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15378175 No.15378175 [Reply] [Original]

How scientific are these kinds of reconstructions? Seems hard to believe that the prettiest meme girl from the ancient world was so androgynous. And thats with statues and paintings to work off of, one can only presume that the dinosaur reconstructions are even less accurate.
Is this all just more of the scientists' bad habit of presenting non disprovable conjectures as legitimate science?

>> No.15378204

idk she'd look pretty fine to me with a different haircut

>> No.15378402

Your mother hates you. I can confirm this. I hope it makes you sleep better tonight.

>> No.15378463

So the romans did like their femboy slaves

>> No.15378467

They aren't scientific. You would not recognize the person based on that reconstruction. I know because I was there.

>> No.15378490

why is she white in this

>> No.15378491

>statues and paintings to work off of
>how scientific
Do you really need to ask? The answer is 0% scientific because it's based off art. Dinosaurs are reconstructed with their actual remains.

>> No.15378492

she was ethnically Greek (from before they were polluted with Turk genes)

>> No.15378498

the ancient greeks were black...

>> No.15378693

no they were pure scandanavian

>> No.15378719

Yup, just like Beethoven, Jesus, Newton, and Atila the Hun

>> No.15378789


>> No.15378798

>Seems hard to believe that the prettiest meme girl from the ancient world was so androgynou
Yeah. I don't get why people want so much to pretend that Cleopatra was actually ugly. When she met Caesar, she had literally nothing. She was just a young powerless exiled girl with no possessions whatsoever. Could she have seduced the most powerful man in the world being like that if she were ugly? Probably not. And after Caesar, could she have seduced Marc Antony, another one of the most powerful men in the world, if she were ugly? Probably not. In truth, she most likely was extremely charming, both in body and mind.

>> No.15379031

Maybe they just liked petite tomboys.

>> No.15379354

>In truth, she most likely was extremely charming, both in body and mind.

That's one way to phrase it. According to ancient sources she was extremely good at giving head.

>> No.15379423

Ancient Rome held prostitutes in high regard. One of their emperors even worked as a male prostitute while on the throne
You will never get anyone to pay you for sex
>b-b-but muh iq
>*grabs brain*
>muh iq mugffugguh!!!
cringey cope, you will always be unattractive and too lazy & entitled to fix yourself up into someone that others want to be around.

>> No.15379438

They're broadly scientific, but only if it's based on a cast of the skull. If it's just a model based on surviving art, you're basically just inventing an appearance based on what other artists felt was a good representation

Where it veers into artistry is where muscle, cartilage and tissue are concerned, since none of that survives. The best you can do is apply it to the bones using average anatomical measurements and see what you get out of that

>> No.15379522

You forgot Napoleon, Catherine the Great, Hypatia, Davy Crockett, Hans Christian Anderson, Pythagoras, and Ramses III.

>> No.15379678

androgynous people are scientifically more accurate

>> No.15379680


>> No.15379688

>why does she look like this based on artwork made by people who actually saw her alive?
Gee, I fucking wonder.

>> No.15379699

>ppl from 2000 years ago look exactly like people today do
are the scientists trying to say that evolution is fake?

>> No.15379710

Based kangz

>> No.15379720

Weak b8

>> No.15379763

The only thing the last 10,000 years of evolution has given us is slightly better lactose tolerance.

Evolution is slow AF.

>> No.15380416

why are greek/roman sculptures so well made when their paintings are so shit?

>> No.15380467 [DELETED] 

but also woolly mammoths turned into elephants overnight at the end of the ice age.
evolution is slow when that fits the soience narrative and fast when the soience narrative demands it.
just a bunch of lies, you make it up as you go along

>> No.15380476
File: 72 KB, 1000x1000, 1626539730042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now a tomboy supremacist thread

>> No.15380487

She looks feminine to me, even pretty.

>> No.15381077

any random actress from egypt today would probably a better match

>> No.15381102

Macedonian, the whitest of greeks

>> No.15381113

What does this mean for the effects of inbreeding? The media tries to convince us they're all hideous insane mutants.

>> No.15381157

I would put so many babies in her womb.

>> No.15381162

Because mapping three dimensions to three dimensions requires a lot less in the way of technique than mapping three dimensions to two dimensions.

>> No.15381164

Are you her blood relative?

>> No.15381189
File: 85 KB, 584x800, madonna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's her

>> No.15381618

>bust and painting are ugly
>reconstruction is a 10/10 white woman in the black continent

this is bait, porn bait. Not science.

>> No.15381692

too much muslim admixture

>> No.15384199 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15384216
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All paintings and statues of Cleopatra were made after her death. The only contemporary image we have of her is from coins minted during her reign.

>> No.15384217

What evidence is there of other ptolomies?

>> No.15384219

>black continent
blacks only crossed the sahara as slaves

>> No.15384994

George Washington, Thomas Edison, and Wernher Von Braun

>> No.15385521 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15386492

Their filters made him look female for politics.
He was a young soft faced male in his youth. AI is often too dumb to figure out the difference.

>> No.15386501

stop with this bullshit or i will pay a pack of feral cheddarmen to come pay you a visit.

>> No.15386939 [DELETED] 

>big nosed chinlet
bad combo

>> No.15387040
File: 445 KB, 640x360, 7eee4800-e089-11ed-baff-9a560c806cf8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look what they've done to my tomboy

>> No.15388580
File: 39 KB, 640x360, mfw midwits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wernher Von Brown

>> No.15388629

>Seems hard to believe that the prettiest meme girl from the ancient world was so androgynous.
Royalty had a beauty advantage
>Hasn't got shit all over her

>> No.15388650
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>qt tomboy cleopatra

>> No.15388770
File: 333 KB, 1400x936, 1_Ljk682GGM9eUkyKxWJPj2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this all just more of the scientists' bad habit of presenting non disprovable conjectures as legitimate science?

Definitely, reconstructions function in the same thematic expression affiliated with astronomical analysis such false color images, age of astrological bodies via red shifting and the cosmological horizon. In theory reconstruction is used to approximate the accuracy of "likeness" of individuals.

But the problem is reconstruction often utilizes art (paintings/sculptures) and literature (1st or 3rd person accounts) to illustrate likeness. But people who view this often ignore the subjectiveness of artists who either felt pressure or admiration in the creation of portraits or sculptures. Thus it's possible rather than capturing authenticity of the tartget, they instead capture the idealized form and thus filter out imperfections or features that would be viewed unfavorably by the audience it's made for at the time.

There is also the fact that because reconstructions are trying to approximate likeness of people that are thousands of years old. A lot of reference points are in a deteriorated state meaning you are bumping into a physical horizon to which there is no more information to utilize in order to gain more accuracy. Again akin to the cosmological horizon to which the distance of an event is too great to access the accuracy of causality of the subject matter.

So something like pic related which is a mixture of a.i. generation, historical reference and artistic inference can only be so accurate. All the men in pic could be darker skinned or lighter skinned then they are portrayed. They could also be more physically leaner, fatter, taller, shorter, scarred or sikley. We can't really know past a certain point. So Cleopatra could possibly look like your picture but anyone stating accuracy above 75% without skeletal remains is pushing it.

>> No.15389599

presuming that people 2000 years ago exactly resemble contemporary people is denying evolution.

>> No.15389613

How the fuck are there two of you morons?

>> No.15391053
File: 550 KB, 2064x1161, 475b8169e335586571d8cfdb93d9c984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muslim is not a race

>> No.15391072

stop being a science denier, evolution is real phenomenon. people 2000 years ago had over 100 generations less selective pressure molding their makeup than people today do

>> No.15391212

Arab rape baby admixture?

>> No.15392415
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they're fake and they are also homosexual

>> No.15394786

probably not, semite women have mustaches

>> No.15396100
File: 836 KB, 1568x1440, 1678217455297934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just die.

>> No.15397809

>Based kangz
dey wuz vi-kangz

>> No.15397927

She needs to be a bit slaggy, though.

>> No.15397929
File: 221 KB, 584x494, imagem_2023-04-27_043005137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twist: that would the most accurate casting