhere is incompetent but dont forget diversity is our strength!

>> No.15382664

There was some 19 year old girl that had an over 100 pound cyst with something like 46L drained on the news recently. The speculation was that this had been an ongoing problem since puberty, but they just told her to exercise and lose weight. We have a serious problem with medical negligence, and when healthcare is as costly as it is, that's ridiculous.

>> No.15382740
File: 897 KB, 1366x4279, fda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this sound suspiciously like anti-vaxx propaganda. What are you a nazi or something bigot? PUT ON THE MASK REEEEEEEEE (masks which do jack shit btw)

>> No.15382778

>people get most of the water they need from food
Sorry, correction here:

Your body typically gets about 20% of the water it needs from the foods you eat throughout the day. Foods that typically provide the highest water content are raw fruits and vegetables. Eating a diet heavy in produce is a good way to give the body vitamins, minerals and fiber while increasing your daily water intake.

The reason I mentioned this is because you said you were fasting. So you aren't getting any of the water you need from food and you were consuming large amounts of calcium ALONG with the fact you were consuming the source of the calcium IN PLACE OF water as well. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to connect the dots

>> No.15382819
File: 460 KB, 1080x517, FDAapproval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have news for you.

>> No.15383149

>the namefag in particular has said so much insanely stupid stuff
Such as?

>> No.15383163

He denied le heckin FDA approved soienc.

>> No.15383201

you are arguing with a paid shill in the information war on a mongolian spearfishing board.

>> No.15383203
File: 12 KB, 220x369, GNFOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15383215

Frequent urination and side pain has a lot of causes, and you can rule out low GFR as a symptom. You need to go to your doctor again, downplay the kidney thing (don't imply you know medicine better, just your own body), and insist that you are in pain and want tests done (and not pain pills, which is probably what they thing a 20-something wants)

>> No.15383233

I've been meaning to post it for a while anyways. A lot of people don't know that the FDA isn't testing pharmaceuticals themselves, and they think that the FDA has a lot more of an involved role. They don't. They're just a government agency middle man that slaps a seal of approval on whatever shit passes their barely there requirements. Bodhi's not too bad though, plus people have a filter option to block namefags.

>> No.15383245

he is retard who thought you were arguing with someone who is in favor of the vax because his dumb ass didnt actually read any of the thread

>> No.15383267

OP has yet to post his diet...

>> No.15383332

..... He said he was fasting, not drinking enough water and drinking shitloads of milk and getting most of his calories from dairy ....

>> No.15383458

I've done 6 tablespoons of ACV today and I actually do feel like the pain has gotten a bit better already, this thread could archive tomorrow and even if it doesn't probably won't check it so just wanted to say thank you god I hope it keeps getting better, I had no clue kidney stones could last for years

>> No.15383601

They will last until you get rid of them, which you cant do while until you change the conditions that created them to begin with. yw anon

dont forget the hot showers for pain, they will also help pass them by relaxing expanding tubes

>> No.15383619

1. kidney stones
2. some kind of hernia, muscle pull, or prolapse

last year i pulled some gut muscle after lifting a heavy thing. For a whole week, I could barely hold any piss before having to relieve myself. Fortunately, it healed to 75% after two weeks and then to 100% after two months, but perhaps you have done something more serious

maybe an ultrasound could help diagnose this

>> No.15383715

It may be painful or ridiculous for you to hear, but unlike with >>15382623, your anecdote actually shows the system is working as intended.
Losing weight is the solution that will be effective and treat the actual case for complaints in 95% of times. Your case was such an extreme freak edge case that any statement how the system "needs to be improved" is useless, and hand-wringing. Like banning outdoor gatherings to flatten the curve.

>> No.15383719

When an individual goes to a doctor for examination and complains of pain, has strange weight gain, and is a child that is in the beginning stages of puberty, it's medical negligence to dismiss that altogether. The girl's mother previously had some flavor of reproductive organ cancer as well, making this all the more retarded.
So you can talk about hand wringing, and make the same played out fucking comments that reference back to Covid-era mental illness all you want. We pay for healthcare, and having someone do something beyond the bare minimum of giving someone a vague once-over should be expected.

>> No.15386160

sounds like you have the gay and it is fatal OP