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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15353659 No.15353659 [Reply] [Original]

ADL wants to shut down Substack

>> No.15353664 [DELETED] 

Kys poltard >>>/pol/

>> No.15353743
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>Kys poltard >>>/pol/

>> No.15353765

But that's not what the link says. This is /sci/ and not /pol/. People can actually read your sources and realize you're full of shit. Go back.

>> No.15353790

it doesnt explicitly say they want to shut it down but all signs indicate toward it. /pol/ can read too you know

>> No.15353821

>/pol/ can read too you know

>> No.15354667
File: 1.06 MB, 272x480, shut it down comando.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15355229

>but all signs indicate toward it
How do all signs point towards them wanting to shut down substack when they never say they want to shut down substack? What they do say is some substack writers appear to be breaking the rules of the platform. But it kind of sounds like you're accusing them of lying about the content on substack but in reality it's actually you that's lying about what they're saying. I don't like the ADL really but I think at most you could say they're encouraging substack to censor accounts that are breaking the rules, which isn't really censorship if they are actually breaking the rules

>> No.15355237

Didn't Greenblatt make a fortune from a water bottle "charity" scam?

>> No.15355242

Am I literally browsing pol at this point. It's like every other thread

>> No.15355249

leave the board if viewing it makes you angry

>> No.15355253

I donate my crypto profits to ADL

>> No.15355274

Oh wow, some poltard jannie saw my "kys poltard" post and deleted it instead of deleting this worthless off-topic thread. With janitors like this, no wonder /sci/ is in the state it is right now.

Kys poltards and poltard jannie >>>/pol/

>> No.15355309

I want all the jews dead. Let's see who gets what they want.