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15350017 No.15350017 [Reply] [Original]

FAA Blows Out Candle On Historic Launch Of Giant SpaceX Starship
>Enthusiasm waned among fans of space flight and Elon Musk Thursday as the Federal Aviation Administration shot down plans by Musk's SpaceX for the maiden flight of its giant two-stage rocket called Starship
>On Twitter, Musk indicated the space vehicle might launch this week. However, it ended up being the fourth time the FAA's Office of Commercial Space Transportation blew out the launch plan.
>The agency still has yet to complete an environmental review, which began in November 2020. It now plans to release the assessment on May 31.

>> No.15350057


>> No.15350075 [DELETED] 

musk is being punished for criticizing the communist central government, this kind of thing never happened during the trump years. the covid-19 scam and the blm riots leading up to the fraudulent election in 2020 was america's october revolution.

>> No.15350081
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Mind you, the FAA will release the assessment on May 31, which means that the flight approval will take even longer.

>> No.15350086

The environmental review isn't ready yet and Musk spamming voice announcements without approval then actually cancelling them is cringe.

>> No.15350091

The USA does not have a monopoly on launch pads and there are lots of civs interested in stealing a great person.

>> No.15350108 [DELETED] 

no so fast, starship constitutes potentially valuable military tech, exporting it will require government approval.
but musk could get the license tomorrow if he would give the fbi back it's censorship authority on twitter.

>> No.15350112

Is it really smart to fire rockets and shit at the sky in pre-ww3 environment? Also, should have let UA keep their starlinks.

>> No.15350117

Called it. What joke. When will burgers do the needful and balkanise?

>> No.15350133 [DELETED] 

if 2020 was the october revolution then balkanization should take place around 2094

>> No.15350169

>May 31
>"Our report concludes that it is not possible to launch from Boca Chica under any circumstances without adverse noise pollution affecting the nearby settlement
What then, Muskbros?

>> No.15350201
File: 296 KB, 1283x797, Screenshot from 2023-04-14 11-43-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice link, retard

>> No.15350205
File: 44 KB, 950x261, Screenshot from 2023-04-14 11-44-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the environmental assessment has already been published. Looks like an AI written article that fucked up

>> No.15350226


They have taken the article out, it was referenced in other sites


I wonder why that is

>> No.15350230


>> No.15350241

Yes because it was fucking bullshit. The EA has been done for a year, it's available on the FAA site.

>> No.15350472
File: 1.06 MB, 272x480, shut it down comando.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15350596

Kek, they're speeding towards Boca Chica as we speak

>> No.15350616

>>The agency still has yet to complete an environmental review,
I hate these faggots so much. "environmental review" exists to sabotage progress.

>> No.15350689
File: 492 KB, 1125x1752, 83BFD41C-3EFF-4144-85FB-71CD42A2B0DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Article was bullshit, already removed

>> No.15352390


>> No.15355205
File: 717 KB, 1x1, VOL 23-129 SpaceX Starship-Super Heavy License and Orders1.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15355227
File: 49 KB, 828x621, 27B72650-1090-4099-8B71-DEBD60D3DB4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there won't be any more human progress until we can completely control humans

>> No.15355428
File: 46 KB, 550x535, 1680377485048911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musk messed with Biden, now Biden strikes back.

>> No.15355745

We...uh.. Nuke the FAA headquarters and hunt down all of the agents, yes even Betty from accounting, especially her

>> No.15356519

It’s going to explode and not make it to orbit.

>> No.15356633

Biden can’t afford to lose the youth voters.

>> No.15356662

they don't care, they'll just use dominion's software base solution like they did in 2020

>> No.15356684

>Musk messed with Biden, now Biden strikes back.
Sounds like "The Empire Strikes Back".
Fake President Biden is too much of a jester to be Darth Vader though.

>> No.15356737

I cannot believe retards could fall for the simplest of baits like this that have demonstrably false statements

>> No.15356795
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>> No.15358505

how many boosters are you on?

>> No.15358560


>> No.15358597
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>> No.15360326
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>> No.15361647

Has to delay until after Avi Loeb obtains the interstellar probe, for "reasons"