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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 339 KB, 553x415, image_2023-04-14_184846815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15351580 No.15351580 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>come /sci/ for some good info
>get bombarded with random books and schizo labels

Could it be that the people who get here from time to time labeled as schizos here are actually geniuses and uni professors, and everyone who posts here daily are the actual schizos?

Prove me wrong.

>> No.15351582

The memes are true, the unaffiliated loner genius and it's alter ego the well known professor on both ends

>> No.15351593

ur not wrong, king. ur literally a schizo genius like the other geniuses on this board like mandlbaur and tooker

>> No.15351594

People concerned with labels are never genius regardless of how often they frequent "le intellectual places"

>> No.15351600

I wouldnt call them all schizos, they are just idiots who dont have any actual knowledge about the topics people smarter than talk about and they are also too stupid to understand any of it even if you spoonfeed it to them. Your basic premise is correct however, this is a board of morons

>> No.15351603
File: 1.11 MB, 1366x4235, ActualSchizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also it is mainly a single schizo that calls everyone schizo, and he is an actual legit schizo. anons should report him every time his only "argument" is to screech schizo non stop. This one fucking retard literally drops the IQ of this board by 20 points. NPDs do that, they have to suck up all the oxygen in a room and be the center of attention even if that attention is unilateral hatred.

>> No.15351615

Nothing says not schizophrenic like a long image compilation of your own posts, Based

>> No.15351632

Nothing says schizophrenic like not being able to read and understand a very basic screenshot of a previous conversation

>> No.15351648

It's very basic to you because you lived it and know the structure. I ain't reading all that shit to get a sense of the lay of the land, but I am happy for you or sorry that happened.

>> No.15351656

it even has nice little boxes and text to assist you but apparently you are fucking stupid. So here is a pro tip for the future;. If you are fucking stupid just keep your mouth and stfu when adults are talking

>> No.15351665

I am sure you put a lot of effort into your arts and crafts, it's very pretty. However, why in the fuck would I ever do that given how easily you are triggered on the internet. I am going to do this every time I see your name now. You are literally unhinged.

>> No.15351679

are you a legit schizpohrenic? jfc where do you nutjobs come up with these fan fics you conjure from the aether? Take your meds you fucking schizo

>> No.15351687

What information were you looking for? If I don't know I can usually assist. There seem to only be a few people interested in helping, however, and most of them autofilter most of the threads.

>> No.15351690

What are you talking about? I poked fun at your collage and you imploded in real-time. That's fucking funny. Why would any sane person not take advantage of such an easy opportunity for a chuckle? It's like throwing a monkey some circus peanuts to watch it dance.

>> No.15351697

And you divined this how? From tossing chicken bones?

>> No.15351702

anyway I am always trolling autist fags here, it's all good mate I wasnt rally mad my dude. It seems to trigger aurtists in even more hilarious manners if you act like you are ass blasted first they try to meet your levels of spastic aggression which is what makes it hilarious. Carry on niglet

>> No.15351707
File: 365 KB, 846x672, Picture_237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP Here. I think you are the shizo.

>Inb4 brainlet
>long post
>data collection of ridiculous scale

*and most importantly*


Hurts to read.

Also, a hypothetical question for everyone.

>Why it seems that the larger the idea, the larger shizos spawn
It's like that meme where seagulls are flying and the alarm clock music is playing.

>> No.15351708

>keep your mouth and stfu when adults are talking
Pattern recognition.
true and based

>> No.15351709

This post is an irony singularity

>> No.15351715

/sci/ is worthless like most boards.

>> No.15351717

You're reporting my posts, schizo? It's hilarious how none of them have been deleted

>> No.15351725

How would I know which posts are you? Oh that's right because you are an NPD psycho who I can find n any thread because all you can do is mimic other people, project and screech schizo at everything you are too stupid to understand

Not OP here, stfu seething retard

>> No.15351733

>you are an NPD psycho who I can find n any thread because all you can do is mimic other people
dude lmao

>> No.15351841

/sci/ is just angry virgins.

>> No.15351851

You take that back. I am not angry.

>> No.15352286
File: 26 KB, 400x214, good-will-hunting-bedroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can spot the actual geniuses fairly easily. They are the ones sitting in their studio apartment manspreading all night while reading about history and combinatorics. I'm actually a manspreader myself. Several of the other high achieving manspreaders got together recently and formed a high IQ club called the super-spreaders. Come say hi if you see one of us spreading in our studio apartments

>> No.15354628

>i hate /sci/
good, never come back, we never wanted you here to begin with, you don't bring anything to the table