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15371305 No.15371305 [Reply] [Original]

>personal finances should be taught at school!
Why do redditors always say this when talking about how "useless" math education is, when they could use said math education to do personal finances if they had more than 2 brain cells?

>> No.15371327
File: 277 KB, 879x485, jwst-april2021.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

academics are notoriously bad with finances. they're all poor, except for those with inherited wealth, and they're all outraged with jealously over people who are better off than themselves.
jwst was supposed to have cost "only" $500 million of other people's money, which academics somehow feel entitled to waste on their useless pie-in-the-sky experiments. ended up costing many, many times more than that. academics never blinked an eye at the cost. just a bunch of worthless wasters.
what did they get out the money they wasted?
more stupid colorful space blob pictures (oh wow its soo tripppy maaaaaaannn!!!) and the opportunity to contribute to the replication crisis literature. nothing worthwhile whatsover came of all the massive amount of waste.
are these the people who should be teaching finance?

>> No.15371328

It's a psychological defense of course. Adults who didn't perform well in school as children adopt the belief that education should be more vocational / pragmatic to suppress feelings of shame about their academic performance.

>> No.15371341

kek. i think they just want someone to explain to them all the necessities of life and how their balanced using finances. its not just the mathematical component of it.

>> No.15371353

ehh my small town school taught us how to balance a check book, sew textiles, cook food and make a meal plan...good enough i suppose

>> No.15371355

School should be abolished. Dimwits can't be educated anyway, midwits will soon lack a need for education because of AI, and withwits are better served just reading textbooks by themselves.

>> No.15371361

>stupid colorful space blob pictures aren't worth muh green scraps of paper
Fuck off half wit, and thank you for your contribution to science. We'll be digging in your wallet again shortly