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File: 877 KB, 1200x1200, angry german man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15379089 No.15379089 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15379286 [DELETED] 
File: 206 KB, 272x326, Uhoh+they+found+out+about+the+concrete+blood+_7817958546490dfba0738cdcd99606ff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many you know what's, and not enough Na... Rocket scientists...

>> No.15379670
File: 399 KB, 512x512, astronomy and anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're never gaan

>> No.15379679

loss of institutional knowledge, got to start from scratch again

>> No.15379682

here we see the prime example of the low IQ jew hater chud
Their program is designed to answer every question with "ITS THE JEWS"

>> No.15379753

i know this upsets you because you're jewish, but you are the problem, you are what stands in the way of progress, you are why germany was able to develop orbit capable rockets from nothing in under a decade nearly a century ago, but modern man cannot equal the feat. civilization's capabiliies are supposed to increase across the generations rather than become lesser, when things get worse rather than better, that is degeneration. whereever degeneration is found, one will also find that jews are whats causing it

>"Humanity would sink into eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull and primitive state, were the Jews to win this war"
~Joseph Goebbels

>> No.15379774

you're literaly on a loser image board

>> No.15379805

why are you on 4chan if you have no respect for the people who post here? lack of self-respect?
you're unable to refute what was posted in any meaningful way so you've resorted to bland insults, further demonstrating that you and your ilk are the root of the problem.

>> No.15379814

SLS works.

>> No.15379825

Do you anything to substantiate these allegations of yours?
>Le joooooooooos!
>White trash faggot troon (You)

>> No.15379869

>unlimited budget
>lax oversight
>didn't need to care about reusability
>had a fire lit under their ass (the space RACE)
it's a wonder

>> No.15379880

but literally nazis sent us to space bro

>> No.15380106

i still don't get why NASA can't recyle the old design

>> No.15380114

Jews? Who mentioned jews? You seem neurotic.

>> No.15380166

You cannot patent an existing product. Without a new design, how are shareholders supposed to earn profit? You just need to invent some need that didn't exist before, like reusability of the rocket as unique selling proposition.

>> No.15380185

>Too much fluoride in the water
>Lack of iodine
>Shitty nutrition
>Parents that use the TV to babysit their children
>Distractions at school
>Worthless teachers
>Nigs in the classroom wasting time (might not apply to rich kids)
>Merit thrown out the window in favour of diversity for diversity's sake.
>The deliberate dumbing down of America (and the whole Western world)

BTW, Ivan can still build a rocket. Chang is learning, there's billions of Pajeets, at least one street shitter has to be a von Braun tier mind.

>> No.15380189

Ivan won't be building anything anymore for a long long time, least of all rockets.

>> No.15380198

I feel sorry for you if you truly believe this, but Ivan is producing more military hardware than all of NATO combined. The Russian economy has not collapsed, and they're winning in Ukraine. The economic sanctions against Russia were probably the biggest miscalculation in modern history.

>> No.15380205

Big rockets that work are easy

Building pads that can survive them is hard

>> No.15380211

Also pure IQ/ merit rather than everything being pozzed to permeation with middle managment and diversity.

>> No.15380523
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its a mystery

>> No.15380632 [DELETED] 
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The old design still needs to be constructed by competent people once it comes off the drawing board.

>> No.15380635

You sad sad waste of a human being.

>> No.15380679

Cope all you like, but reality will dispel your delusions.

>> No.15380720

Because their lives dont depend on it working.

>> No.15380758
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All these rocket tests are pure propaganda and entertainment for the cattle. The earth is flat with a dome.

>> No.15380760

Racist , Fascist and Pseudo-Scientific

>> No.15380779

>earth is flat with a dome
Yes but the Vaccines saved millions of lives especially the Covid vaccine

>> No.15380783

Lead deficiency. The neocortex doesn't work.
>muh "tacit knowledge"
No such a thing, that's where people used to use their brains.
How long do you want to use that excuse? They didn't know nearly as much as you do.
I think you know very well that you sabotage people who survived the starvation unharmed.
Brain damage from lead deficiency. They literally can't.
Lead deficiency will stop them too. Their youngest are already retards like in the west.

>> No.15380812

>Try new thing
>It isn't an immediate, instant, flawless success and requires more work
>Fuck, well, let's just give up then
It's a good thing people like this didn't run the show 10,000 years ago or we'd've never left our caves.

>> No.15380854
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NPC. The post.

>> No.15380877
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not enough educated white men left to make them

>> No.15380879

>Lead deficiency
I use lead solder and like to play with bullets
Am I a ubermensch?

>> No.15380892

an unmanned test launch with high chances of failure failed that's not a new obstacle.
Musk has adapted to the field's needs faster than public agencies that's not all bad...

>> No.15380898

I am also know that the world is flat and I'm gratefully vaccinated its delightful to break this misconception that Antivax tards create, they give us the truth knoweres a bad name

>> No.15380934

On the one hand he didn't have to make it reusable, on the other hand we have super computers to do our calculations instead of rooms of guys with slide rules. Also raptor is some ksp shit.

>> No.15380942

They lie, and it's the other way round - upper class had high lead values, the slaves and otherwise the poor had little to none. (EVERYWHERE, be it plantation owners in Virginia, the patricians in Rome, or japanese Samurai) The actual need may be significant, handling bullets probably isn't enough, though it may help.

>> No.15380957

>Heavy metals are good for your nervous system
This is a science board, you got any studies to back up your wild theory.

>> No.15380979

he's just baiting retards to a new pitfall so they poison themselves.
some do it by cruelty, some do with ulterior motives such as accelerationist natural selection.

>> No.15381068

You know it won't pass the peer review, in fact it might be why you came up with it in the first place, because the actual experts told you it can't be true, and wouldn't shut up.

>> No.15381090

Jews only care about enriching themselves and raping kids. They have no use for idealistic ambitions such as space exploration.

>> No.15381109

You mean reuse the Saturn V designs? I'm pretty sure most of the blueprints are lost, and I doubt anybody would spend the time recreating a functional Saturn V when better technology exists

>> No.15381129

>when better technology exists
Such as?

>> No.15381133

The blueprints aren't lost, they're on microfiche at MSF and there's redundant digital copies all over the fucking place.

The problem is that a lot of the critical parts in the SatV are no longer off-the-shelf technology. Nobody uses vacuum tube transistors or magnetic amplifiers for discrete circuits anymore, and even the style of ICs in the guidance computer were phased out decades ago. It'd be like trying to build an authentic 1908 Model T - while the fundamental engineering principles of vehicles haven't changed in 115 years, none of the parts in the original design exist anymore and you'd have to either custom build all those parts (which means rebuilding all the infrastructure and retraining all the forgotten expertise) or redesigning it to work with available technology (at which point you may as well just redesign the whole damn thing).

>> No.15381148
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>I'm pretty sure most of the blueprints are lost

>> No.15381149

>we just don't understand how it fucking worked.

>> No.15381150

elon musk designs rockets daily though?

>> No.15381158

Kek, did you read the fucking post? It's just the electronics, nothing that couldn't be easily re-designed.

>> No.15381204

over the past years, SpaceX used 2-3 bil. USD on Starship - about 10% of NASA annual budget
less than 1% of what NASA had in disposal for Apollo between 1960-1969
you can't keep the entire production line forever. It got thrown out or repurposed to make room for new things (like the Shuttle)
It's a completely normal procedure - you can't buy newly built Ford Ts, Walkmans or GameCubes anymore either

we could restart production, but it wouldn't be cost effective compared to building new things with better methods and materials

>> No.15381236 [DELETED] 

>It's just the electronics, nothing that couldn't be easily re-designed.
Wrong. It's nothing that shouldn't be easy to redesign. If you could redesign it, you're either an old man, or a NEET who isn't allowed to have a job. They can't redesign it. They're retarded

>> No.15381263

There redditors here who think Musk shitposts all day on twitter, designs rockets, runs several companies and assembles cars in his spare time. Also gives out interviews, attends globohomo conferences and other public appearances.

>> No.15381264

>It's just the electronics, nothing that couldn't be easily re-designed.
Wrong. It's nothing that shouldn't be easy to redesign. If you could redesign it, you're either an old man, or a NEET who isn't allowed to have a job. They can't redesign it. They're retarded.

>> No.15381266

>we just don't understand how it fucking worked.
That's literally nothing like what I posted.
We know what the designs were. We know how all of it worked. But knowing how something works and having the infrastructure and readily-available parts to reproduce it are not the same thing.

Redesigning something this complex isn't as simple as replacing part A with part B. You car (if it was made in the last ~30 years or so) uses a fuel injection system instead of a carburetor. That doesn't mean I can take an old car, pull the carburetor out, and slap a fuel injector directly in its place. You need additional parts to make that conversion work.

Same shit here. Every part that's no longer available off-the-shelf is something that needs to either rebuilt or replaced and every part that gets replaced isn't going to be just that part, but generally the adjacent dozen or so parts it works in tandem with. At a certain point it's just easier to design a new system based around the stuff you currently have available.

>> No.15381286

>Nigs in the classroom wasting time (might not apply to rich kids)
This is honestly a big factor that isn't talked about.
I went to a majority black school and I still distinctly remember when I was in 3rd grade we spent the better part of a school year endlessly rehashing basic math concepts because the nigs were literally just too stupid to understand it and the teacher was desperately trying to get them to pass.
I understood it after the 1st lesson but had to sit there for months in my desk absolutely bored out of my mind while she tried to explain things to them for the 1000th time.
Even as a little kid I had this realization that my time was being wasted and that I was missing out on whatever was supposed to come next.

>> No.15381304

How much do you think it was built from off shelf parts?
If a couple of hicks can put a turbocharger or into an existing car why couldn't a team of top experts replace a bit of electronics?
There are streetcars with their electronics completely replaced.
It shouldn't be that hard to make a circuit that does the same thing, the same way it shouldn't be that hard to put a new engine in the car.
You can still make a carburator even if it will be done by a CNC machine instead of being cast and a couple guys with a lathe, or whatever they used to make them.

>> No.15381323

people always died and shit always explode, yes we did more 60 years ago(assuming it wasn't fake) yes there are more resources invested in garbage shit advertising scams based tech like "ai" systems and facebook but generally it was always complicated and hard to achieve

>> No.15381381

Old NASA rockets are like hand made swiss luxury watches, you would need the engineers that worked on them for a good replication.
Spacex is trying to make cheap but reliable rockets that can be reused, they are like CASIO watches.

>> No.15381419


>> No.15381564

Better rocket engines

>> No.15381574

Which ones can get me to the Moon?

>> No.15381612

Probably the ones that can operate in a vacuum.

>> No.15381862

this doesnt have any sense,
>At a certain point it's just easier to design a new system based around the stuff you currently have available.
that stuff is considered archaic compared from what we have now, why would be easier to design a new system that is prone to fail or not getting the expected results instead of replicate the same designs that worked, not only once, but even 4 times??
I get it, things like muskeets for example, would be expensive to fabricate compared to a glock, because parts and trade shit, but is not impossible to recreate it, and money shouldnt be a problem, the state or multibillionaires have enough of that.

>> No.15381873

>falcon 9
>220 successful launches
>no one can make a working rocket
Not the brightest crayon in the bunch are you anon?

>> No.15382082
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>> No.15382308
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Leftist fags hate the fact that the best rockets right now are made by a corporation and extra salty that the CEO is a chud that makes fun of them on twitter.

>> No.15382666 [DELETED] 
File: 345 KB, 1242x450, SchoolChemistry1950s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western culture peaked 50 years ago and has been on the decline ever since. The Americans who worked at NASA in the 60s & 70s started out with years of rigorous education from childhood, same goes for the Germans. Modern kids get the "everyone is a winner" lowest common denominator version of education.

>> No.15382751

>>15382666 (Thanks Satan)
Now you can just imagine niggers bouncing up and down on the desks, shaking their asses as some of the rowdy boys start throwing beakers at the professor. In the back, some 20 year old nigs who have been held back a few years are trying to cook meth.

>> No.15382783
File: 2 KB, 125x107, cannot believe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's there even to do in space?

>> No.15382790

Falcon 9

>> No.15382821

>Why do white people climb mountains?

>> No.15382861

We've been to space already

>> No.15382870

Because we want to Explore, Expand, Exploit and Exterminate.

>> No.15382885

This guy knows

>> No.15382921

we had to babysit libtards pets.

>> No.15383403

If the gentiles are so great then how can Jews subvert them so easily? Sounds like a cope.

>> No.15383418
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>Comments are turned off. Learn more

>> No.15384213

You do not belong here

>> No.15384221

True. Nobody and no opinion deserves respect on 4chan, and I like it that way. Respecting other's opinions is a toxic behavior.

>> No.15384406

SLS is essentially a latest edition Saturn V merged with a Shuttle propulsion system. The combination of solid rocket boosters and RS-25s get you significantly more boost than the old F-1s.

>> No.15384412

Protuction line has been dismantled since the late 60s (yes, the Saturn V production line was closed by the time of Apollo 11), and it's just completely outdated now, we've got way better technology and getting back to their level would be comparatively harder and more expensive.

>> No.15384499
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You Americans can still do missiles right ? Isn't a space rocket just a big missile without the boom boom thing ?

>> No.15385808 [DELETED] 
File: 607 KB, 1873x1200, 1662226389739233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a consequence of leftist politics

>> No.15385814

why is DeShawn there in front looking so sad?

>> No.15385903

le nazis were bad
Von Braun was a german
Von Braun made rockets
von braun worded at nasa
nazi ?
nasa uses rockets

quick everybody lets go burn nazi nasa to the ground and destroy every rocket in the country because rockets are bad nazi stuffs don't you see?

we are sooo fucked

>> No.15385905

>that pic
yep. we are fucking doomed

>> No.15385978
File: 854 KB, 786x848, hbtra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If only you knew how bad things really are.

>> No.15386228

Why do chuds hate nature and space exploration?

>> No.15386721


>> No.15386733

>its just Space-X
yeah ok

>> No.15386734

Chuds are the ones enjoying nature and exploring space.

>> No.15387349

>here we see the prime example of the low IQ jew hater chud
>Their program is designed to answer every question with "ITS THE JEWS"
I'm Jewish and I genuinely just find it funny. Like, if you're White, how do you react to seeing some overweight blue-haired lib writing a bunch of tweets about how the White man is to blame for her lot in life? That's what I feel reading these.

>> No.15387472 [DELETED] 

The original designs for Saturn V had a lot of unwritten/lost changed from engineers who tailored parts in a way that deviated from the blueprints
NASA could invest huge ammount of money trying to redesign the Saturn V (they had plans in the 2000s to bring back the F1 engine lmao)

But thats fucking retarded, the Saturn V is a shit rocket, that was a hammer and nail approach to a problem, it was extremely inefficient, even by Keralox standards, extremely expensive) it's obsolete and currently outperformed by one and a half modern US rockets

>> No.15387481
File: 420 KB, 1200x1879, 1200px-STS120LaunchHiRes-edit1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASA and Congress put all their bargaining chips into the Space Shuttle, while decreasing their budget from 3% of GPD, to .18%
NASA got bogged down on it, as well as congress ensuring all future N for 50 years, and congress has enforced this budgetarily to ensure the shuttle contractors still have work lmao
Also the SLS and Starship are better rockets (albeit one is soulless, and the other is still a prototype)

>> No.15387518
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Lerne damit umzugehen ... or just put us in fucking charge again. :)

>> No.15388422
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>> No.15388444
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Redditors getting more and more desperate by the day. They still have no clue why the rockets keep failing and the reason for the perpetual delays.


>> No.15388681

No you don't
You enjoy a cargo cult

>> No.15389596
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>> No.15389640 [DELETED] 

It's even wirse than that. Civilization was ready for those who tried to exploit it, and had effective systems in place to remove them. Jews destroyed this immune system because it refused to let them steal. Now our society has AIDS, and is dying body getting consumed by random bacteria.

>> No.15389644

It's even worse than that. Civilization was ready for those who tried to exploit it, and had effective systems in place to remove them. Jews destroyed this immune system because it refused to let them steal. Now our society has AIDS, and is a dying body getting consumed by random bacteria.

>> No.15389661

Even if the blueprints were lost (they aren't) the designs could be reverse engineered from the numerous unflown parts they still have in warehouses today.

And guess what, exactly that idea was put forth in a competitor bid to SLS by Dynetics, who proposed an iterative improvement on the F-1, the F-1B, using unflown F-1 engines as the basis of the development.

>> No.15391389 [DELETED] 

"Humanity would sink into eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull and primitive state, were the Jews to win this war" ~Joseph Goebbels

>> No.15391433

Everyone's trying to design cheap rockets. Those only overlap with working rockets somewhat.

>> No.15392428
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>> No.15392711

This isn’t a reason. The engineering theory and calculations are all available. They can simulate everything. The management greenlit destruction of the launchpad and a faulty rocket.

SpaceX is one of Elons investment scams. Many of the employees who raised concerns quit to retain integrity.

>> No.15393023

Thread answered

>> No.15394110

first rule of fight club
be able to identify "THE JEW" by "THE IMAGE"

>> No.15394150

>Rocket blew up

>> No.15394450

>Many of the employees who raised concerns quit to retain integrity.
the ones responsible for the bad designs were all fired

>> No.15394597
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>> No.15396031

suspiciously deleted image.

>> No.15396094

Like modern germany could tackle huge engineering projects. This country is going to shit much worse than the US. It's future is as a rapefugee dumping ground and openair museum for chinese tourists.

>> No.15396133

some real qts in there

>> No.15396193

>The ones responsible for the bad designs were all fired
Clearly not

>> No.15396533

Didn't know they had such a big kitchen staff.

>> No.15396547
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Artemis /thread

>> No.15397335

Gentiles are too nice and at the same time to vicious for their own good. I dont give af if this statement generates anti-semitism when I say that I dont give a shit about degeneracy or if it all ends

>> No.15398424

If only that were the case, but instead you're looking at about $1,000,000,000 of annual salaries, benefits and other expenses which produces nothing of any value at all

>> No.15398452

that one nigga on the left just trying to do his job while the roasties pose for the camera

>> No.15399333
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>> No.15400336

Teachers were allowed to beat students back in the 50s too, the good kids would also whup the shitheads to keep them in line, it was a well ordered society.

>> No.15400346

Do you just post it as a reply to any post that has "AIDS" on it?

>> No.15400349

Now the nice kids get terrorized by the shitheads, and the teachers diagnose them with autism.

>> No.15400360

capitalism trying to make a rocket is like hereditary nobility trying to run a factory
only the soviets and the nazis can make rockets
liberals will all die on this rock

>> No.15400367

von Braun was from the nobility and also a nazi.

>> No.15400384

"the nobility" is treated as just a fancy title in the modern era, but what it meant at one time is that members of "the nobility" were expected to display only noble characteristics, to always present themselves in public as a role model to be looked up to, some of them took that seriously, von Braun's performance as the ultimate master of his trade reflected his noble spirit.

>> No.15401656

I bet he wished that was an ejection seat

>> No.15402970
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>Like modern germany could tackle huge engineering projects. This country is going to shit much worse than the US.

So true. A few left that are still salvagable but otherwise ... yet, you see, I wasn't talking specifically "German". Was talking people with the right principles of leadership and tradition. And the will to implement them at whatever costs necessary. ;)

>> No.15404417
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>> No.15405497
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bribery leveraging rothschild gold is what gets the jewish foot in the door

>> No.15407222 [DELETED] 

>which produces nothing of any value at all
not even a sammich

>> No.15408090

Space departments no longer have unlimited money

>> No.15408528

Soviets, like americans,just copied the germans. And without the massive american capitalist economy, the apollo program wouldn't exist with zero funding.

>> No.15410088

living in space is just a lame hollywood sci-fi meme thats been done to death, its not something thats worth doing in irl life

>> No.15411110

If Hollywood never stopped making westerns in order to start making gay sci-fi instead, they this board would be all about horses and six shooters

>> No.15411117

holy shit all of you are retarded.
>hurrr blueprints lost
thats not the argument NASA makes anymore (because nobody bought their bs) the argument is the parts arent being made anymore; which can quickly be solved.

so whats the answer? aliens.

thats literally the only fucking reason. and why i dont see 1500 threads up right now studying the metallic ufo here is beyond me: https://nypost.com/2023/04/21/pentagon-releases-video-of-ufo-flying-over-active-combat-zone-in-middle-east/

we've been asking since ww2. it's obvious these are drones; but they are such mind breakingly amazing that i know for a fact (and every single one of you reading) that it's not ours.

>muh /x/
Your mom.

>> No.15411473
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I love how there's a big black space in the middle of that Twitter meme where Rothschild "said" he had $500 trillion and it was shopped out because the retard who created it didn't know that's 2x global GDP and impossible...

>thats not the argument NASA makes anymore

NASA doesn't "argue" this retarded point at all, tinfoil head. The SLS is more powerful than the Saturn V. Case closed.

>> No.15411752
File: 3.00 MB, 1x1, HowToChooseASliderule.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The clue is in >>15380877's picture.
Back when we went to the moon engineers and technical personnel used slide rules. Also engineers received shop training as part of their coursework in college. To use a slide rule required you to develop "number sense" to become proficient at calculating quickly. The slide rule itself is fairly easy to use as seen here and in the attached PDF:
As a result the engineers had a real feel for the numbers that they were calculating as well as the relationships between different variables. In contrast, look at the current crop of engineering students that we have today and you cannot deny that they are much lower quality people than the engineers of the past.

>> No.15412324

NASA is paid yearly X amount of money to spend on rockets and probes, not for results or achievements. On one hand it's science and can't be rushed but it stands on the shoulders of rockets and their engineering.

>> No.15412377
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based and slide rule pilled

>> No.15412857

I prefer the Dietzgen Microglide.

>> No.15413364
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NASA doesn't build or make anything. NASA sells t-shirts

>> No.15413683
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>NASA sells t-shirts
they also sell fairy tales about a bright space age future that never comes true

>> No.15413985
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>they also sell fairy tales about a bright space age future that never comes true

lol. lmao, even.

>> No.15414049

NASA did. It's called Artemis. But there definitely has been a loss in institutional knowledge, a clear sign of decay for those who understand history.

>> No.15414257

So does this mean modern computing is a wrong turn? Were our greatest tools our most primitive coupled with our minds?

>> No.15414272


>> No.15414273

2 more weeks, trust the plan, spacefags in control

>> No.15414314

No, he's just a luddite nostalgia pseud. Guys like him would probably fetishize abacuses and log tables to look smart to to the 1940s slide ruler crowd.

>> No.15414325

>2 more weeks

I'm not the one who's way behind schedule. Thanks to his 150m tall post hole digger trashing his launch facility, Vulcan Centaur is actually going to be the first methane rocket that achieves orbit.

>> No.15414330


>> No.15414974
File: 80 KB, 598x495, 1646876654661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NASA doesn't build or make anything. NASA sells t-shirts
and identity politics

>> No.15415031

It takes less talent to look like a competent engineer with modern technology. Most students, particularly diverse students, would not be able to survive an university entrance exam from the early to mid 20th century -especially without having a graphing calculator or computer holding their hand. Also engineers today graduate and go straight to design without ever touching a handle tool or participating in the manufacturing process. In the old days the engineer started on the factory floor before working with the machinists, electricians, and process operators before moving on to quality, testing, or field service and from their into the drafting department, before moving up into design and R&D. So they had a better connection to the end product, and yes making calculations on a slide rule does develop as sense for numbers and a "feel" for how the various values in your calculations relate to each other, and filter out the midwits.

>> No.15415056

Where engineering school and the engineering profession went wrong is when you made it for midwits, okay? That was where it went wrong. People are like "Ewww it's a slide rule". Fuck you man. Real engineers don't mind it. Real engineers are like "Yeah, it's a slide rule. So what's your point?" But the midwits are all like "Noooooo! We don't like the slide rule". That's the difference between a real engineer and a midwit, do you like the slide rule? Okay, fuck you, you're a midwit. Get the fuck out.

>> No.15415081

Spacex is building them rather cheaply, at least according ot their claims, so if it only blows up a few more times before getting to orbit it will be financially successfull.

>> No.15415293

They are barely able to operate Soyuz and their ISS modules anon. The soyuz launcher is basically a lightly upgraded R7 ICBM from the 50s. Their last successful interplanetary probe was launched in 1982. Russia has been shedding space capabilities for many years.

>> No.15415301
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>and they're winning in Ukraine

>> No.15415680
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>> No.15417107
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>> No.15417174

Russians can only keep making the same rockets they've been making since the Soviet era. Modern Russia is almost incapable of innovation. Meanwhile SpaceX is running more flights than every other space company and national program combined, more cheaply per pound to orbit than has ever been done.

>> No.15417684
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>at least one street shitter has to be a von Braun tier mind.
nope, von braun was of noble european lineage, there is no law of averages than can turn a random lowlife into the equivalent of that, nobility is cultural as well as genetic. von braun was purebred for superior performance, no matter what he did with his life he was destined to be the best at it. your random bigbrain will never equal that, what von braun had was not only inborn capability

>> No.15417712

they did
SLS is Saturn V cobbled together from Shuttle parts
there was a project for F-1B (F-1 with modern production methods), but they opted to use Shuttle engines and SRBs instead because they thought/claimed they would be better
SLS is almost entirely made out of existing products nobody else makes (why would you?)
that's not how it works, all Shuttle patents expired decades ago
>how are shareholders supposed to earn profit?
Lobby for cost plus contracts. I hate Boeing so much.

>> No.15417730

Because they’re a bunch of egomaniacs who think their shit doesn’t stink, so they design new rockets instead of re-creating the Saturn V.
And same with NASA refusing to learn any lessons from the Souyez rocket system.

>> No.15417735

Buts SLS is not “exciting” because they have a realistic launch schedule

>> No.15418961

The best rockets are Russian, anon. They quite literally have the best track record to date.

>> No.15419327

Were, but not are. Their current rockets are decades out of date. To be fair a lot of American ones are too, but that's being remedied.

>> No.15419335

And the Falcon 9 is still gonna be cheaper than the Vulcan Centaur, lmao

>> No.15419822


>> No.15420865
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and atheism

>> No.15421384

globohomo mind virus

>> No.15422424

they seem to be putting their missile tech where it counts instead of into space propaganda

>> No.15423326

progress in rockets:
1926 - 1967: stupendous and amazing
1960 - present: no progress at all

>> No.15423798

>but that's being remedied.
it isn't, the new ones aren't any more advanced than von braun's were, if that

>> No.15423836

You can't find too much tech tech which peaked after the 70s.

>> No.15424168

The material science for rockets is not fully mature yet, and there are some interesting developments for continuous detonation rocket engines. Rockets also just kinda suck ass and are a bad way to get off planet if they are used as a sole technology.

>> No.15425056


>> No.15425071

>You can't find too much tech tech which peaked after the 70s.
Let me guess, you're posting on a phone that has more computing power and data storage than all the computers of the 70's in the world, combined, yet still fits nicely in your pocket.

>> No.15425089
File: 232 KB, 1079x925, lmao lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earth is flat and stationary with a dome. You are never ever leaving this plane alive sciencebois. The best you will get in this life is CGI and if you are vaxxed, and I know many of you here are well boosted, the Mars landings will be livestreamed straight into your brain.
But I'm afraid until CGI improves the rockets will keep falling, delays will continue, blunders will keep happening and maybe they might even play the climate change card and ground flights for a while. The later will surely shortcircuit the average NPCs brain; one hand they are all up for saving the planet but at the same time they want to get off asap :)

>> No.15425114

Yes computers obviously. How about anything else?

>> No.15425662

>gordon moore has been the only effective scientist/engineer of the past half century
good argument, but one man's standout performance only demonstrates the incompetence of all the rest. how come nobody else is as successful as gordon moore?

>> No.15425716

You gotta give Korolev some respect though.
He got dumped into cold desert right after trip on gulag and was told to "build".
And he made it.

>> No.15425718

You were not alive in the 50s when Americans and Soviets were testing rockets and blowing them up. Recency bias.

>> No.15426649

He might have been only one of dozens they did that to, maybe the rest all failed and perished

>> No.15427805

what do the "we'll all be living on mars in 50 years" faggots have to say about this pic?

>> No.15428036

The level of engineering capability has been significantly decreased since the 70s/80s new generations have become dumber and dumber and so the engineers.
Now everybody is worried about the CAD design, the tolerance of this or that, the weight cuts, the torque/momentum simulation the production cost and such, but people is lacking of the conceptualization in some fields, like thermodynamics, force interactions, materials that should be used and such.
New engineers are not real engineers, they are just a part of an engineering team, but these old debates (sometimes even heated) between real engineers is something of the past.

>> No.15428161 [DELETED] 

It's the lack of heavy metals.

>> No.15428168

It's the lack of heavy metals, it makes people defective.

>> No.15428420

If he worked in the west without his bullshit government handicapping his efforts he would have improved rocketry so fucking much.

>> No.15428424

>but people is lacking
Das rite

>> No.15428442

>russia is losing to this
hooly shit

>> No.15428716

west shut down saturn v program to build space shuttle

>> No.15428829

royals are gay faggots i hope they all die

>> No.15429088

There's a black van that occasionally parks near your house. It has millimeter wave scanners in it and it's making 4K videos of you jerking off. They're on YouTube already.

>> No.15429104
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my grandfather was an astrophysicist at NASA who worked with werner von braun in building the saturn V

im a 30 year old neet

>> No.15429106

hey you just happened to mention that too
i wasnt even joking
i am the only grandson of an astrophysicist who helped build the telecommunications for the rocket and all i want is for western civilization to collapse

>> No.15429139
File: 473 KB, 784x572, elon von braun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this image make you feel?

>> No.15429147

Link to said videos

>> No.15429514

Pajeets already are there


>> No.15429516

Elon's rocket just can't measure up, sad. It fails to launch a lot more, too.

>> No.15429519

So would Starship if it had a proper launchpad.

>> No.15430058

musk parts his hair the opposite direction and is slighly more jowly, von braun got the styleish kerchief too

>> No.15430129

The unbearable whiteness of: Rocket design.

>> No.15430659

Don't know why they skimped on that

>> No.15431417
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wypipo don season dey fuel storage

>> No.15432252

4chan.org/sc/ 600AD:

>> No.15432501

Elon's role is more like Kennedy's, not Von Braun.

>> No.15432502

Yes, but they built the saturn

>> No.15432524

They were made out of lead you retard.

Who cares anymore? I heard some barbarian heretics called "muslims" are conquering the world right now.
It's over Byzantine bros.

>> No.15432610
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average sci enjoyer

>> No.15433738

Also von braun has that nipple button on his suit, wtf was that supposed to be for?

>> No.15434034

Why aren't you?

>> No.15434063

Telling the truth how it is.

>> No.15434088
File: 213 KB, 850x850, watc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no longer a culture that promotes excellence, only woke post modernist shit. It will get far worse and civilization may never recover again. The only way forward is the deliberate and systematic extermination of all parasites in finances, banking and corporations. No punishment is cruel enough for them.

>> No.15434695

excessive cruelty is a waste of effort, rapid efficient elimination would solve the problem with less effort

>> No.15435723

That's an easy solution

>> No.15435744
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We stopped hiring Nazi scientists

>> No.15436509

the wastefulness is why its called excessive

>> No.15436546
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>> No.15437295

what a shame

>> No.15438212

Musk spent all his money on social media instead

>> No.15438233

Seems like you need Nazi scientists to do rockets properly.

>> No.15438237

Imagine explaining this mode of transport to the aliens we're gonna meet

>> No.15439015
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>> No.15439062

Because the economy's current obsession is Artificial Intelligence. Which is sorely misguided.

>> No.15439834

>"Humanity would sink into eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull and primitive state, were the Jews to win this war"

the prophecy came true

>> No.15441033
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>> No.15441213

That is to recent to be the reason

>> No.15441224
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Apparently you can make a fusion cooling system with car parts. Not sure why a rocket is so hard.

>> No.15441277

>Because the economy's current obsession is Artificial Intelligence. Which is sorely misguided.

When the probe finds alien intelligence it'll be interesting to see what the onboard ChatGPT tells us it said to it.

>> No.15442128
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We gotta consider the educational effects here too. So do a "demonstration" with a handful, the rest simply goes into the nearest ditch.

>> No.15442165

Let's assume we did send a spaceship like that to alpha centauri. What would be the chances of hitting something the size of a marble along the way? More importantly is that question even answerable right now? There's estimate for the density of matter between stars in our neighborhood but that's not quite the same thing as "density of objects above size x".

>> No.15442225

Governments can design and build working rockets because they don't care about cost. That was also a time in history when everything was made to be high quality and last. Things were just built well back then. Private companies aren't so good because they try to cut corners and make things as cheap as possible.

>> No.15442429


>> No.15442734

I am just a retard; I don't have the answers to your questions