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15369174 No.15369174 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many physicists think they are qualified to talk about topics that are completely unrelated to physics?

>> No.15369178

Why do you think you're qualified to talk about physicists?

>> No.15369208

Why do you think you're qualified to talk about talking about physicists?

>> No.15369228

Because I'm a physicist

>> No.15369235

It says Anonymous.

>> No.15369239

derive F = ma

>> No.15369349

Because people keep asking them

>> No.15369359

He just posts shower thoughts on twitter and people humiliate him. Did twitter ask him?

>> No.15369400
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>> No.15369649

One you are trained in physics, it's is very easy to be trained in literally anything else. Furthermore, the theory of dynamical systems in which all physicists are well versed is literally a theory of everything.

>> No.15370010

>blindly grope around using math
>all physicists are well versed is literally a theory of everything.
The egos on these physics cunts are unreal.

>> No.15370203

people who do this shit invariably suck in their own discipline as much as they do in everyone else's

>> No.15370327
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I feed the homeless tho...

>> No.15371307
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>i don't understand other discipline
>therefore its dumb
low iq coping mechanism

>> No.15371396

Nothing to derive, it's an empirical fundamental

>> No.15371630


>> No.15371637

Take a particle of mass m subject to some potential V traveling at velocity v. The Lagrangian is 1/2 m |v|^2 - V = 0. Write the Euler Lagrange equations. (mv') = -grad(V) = F. Qed.

>> No.15371985

Because physicists tend to have high IQ's and our society puts higher value on opinions from individuals that put on a smart persona. If you are perceived as intelligent, your opinion will echo louder despite any proficiency you may posses in that given profession. Whether fluid intelligence without knowledge gives you merit is a question for another thread.

>> No.15377550

>physicists tend to have high IQ's
they don't, thats just a meme. iq is plural rather than possessive in the context you used it

>> No.15377690

Since physicists and other scientists have at least figured out some rules that are consistent, whereas, no other field has, tell me, kind sir, if there is anyone who even exists that is qualified to opine on any field other than in the sciences?
I mean, who can your “experts” in society, humanity, or philosophy even be, considering no one has ever figured any of those things out?

Although I agree that scientists are not qualified to make judgements on things outside of science, it is equally stupid to think that anyone who has not demonstrated continued success in their field is qualified to judge either.

Therefore, to expand on >>15369178 and others, since no one else’s opinions or judgements matter (because of their lack a successful model) for you to even be able to judge whether a scientist can judge any other subject is itself stupid.

Therefore, since you seem to think you can do this, that makes you either stupid yourself (and we can ignore your opinion on who can offer an opinion), or you are a grifter for some ideology, belief, or cause, in which case you are one of those people who confuses loyalty with fact, and may I suggest you fuck off back to /pol.

>> No.15377773 [DELETED] 
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A polymath (Greek: πολυμαθής, romanized: polymathēs, lit.'having learned much'; Latin: homo universalis, lit.'universal human')[1] is an individual whose knowledge spans a substantial number of subjects, known to draw on complex bodies of knowledge to solve specific problems.

>Benjamin Franklin
to name a few
Elon Musk and Space Nigger are the smartest NPCs alive, that's their claim to fame. They will never be as smart as the stupidest child with a real human soul however. Heartfelt.

>> No.15378034
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>> No.15378674

>you can't judge the taste of cake because you don't know how to bake
I am genuinely starting to hate phycisits from this thread alone.
Tell us more about all this magical dark shit that's in the universe you fucking muppet.

>> No.15378732

The GRE has one of the highest correlations to IQ of any standardized test, and physics is the single highest scoring major on the GRE. Keep riding that that midwit copium though.

>> No.15378755

he's not even qualified to talk about things related to physics

>confused uncertainty principle with observer effect
>doesn't understand rocket equation
>doesn't understand cantor's proof and said there's "five infinities"

You realize he flunked general relativity the first time and his phd panel literally disbanded after realizing he doesn't know what he's talking about right? They literally gifted it to him because it would've been a bad look

>> No.15378763

Okay. Derive the euler-lagrange equation.

>> No.15378773

you're right. neil "de grass" tyson needs to SHUT THE FUCK UP about GMOs

>> No.15378889

I'd be a lot more forgiving for this stuff if he didnt act like such a pompous and arrogant know it all in every interview I've seen of him

>> No.15378901

/polacks question this man's legitimacy and it's clearly racist. Give him credit for God's sake. The man invented peanut butter.

>> No.15379024

It's almost guaranteed most of these public (alleged) scientists wouldn't be able to solve a random exercise from an elementary book on deep learning assigned on the spot... but they'll still talk at length about it from a position of authority. Same for other subjects. I have graduate knowledge of some topics and wouldn't dare open my mouth on TV to speak about advances in said fields.
Let's just take a bunch of mathematicians and physicists and make them take IQ tests and such to see who scores better.

>> No.15379026

>He just posts shower thoughts on twitter and people humiliate him.
Well? Do you have some gems on hand?

>> No.15379427
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can't wait for AI to replace them

>> No.15379903
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>> No.15380536
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Almost none of them are even qualified to talk about physics

>> No.15380903

in some aspects i agree that they can be religion of stiff-necked spergs

>> No.15380912

Why do so many physicists think they're qualified to talk about physics?

>> No.15382659

Many fields are simply Applied Physics.