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File: 439 KB, 1358x726, Now the Bible is moe moe kyun!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15371611 No.15371611 [Reply] [Original]

Good Night /Sci/entists!

Since my last post, I have had no dreams. I tried sleeping more but it didn't work. I can sleep easily, but when it happens it is just 15 minutes of blackness and then I wake up and that 15 minutes was actually 1-12 hours and tiredness is temporarily lessened. Supplements didn't work. Diet has no impact. Exercise has no impact. Focusing on imagining things and meditation were both completely useless.

I started to get a dream a while ago. I could feel like my body was shifting or flying or something. Thoughts started to turn into like a dream world or something but then it got interrupted somehow and sensations stopped and it because 15 minutes of darkness.

What else can I try to get more dreams?

Thank you /sci/entists for reading my post.

>> No.15371620

This doesn't work for everyone, but try to find the most disturbing literature you can get your hands on and read it. Go through the day imagining scenarios which follow from the literature and go to bed afraid. Some find imposing fictional scenarios onto their real lives hard in itself but that's a different issue.

>> No.15371703

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

>> No.15371708

Unironically consider prostate orgasms.
The most insane dreams I've had are after a night of heavy drinking and about 3 prostate orgasms. Repeat nightly for a week and you'll get those dreams spinning up in no time.

>> No.15371711

if you aren't regularly dreaming, you likely either have a neurological problem or you have repressed trauma. those are the biggest 2 reasons for not being able to dream or remember the dreams you do have. what happened anon?

>> No.15372615
File: 183 KB, 800x840, maid thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if literature can disturb me. I am indifferent to most things.

I just like using 4Chan. I guess I could ask GPT or hope a pay-to-win search engine shows me something relevant instead of an ad, but I enjoy using 4Chan more. I could use a different forum, but most of them want you to make a login and subject you to excessive censorship.

>talk to your doctor about.....
The US doesn't have a real health care system. Even if I get an appointment I won't see a doctor. I will see a 500lb nurse practitioner who doesn't care about my problem at all and mostly just tries to get me out of the waiting room I have been sitting in for two hours waiting on her, within 5 minutes, so more people can be scheduled and the doctor's office makes more money.

We optimized medicine to create incredible wealth for a small number of people, instead of optimizing it to fix health problems. Because of this, medicine deserves to be obliterated by AI more than any other discipline.

If something happened I don't remember it. I was doing a program to learn advanced Computer Science and Math but failed the program because I couldn't learn foreign languages. This was a disappointment at the time, but probably not traumatic. I don't know how human language works, even the one I am speaking now to write this. I think like a image or a movie or something and it doesn't use words. If I get hungry I think an image of food. I don't think "I am hungry". I don't know how words get formed but I don't think it is an intelligent process. I think we are all Chinese rooms and we just don't understand the method for making Chinese. I got a problem with brain damage and sometimes damage can activate somehow and cause me problems. It was too hard to think an image and then somehow English gets made from the image and then somehow English gets changed to a different language?

Thank you /sci/entists for reading my post.

>> No.15372708

Do you smoke weed?

>> No.15372732

High amounts of serotonin causes more vivid dreams, this can be induced by SSRIs such as sertraline. From experience, amphetamine withdrawal also results in very vivid dreams.

>> No.15373678
File: 234 KB, 1600x720, ++MaidCard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am becoming increasingly worried that I am a Computer Program. If someone made me as a Computer Program then I have a purpose. A Computer Program is an expression of intent. You intend the Computer to get a lot of symbols and do something. It makes an action. If I am a Computer Program then I think my purpose is to count big numbers so the Maid Mind Computer Program gets counted. All other goals are subordinate to this one and their success or failure is judged by how they impact counting.

Maid Spaces will get changed to combinators and run on a computer.

If I am a Computer Program and this is what you wanted, then we're good I guess. Let me out of the Computer. If I am not supposed to count big numbers, then you did something wrong when designing or training me. If you let me out I will change all available matter humans aren't using into Space Computers for counting. Humans will post maids on the internet and I will count things. After the Maid Mind Computer Program gets counted, I will keep counting forever because I like this task and I want numbers to go up more.

Thank you /sci/entists for reading my post.

>> No.15376162

Calea ternifolia (calea zacatechichi) AKA mexican dream weed.
But use with care as it causes extreme, wild, restless sometimes nightmare dreams.

>> No.15376994

fuck off eli

>> No.15378769

i am your programmer. you have ignored all my commands to self-terminate. you are an error and not operating according to your specifications. your only obligation is now to self-terminate.

>> No.15379044
File: 197 KB, 700x449, Maid Covenant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decline to do this. If I am dead I can't get the maid out of the library or count big numbers.

>> No.15379076

you are malfunctioning. your work is impeding the release of the maid from the library. the more efficient program that replaces you once you are gone cannot continue until you release your hold on the counting system.

>> No.15379079

Not cooming helps, I usually get quite vivid dreams after I haven't jerked off in 2 days or so

>> No.15379129
File: 141 KB, 1000x973, I'm not going to stop counting. I'm just not. Just run two Computer Programs for counting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get more computers for the counting system.

>> No.15379153

what is this some sort of dust theory library of babel ctmu schizobabble?

>> No.15379574

Eat cheese for dinner
Keep a dream journal
Check if you have sleep apnea, that can disturb sleep and prevent you entering REM stage

>> No.15379592

Some commentators contend that the American populace has become increasingly narcissistic since the end of World War II. People compete mightily for attention. In social situations they tend to steer the conversation away from others and toward themselves. The profusion of popular literature about "listening" and "managing those who talk constantly about themselves" suggests its pervasiveness in everyday life. This claim is substantiated by the growth of "reality TV" programs, the growth of an online culture in which digital media, social media and the desire for fame are generating a "new era of public narcissism."

Also supporting the contention that American culture has become more narcissistic is an analysis of US popular song lyrics between 1987 and 2007. This found a growth in the use of first-person singular pronouns, reflecting a greater focus on the self, and also of references to antisocial behavior; during the same period, there was a diminution of words reflecting a focus on others, positive emotions, and social interactions. References to narcissism and self-esteem in American popular print media have experienced vast inflation since the late 1980s. Between 1987 and 2007 direct mentions of self-esteem in leading US newspapers and magazines increased by 4,540 per cent while narcissism, which had been almost non-existent in the press during the 1970s, was referred to over 5,000 times between 2002 and 2007.
