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File: 44 KB, 720x480, smug lain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15356092 No.15356092 [Reply] [Original]

I got my clotshot basically 2 years ago. I'm still alive and still healthy, in fact I think I'm even healthier than I was 2 years ago. So essentially I'm here to say that anti-vaxxers are schizos and retarded.

>> No.15356099

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

>> No.15356107

keep getting it then

>> No.15356259

no you don't get it anecdotes only matter if it confirms their bias

>> No.15356265

imagine writing a post two years one about any other medicine you've taken to confirm your health.

>> No.15356275

We don't get constant threads announcing the imminent deaths of all patients of any other medicine.

>> No.15356277

Most medicines aren't mandatory for everyone in society to take. They also usually don't have a 1 in 5000 severe side effect risk per dose.

>> No.15356279

>They also usually don't have a 1 in 5000 severe side effect risk per dose.
You are right, most medicines have risks way higher than 1 in 5000 or else they would be mandatory.

>> No.15356283


>> No.15356287


Same. I was promised swift death. Only more disappointment

>> No.15356289

>They also usually don't have a 1 in 5000 severe side effect risk per dose.
While what >>15356279 said is true, what you wrote is a lie. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2784015
Every single time any temporal-causal association is assessed there is no association with the vaccine. This is why everyone tries to tell you retards "correlation does not imply causation".

>> No.15356305

What was the context of this shot in Lain again?

>> No.15356311

The German government's official vaccine regulatory body issued those statistics in 2022. Your replication crisis journal from 2021 doesn't invalidate settled science.

>> No.15356313
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>> No.15356318

see >>15356259
gotta lie to antivaxx

>> No.15356320

Why do you have to lie to antivaxxers? Is it because you lack even the backing of official institutions of science?

>> No.15356323

I remember the butthurt this meme caused when it first started getting posted.
Anyone wiht an IQ above 80 figured long ago the vax is useless but it's not some great conspiracy either.
The government was panicking and big pharma took the chance to make a quick buck.
That's it. Literally nothing is going to happen, that's the extent of what happened.

>> No.15356339

Idk bro, they put some weird shit in these vaxes.

>> No.15356342

Okay bud.

>> No.15356349

Injecting gene therapy soup can't have absolutely zero consequences.

>> No.15356354

Everything is going to be okay. Rest your sleepy head

>> No.15356362

Any day people will start morphing into zombies.
Any day now.

>> No.15356368

No sir, injecting things into your bloodstream will have zero effects, as we already agreed upon

>> No.15356381

99 % of people are already zombies.

>> No.15356382

>just 2 more years, just 2 more years bro until everybody dies because scary scary mRNA
You fucking idiots have zero understanding of mRNA.

>> No.15356387

True, but I also will choose to opt out. And I’ll also comfort those who say it has zero effects

>> No.15356432

Good for you. Why not get some more?

>> No.15356439

I didn't get the Vax or any boosters, and didn't catch covid. I'm still alive. Sadly we won't see the effects of "long term damage" until a decade has passed.

>> No.15356444

Every time we see VaxJak, he should have another syringe in him.

>> No.15356452
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Every time we should also see how many of you retards die.

>> No.15356479

Same, except my heart hasn't been the same since. The only reason I feel better is that I've developed mentally and put more effort into being healthy.

>> No.15356488

> Sadly we won't see the effects of "long term damage" until a decade has passed.
Is this the new cope? Instead of people suddenly dying now I have to wait a decade for the vague nefarious shit you are certain is going to happen to happen? Certain types of camps is where people like you belong.

>> No.15356497

Fake news

>> No.15356499
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>> No.15356513

Just wait for the vaccinated line to spike bucko. It’s a ticking time bomb.

>> No.15356533 [DELETED] 

I am pretty sure it's trolling at that point.

>> No.15356547

Explain the non covid excess deaths that have skyrocketed?

>> No.15356555

Not gonna lie, this meme is fucking hilarious
Also true and hilarious

>> No.15356556

Do a graph for cardiac deaths.

>> No.15356560

>that have skyrocketed?
You have been saying that for years and it has not happened

>> No.15356571
File: 182 KB, 1024x819, Bad Vax Coverup Propaganda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep getting it then
OP is not boosted? You are behind.
You need at least 4 boosties now.

>> No.15356579
File: 60 KB, 587x614, trends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop noticing things.

Facts are a danger to our democracy.

Facts are racism, homophobia, agoraphobia, arachnaphobia, xenophobia, and transgenderpobia! Probably white supremacy also!

>> No.15356595

Dang bro, it’s almost like in 2021 COVID-19 was still pretty lethal to unvaccinated like the graph from >>15356452 shows.
How about you since it’s your idea.

>> No.15356600

>Covid-19 deaths
Lol, they always have to pick the most easily manipulated statistics. Never all cause mortality

>> No.15356611

>Dang bro, it’s almost like in 2021 COVID-19 was still pretty lethal to unvaccinated
Crazy that in 2020 with no vaccine at all covid-19 was not that lethal to anyone

>> No.15356615

how many times is this thread going to be spammed?

>> No.15356639
File: 108 KB, 1167x710, COV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crazy that in 2020 with no vaccine at all covid-19 was not that lethal to anyone
Lol. Lmao.
It's a shame you people are even allowed online.

>> No.15356655

It's an effort problem. As the saying goes, a lie can get around the world twice before the truth can get its boots on. It takes no effort to lie, and it takes a lot of effort to create and compile the evidence to refute the lie. Sadly it is also pretty impossible to figure out who is trolling because some antivaxxers genuinely are that stupid.

>> No.15356656

In the 19-64 range that we were discussing you drooling retard

>> No.15356673

>unvaccinated deaths were an excess of 30 per 100,000 in comparison to the vaxoids
oh no anti-vax pseuds, we got too confident... i mean that's like 3 in 10,000. that's a whole 0.3%. oh my god.... i'm literally shaking. please, someone tell me it's not too late to get the vax?

>> No.15356677
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>> No.15356686

>covid-19 deaths
This is a terrible way to compare deaths in each group due to testing bias, delays in death reporting and vaccination status, and unreliable population estimates. Anyone that uses this as evidence towards a case for the MRNA vaccines is either lacking critical brain functioning, or intentionally trying to mislead.

>> No.15356690

>offices everywhere closed
>remainder backlogged significantly
>somehow this means covid death rates are a lie
I'm just going to safely assume you're trolling. Nobody is this retarded.
The forever moving antivaxxer goalpost.
>don't real
>Okay it does real but it don't matter
>Okay it does matter but not enough for me personally to care

>> No.15356700
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>> No.15356708

Why were offices closed everywhere in 2019?

>> No.15356721

>Instead of people suddenly dying now
They've been suddenly dying now for a year already. The ones who haven't died from heart damage are now at elevated risk for cancer which takes longer to kill you. You're seeing that we've run out of immediate dead and saying "See? Nothing happened!"

>> No.15356753

hey man, if you care about 30 in 100,000 probabilities of death so much that you're willing to support lockdowns, then the only retard itt is you.

>> No.15356774

>What's that, I completely missed the point and demonstrated the comprehension of a toddler? I know, I'll compensate by making completely baseless claims about payout backlogs. Perfect!
>t. retard
18-64 year olds have virtually no covid mortality, yet their all-cause mortality has been up since 2021. Pretty funny that the only response you can manage is this copium garbage you probably shit out on the way to your 5th booster

>> No.15356778

>Why were offices closed everywhere in 2019?
lol no way you are this retarded

>> No.15356786


>> No.15356801

Awww poor baby can't think of another made up line of BS? thought so.

>> No.15356807


>> No.15356810


>> No.15356844

Same, Actually I got Covid last month.
It was the worst cold I had in years. But, considering 2 years ago people my age was dying

>> No.15356849

People over 80 browse 4chan?

>> No.15356851

>18-64 year olds have virtually no covid mortality
Lol. You're just making shit up you fucking faggot. Not only is you're arbitrary age group (18-64, kek) absurdly wide and useless from a statistical point of view since you are including young adults with elderly individuals, you have 0 statistics to back up your insistence that the vaccine caused mass death in that group irrespective of COVID infections. If your theory was true we would still being seeing deaths on the level of COVID waves if it was the vaccine causing it but we are not. You have nothing.

>> No.15356866
File: 181 KB, 1321x888, Yup1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But, considering 2 years ago people my age was dying
Are you over 60 or what?

>> No.15356869
File: 177 KB, 1253x699, Yup3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8-64 year olds have virtually no covid mortality

>> No.15356880

Yes, the sole concern for people under 60 is dying. Only one concern. Only think of one thing at a time. People are all as retarded as you.

>> No.15356884

>oh no anti-vax pseuds, we got too confident... i mean that's like 3 in 10,000. that's a whole 0.3%. oh my god.... i'm literally shaking. please, someone tell me it's not too late to get the vax?

Says the faggot who probably got the vax because of the same percent chance of dying from covid. So in the end you lost your money unless you got it free in which case you lost your money with tax.

>> No.15356902

Do you think you are smart? Because I know you aren't.

>> No.15356905

Lol. Vaccines also prevent severe infections and lead to milder symptoms, things that forwarding looking individuals tend to consider good. Stupid fucking faggot.

>> No.15356906

Is this the new vaxie cope? It used to be that the vax would make you immune.

>> No.15356938

back in my day, vaccines used to make you immune to viruses. or do you think eradicating smallpox meant reducing people's symptoms? i truly hope you're getting paid to say such retarded things, because if you're saying this stuff in earnest then i shudder to think what's wrong with you mentally (and probably physically too)

>> No.15356946
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>Vaccines also prevent severe infections and lead to milder symptoms
Sounds like a talisman charm. Witchdoctor type superstitions.

>> No.15356948

The anti-tiger rock made my tiger bite hurt less.

>> No.15356949
File: 424 KB, 1176x1280, Excess Death Rates England.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>64 year olds have virtually no covid mortality, yet their all-cause mortality has been up since 2021.

>> No.15356953

safe and effective!

>> No.15356965

>you're arbitrary age group
It is the topic of conversation you ESL retard.
> useless from a statistical point of view since you are including young adults with elderly individuals
Irrelevant drivel. We can compare all cause mortality for any groups we choose, and the fact is that the vast majority of all covid deaths occurred in people over 65. These people were never seriously at risk and took an unsafe, ineffective mRNA spike protein injection for nothing.
>mass death
Except I never used that term.
>If your theory was true we would still being seeing deaths on the level of COVID waves if it was the vaccine causing it but we are not.
Check all-cause mortality in the 18-64 group by year and get back to me.
Are you an idiot? That graph proves my point exactly. Even with their distorted numbers, there is almost no covid mortality under 65, and if anything the area under the curve for those groups is higher after the vaccine than before it.

>> No.15356971

you said people your age were dying, where? do you shills ever get tired of lying

>> No.15356990

i've been wondering whether they're nefariously lying. i think they're unintentionally using mott and bailey tactics, likely because they're emotional dumbasses

>> No.15356993

kek self-owned

>> No.15357008

pretty much every board that gets sizable traffic has been overtaken by shills. theyre pretty easy to spot. its intentional

>> No.15357064

The clotshot isn't a vaccine.

>> No.15357079

/pol/ destroyed this website.

>> No.15357082

>Vaccines also prevent severe infections
Do tell us how risking opening a direct hole into your skin prevents infection.

>milder symptoms
>vaccines cause milder symptoms of vaccine injury
As opposed to not getting them?

>things that forwarding looking individuals tend to consider good.
You fucked up using these recycled essay phrases because your teacher gave you good marks for them. Nobody talks like this you stupid college bint.

The mask is their talisman, the shot is communion. Each one has their use in coping in public/private relations with other groupthink morons.

>> No.15357084

we can tell youre a well poisoning shill pretending to be retarded because of the reddit spacing. keep this in mind for the next thread

>> No.15357161


>> No.15357204

>Are you an idiot? That graph proves my point exactly. Even with their distorted numbers, there is almost no covid mortality under 65, and if anything the area under the curve for those groups is higher after the vaccine than before it.

Just keep moving the goal post. First you say those between 18-64 had no COVID mortality prior to the vaccine and now you thinking it’s a win just because their spikes are smaller than the concurrent spike with the elderly. And now you conveniently ignore that the second wave started well before vaccine were introduced. And again you have still provided 0 evidence for you’re claims while only furthering your baseless retarded accusations.
You must be blind or retarded, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was both.

>> No.15357238
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Half of all people are below 100 iq

>> No.15357291

I'm still waiting on that dark winter to kill the unvaccinated (me), vaxxie. Can't wait for next year's psyop also. Personally I hope the glowies have all you NPC cucks gape your assholes for BLM niggers in public this time.

>> No.15357343

Just going to say that "misinformation" warriors are so pathetic. They probably feel so chuffed at themselves for "educating" online users about the "safe and effective" vaccines, thinking they are doing a service for humanity. They don't even realize they are achieving the opposite of what they are trying to accomplish.

>> No.15357366

lmao fucking rent free

>> No.15357387

shills arent even trying at this point

>> No.15357945

Different anon, but accutane is a contender. I took that years ago and the vaxx in April like OP to and accutane was worse and still effects me today.

>> No.15357988

Purebloods keep winning.

>> No.15358025

Any day now excess deaths from non covid causes are going to rapidly increase. Oh wait, that's already happening.

>> No.15358033

Who do you think you're convincing by pretending the data that is posted here constantly doesn't exist? Seriously, what did making that post do for you? Do you truly believe it you ignore the data that it will just go away?

>> No.15358051

A decade is not enough. Wait until unless 7 decades and then see what happens! You will be shocked.

>> No.15358057
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Now do all cause mortality.

Shouldn't you be questioning why you were injected with something that didn't do what it was said?

It's not like all the people that didn't take the vaccine dropped dead with covid the way all the doctors and scientists were promising they would if they DIDN'T take the shot.

How do they effectively walk back from that?