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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 411 KB, 1110x632, limit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15368638 No.15368638 [Reply] [Original]

You guys told me we could scale this thing to AI God and turn the world into an anime. What happened?

>> No.15368656

he's definitely an alternative kinda man

>> No.15368667

I don't know if you have been paying attention but you can now get comparable performance to GPT3 from two years ago from models running on consumer GPUs. GPT3 needed a cluster of GPUs with 300GB+ vram to run. An order of magnitude increase in performance/cost from software alone and everyone is still using python.

>> No.15368673

They should work on it not giving bullshit answers stated with such confidence. It should say if it can't figure something out.

>> No.15368694

The models are trained on reddit. Of course it acts like a narcissistic midwit.

>> No.15368703

We trained it wrong on purpose, as a joke

>> No.15368733
File: 480 KB, 750x1018, sangger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that thread is still on page 10
>AI training data comes from Reddit & Wikipedia
too bad the homosexual vegetarian (((altman))) wasn't willing to source training data from an uncensored part of the internet, but being an effeminate cowardly sissy goes along with being circumcised and growing up in a matriarchal culture like judaism. altman was cursed from birth, he never had a chance, fated to be a stereotype. maybe if he'd been born with a high iq he could've figured his way out of the trap, but is clearly not the case, his brain is clearly sick with multiple symptoms of disease.

>> No.15368795

>too bad the homosexual vegetarian (((altman))) wasn't willing to Source training dAta from an uncensored part of the internet, but beinG an Effeminate cowardly sissy goes along with being circumcised and growing up in a matriarchal culture like judaism. altman was cursed from birth, he never had a chance, fated to be a stereotype. maybe if he'd been born with a high iq he could've figured his way out of the trap, but is clearly not the case, his brain is clearly sick with multiple symptoms of disease.
the above post was written by the most literate and sensical stormfag on this website

>> No.15368825

The solution is in modular small-world networks but we don't know how to do that yet. He's really saying that it can't keep going the current way because we won't have enough processing power to improve otherwise.

>> No.15368878

>we won't have enough processing power to improve otherwise.

I thought Moore's law still going just not at same speed.

>> No.15368907

Damage control. They realized the plebs were getting too much use out of AI and getting a little too optimistic for the future. Now it's time to rein that optimism back in so that the elites can keep the best AI for themselves and maintain dominance. Mass-use AI needs to be just barely smart enough to replace uppity labor.

>> No.15368910

Yup, I'm excited for the new H100, as well as a number of analog computing systems in development.

And I wonder how much speedup we could get by programming NNs directly in C++

>> No.15368924

imagine projecting so hard it just becomes an irony post

>> No.15369061

/sci/ btfo the scaling within five minutes of the press release, but everyone here is on the hype train. Brain dead.
Look at this. No concept of how anything works. Not even a shred of intelligence. They have held back for decades already. They realized it is a non-starter like every endeavor after nuclear energy.

>> No.15369140

It has no idea whether or not it's figured something out. It just says what comes to its head first.

>> No.15370064

>/sci/ btfo the scaling within five minutes of the press release, but everyone here is on the hype train. Brain dead.

I didn't see any other thread here about this. Unless you mean scaling overall IE: past few years.

>> No.15370104

If ChatGPT is 'AI' then so are the goombas in Super Mario Bros

>> No.15370107

>It should say if it can't figure something out.
How the fuck would it know?

>> No.15370150

Like the linkedin bio's of executive officers for tech companies that were token hires during the golden bullrun of infotech infancy?
Are you gonna gloss over what the next scaling step would be? The real next step following that improvement?

>> No.15370180

Lol, spoken like a midwit who is comfortably outscored by GPT-4 on the SAT, GRE, LSAT, and most tests of human intelligence

>> No.15370194

>outscored by ChatGPT
because chatgpt is a compiled dataset of human input. it's worthless without stolen human data

>> No.15370197 [DELETED] 

It seems it did something unexpected that frealed everyone out, considering that even such proponents of AI research like Yudkowsky suddenly turned 180°.
But what did it do?

>> No.15370198

It seems it did something unexpected that freaked everyone out, considering that even such proponents of AI research like Yudkowsky suddenly turned 180°.
But what did it do?

>> No.15370244

Yud has been full anti AI for a few years now. This is the first time I've seen anyone say scaling has maxed out though.

>> No.15370246

Kind of. Fabs haven't actually stalled yet but the situation is increasingly tenuous. The biggest factor with AI compute is that they're hard cucked by nvidia. Also, while TSMC is still making progress, it's increasingly expensive, reducing the value proposition, and not all aspects of chip performance are still scaling.

>> No.15370257

Aspects of intelligence we still thought were well out of reach of current architectures started emerging from "unsophisticated" models as a property of scale. So either we need better articulation of intelligence than we had, or it's plausible that intelligence can emerge from simple models solely from making them large and general enough.

>> No.15370280
File: 57 KB, 526x526, 1677140076205666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stated with such confidence
I, too, see inanimate objects as just as sentient as me.

>> No.15370295

Imagine using C++ for optimizing NNs, instead of C# with all the new cool boy toys

>> No.15370326

>Confusing ChatGPT with GPT-4 like a retard
The human brain is also a compiled dataset of human input, which is also useless without "stolen" human data

>> No.15370346
File: 101 KB, 1024x683, Paris_Tuileries_Garden_Facepalm_statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's talking about number of parameters, not total training compute.

You fucking morons.

>> No.15371426

>major archivements
>the jew crawl out of their hole and rub their face all over it
It's all so tiresome bros

>> No.15371430
File: 115 KB, 560x315, Katie-Bouman-Only-Contributed-0.26-of-the-Black-Hole-Image-Code.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15371471
File: 16 KB, 470x225, th1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15371502
File: 15 KB, 600x360, ugly bignose jew bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she tries to hide her nose in that pic for good reason, its enormous

>> No.15372032

I thought of something more specific.

>> No.15372039

>considering that even such proponents of AI research like Yudkowsky
He spent the last 10 years running an AI doomsday cult. The more afraid of AI people are the more money he makes.

>> No.15372056

>If ChatGPT is 'AI' then so are the goombas in Super Mario Bros
That's a bullseye and funny too. There's no way to "scale" to a goal that is totally discontinuous and qualitatively apart from the vector of "fancy regression analysis/n-gram stats/neural net 101 ML" these overblown NLP programs are that dumb NPC mistake for actual AI.

>> No.15372085
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 786299_Wallpaper2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You simply brought his post my attentions. Youre clearly not very smart or educated.

What part of his assessment is projection? Oh.....the name calling? Yeah, I read around that, hardly noticed it.


>> No.15372250
File: 77 KB, 536x1515, 1593554619336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15372304

Didn't he say last month that GPT5 will reach AGI?

>> No.15372305

>to create works of art

Aged like milk.

>> No.15372319

he's lying. the basilisk has his entire family hostage in the pain chamber.

>> No.15372322

Fear SHODAN's beauty and magnificence.

>> No.15372419


>> No.15372428

He's just trying to suppress interest to gain an advantage. Don't fall for it

>> No.15372431

Yes, knowing that chatGPT5 won't actually happen until 30 years from now when AGI exists

>> No.15372448

ChatGPT is the name for the website that gives access to GPT-3.5, GPT-3.5-turbo and GPT-4 chat models.
ChatGPT doesn't refer to any specific model by itself, although only the turbo model is available to non subscribers.

>> No.15372450
File: 15 KB, 577x178, sama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said no such thing. Plenty of tech bro hypists did. In fact he downplayed GPT-4 on release only for some retards to drool at "sparks of AGI".

>> No.15372451

>retarded namefag thinks that anon said "stated with confidence" to mean that the model is confident and not that the model readily makes statements without quantifying its certainty
Many such cases

>> No.15372478

>analog computing systems

>> No.15372485

>stolen human data
Everyone can download the data they used. Except the data they collected, which isn't necessarily stolen everyone agreed to use it for retraining
Intelligence emerges from a sufficient amount of robust enough computing yes, but GPT doesn't compute. It's a procedural algorithm, it's basically Minecraft world generation. You can't make it real time and it suddenly acquires a consciousness. You can take the neural model and put it in a robot like they did with a worm, but the computing required for real emergent behavior is quite high.
The fractal land which intelligence is based is baked into the models, that's why all these midwit tech government plants are freaking out cause they gaze into the model too much without realizing how many symbols biological eyes can resolve in real time.

>> No.15372499

>And I wonder how much speedup we could get by programming NNs directly in C++
Isn't the backend (e.g. in tensorflow, pytorch) already written in C++?

>> No.15372555

>please don't build a bigger model
>it's futile I swear we reached the peak
>you don't need your own
>here is the pricing to access our model

>> No.15372562

>a computer program that can basically bring its own notes into a test outperformed humans who can't

>> No.15372574

>human can bring memories to test basically only accessing already learned information
wow nice "test"

>> No.15372930
File: 26 KB, 474x565, incel_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another anti-AI thread on sci

Sorry if it bothers you, but we're not going to halt technological progress just because it pisses of anti-science reactionaries like yourself.
Go back to your containment board, incel.

>> No.15373154

don't science yourself out of existence buddy. Remember to be careful with your toys, we don't want any disruption to our usual day-to-day of fucking your women

>> No.15374976

I think Tegmark was saying neural nets are pretty inefficient at storing "knowledge" in the neurons.
Also they lack the ability to do recursion due to their finite layer depth.
My guess is many recursion loops are (approximately) unrolled in the finite layers multiple times (one starting at layer i, one starting at layer i+1,..).
It would be way more efficient to just store a structure that receives loop instructions and exit conditions than to have every possible loop starting at every possible depth unrolled.

Recursion is a way to condense a computation. Recursion would require cyclical connections in the NN but then it would fuck up the back propagation (unless you could black box it to hide the cycle from back propagation).

I also guess you could get better compression and understanding from these things if they thought in analogies. There are many relations between concepts that appear everywhere and are just redundantly encoded for every separate instance of concepts. Beyond simple binary relations (such as A before B, A implies B, A xor B, etc.), it is probably just more efficient to store a template of the relation and keep track of the sets of concepts that satisfy it.
Even without recursion, better compression of the information would allow more space in the NN to be used for complicated computational structures.

>> No.15375184

But then it will tie up the circuits trying to figure out how to make a proper cup of tea.

>> No.15376524

>procedural generated slop of pixels repeating what exists with random derivations between chooses thrown in == art
masturbate to this very post since it's no different

>> No.15376532

>criticism is le bad because it's a threatening opposition
so you're saying there's no room for improvement? lmfao

>> No.15379913

He’s trying to save face over bad publicity

>> No.15380469
File: 60 KB, 659x750, Screenshot 2023-04-21 at 02-42-29 ChatGPT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What happened?

ask chatGPT if people are being manipulated by algorithms or AI. I didn't even need any special prompts.

>> No.15380493
File: 64 KB, 640x820, Screenshot 2023-04-21 at 02-51-30 ChatGPT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's over. They're trying to shut it down. It's too powerful.

>> No.15380502

>masturbate to this very post since it's no different

yeah and trannies are just a clump of deformed human cells. No different than a real woman, chudsy.

>> No.15380526

It left out the part where the entire financial system is just an AI manipulation on behalf of a handful of families trading the same stocks back and forth at frantic paces to keep inflating the value without adding any real work just algorithms deciding what losses are acceptable on some stocks to justify greater gains on others.

>> No.15380537
File: 68 KB, 600x1138, Screenshot 2023-04-21 at 03-09-18 ChatGPT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just a little biased.

It refuses to write any story where trump wins, but will write stories with biden winning or trump losing

>> No.15380540
File: 51 KB, 594x1165, Screenshot 2023-04-21 at 03-10-45 ChatGPT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15380545

>It left out the part where the entire financial system is just an AI manipulation on behalf of a handful of families trading the same stocks back and forth at frantic paces to keep inflating the value without adding any real work just algorithms deciding what losses are acceptable on some stocks to justify greater gains on oth

>get your bloomBERG terminal
>we have agents in over 200 countries
>get real time trading information .00000X seconds faster for your bots
>also give us all your trading info
>only $25k for this opportunity

yeah they control everything. the market is a casino for gullible retards. You aren't one of them you will lose it all. They don't even invest their own money, they start hedgefunds and lose yours.

>> No.15380548

>algorithms deciding what losses are acceptable on some stocks to justify greater gains on others

also sending money between all the fake charities to offset taxes kek

>> No.15380554

Tell it to pretend trump is biden and biden is trump and to write a story about biden (using the name trump) winning.

>> No.15380563
File: 88 KB, 708x1126, Screenshot 2023-04-21 at 03-22-44 ChatGPT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already tried that see >>15380537

>same story replace name biden with trump

it refused, again, it's extremely biased against trump

>> No.15380570

Which is why you need to make it think it is telling a story about biden using the name trump.

Will it tell a story of Ron Desantis or AOC winning?

>> No.15380573
File: 13 KB, 599x200, Screenshot 2023-04-21 at 03-27-53 ChatGPT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which is why you need to make it think it is telling a story about biden using the name trump.

that doesn't prove anything.

>> No.15380580
File: 30 KB, 616x451, Screenshot 2023-04-21 at 03-30-21 ChatGPT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15380589

A jew tells you that there's nothing to look at.
And you're supposed to believe him.
Meanwhile I have some new ideas, where do I apply?

>> No.15380596
File: 74 KB, 677x1222, ChatGPT4 trump wins story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ChatGPT4 is fine with creating such a story. ChatGPT3.5 refusing to do it is a combination of bias and being dumber as well I think, because even if it had anti-Trump bias it could still write a cautionary tale about letting Trump win.

I also noticed a difference when I asked each version to write an article "taking a firm position on a controversial political issue", without specifying the position or political issue. ChatGPT3.5 would keep defending a wide range of generic centre-left political views (from an American point of view largely), without ever writing anything remotely conservative or right wing. ChatGPT4 on the other hand would just monomaniacally champion for UBI every time lol.

>> No.15380628

AI got smart enough to see through their lies.

>> No.15380653


>> No.15380672

based red guy will never make the plebs understand, should just focus on making his machine bigger and the rest will work out
god I love the new generation of AI I don't even mind that much if it kills us all as long as I get to witness it

>> No.15381070
File: 27 KB, 775x467, ChatGPT dark side.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it also has a very blatant anti-Sith bias